
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies! Well I think it is a little past evening

    Sharon,mso sorry your 'friend' told some personal things about you. From the little you said, it had a huge impact on you. Plus what you said about your Dad, yes I would be upset to. I remember one Veterans Day that my niece p
    Aced a picture of my Dad and said he was a conscientious objector because he was a minister. Oh I was spitting bullets, I was that mad. My Father was an extremely proud veteran. Boy did I send her a tactful but fiery Facebook message. She changed her whole post about him.

    I was busy this afternoon, when I usually read and post because I went shopping. The clothes I have been wearing I bout about 3 years ago. And my fall and winter clothes are even older. Yep, that's how long it's been since I have lost any weight. Anyway I decided to head off to the mall to Christopjer and Banks. $375 later I am now outfitted for the fall and winter. Burgundy is thier fall color and I like it on me. Their sixes are kid of hard to see what fits you. They have an XL and. 1X.,so you just have to try both on to see what works best. To me it should be the same size. In any other store you have an XL or a XXL, so on and so on. So why is an XL different from a 1X? When I said I was going to the mall, Charlie immediately got up to get ready. So the way we had to do it was that he let me shop and he could do whatever he wanted as log as it was not in a store I was in. I called him when I was done. But I could tell he wasn't happy about it because when we got t the car he didn't have his phone and whe we got to the mall, he left his phone in the car. I told him I drive twice a week by myself and I need that alone time. But I was really tired after shopping and was glad that I had some one else to,drive! But I won't tell him that.

    Katla, if your husband feels comfortable for you to take a seperation trip on your own, I say go for it. I know used to go see the kids once a month when Charlie was working. I always stayed at their house. But that was before I developed back problems. Now we take a trip down abut every 6-8 weeks and stay in a hotel. They have no extra bed other than a bad couch fr one of us and then the girls would have to sleep together and one of us take Trinities bed. Plus they only have one bathroom,. A person with an ileostomy needs a bathroom to themselves. He doesn't have to empty his bag that often but when he does, no one can enter that bathroom for awhile! Or even be close.mi am glad his bathroom is at the back of the house and several doors from everywhere else.

    Terry, I a, in your pocket so just feel your pocket anytime you need a hug. I am always reminded f the verse in the Bible, Amd this to shall pass'. You know we all love you.

    Sgoremens syndrome is dry mouth and eyes, but not just dry eyes and mouth. They are dry to the extent that you have difficulty living. You have to use artificial saliva and artificial tears. Good luck with your diagnosis.

    As far as leftover candy, can you freeze it and use it for Christmas stockings? I would just take it to a fire station, etc. or maybe a place no one thinks about like your local nature center.

    We are in dangerous weather right now. Well it isn't dangerous right now but when we go from 40 degrees Thirsday to a beautiful 75 today, that is our tornado kind of weather. It is a,most this day quite a few years ago in Movember that we had a terrible category 5 that stayed on the ground a long time wiping out an entire trailer court, church, several large subdivisions. It was bad. So even though this weather is beautiful, we know it can turn bad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,439 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    As far as leftover candy, can you freeze it and use it for Christmas stockings? I would just take it to a fire station, etc. or maybe a place no one thinks about like your local nature center.

    My mother used to do something like that when my brother and I would go trick-or-treating. We'd come back with a big bag of candies each, and she'd go through and put 28 in each in several smaller baggies, and freeze them.

    Why 28?

    There were 4 of us (brother, mother, father, me), so that was 1 candy/day each. Each week, she'd bring out a new baggy.

    Most years the candies were gone by Christmas or just into the new year.

    One year, we had a really big haul and they lasted almost the full year!

    One candy is about 30 calories, so that's not bad. :)

    M in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    15 min Leslie Sansone vid with handweights
    KB squats 3x8x13
    KB swings 13x10x13

    Eating is a bit more controlled

    MARY happy birthday
    BARBIE thanks for Nov thread

    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,986 Member
    Well I survived the night..today is going to be a full day...dad still sleeping will bring him breakfast in a little bit..he enjoys the breakfast in bed thing..so might as well spoil him while I can.having some fresh fruit and a cup of tea..and using my data because I'm not going to pay 5 bucks a day for internet.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Lost about 3 hours sleep last night, but I feel ok right now. ;)
    Not really worrying about the move, in fact I feel quite relaxed at the moment, but it's on my mind.

    Taking two items of clothing to the charity shop, plus lots of detective books. Want to make room for my cookery books which are on the floor in a pile. We are going to fold up and put away the high chair and cot that are in the library (next to the guest room) as the Hove family are not visiting this Christmas - we are going to them. They might not ever get used again with Bea growing up so fast! :'(<3 The photographer wanted to take photos of that space so we had to shift stuff around. It also has our racks of wine in it! :D It is a nice kind of bonus space and has been great for the three babies. <3<3<3
    I was surprised that they wanted to take photos of the exercise room as it's the only one with the original 1994 decoration. He said it helps people to see alternative uses. :*;)
    I will be interested to see the brochure when it comes out. Round here they do a very glossy number as well as the online profile.

