
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited November 2017
    (((Terry))) November blues? Here in MN. November tends to be cloudy and gets dark early because of daylight saving time. Also the cold weather starts. DH has a hard time with this time of year. Mixed for me.

    Lisa safe travels.

    Katla I would make first trip on your own. Less stress without DH. Second trip let DH do it his way as much as possible but stand by what is important to you. I had to do this on recent trip. It was important to me to spend time with great niece. We spent time reading and drawing outside. It was absolutely delightful. I did invite DH to join us in the drawing time. He stayed inside with other relatives. He later complained I abandoned him to the other relatives. I said next time he could just stay back at the hotel if that is how he felt. The time I spent with great niece was non-negotiable.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Katla - I think your idea of a quick visit on your own is a good one. Your DH seems well enough at the moment to be left. Didn't you take him to his sister's last time?
    I much prefer to stay in a hotel if possible. I do that when visiting my son in Nottingham and we do that sometimes at Hove, especially if it's more than one night. I treat it as a mini holiday and if any one minds they get over it soon enough. I just tell them I LOVE hotels. I have to be really comfortable in someone's house, with enough space etc. to be happy there. I don't sleep well if I'm cramped. Most people's beds are tiny for two people compared to our giant one at home. Even in a hotel, unless it's a very expensive one with a huge bed, I much prefer twins, like we have on our cruise.

    Our lunch went delightfully and I had mussels, and salt and pepper prawns with spinach. Two starter portions. One glass of rosé wine. I ignored the gorgeous looking bread. o:)o:)o:) with an olive oil dip. :o:o:o
    Lovely to be picked up and brought home. I also took my two favourite necklaces to the repair shop. And found my salted black beans and frozen dim sum. So a good trip.
    Came home to find the photographer had been ages in the house and the estate agent had told DH his whole life story! ! ! I hope they got some good pics. DH thought it was a much more professional job than last time. The estate agent has Crohn's disease.
    Going to heat up the remaining pigs' cheeks stew for dinner, with brussels sprouts.

    Got another lunch out on Saturday with my Portsmouth friend down in Portsmouth. But it's a fish restaurant and I usually have oysters, so not fattening. :D Phew!

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I made the mistake of sending my DH to Walmart today. He came home with two huge bags of candy. Said he had to do it because it was half off. Ugh! Only good thing is that I am not a candy person so unless I lose it, I won't indulge.

    Carol in GA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Well I'm up and off to walk the dogs,then get my dad up and off we go..

    Have a safe trip, hope you enjoy :)

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Lanette - Sjogren's syndrome doesn't seem to have a cure or specific treatment, so you can only treat the symptoms anyway. You could have a blood test I suppose. Sometimes it helps a lot to give a name to something. <3<3<3

    Rye - You can buy Pernod or Ricard anywhere. I like those well enough. The one we buy is Henri Baudouin, which is only available from a few suppliers. You drink it with lots of cold water as it is very strong. You can buy non alcoholic pastis. I haven't tried it, but the reviews are good. I used to only drink pastis when in France, but then thought "Why?". It is now our default alcoholic drink. :o:o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited November 2017
    Rye, wow that's crazy about them not accepting community donations!! I suppose you could give to a local childcare center, with directions to use in the children's Christmas stockings only. Like to give to just the parents. Or like you said you could trash it. Or save it for a Christmas project of stiff white frosting and either cardboard or cookies, and make gingerbread like houses. I made a most gorgeous one using M & M's for shingles!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Our leftover candy usually gets taken to one of our workplaces, where it disappears in a matter of hours.

    Karen in Virginia
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited November 2017
    Today is gray skies and rain off and on. Typical coastal weather. Still holding at 242 lbs weight wise. I had some Greek yogurt with a sprinkling of walnut pieces, a slice of 12 grain bread with 1 TBS of peanut butter. Came to 520 calories, 24 fats, and 32 proteins! That all with coffee and I am quite satisfied!

    Thinking on just some grapefruit segments for lunch and dinner I have some lasagna noodles I didn't use. Thinking of creating a beef base, steaming a tilapia fish fillet, and taking a bit of a lasagna noodle and slicing thinly into " noodles". Putting a bit of fresh spinach and my seaweed seasoning plus a blob of wasabi in it! Will learn to portion all this! If you use too much spinach the beef base looks green. I shall take a pic of this. I might make this for lunch, then have grapefruit for dinner!!! I made myself hungry!!!

