November 2017 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Sorry I've been out of touch. Skip's cross country banquet was last night and it means insanity for me for a few days. I was up at 6:00 cooking yesterday, then I ran over to her Honor's award ceremony then back home to cook. This morning my feet were talking to me, they were still throbbing from being on them for 2 days.

    @bjderhak I can tell you the golfers here HATE the XC team being on their golf course, even on the cart path. The only reason we do it now is because they lost the town council vote and course was turned into a multi purpose running, biking place instead of a golf course. Skip and I have run into the same issue when we would run at my mother's (she used to live on a golf course), we were told to get off. I agree on the GPS you might be seeing as golfers with their watches.
    @Teresa502 great picture of you and your friend
    @7lenny7 come on over to my neighborhood you can do some coyote hunting. Ha ha hello skunk!
    @WandaVaughn I just looked up 4 mile post road, I guess it depends on where you are, it’s right near Fleet Feet. Ha ha sounds like you drive all over.
    @JessicaMcB how can you resist a race called the Frozen *kitten* Fify!
    @girlinahat I’d prefer the skunk and moose to that little fellow. We had one outside of apartment years ago and I let it there because I felt bad it was his home, but it gave me the willies every time I went in or out.
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    edited November 2017
    No moose in the rec center this morning, but got in a nice long water walking session in before class. Forecast for the Angry Turkey 5K XC race tomorrow morning is looking very wet! Hopefully will be able to convince the 9 year old to stick it out despite the weather.

    Goals this month: Do 1 shorter race, plan for spring racing (register for 2 races), 90 mi total


    11/1 Walked outside for 45 min + did my PT
    11/2 Ran 3.5 mi + walked 0.75 mi + PT
    11/3 Fail (intended to run but ran out of time before leaving town)
    11/4 Walked while out of town
    11/5 Ran 10 mi + stretched
    11/6 Water walked + stretched and foam rolled a bit
    11/7 Ran 3.5 mi + walked a bit
    11/8 Walked outside + getting back on track with PT
    11/9 Ran 5 mi + walked 1 mi + PT
    11/10 Water walking for 45 min
    11/11 Ran 6 mi
    11/12 Ran 9 mi + walked 1 mi
    11/13 Rest (planned to walk later but never got the time)
    11/14 Rest (on my feet all day for lab, intended to run but ran out of time/energy)
    11/15 Ran 3 mi and walked a little bit
    11/16 Ran 5 mi and walked 1 mi, PT
    11/17 Water walked for 1 h + PT

    Goal: 90 mi
    Total: 45 mi
    To go: 45 mi
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    8/11-1.5 (hills workshop)
    11/11-3.5 (park run)
    12/11- strength training - Insanity Asylum power legs
    14/11-Strenght training Insanity Asylum Vertical Plyo & 4.1

    Total - 65/130 Miles
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    11/1- 25 minutes strength training (legs)+ 3.7 miles treadmill intervals
    11/2-5.3 miles
    11/3-5.1 miles
    11/4-10 miles +2.8 miles pub crawl
    11/5-rest day (dog walking, but that was it)
    11/6- 5 miles + 1.5 miles with Stella
    11/7-4.4 miles + 1.1 miles with Stella
    11/8-4.9 miles + stretching
    11/9-30 minutes strength training
    11/10-45 min yoga
    11/11-3.2 mile shake out run
    11/12-13.1 mile Honor Run HM
    11/13-rest day
    11/14-rest day
    11/15-60 minutes Body pump class
    11/16-25 minute strength+1.6 miles with Stella


    Does anyone do runner specific plyometric exercises? My plyobility(?) is terrible. Is that even a word? Not sure. Whatever. I can't jump for *kitten*. Last night my trainer had me doing box jumps and it was downright embarrassing. I could not even land solidly on a 12 inch step. I am pretty strong and I have good balance, but when it comes to power, forget it. My legs are perfectly rigid as can be. I think this comes from running and tight hips, hamstrings, etc. I am trying to put more focus on changing this by doing more plyo exercises (I tend to stay away from them because I suck at them). I found a few that are recommended for runners via google search, but I was wondering if anyone had anything specific that they have found to be effective in increasing power in the legs? If so, has it helped your running? Does anyone else share this same problem?

