

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, I hope your DH can realize that his daughter isn't a different person since the diagnosis, there's just answers now as to why she does and feels things that way she does. She's probably quite relieved to find out that what she's feeling and doing is her "normal". And what is the real definition of normal anyway!! Everybody has different ideas! lol
    Katla, you could be on a slippery slope!! lol We all start out with buying just a "few things"! lol It can escalate quickly! lol I started out buying a few craft items and now I need a whole room for it! Oh well, as someone I was acquainted with said about his wife "It keeps her out of the bars!" He was just teasing her of course, sweet older couple. And she's the one who told me what he would say, so clearly it didn't bother her.
    Cheri, I hope you can resist the SUGAR! I know it's hard, make sure that you allow yourself a little treat! That way you won't feel so deprived.
    M in Oz, happy that you are able to have coffee! And I do agree with a previous poster, it may be time to retire that blender and invest in a new one. I don't use mine often, but sure love having for when I do have a craving for a smoothie. There are lots of yummy recipes on the internet, just make sure you don't use a straw for a few days yet!

    I had a lazy day yesterday, spent the day in my jammies, it was wonderful! Got a few things done, decided I wanted to make a blanket for our grandson for Christmas, I got the top all done, turns out I will need to buy more filling, thought I had enough, but the blanket turned out to be a bit bigger than I had originally planned. I am happy with how it looks tho, so..... It just means he'll be able to use it longer! He'll only be 18 mos old at Christmas time, so still in the crib, the blanket is probably twice the size of the crib! lol It will fit a twin size bed just perfectly tho.
    I thought I was doing fairly well with the eating, I haven't been grazing, I did have some toast with peanut butter last night before bed, but I was actually hungry, and just had that, didn't go looking for more. The scale is not being kind, the numbers are going the wrong way. Perhaps I'm experiencing water retention, although if that's the case, it's not showing up like it usually does. My rings are a bit tight, but not horribly so, not sure what's going on. Drinking hot water with lemon, trying to flush my system, so to speak.
    Had issues with my tablet and MFP for a few days I couldn't access the community, very frustrating, ended up spending most of Friday's work day trying to catch up with all the posts! We were a bit busy too, so it did literally take me all day! lol And speaking of work, that's where I am now, so should go do something. Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Betsy - I really feel for you! What a strain, but so good to get it underway. <3

    Katla - I always wondered why she didn't seem to have girlfriends, but she is great friends with her two ex husbands. Her current man is much younger than her - she needs to be in control and always picks geeky guys. I think it is a good thing that she knows. I love your riding adventures! :D

    My younger son has just rung me and they are on the train from the airport. Should be a great reunion with the three children. The older two will be awake. He seemed a bit overwhelmed - said he was so nervous during her talk that he hardly took it in. :o I said I've been nervous for a week or more and was almost too nervous to watch. The edited, archive version will be released in a month or so he said, as they tidy it up a bit. I also had a text from my elder son :o as he wanted to know his birth weight. Apparently lots of his friends are having babies and everyone thought he must have been a big baby. (He is obese) No, he was absolutely normal - 7 lb 6 oz. :D
    Not many days when I hear from both boys. :p

    Meg - I think of you often. <3 HUGS.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2017
    Kettlebell Workout
    Morning workout
    Goblet squats-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-14X7X 40
    Alternating press-4 X 5,4,3,2X30
    Modified pull-up-4X5,4,3,2Xbodyweight
    Evening workout
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-10X7X35

    We are thinking that the 40 pound kettle bell is a little too heavy and causing physical problems like muscle pain and back pain. We are going to use the 35 pound during the evening workout. We might have to increase the number of swings instead of increasing the weight amount.

    Update on egg and bacon fast! My husband has lost 7.8 pounds and I have lost 9.6 pounds and in only 9 days. And yes we are eating a lot of food!

    I'm having really serious issues with this MFP app. On a happier note I was able to comment on one person newsfeed post. That was it though.


    Mary from Arizona
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    A belated thanks to all the veterans and their families. My mom and dad were both WWII veterans. DB is a veteran also. Cool and rainy here. DD and I got the winter digs for the goats finished yesterday and they spent their first night last night. They seem happy with it and it certainly is more snug for them.

    Janetr - So sorry about your sis. Hope you can find some way to communicate with her.

    Katla - I agree you are on a slippery slope. Once you start buying horse stuff it just multiplies. I owned one horse, three saddles, three bridles, three blankets, four halters, a truck, horse trailer and many assorted horse accoutrements. I can't believe how you keep needing more and more. LOL

    Allie - I am so glad you are going out and doing some fun things.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    afternoon /evening ladies the fashion show and luncheon were fun, it was a ball with the cousins....we all had a wonderful time. told them to pick a weekend and will have them all over for a potluck...i was already in the area so I stopped at Aldi, that I shouldnt have done, didnt have my list and waaaaaay to many people I dont do well with crowds..but got it through. and am home and in my jammies..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did a Pulse Yoga DVD today. The plan for tomorrow to do a 10 minute yoga fix DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    where did my last post go?

    Vince and I went to Target. He got these twinkling lights for one of the trees. Then Home Depot which didn't have anything, then Aldi, then Lowes Hardward where we got a cord to go in the tree to hook up the lights and this thing that sits on the floor that turns the tree on and off. I still like the tree skirt I found.

    For the person who has scarlidosis (? sp) (curviture of the spine). Does your back hurt sometimes?

    Had my BDS Friday. Yesterday made 2 spinach feta pies, biscuits for Vince (I wanted to try this recipe, I might take it for Thanksgiving depending on how they taste), these chocolate cookies, a chocolate pound cake for Vince for later in the week, chicken, then pumpkin bars. Made the icing for the pumpkin bars. I portioned out some for the people where I take the extremepump, some to Lynette, some to Bob, and the rest to the new neighbors. Got rid of them all. That's something I definitely do NOT need in the house.

    Now to see if this posts.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - I have scoliosis my Dr said the worst curve from side to side. My back has many bulging discs and other issues but since I started weight lifting it really only hurts when I don't workout. I even think that by strengthening my muscles uniformly I may be pulling it into alignment. To answer your question yes my back can hurt.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Mary - as you know, I exercise quite a lot and usually do weight lifting twice to three times/week. I just found out when I went for my BDS that the reason they took a scan of my wrist was because of the curve in my back. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the pain I sometimes have in my lower back. I assumed it was because I have such tight hamstrings, but maybe not. I don't notice that it hurts any more when I don't exercise, but then again, I exercise almost every day.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Mary - as you know, I exercise quite a lot and usually do weight lifting twice to three times/week. I just found out when I went for my BDS that the reason they took a scan of my wrist was because of the curve in my back. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the pain I sometimes have in my lower back. I assumed it was because I have such tight hamstrings, but maybe not. I don't notice that it hurts any more when I don't exercise, but then again, I exercise almost every day.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Michele in NC

    I know that correct form in position of your feet and your legs can help to alleviate any pain in your knees hips and back while you exercise. Try adjusting your stance first.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marcelyn- beautiful work! I really love the braided platter. I'm glad that you are able to get back to the wheel!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Marcelyn - I really like that you made the platters and gave them to people with cookies on them. Beautiful pottery.

    Michele in NC
    who is going to volunteer next month at a pottery and chili fundraiser
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    <3 Off to bed early so I can get up early and walk the dogs a lot before a 9 AM eye doctor appointment.