Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Fell behind on this forum over the weekend, lots of news!

    @OConnell5483 and @PrincesseAly23 Congrats to both of you on the job offers! Such exciting news and best wishes on the new opportunities! I've only resigned once, but it was verbal since I was on the road for a consulting position. My manager didn't even want a resignation letter, I think it was business as usual. As for nosy co-workers, "I have an opportunity to [fill in the blank] which I am looking forward to." No further explanation is necessary. Like @brittk2013 said, just because a question is asked doesn't mean it must be answered. Maybe "I'm sorry, I don't discuss those details with co-workers."

    @joan6630 So sorry about your daughter's knee, but fantastic how you handled the food!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Recap Sun. --- Sedentary day with church, 3 hour round trip by car to visit mom & dad. Goal to drink > 8c water & bedtime 10:30. Drank 12c water but net calories red (go figure). :neutral: Even with low activity day, so tired, definitely sleeping before 10:30. :smiley:

    JFT M 10/30
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Leave office on time / hair appt.
    4) Remember to drop bday card in mailbox
    5) Floss / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm just checking in. Today is a rough day so far. Between a BAD day at work and TOM I'm not doing so great. I'm not binging at all which is good! (By "binging" I mean the vicious cycle with no self-control... I'm still eating cheat foods today, I'm just allowing myself to do that while still feeling in control and NOT feeling guilty). I felt like I needed a place to unwind so I'm reading your posts while at work, LOL. I love this thread!

    My will-power today is definitely down so I've said yes to a couple of things that I shouldn't have (Halloween chocolates for example), but I've not gone crazy and I'll be eating well/healthy/light tonight. I just won't make my personal goals today, but that's ok, tomorrow is a new day.

    Thank you so everyone who posted some great comebacks that I can use to ward off nosy co-workers!

    I hope that all of you are well and will enjoy your Halloween tomorrow!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm just checking in. Today is a rough day so far. Between a BAD day at work and TOM I'm not doing so great. I'm not binging at all which is good! (By "binging" I mean the vicious cycle with no self-control... I'm still eating cheat foods today, I'm just allowing myself to do that while still feeling in control and NOT feeling guilty). I felt like I needed a place to unwind so I'm reading your posts while at work, LOL. I love this thread!

    My will-power today is definitely down so I've said yes to a couple of things that I shouldn't have (Halloween chocolates for example), but I've not gone crazy and I'll be eating well/healthy/light tonight. I just won't make my personal goals today, but that's ok, tomorrow is a new day.

    Thank you so everyone who posted some great comebacks that I can use to ward off nosy co-workers!

    I hope that all of you are well and will enjoy your Halloween tomorrow!

    I had the same kind of day yesterday - so you are not alone. If you saw my diary yesterday - over 2200 calories, mostly halloween candy and then ice cream. This is usually when I start the cycle of gaining weight between now and Christmas. But ... you can do this!!! Today, I am trying to just drink a lot of water to flush that sugar out of my system, and get back to eating healthy veggies and protein.
    Don't worry about meeting your personal goals -- just concentrate on healthy eating today, and you will do fine, and that willpower will come back!
    Hope you have a good day, and yes, this is a place to unwind and vent. We've all been there!
  • AndroidBioweapon
    AndroidBioweapon Posts: 3 Member
    I'm committing to drinking more water.
  • Nikeolie
    Nikeolie Posts: 52 Member
    Today I will eat below my calories and drink all my water
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you @joan6630 I'm upset with myself cuz I chickened out today. I was supposed to resign and couldn't get up the nerve. I HAVE to do it tomorrow.

    Today I didn't meet any goals.

    For tomorrow:

    Drink lots of water.
    Stay calm
    Stay under carb goal
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. GO TO THE GYM. Start the day off right :/
    2. log all food :/
    3. watch and eat only healthy foods to make up for today, and get back on track. Veggies and protein only :/
    4. drink water = 8+ cups :/
    5. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :/

    OK - someone tell me to throw out this halloween candy!!!! My daughter opened the bag, and I keep grabbing another few bars. I did great all day long, but not tonite again.
    Tomorrow is the trick or treaters, and once we close our door for the evening - hubby tells me to give all the candy to the last kid, and get rid of it all. Me .... I want to keep it, and keep telling myself that if I just eat one or two a day I am OK. But . I know I'm not. This is when I start to lose control, and give up on losing weight until January.

    SO ... not this year. I have to remember our October challenge. SO you guys -- give me that kick in the butt and tell me to get rid of all this candy!