    Missing my Nuke son. I wish he would connect with me. I know he is busy with school. The last time I talked with him, he still had pneumonia. I sent him a box of brownies, chocolate cookies and some peanut butter cups. Still nothing. Not that I used that box as bait to contact, but I kinda did!

    Take care all!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Karen in Virginia Good idea! Also donating it to businesses you frequent, like your favorite dry cleaners, or for us we have a great Tax lady. She always has chocolates on a dish.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Our leftover candy usually gets taken to one of our workplaces, where it disappears in a matter of hours.

    Karen in Virginia

    That's a good idea. Also, places like the police department, sheriff's office, public works, county commissioners and even manufacturing plants or large offices..... anyplace that has a "candy dish" or a break room sometimes welcomes this nasty stuff, lol. :#

    SW WA State
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca - Do you remember when your DH was in the Navy? I would think that after boot camp (basic training) and then being 'sick' he is probably like a one legged man in an @$$$-kicking contest. He's got to catch up and you also have to 'give him to God' to keep him safe. My DYS 'rarely' calls me. Whenever he does, it is in the middle of the day. I think he is checking up on me to make sure I am doing well. He calls his Dad and brother a lot more than me. It's a 'man thing'. But, I don't worry about him because I know that Tami and Mallory keeps out an eye for him. He's got great friends and bosses, so I rarely worry about him. Louis worries more about him than I do and I worry more about our DOS who lives next door to us.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    It's Men Make Dinner Day!

    Woohoo! Or maybe it depends on which man we're talking about. Philip is taking me out tonight instead.

    Becca - Ooh, sounds like you'll be eating well after your shopping trip! Philip is also a big fan of Hungry Man dinners... he buys the pork rib a lot. Yuck.

    Lenora - We don't have a dishwasher so I wash by hand anyway. But it sure is a nice convenience to have! I've learned to wear rubber gloves to keep my nails from getting saturated while I'm washing dishes.

    Fanncy - We're in the same boat. With what we'd save in a year of premiums for the health insurance that doesn't do us much good anyway, we could cover a whole lot of ground toward other priorities (including the screening tests we've been putting off). The health sharing plans I've found so far are less than half what we've been paying though, so that may end up being a good option if they'll take us. The one I've talked to so far will charge us extra and put me on a provisional plan until I work with their health coach to get within their height and weight limits. Could be a motivator or could just trigger my contrarian tendency, I'm not sure which. But I'm embarrassed that it's an issue.

    Kim - I've been reading the standards of belief for the health sharing ministries. We're not religious either, but Philip and I talked about it and most of the principles are basically compatible with our spiritual philosphy so we'd feel OK agreeing to them. Different name for what I believe is the same thing, basically. One of the plans I'm looking at is a Mennonite-based plan. From what I've read, it's important to carefully read and understand what the plan covers since they're not all alike.

    Lisa - When we moved to Oklahoma from New Mexico it was like a traveling circus. Me in an ancient 25-foot RV with three huge dogs, three cats, two parrots, and a tank of fish. Philip behind with the SUV and a loaded trailer. It was a relief to finally get where we were going!

    Terry - Sending good vibes your way. Take good care, feel what you need to feel, and be kind to yourself today!

    I'm watching the calorie count very closely today since we're going out tonight. I'm not going to worry too much about one day, but at least this way I'll have a little more to work with by dinnertime.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Terry - Sending great big (((HUGS))) I spent a lot of my life in depression. Horrible. Nowdays it usually means, like Karen said, that there is something amiss that is burbling away that I don't want to look at. It is often, for me, not doing my writing, or avoiding some problem. I hope you can descend into yourself and work out what is lurking. We use a lot of energy avoiding the obvious. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bkomo39
    bkomo39 Posts: 3 Member
    Just getting started here! Read through all the motivational comments here. Would love to join. We are buying an elliptical this weekend and I'm hoping that throws me over the motivation line. I am tracking my food but of course I have a husband who loves his sweets and it's sometimes hard to resist!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Birthday Mary!!! Hope you had a wonderful day.