Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Hi ya'll! Lurking is just not the same as posting. I HAVE to get back to being active. Even though I am following here I miss you. :flowerforyou:

    I am having a hard time reminding myself that my life does not suck. I KNOW it does not. But it sure can pile on sometimes. Some of the happenings:
    • My poor daughter was in another car accident. This time someone smashed her rear end at a high rate of speed. She was on a ramp from one highway to another. The ramp was long and under construction. Her trunk (Boot for you Brits) was pushed to the back seat. The car was pushed into a wall on the right and then bounced off that and the left front hit the left side wall. She says it was fortunate that the lane had construction barriers on both sides or she thinks she might have flipped. This happened Saturday night. The good news is she walked away from it.
    • Real good news my son graduated from LPN school. Now he just has to pass his license testing. This is the father of my granddaughter. Things are going well with her too. That makes me happy. He deserves some good months.
    • I had a three-hour, third interview for a new job. Haven't heard back yet. I don't think no news is good news.

    I need to get back into my daily check ins. So Wednesdays JFT is:
    • Log all food and stay in green
    • 64 oz of water
    • Eat planned meals for Breakfast and Lunch
    • Evening - go see Book of Mormon with DH. Our Christmas present to us
    • Prepare a presentation for annual accounting updates to business units
    • Start reviewing potential tax changes for withholding
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited December 2017
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    1. MORE water :)
    2. Stay away from all the treats at work! :) I did it! Everytime I had to go into the back room there they were but I told them what they could do with themselves. ;) In my head... it really wouldn't do when there are little ones on the other side of the wall.
    3. Sewing :) got several gift bags ready for finishing!
    4. Brush and floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Wednesday
    1. MORE water
    2. Continue with gift bags
    3. Alarm system repair appointment
    4. Bake for potluck
    5. thread delivery
    6. Pick up work supplies
    7. Potluck
    8. Brush and floss
    9. Bed by 10:30? I hope.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Hi ya'll! Lurking is just not the same as posting. I HAVE to get back to being active. Even though I am following here I miss you. :flowerforyou:

    I am having a hard time reminding myself that my life does not suck. I KNOW it does not. But it sure can pile on sometimes. Some of the happenings:
    • My poor daughter was in another car accident. This time someone smashed her rear end at a high rate of speed. She was on a ramp from one highway to another. The ramp was long and under construction. Her trunk (Boot for you Brits) was pushed to the back seat. The car was pushed into a wall on the right and then bounced off that and the left front hit the left side wall. She says it was fortunate that the lane had construction barriers on both sides or she thinks she might have flipped. This happened Saturday night. The good news is she walked away from it.
    • Real good news my son graduated from LPN school. Now he just has to pass his license testing. This is the father of my granddaughter. Things are going well with her too. That makes me happy. He deserves some good months.
    • I had a three-hour, third interview for a new job. Haven't heard back yet. I don't think no news is good news.

    I need to get back into my daily check ins. So Wednesdays JFT is:
    • Log all food and stay in green
    • 64 oz of water
    • Eat planned meals for Breakfast and Lunch
    • Evening - go see Book of Mormon with DH. Our Christmas present to us
    • Prepare a presentation for annual accounting updates to business units
    • Start reviewing potential tax changes for withholding

    My god your poor daughter!!

    I know I said last time but do you get compo over in the USA? She’ll be rolling in the benjamins soon!
    But more importantly I do hope she’s alright, a car crash like that is very scary even if you do walk away unscathed.

    You’re right, life doesn’t suck, but it can’t half be a pain in the @ss at times!

    Congrats to your son! You must be very proud!

    And good luck for the job.

    Just realised that your list consists of a bad thing, a good thing, and something that’s yet to go good or bad!
    Fingers crossed it goes well!