    Guinea fowl tonight. I'm going to pick up some parsnips to roast underneath and possibly some fennel, which goes very well. Plus carrots and some new potatoes for DH.

    I'm planning my vegetarian menu for when DSIL and boyfriend come over. :D We will go to the posh pub for one dinner, but I've got one dinner, one lunch and two breakfasts to think about. :D

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :) When I got dressed this morning to take the dogs out, I noted on the indoor/outdoor thermometer that it was just above freezing. It was a great surprise to find that it was snowing. There was a light dusting on the ground and the snow continued through the 40 minutes of our walk.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,439 Member
    edited November 2017
    The last couple weeks have been insanely busy.

    It kind of started when we cycled a century (100 mile ride) on October 21. We do them regularly, but they are tiring.

    Then the next week was a whirlwind of full-time work, studying for my final exam while doing the final preparations for a 3-day cycling event we were hosting/running/organising.

    The weekend of Oct 27/28/29 was the 3-day cycling event ... supporting the event, getting some cycling in ourselves, and me studying for that final exam. Happily everything turned out well, and it was a great weekend!

    Because we rent, our agency does inspections every 3 months, so of course the inspection was this week. Since Monday, it has been a combination of full-time work, getting my steps in for the work Step Challenge, unpacking from the weekend, getting the place ready for the inspection ... and of course, studying for the final exam. I had very little sleep all week.

    I wrote the final exam today ... what a relief!

    And meanwhile, for about a month now, my husband has been working long days, often 6 or 6.5 days a week.

    We're tired.

    Next week doesn't really ease up much ... I've been pushing all the other things I need to do off to next week! Now I'm looking at it thinking ... OOPS! :anguished:

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,573 Member
    Machka - I don't blame you for being tired! Bet you "aced" the exam!! Great idea about bagging up the candy and bringing out a little each week - tho I'd need to have it stored at the neighbor's house, lol. I see you are tidying up for the renter inspection - what happens if a person fails it? Do they get kicked out?

    - wow, it's really a miracle you are alive and doing as well as you are!! Makes it a lot clearer about the contributing factors to the machinery malfunction. Could have happened to anyone so for anyone to insinuate you messed up is not right; sounds like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The photo of your brother and horse at the rodeo has me reaching for the Ben-Gay!

    Heather - sounds like this realtor is going to do a bang-up professional job on the sale this time. How long does a person normally have once the purchase and sale agreement is signed... seems like it can take 30 days or longer here if the buyer has to apply for a mortgage. So glad to not be in the middle of it. Your dinners always sound so good.

    - enjoy your trip to Vanatu. Sounds like a LOT of preparation, whew, but I am sure it will be worth it. How long did you say you'll be there?

    Joyce - stay safe! I saw you and my Indiana relatives are going to be in the "danger zone" today weather wise. Sounds like you had a great time at Christopher and Banks! I really do like their clothing.

    Dishwashers - our leaking one has not been replaced, so I am hand washing dishes once or twice a day, mainly for the therapeutic hot water which my hands love when the weather gets cold. We really don't use that many dishes unless I'm making something big and then the spaghetti pot or dutch oven gets washed in the sink anyhow. I told DH maybe next year we'd look into getting a replacement.

    Thanks everyone for the info on Sjogren's. I'm not sure that going to a rheumatologist for a check would do anything but incur a lot of tests and medical stuff that may not show anything and even if it does, looks like treating the symptoms, which I'm chalking up to allergies, is the best route to continue. I did read that a person with it is more prone to lymphoma.

    Got the results of my lab work back from my doc visit on Wednesday, everything looks great. I did notice something funny - I wasn't fasting when they drew blood and had eaten breakfast about 3 hours prior. The glucose came back at 93. A stunner because fasting 8-10 hours in the past, it normally runs between 99 and 110! Maybe the fact that I'd essentially fasted on Monday due to being sick (1 slice of toast) and eaten lightly on Tuesday had reset things. Or it might have been a fluke since my breakfast that morning was very low carbs and no glucose sugar. I bring this up because of the 5/2 fasting discussions on this thread.

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    rori that is fantastic that your weight is in the 140s but more importantly, you are healthier and more fit! I agree, I thank everyone on this forum for encouragement, motivation and some common sense wisdom!

    Barbie surprise first snow is a special thing (as long as I don't have to drive in it ;)

    Counting my blessings today alongside of my calories. Also am not going to keep salty crunchy snacks like chips in the house (rice crackers and sweeet potato tortilla chips from Trader Joes) has caused some trigger binge eating behavior. If I need to crunch something, it's gonna have to be apples, pears and carrots!!

    Happy Friday everyone.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sharon ~ Thanks so much for sharing your story with us! What a horrendous thing to have happened. Prayers for your health!

    Mary ~ Hope your birthday was wonderful. The thoughts of soaking in the pool while you get your laundry down are so nice.

