40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    mariaki57 wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    42 here. I started exercising and focusing on a healthy diet after my son was born. After six months, I made great progress. Now I'm four years into my journey and I'm gradually putting weight back on. I realize some of it is due to weight training, but there's definitely some packing going on around my stomach. Not in a good way. :o

    I'm hoping that a diet lower in carbs and higher in proteins will get me back in gear...and with more energy! Glad to be here with you all!


    Welcome Maria!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    Yoga today. Lifting tomorrow. Will also weigh tomorrow. Cardio on Saturday.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "FOCUS T25 Gamma: The Pyramid"=Done!
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    Completed Week 5 Run 3 of C25K today - 20 minutes running (jogging, really, but jogging is a subset of running, so it's still there. Both feet came off the ground at the same time) done and DONE!!! Can't wait to start to work a bit more intensity into my runs... When I feel myself flagging, I channel my inner Mo Farrah and it's worked every time so far.

    Bodyweight exercises not going quite as well: I'm still having a LOT of trouble with a basic push/press-up. So now (as part of the 30-day plank challenge) I'm incorporating plank with my arms bent (not elbows on the ground) to just get my body used to it.

    And mid-way through a 2-week diet break (staying at maintenance), and I'm rubbish at actually eating back all my exercise calories. Part of that is being worried that my Fitbit over-rewards me, and part of it is just THAT'S A LOT OF FOOD!!!

    Happy training for your 10k, @sdereski . And welcome @mariaki57 . I'd definitely say to watch your macros and see what satisfies on a day-to-day basis - you can lose weight and not be low-carb. I have!!!
  • VeronicaMorales2016
    VeronicaMorales2016 Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello! I'm currently doing the beachbody on demand workout called 21 day fix. I'm currently down 12lbs. Looking for more active friends, add & I'll accept! Everyone is cool in my book! Oh & my diary is open to view it isn't perfect so use caution when viewing!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I didn't workout last night...chatted with my best friend on the phone for 2 hours instead and missed my shows plus my workout...it was totally worth it, but now I need to shuffle things about so I don't miss any strength training!
  • howan
    howan Posts: 27 Member
    Have been eating (relatively) well this week and so far have managed to take off 3 of the 4 pounds I gained while travelling. My new secret weapon is porridge! It fuels me through the morning so that by lunchtime I'm just starting to feel peckish. At lunch, it's high-protein, low fat & carbs (tuna salad with chunky vegetables or a veg omelet, etc). Then at dinner I put back in some whole grains, usually rice or quinoa. It is a real change not being hungry between meals, especially now that I home at lot during the day.

    Also got back into the exercise with Power 90. Feeling pretty good!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Hi Kids,

    Happy Friday and welcome to the noobs.

    @katsheare, 20 minutes of running sounds darn close to a 5k to me. Nice work.
    "Channel my inner Mo Farrah" - Love that.

    I'm winding down to one last 5k race next weekend before I become a sloth for the month of November. Taking a month or so off to rest and recharge my batteries. Only @gam3rguy, (who may secretly be a cyborg warrior) can continue to operate as a true machine without interruption! :)

  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi all,

    I turned 40 in July . Ive previously lost 60lbs in 2009. slowly gained it all back. Then over the past 3 years Ive been losing and gaining the same 15 lbs.

    I came back to MFP to get the lbs back off for good.

    I workout out 5-6 days a week.

    Today was 30 minute CX Work Class, with 20 minutes of Arc trainer intervals and 20 minutes treadmill

    Tomorrow ... Stairmaster and weights
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    edited October 2017
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Hi Kids,

    Happy Friday and welcome to the noobs.

    @katsheare, 20 minutes of running sounds darn close to a 5k to me. Nice work.
    "Channel my inner Mo Farrah" - Love that.

    I'm winding down to one last 5k race next weekend before I become a sloth for the month of November. Taking a month or so off to rest and recharge my batteries. Only @gam3rguy, (who may secretly be a cyborg warrior) can continue to operate as a true machine without interruption! :)

    This Cyborg gonna play some video games in November. On vacation...all month...again.


  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids.
    Finally got a strength day in yesterday. It was leg day! :) Followed by Strength and Stretch for 45 minutes. Had to duck out early as it was also bridge night.
    Despite my workouts and a salad with chicken for dinner, I did have some dessert at bridge..so weight stayed the same this morning.

    Busy weekend coming up and then off to work conferences on Monday for the week. :p
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »

    This Cyborg gonna play some video games in November. On vacation...all month...again.



    Haha, confirming my suspicions!

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids, I am in bed with food poisoning so no lifting today. Gam3rguy, love the pic. Welcome newbies. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    I was in Ireland for 8 days in September. And then darted into Seattle for the first weekend in October. And then I was finally able to “get back to normal”.

    Soooo, I have a good ten weeks to be in a calorie-deficit, to get my workouts in, to drink all my water, and to choose a uniform sleep pattern.

    I am aiming for an 8-lb loss by xmas. And then I will tackle the last ten lbs in 2018.

    That’s as good as it gets from HRT-land over here....I acknowledge there is no research that says women get fat on HRT, but that is my experience.

    Still, HRT saved all my sanity, since M symptoms were soooo awful and terrible and extreme.

    I have accepted the 15+ lb weight gain is BETTER than the alternative.

    True confession time.

  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Welcome to the new kids...

    Great work, Beeps, looks you're right back into the flow. (BOOM!)

    Quikdogs, congrats on the PR. Liked your comment about not knowing the weight. Shows how much our success depends on what is going on in our heads during a competition.

    Ran the Hartford Half marathon yesterday with 4074 of my closest friends. My finishing time of 1:55:29 (8:49 pace) was a PR for me by over 4 minutes. Happy about that. It was a warm and humid day, so my wife and I spent some time "rehydrating" and socializing with friends after the race. Capped off the day with too much pizza for dinner.


    Congrats on the PR!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "FOCUS T25 Stretch"=Done!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »

    Congrats on the PR!

    Thanks, Betty.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "FOCUS T25 Gamma: Extreme Circuit"=Done!
  • Dinow
    Dinow Posts: 113 Member
    Hi everyone I got myself the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I ted it yesterday wow what a great workout
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Too busy of a weekend. Lots of steps, but no really workout. Back on track this morning with cardio and 30 minute CX Works class.

    The scale was not all that friendly to me for this weekends weigh in. Im just trying to get to 15lbs down. And it is taking forever to see that total.