    Note: I am going to post this on the LDR group to hit a different audience, so sorry for the double post for those thta follow both threads.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    17.77/65 miles

    Upcoming races:
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, 5.5 miles Norman OK
    Jan 27 Running the Rose. Tyler Tx. 11mi or 7k

    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PB's
    1 mile 9.25  5k 33:46 10k 1:09:46
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited November 2017
    @MNLittleFinn yikes haha! I've had close calls with more than a few black bears. Only one with a Grizz (who thank Jesus didn't realize I was there). Moose, caribou, deer, coyotes are common sights and part of the territory running in this area of the province. Thankfully I have never had any run ins with cougars out this way (because I'd probably be dead where they stalk you) but there are two that we know of that live in Wilmore :# .

    @7lenny7 I actually see a lot of skunks when I am running back into town from trail in the early hours- they make me nervous because they run around crazy lol

    @girlinahat cute little bat <3

    My bad @Dazzler21 sorry man! You're going to have a lot of fun with that one I think!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    11/1 10miles
    11/2 4miles
    11/3 12miles
    11/4 4miles
    11/5 rest
    11/6 6.62miles
    11/7 5miles
    11/8 7miles
    11/9 4miles
    11/10 14miles!
    11/11 6miles
    11/12 rest
    11/13 6miles
    11/14 5miles
    11/15 9miles
    11/16 5miles
    11/17 9miles

    Sorry I haven’t been able to catch up, but I will eventually!

    Today’s 9 miles was my last long run... I’ve got a few short runs this week and then I run my half marathon.

    I’m feeling run down, like I’m catching a cold so this tapering might be coming at a good time. Although I’m not sure it’s good to taper when I’ll be eating a lot of yummy food :smile:
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    I registered for my 1st triathlon today. Eeekkk!!! I should have got up and ran this morning because the wind has kicked and will be killer later.
    Glute/hamstring is coming along well, but today I am feeling it. Yesterday was PT and strength training.

    Wildlife: We don't have a whole lot of it besides billions of bunnies out here in the 'burbs. But we do have bats. Little Mexican free-tailed bats. They are little and I think birds, but bats fly crazy. I actually really like bats so I don't mind. I think someone saw a coyote once, but I have never encountered one when out in the early morning. I would love to come across a moose!!!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    11/1- 25 minutes strength training (legs)+ 3.7 miles treadmill intervals

    Does anyone do runner specific plyometric exercises?
    Check out Dr. Metzel's Iron Strength Workout for runners. It's a 55-minute dvd. I think he now has a couple of shorter ones out. I met a lady a couple of years ago who was running the Marquette HM and she was really fast. She lived in NYC and actually went to his office. She couldn't say enough good things about this workout. I bought the dvd but I've only done it a few times. Just not enough time in the day for everything a girl wants to do!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @seanevan10 Ohhhh! Congratulations on the first tri registration!! Is it local? When is it? Is it a sprint? I wanna do it! Haha!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @lporter229 I think we have established that you aren’t a real torture victim until your box jumps involve burpees.

    In fact, I registered the words - burpee box jump OVER the other day, and started hyperventilating.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    @lporter229 I think we have established that you aren’t a real torture victim until your box jumps involve burpees.

    In fact, I registered the words - burpee box jump OVER the other day, and started hyperventilating.

    @girlinahat you keep reminding me of my first crossfit experience... the WOD was "7minutes of burpees". Was a small class, the ones who had been there long enough to be able to check ahead of time what was on order didn't show up... I was crazy enough to ever go back... they weren't sure about my mental health....

    Current trainer swears no burpees... but he also said that about push-ups and planks, which have happened... so I'm not convinced.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited November 2017
    lporter229 wrote: »
    My legs are perfectly rigid as can be. I think this comes from running and tight hips, hamstrings, etc.

    Not "pylo" or "power" related...but this is why I keep doing yoga once or twice a week. I am REALLY bad at it... However, this is why I keep at it. My hip flexors, hips, quads, and hamstrings are super tight from running. After a "strong" yoga class, I feel all the aches and pains from running melt away. My yoga teacher is great! I can point to the area that is giving me issues and, 9/10, she will work it out in an hour. Everyone's body is different, however, I suggest giving a really good yoga studio a try if you are dealing with any bothersome spots. I used to be worried about keeping up with my lack of balance and flexibility. Not anymore. :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    11/1 - cross training (hubby calls that particular DVD 'Stepford Aerobics')
    11/2 - 3.9km
    11/3 - rest
    11/4 - 3.9km
    11/5 - rest
    11/6 - crosstraining
    11/7 - 6.9km
    11/8 - rest
    11/9 - 5.7km
    11/10 - rest
    11/11 - 8.7km
    11/12 - rest
    11/13 - rest
    11/14 - 6.6 km
    11/15 - rest
    11/16 - lazy
    11/17 - 5.4km made it up


    Thanks for will the balaclava suggestions. I'll be getting a $25 gift card to Local Running Store from work probably next week so it will go towards one!