    Even though you don’t post daily it’s nice to know you still read and stuff :)
    It will just be the stress.
    The more stressed I am the less I post. But I always read :) xx
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Hi ya'll! Lurking is just not the same as posting. I HAVE to get back to being active. Even though I am following here I miss you. :flowerforyou:

    I am having a hard time reminding myself that my life does not suck. I KNOW it does not. But it sure can pile on sometimes. Some of the happenings:
    • My poor daughter was in another car accident. This time someone smashed her rear end at a high rate of speed. She was on a ramp from one highway to another. The ramp was long and under construction. Her trunk (Boot for you Brits) was pushed to the back seat. The car was pushed into a wall on the right and then bounced off that and the left front hit the left side wall. She says it was fortunate that the lane had construction barriers on both sides or she thinks she might have flipped. This happened Saturday night. The good news is she walked away from it.
    • Real good news my son graduated from LPN school. Now he just has to pass his license testing. This is the father of my granddaughter. Things are going well with her too. That makes me happy. He deserves some good months.
    • I had a three-hour, third interview for a new job. Haven't heard back yet. I don't think no news is good news.

    I need to get back into my daily check ins. So Wednesdays JFT is:
    • Log all food and stay in green
    • 64 oz of water
    • Eat planned meals for Breakfast and Lunch
    • Evening - go see Book of Mormon with DH. Our Christmas present to us
    • Prepare a presentation for annual accounting updates to business units
    • Start reviewing potential tax changes for withholding

    My god your poor daughter!!

    I know I said last time but do you get compo over in the USA? She’ll be rolling in the benjamins soon!
    But more importantly I do hope she’s alright, a car crash like that is very scary even if you do walk away unscathed.

    You’re right, life doesn’t suck, but it can’t half be a pain in the @ss at times!

    Congrats to your son! You must be very proud!

    And good luck for the job.

    Just realised that your list consists of a bad thing, a good thing, and something that’s yet to go good or bad!
    Fingers crossed it goes well!

    Even though you don’t post daily it’s nice to know you still read and stuff :)
    It will just be the stress.
    The more stressed I am the less I post. But I always read :) xx

    ^^^^ That last little bit there - that is the truth.

    We have great insurance on our vehicles, but this should be covered by the other driver's insurance company. (We still carry the insurance for my daughter.) Hopefully there will not be a need to have lawyers involved. She has already missed a day of work, so there is lost wages, and she had one visit to a doctor the next morning after she woke up and was all, "OMG I hurt now." She needs a few days on the anti-inflammatory and the muscle relaxer to see where she stands.

    My poor husband was rear ended at a stop light in September and he now has disc damage in his lower back. He had to get an MRI and he is claustrophobic so that was a challenge. Says it is not too bad, his knee hurts more on most days. But he is seeing orthopaedic and chiropractor to see if that can be helped.

    And someone backed into me the weekend of Thanksgiving in a mall parking lot. Fortunately just a paint scrape on the back bumper that you can hardly see. Not hardly worth pursuing.

    Just so much no.

    Breathe deep. Think of puppies and kittens. Think of the awesome night sky. It's all OK.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged. ❌ I was hungry :(
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Baked Chicken ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔
    4. At school upon arriving: 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec some flexibility. 5k steps during the school day. ✔
    5. Email about masters program. ❌
    6. Curate music collection. Sync with ipod. ❌ Still working on this, but I did get a lot of it done.
    7. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog?
    8. Library: donate shopping bags. ❌
    9. Gym after school. Strength class, then 3m15s run @ 6.5 m/h on treadmill followed by walking to 10k steps. ✔
    10. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from gym. ✔
    11. Leave for play practice by 8:00. ✔
    12. Check in after play practice; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:15. ✔

    JFT Wednesday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged.
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Salmon with Pesto ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔
    4. At school upon arriving: 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec some flexibility, 2x20 sec some balance. 5k steps during the school day.
    5. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog? STILL working on grading. :P Yay for semester break coming soon?
    6. Library: donate shopping bags. (Crap. They're closed today. I *need* to do this tomorrow!) Grocery store: veggies for Friday, fresh spinach, Halo Top, cottage cheese.
    7. Gym after school. Warm-up song on elliptical, weights, 3m15s run @ 6.5 m/h on treadmill followed by walking to 10k steps.
    8. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from gym.
    9. Leave for play practice by 9:00.
    10. Check in after play practice; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:15.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    Jan 1 goal: 169.6 - 7 lbs, should be ~1.5/week

    Sunday weigh-in goal: 172.5; actual: 174.2
    Next Sunday goal: 171.0 - don't know if I'll make that.