    SO JFT, Tuesday
    1. go to the gym
    2. log all food
    3. sip water in the evening
    4. give away all the halloween candy
    5. get it out of the house
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member

    JFT Sat
    1. More water :)
    2. Birthday gift shopping :) done x2
    3. Work on dress for grandaughter :) fabric purchased, washed, and partially cut
    4. Thea overnight :( no grandbaby this week
    5. Brush and floss :)
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)

    I totally missed a couple of days so back in...
    JFT Tues
    1. More water
    2. Work, in costume (Dr Trai, Teddy Doctor)
    3. Shopping for work supplies
    4. Shopping for Wednesday's satellite group
    5. Brush and Floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    As a final tonight, hugs of support to all of you. Together we can do this!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. GO TO THE GYM. Start the day off right :/
    2. log all food :/
    3. watch and eat only healthy foods to make up for today, and get back on track. Veggies and protein only :/
    4. drink water = 8+ cups :/
    5. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :/

    OK - someone tell me to throw out this halloween candy!!!! My daughter opened the bag, and I keep grabbing another few bars. I did great all day long, but not tonite again.
    Tomorrow is the trick or treaters, and once we close our door for the evening - hubby tells me to give all the candy to the last kid, and get rid of it all. Me .... I want to keep it, and keep telling myself that if I just eat one or two a day I am OK. But . I know I'm not. This is when I start to lose control, and give up on losing weight until January.

    SO ... not this year. I have to remember our October challenge. SO you guys -- give me that kick in the butt and tell me to get rid of all this candy!

    SO JFT, Tuesday
    1. go to the gym
    2. log all food
    3. sip water in the evening
    4. give away all the halloween candy
    5. get it out of the house
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

    Get rid of the candy.

    It’s not worth it.

    You say that this time of year til January is when you put lbs back on. Do you really want to start from scratch again in jan for the sake of a few candy bars?
    You been sticking this out for the last 10 months!! There’s only 2 left! And we all know how fast xmas comes and goes!
    You’re at the last hurdle, the Home run! Don’t stop now!
    This will be your biggest challenge of the year, except this year you’re going to accomplish it and break the habit once and for all!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Recap M 10/30
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,521 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 48 floors. :smiley:
    3) Leave office on time / hair appt. = Out the door 5 min. early & actually had mostly green lights. :D
    4) Remember to drop bday card in mailbox = Done :smiley:
    5) Floss / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Done & retainers :smiley: / Late 10:30 :neutral:

    JFT T 10/31 - Surprisingly, we've had two huge bags of Halloween candy to hand out sitting in dining room (which we use infrequently) for several weeks. I've only had one piece & hubby takes a couple for his lunch bag at work each day. Don't know why, but I haven't been tempted this year. Maybe I'm finally kicking my sugar habit!
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, 34F and stiff west wind is cold, have switched to winter jacket = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Drink 10c water minimum
    4) Have 1-2 pieces Halloween candy when handing out tonight...too bad hubby is at work & I have to do it
    5) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:30 (World Series game 6 will probably not be done)
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Green calories :)
    2. 9 cups water :)
    3. 5000 steps :( 4518 a lot of my day didn't go as planned so I'm ok with this
    4. Get out the door with everything we need on time :)
    5. Finish reading one accounting chapter :( I at least got started on it and will finish today.

    1. Green calories
    2. 9 cups water
    3. 5000 steps
    4. Trick or treating with the kiddo!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Get rid of the candy.

    It’s not worth it.

    You say that this time of year til January is when you put lbs back on. Do you really want to start from scratch again in jan for the sake of a few candy bars?
    You been sticking this out for the last 10 months!! There’s only 2 left! And we all know how fast xmas comes and goes!
    You’re at the last hurdle, the Home run! Don’t stop now!
    This will be your biggest challenge of the year, except this year you’re going to accomplish it and break the habit once and for all!

    Thanks Bex - I'm pretty down on myself. Haven't eaten this much junk food in a long time - and weight shows it this morning. You are so right - a darn piece of candy is just not worth it. Going to work harder today to get this sugar out of my system. I'm only 10 pounds from my first goal weight - have to keep going. Thanks for being my diet coach again!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    October Goals / Results:
    * Reach 165# / I know the closer I get to goal, the slower my weight loss, and that's ok = 10/31 165.0 Down 2# from 9/30 and happy doing this a livable way. :smiley:
    * Take measurements 10/31 T a.m. before work = Since 9/30, lost 2.25" combined from waist, hips & thighs. No change in neck. Fingers not measured of course, but several rings are fitting looser. Haven't tried on wedding/engagement rings in 3 weeks, maybe soon. :smiley:
    * Walk dog 5x per week = Past four weeks walked: 5x two weeks, 6x one week & 4x one week. One morning, crappy, rainy weather so I walked 3 miles on treadmill before work. Oct. total miles 68.62 per MapMyWalk. Yay me! :smiley:
    * Walk 5K event on 10/14 in < 50:00 / not sure of the course, but finish is up Triangle Hill & that's steep! = One steep hill on trail before sledding hill, oh my! Chip time 48:41, hill time 2:04 and pace 15:41. I will enter this event next year! :smiley:
    * Plan 3 - 4 dinners per week = Didn't track this, but meal planning is becoming more routine again. :smile:
    * Prelog meals & snacks as much as possible = Done occasionally. :neutral:

    November Goals:
    • Scale goal 163#
    • Take measurements 11/30 R a.m. before work
    • Walk dog or treadmill 5x per week (no run/walk events in Nov., next one registered for is 12/2)
    • Start alternate workouts (weight machine, yoga, YouTube videos, ???)
    • Keep net calories green most days, at least w/i 100, and no logging food on Thanksgiving Day (11/23)

    One bad meal won't transform your body, just like one good meal won't equal immediate results. The body builds itself from habit. ---- Jonathan Ross, trainer
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    HI JFTers!

