
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Allie <3<3 Walk into that gym and spend 2 minutes, then buid up from there, just start making the trip there a habit is some way--you're paying for that gym, go on and use it! (ok no ore nagging from me)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    On Saturday, my husband and I did that long ride I mentioned earlier.

    On Sunday, we went for a walk along the next beach over from "our" beach. We've got 2 beaches right close to where we live ... one is a little closer than the other.

    This is the further beach on our walk yesterday, taken with my phone ...


    On Monday, today, we walked to the closer beach, "our" beach, after work. Our after work walks are our debriefing dates when we talk to each other about our days and our plans and so on.

    We've been talking about hiring a gardening service to take care of our yard, so today I floated the idea of hiring a housekeeping service ... and he agreed. :) He did add one condition, "If we do that, you are not to pre-clean the house!" :mrgreen:

    The thing is, I worked for a housekeeping service for 5 or 6 weeks way, way back when. The company was awful ... bullying, underpaying me, etc. ... and some of the places we cleaned were horrendous. I still can't believe people could live that way, especially knowing that this company came in to clean fortnightly. Just disgusting. So I actually appreciated the people who did pre-clean ... give the place a bit of a clean before the housekeeping service arrived. Or maybe they just kept it pretty clean. So, having experienced that, I suspect I would do a bit of pre-cleaning. :)

    Anyway, the moment I get a minute to think about it, we'll likely be looking for both a gardening and a housekeeping service ... probably just a once-a-month thing. That's all we really need.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Ny Karen I know ..maybe when I get home tonight.go for a ride on the bike.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! It has been a rainy couple of days and it will continue for a couple more. I didn't get my lawn mowed this past weekend; so, I am hoping DYS will be able to get it done on the two clear days forecasted for this week. It is supposed to rain all next weekend. :( I like rain. I like all seasons. But I am ready for some cold and some snow. Just think...all of this wet stuff could be white stuff if it was just a BIT colder! I suppose I should be thankful. With my ankles and my knee flaring up, I am in no condition to begin my "shovel work outs". I will be swimming Tuesday and Thursday mornings from now on. I bought a pool pass good for two months. That will take me through most of December. I may add more months onto it, but that should get my ankle and knee muscles stronger, to start.
    JOYCE ! (yes, I yelled your name!) Please don't leave us! I will echo what all of these wonderful ladies have already told you! Your voice is one of the ones that brings us joy and inspiration. I am sure many of us have been where you are and struggle to bring anything to the table in our little group. Those are the times when you just take! That's why we are here! We come here to have our buckets filled; but also to fill others buckets! We love you and you are not invisible or insignificant in any way! As for your friends at church; I know you are a choir member/regular attendee; perhaps some of the other congregants assume you have other plans. If you know that a few of them go out for coffee or brunch after church, perhaps corner one of them that maybe you feel particularly close to and ask if you might be able to join them. I would bet that they would welcome you! Those kind of things are usually very casual and most people are "the more the merrier" type of people. Love you lady <3
    Carol- Your granddaughter looks adorable in her Moana outfit! Halloween is fun stuff!
    NYKaren- Could you be having an allergic reaction to something? Unusual symptoms. Keeping you in my thoughts as you wait for your doctor's appointment, today! Prayers for diagnosis and healing!
    Machka- Your weekend sounds wonderful! Love your photos!
    Lisa- Just want you to know that your voice is another one of those cherished voices in our "choir" of very talented ladies! I would miss you if you went anywhere! So glad your sale is going well! Getting close to moving day!
    Becca- Your boys look sweet! I love the skeleton pic; the funniest thing about it is the set of the K-9 dog's head! LOL! He looks like he is saying "WTH??!!"
    Beth- Thinking of you! Hope DH is feeling better soon.
    Tere- Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you figure out and deal with the Prednisone! Ugh! Steroids! But they do help.

    Well, I better run; I have a new baby starting with me today. Baby Stella is the little sister of another little girl I am caring for, Grace. She is three months old and is a happy little girl! Woo--hoo! New babies! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again ...

    I find Challenges to be motivating.

    I've joined 3 of the Challenges here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/categories/challenges and they spur me on to continue exercising every day even if I might have a fleeting thought that I really don't want to do anything.

    I'm on Week 2 of a Step Challenge at work right now, and two of us on my team of 8 are doing really well, meaning that our team is in a pretty good place.

    And the cycling I do is a bit of a challenge. For example we completed a challenge called the Petit Year Round Randonneur where we had to ride 1200 km for the year in events between 50 and 150 km, an event each month. We're also in a CAM challenge - Century-A-Month ... where we ride a 100 mile ride each month of the year. The ride we did on Saturday was our October century, and although we were busy and might otherwise have just done a short ride, we had to get our century in.

    Everyone likes different things ... I like cycling and walking lots, others like running, swimming, etc. But maybe if you're struggling to motivate yourself to exercise, a challenge of some sort might be just the thing. :)

    The October challenges in the subforum I linked to above will be wrapping up soon, but there will be November challengs. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    Oct 1 - 51.40 km cycling (162.32 min)
    Oct 2 - 8.2 km walking (100 min) + 11.5 km cycling (40 min)
    Oct 3 - 5.8 km walking (70 min) + 23.6 km cycling (70 min)
    Oct 4 - 3 km walking (35 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min) + 15 min weight lifting
    Oct 5 - 6.5 km walking (80 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Oct 6 - 7.9 km walking (95 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Oct 7 - 26.9 km cycling (80 min)
    Oct 8 - 34.2 km cycling (105 min)
    Oct 9 - 5.5 km walking (65 min) + 18.5 km cycling indoors (40 min) ... spinning class
    Oct 10 - 5.4 km walking (65 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 11 - 9.5 km walking (115) + 22 flights of stairs (17 min)
    Oct 12 - 4.6 km walking (55 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 13 - 3.5 km walking (40 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min)
    Oct 14 - 35.8 km cycling (110 min)
    Oct 15 - 81.2 km cycling (255 min)
    Oct 16 - 10.8 km walking (135 min)
    Oct 17 - 4.2 km walking (50 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 18 - 7.5 km walking (90 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 19 - 5.8 km walking (70 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min)
    Oct 20 - 4 km walking (50 min)
    Oct 21 - 164 km cycling (515 min) ... our October Century!! :)
    Oct 22 - 2 km walking (25 min)
    Oct 23 - 5 km walking (60 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)