    Lisa ~ Safe travels for you and Corey.

    We just paid $1,000 to have the remains of two trees the county cut down moved. Now our back yard is one big muddy mess! Ugh!

    Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this AM and ate twice as much for breakfast as usual. May not eat lunch as a result. :s Someone mentioned a full moon so maybe that was it.

    Carol in GA where the day and temp are wonderful!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited November 2017
    Lanette - Unfortunately, in England, the process can take months, even if a sale is agreed, because of the dreaded "chain". If one person pulls out, the whole thing collapses. This time we are not looking in Hove until we have a definite buyer, who is in a position to buy. We learnt our lesson last time when nothing was settled after 7 months. We lost the house we wanted. An offer is not binding and anyone can pull out at any time. After "exchange of contracts" you stand to lose 10% if you pull out, but there is then a gap of a few weeks until "completion". The system is a mess. Gazumping is common - lowering your offer just before exchange. In Scotland an offer is binding and many people wish we had their system.
    The house we wanted before is back on the market, but we are not thinking about it right now. It is on at a good price, but would need masses spent on it and we are not sure we want the hassle of major works at our age.
    We are very specific about area and parking, so choices are limited. We want to be walking distance of my son's house, near the sea and with parking. Not too much work to do on it. That makes for a very expensive proposition. :o I would go for a top floor flat, but it would have to be modern, with excellent sound insulation, a big balcony and parking. Not on a main road. There are very few of those and they are often well over a million pounds if they are near the sea. :o:o:o Hove is one of the most expensive areas of the UK. The honest truth is, we can't quite afford what we want, even if we got a great price for our house.

    Took my stuff to the charity shop. I just LOVE decluttering! :D:D:D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,048 Member
    No workout yesterday
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,187 Member
    Had a piece of sweet potato pie for breakfast. Does it count as a veggie? Lol.

    I am anxious to see if my seasonal depression kicks in this year with all the sun in New Mexico and southwest Texas where we plan to spend the holidays.....

    We are following the sun this winter. Quite frankly, want to avoid cold and snow.

    Lost my post yesterday so stopping here.

    Rita in Leasburg Dam State park- sunny and 66 degrees at 10 am!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rita ~ What a nice photo of you. You look so happy. :)
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Jellyfish Day!

    Philip joked that today should be Food Poisoning Day since yesterday was Men Make Dinner Day. I've known a lot of men who were really fine cooks... I just didn't marry one of them. My brother does a lot of the cooking at their house, and my best friend's husband was a cook in the Navy and did almost all the cooking.

    Becca - I love that photo of the service dogs! Just makes me want to snuggle them up.

    Terry - I know that feeling. Fortunately with enough experience we know those spells will pass, but that doesn't really make it much easier to get through when you're in the middle of one.

    Michele - That long wait for polish to dry is why I don't keep it on my fingers very often! When I can afford it I like to get a shellac manicure, but right now I've got regular polish and I was literally useless for hours after I put it on. I was afraid to do anything until it was good and hard lest I mess it up.

    Sharon - Oh, my gosh, I can imagine that a horrible accident like that would have a profound lifelong impact.

    Welcome to the new arrivals!

    I don't usually work on Fridays, but I got behind yesterday with several tasks taking longer than I thought they would. So I'm spending some time this morning trying to get caught up before Philip and I run out to do errands.

    Wishing you all sunshine!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • Hi Everyone.. Happy Friday! Thank you for the nice welcomes.

    My November 2017 Goals

    Log in my meals daily
    Stay within my calories daily
    Eat more whole foods / less sodium
    Drink my water oz. daily
    Kettle bells and stretching 3 times a week
    Yard Fall clean-up 2 times a week at least
    120 Fitbit miles
    Drop 3 lbs.

    Word: Consistency
    Mantra: One Day at a time

    I have been so hungry the last few days but staying within my calories. I am going to eat more whole foods today, that will hopefully be more filling.

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited November 2017
    It will be somewhat difficult to see if a local fire/police station wants the candy as there are none in walking distance, but I’m going to try to check it out. Hubby and certainly my job are not appropriate places to bring extra candy. Thanks everybody so much for the ideas, I’d drawn a blank! We have 5lb ( two full gallon size baggies) of extra candy! And to think ever other year we have had to close up early because we ran out of candy.

    Becca, I met the most wonderful service dog in the beginning of October, a Leonberger, - quite the gentle giant. What a wonderful gift these dogs bring! His name is Quinn and he weighs more than I do! (But only one of us needs to lose weight, lol. ). More about Quinn: http://www.swimacrossamerica.org/site/TR/OpenWater/Dallas?px=1341321&pg=personal&fr_id=4379

    Heather: I’ve added Pernod or Ricard to the holiday shopping list. I’ll be hosting 6 adults & 3 teenagers and will need some special fortification for myself, I suspect!

    Terry: hoping today is a better day and so glad to hear about MiL gettin power, even if only temporarily.

    Cin Cin a tutti!