    I really wasn't feeling running last night and talked myself out of it so tonight I just sucked it up and went--and of course felt great once I got going. Shorter than I'd planned but it's supposed to be nicer this weekend so I'll do a bit extra.

    I'm on track to meet my distance goals this month, I think. Plus maybe a bit extra.

    Upcoming Races:
    9/24 Heartbeat Run 10K 1:24:44 (11.1km)
    1/1/18 Resolution Run 5K
    4/8/18 Jasper Half Marathon
    8/18/18 Edmonton Marathon 10K

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @lporter229 I do not even know what that is... never mind do it. :lol:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    11/01 - Sick, forced rest day
    11/02 - 9 miles
    11/03 - 10 miles
    11/04 - 12 Miles @ 9:16
    11/05 - 11.5 miles @ 9:26
    11/06 - 6 Easy Miles
    11/07 - Missed Run
    11/08 - 8 Easy Miles @ 9:08 pace
    11/09 - 10.5 easy miles @ 8:59 pace
    11/10 - 7 Slack off miles @ 9:38 pace
    11/11 - Laser Tag, Mini Golf, and etc - aka "Cross training"
    11/12 - 12 miles @ 9:41
    11/13 - 11 miles @ 9:48
    11/14 - 10 miles @ 9:50
    11/15 - Strenght + 7 miles
    11/16 - Sick day
    11/17 - 10 miles @ 9:06

    Big Hary Audacious Goal: Sub 4 hours in Pittsburgh 2018!

    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    Thanksgiving morning - Turkey Trot - Double Gobbler! (5K + 5 miles)
    12/02/17 - Santa 5k
    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.
    05/12/18 - Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Ultra (or maybe 30K Still debating)

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    So I was supposed to do my strength training and then go do like 6 miles, but it was my last day at work for over a week and wanted to sneak out early so I just went for a run instead. Was not really paying much attention to distance or time or pace just went.

    Did not even look at the stats of the run until hours later. Figured it would be like 10:xx or something. Well, shiver me timbers! 9:06 for 10 miles and I was doing fine. I could have kept that pace for much longer, but I was out of time. I think I am definitely ready to try a 15 mile @ 9 min pace... if I can just get weather and schedule to align.

    Worried that I will lose ground when the real winter hits here in Jan. Need as much ground as I can get so I have more to lose I guess.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    oh, and my new hood came...

  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    oh, and my new hood came...

    For some reason, I was reminded of Karl Ruprecht Kroenen. :open_mouth:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I'm 10 pages behind and I probably can't catch up. Wish I could!

    Will cut and paste the data I've been recording lately.

    November 2017 Runs

    02 Nov – 8 km
    04 Nov – 5 km parkrun
    05 Nov – 35 km – The Bloody Long Walk walk/run
    07 Nov – 3.2 km
    08 Nov – 10 km
    09 Nov – 12 km
    10 Nov – 7 km
    12 Nov – 18 km
    15 Nov – 5 km
    16 Nov – 10 km
    18 Nov – 5 km parkrun

    Name: Orphia
    Age: 50
    Height: 176 cm
    Total Weight lost: 35.5 kg
    Time it took to lose: 12 months
    Been logging since April 2015
    Date began maintaining: April 2016
    How long in maintenance: 19 months
    Maintenance weight range: 63-65 kg

    Average weight recorded from January: 62.8 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 63.5 kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 63.2 kg
    Average weight recorded from April: 63.9 kg
    Average weight recorded from May: 63.5 kg
    Average weight recorded from June: 63.6 kg
    Average weight recorded from July: 64 kg
    Average weight recorded from August: 64.1 kg
    Average weight recorded from September: 64.4 kg
    Average weight recorded from October: 65.5 kg

    Week of...
    7th November: 66 kg
    14th November: 65.4 kg

    Success/struggles of the week:
    October was a bad month in that my weight whooshed up and stayed up after I hurt my back September 30. It’s started going down again now my back’s better.

    I’m a bit concerned my average weight has risen 3 kg since January, despite logging everything I eat and keeping to my calorie limit.

    Not sure whether that’s muscle or not. I exercise every day, averaging 17,000 steps a day including lots of running, and swimming and yoga.