    2017 Monthly October
    Walking Distance (km): 99.2
    Walking Time (min): 1240.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 447.1
    Cycling Time (min): 1393.5
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Number: 192.0
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Time (min): 153.6
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 15.0 (weightlifting)

    Total Distance (km): 546.3
    Total Distance (miles): 339.5
    Total Time (min): 2802.1
    Total Time (hr): 46:42:04
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    BARBIE <3<3<3 You are so wise and insightful <3<3<3<3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited October 2017
    Joyce - I always look forward to your posts! And worry a bit if we don't hear from you for a day or two. Love hearing about the girls, Charlie and his karaoke, your choir, and mostly enjoy just hearing about you and how you are doing. You fit right in here, without a doubt.

    One more comment on girlfriends - I worked with gals who had a "core" of several girlfriends who always did things together, traveled together as a group - I had to set them to "no notifications" on Facebook because it was always filling up with their photos. And another gal I worked with was really into Volunteering - United Way, Power of the Purse, etc. Same thing. You couldn't look at the paper without seeing her and her volunteer group doing this and that.

    I am glad there are people who like to volunteer, and I am also glad there are gals who have groups of tight friends. That's not me.

    I remember being asked to lunch by an old friend when I worked in Seattle. I was really looking forward to catching up with her, and there were things going on in my life where I wanted her counsel. She was always super busy. Well, I showed up at the restaurant...there were several other gals at the table and I sat at the periphery beside someone I barely knew. So basically, ate my lunch in silence.

    Ah, the life of an introvert I guess.

    OK ladies, a new week awaits. Make it a great one! <3

    SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rye ~ The cats are just lovely.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Joyce))) Please don't go away. :heart:

    Heather: As Lisa said, coughing at night is the worst. Have you tried piling up pillows so that you're lying at an angle rather than lying flat? It is a strategy I use for acid reflux and/or cough. It might help control or minimize the cough. :heart:

    Lisa: Moving is so much work! I hope you love NC. :smiley:

    Lanette: I also qualify as a vert. I'm not an extrovert. I make friends slowly and have many friendly acquaintances but few who are invited to my home. :ohwell: I cherish my friends here. :heart:

    We are still searching for the right color to paint our bedroom. I brought home more paint samples and will be putting them on cards and sticking them to the walls. All of my colors have been in the blue range so far. I'm wondering about a shade of fog gray. Our guest bedroom is gray and I like it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Fruitcake: Love it, used to make 17lbs every October for Xmas gifts, 'til realized I was the only one who enjoyed it ;}
    Gal vs guy friends: When I was young mostly hung out with guys, had one "sister from another mother" closest dear forever friend. Later I achieved "one-of-the-guys" status with my IT coworkers and YUCK! Guys are awful, dominance games, demeaning women, mob mentality. Glad when I was younger the guys treated me like their little sister!

    <3 Barbiecat so well said. Your warm wisdom is one reason I keep coming back
    :p Mary from AZ you almost make the kettlebell sound do-able... naaah ;)
    :) Michele you're inspiring me to dig out the wii and hook it up, it's been gathering dust for over a year... ;(
    :s Kelly, I am so NOT ready for some cold and snow... that's why we moved from Idaho to the coast, 7 months of winter was just too much! Enjoy the swimming! Does your pool offer Aqua Zumba? It's a laugh riot!
    >:) Katla there's a special place waiting for that mean catwoman neighbor... just sayin' ;) We just moved (south of Coos Bay) Labor Day weekend. Was a bit of a challenge to find an MD who is taking new Medicare Patients, but found this one who recently (2012?) completed his residency. He looks like he's about 11, but shares practice with his father who's nearer our age which reassures...
    B) Joyce Invisible, been there. When we had BIL, 3 nephews and rent-a-son living with us, I was truly invisible. They were all watching football, so I put the overfull garbage can on top of the TV and stalked back into the kitchen. 10 minutes later during the commercial break I heard one of them say "How did THAT get there?!?" Now that it's just us, Joe takes out the garbage daily almost religiously ;) but sometimes I have to make the responses I want to hear... that is, when he isn't responding/listening, I'll say "That's a good idea, Barbara!" or "Thank you, Barbara that was delicious" or "That sounds like fun, Barbara, when do you want to go?" ;}
    :# Carol, my parents fought every night at the dinner table, but it was their dynamic, their "spark". It didn't make me quiet, but did give me an aversion to conflict... ;} After living with us for awhile, and observing the pervading calm, Mama once asked "... but aren't you BORED?"
    o:) Lisa " trying to find a different way to make peace with food and my body." Well said!
    :o Rye, better than the recliner indeed... Maybe I could find a cheap laptop stand and Bosu while catching up... then again maybe not... :D
    Time to shower and make 2.5 hr pilgrimage to TJ's and Winco.

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD who is grateful to be feeling a little better every day.

    Rx aim: log, cod liver oil and bp daily, yog/prob twice daily, 80% rule, line dance, Nov 4 reduce 2-300 cals daily from average.
    actual: log=2, clo=2, yogx1=2