    I have been swamped so haven't been on again. But that should be winding down soon, since I accepted the new job and gave my notice!!!! Whoop Whoop! My official last day here will be 11/10. I will then have two straight weeks off before beginning my new job with the new clinic. I am so excited I cannot even express it in words! But at the same time, it's difficult to see what a mess I am leaving for my teammates. They have to pick up my slack and I feel horrible about that.

    I've been eating crap and gaining due to stress, because let's face it...that's what I do.

    So....just for Tuesday:
    1. Log all my intake - food and water
    2. Do some form of activity
    3. Work on not feeling guilty. Be happy and grateful for the new opportunity.

    That's it for today. If I can do these 3 things, I will be happy!

    I'll try to catch up with everyone soon. hugs to everyone!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member

    Remember, one lucky kid is getting the last of them sweeties!!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited November 2017
    Today went well!.

    Drink lots of water. ✅
    Stay calm✅
    Stay under carb goal❌

    Not half bad! I finally got up the courage to resign and it went surprisingly well! Now I need to stop worrying and move forward.

    I allowed myself on CRAZY overboard meal today (pasta and Haagen Daazs ice-cream!) to remind myself why I no longer eat like that! Lol. I'm at like 400 carbs for the day as a result, but it was a CHOICE (not a binge) and I now can't wait to get back to my moderate portions and healthy low-carb veggie meals tomorrow!!!

    JFT: Nov 1:

    Stay below carb goal
    Drink as much water as yesterday (or more)
    Stay calm
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Get rid of the candy.

    It’s not worth it.

    You say that this time of year til January is when you put lbs back on. Do you really want to start from scratch again in jan for the sake of a few candy bars?
    You been sticking this out for the last 10 months!! There’s only 2 left! And we all know how fast xmas comes and goes!
    You’re at the last hurdle, the Home run! Don’t stop now!
    This will be your biggest challenge of the year, except this year you’re going to accomplish it and break the habit once and for all!

    Thanks Bex - I'm pretty down on myself. Haven't eaten this much junk food in a long time - and weight shows it this morning. You are so right - a darn piece of candy is just not worth it. Going to work harder today to get this sugar out of my system. I'm only 10 pounds from my first goal weight - have to keep going. Thanks for being my diet coach again!

    It’s a difficult time of year!
    It’s getting colder and darker (well it is over here) and all you want to do is snuggle down and eat! Almost like a hibernation!

    You’re just so close and I’d hate to see you waste the effort you’ve put in for the year!

    So you’ve ate some junk food! It’s OKAY.
    You’ve had your little indulgence and enjoyed it at the time, now it’s back to hard work!
    Maybe shake things up a bit? Different snacks, so you feel like you’re treating yourself but realistically it’s the same calories or just a few more.

    It’s like chocolate, I buy an expensive chocolate!
    Because a) I’m not gonna scoff something I spent so much on, b)it tastes richer and I find it more satisfying than cheap chocolate that you can just eat and eat and eat and c) I’m happy with just one peice because of the reasons above.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Recap T 10/31 - Surprisingly, we've had two huge bags of Halloween candy to hand out sitting in dining room (which we use infrequently) for several weeks. I've only had one piece & hubby takes a couple for his lunch bag at work each day. Don't know why, but I haven't been tempted this year. Maybe I'm finally kicking my sugar habit!
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, 34F and stiff west wind is cold, have switched to winter jacket = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,993 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom) & 40 floors :smiley:
    3) Drink 10c water minimum = 12c :smiley:
    4) Have 1-2 pieces Halloween candy when handing out tonight...too bad hubby is at work & I have to do it = Only ate 1 peanut butter cup snack size :smiley:
    5) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:30 (World Series game 6 will probably not be done) = Done / Done :smiley:

    JFT W 11/1 - Bit of a stressful day ahead. Have cat-wrangling at lunchtime to take Kitty to vet for her dental procedure tomorrow morning. Always a challenge with this one. And this morning I noticed our furnace did not kick on as scheduled at 7 a.m. so probably a service call in the offing. Ack! :s
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles, going thru construction/closed intersection, before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) In moments of stress, pause & pray
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    4) Net calories green
    5) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:30 (game 7 World Series)
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Green calories :)
    2. 9 cups water :)
    3. 5000 steps :)
    4. Trick or treating with the kiddo! :)

    1. Green calories
    2. 12 cups water
    3. 10000 steps! (I already have 7000 today!)
    4. Read 1 accounting chapter
    5. Don't binge on leftover candy