    Today: 177.2. Let's keep it going! :D
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Good morning! @junodog1 I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's accident! Oh my gosh the poor girl. Even minor fender benders have given me whiplash that I didn't feel until the next day. I'm sorry to hear about your hubby too. My husband was hurt on the job and is now home on disability because his knee and back are so bad so I'm glad to hear yours is going to chiro and ortho docs! Hugs to you, hon.

    I agree with you and @Bex953172 , the more stressed I am, the less I post. Now, I don't feel stressed anymore but I'm so darn busy with other stuff that I don't get on like I want to. I'm not sure about my new company's policy on using the internet at work, so I've been afraid to post my goals there. And I rarely find time in the morning like I did today!

    It's snowing in Green Bay today. It's a gentle snowfall and beautiful from inside the house. I'm not looking forward to going out and driving in it though. UGH. Least favorite time of year!!

    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Journal intake and stay green
    2. 80 oz of water
    3. Hit my step goal
    4. Do some sort of exercise for 30 minutes tonight when I get home.
    5. Try to do some project requests myself today at work
    6. Settle in by 7:00 to watch Survivor tonight
    7. Bed early as I have a 7:00 a.m. meeting tomorrow.\
    8. Be grateful. Be in the present moment and enjoy it all.

    Happy Hump Day! (No, @Bex953172 , that is NOT what it means! LOL)
  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    It's super busy at work. My co-paginator is on vacation so I'm on double time. I'm falling behind on taking care of me soooo just for today, keep it simple.

    Drink water 8 cups
    Excercise (DO SOMETHING)

    To you all - I've been reading here and there. Your all doing awesome. Keep up the great work & for those stressful times.... Sit back - Take a breath & Give your self a break.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    Recap T 12/12 - Didn't sleep so well. Even though I had treadmill clothes prepped, I decided it's rest day. After all, I've walked dog 5 consecutive days for 16 miles, I need a break. :D
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,953 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors. :smiley:
    2) Participate in workplace hike at lunchtime / not sure if temps & wind will allow, since there's rule about wind chill factor (forecast high 18F and NW winds 15-25 mph) = Temps in low 20s, not so bad, but I forgot my wind pants which would have been nice to have on. Walked 1 mile (I think...had MapMyWalk app on, then realized forgot to charge phone). :smiley:
    3) Brought leftovers for lunch / net calories green = Net calories barely green, sodium not so bad, sugar red mostly from fruit, and 15c water. :smiley:
    4) Evening: laundry, wash dishes, Christmas to-do list = Done, including comforter...love the new appliances :smiley: / done...so nice when it's not huge pile :smiley: / Progress but so far behind in Christmas decorating and cards with letter :neutral:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / floss & retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (plan 3 mile treadmill walk W before work) = Sort of :neutral: / done & done :smiley: / nope :(

    JFT W 12/13
    1) Treadmill season has begun! Walked 3 miles indoors where I'm safe, before work in 50:35 and Fitbit thought I was on elliptical, lol. :smiley: Sad dog. :'(
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Lunch at desk b/c of snowstorm (4-6" predicted & I think we'll get that) / get some to-do items done
    4) Evening: Put up nativities (I have lots & it isn't Christmas w/o them) & at least one more Christmas to-do
    5) Maybe shovel or snowblow driveway so hubby won't have to when he gets home...depends on when snow stops & when plow comes through -- since we're in cul de sac neighborhood on edge of town, we're one of the last streets for plow
    6) Floss & retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (really need to catch up sleep :tired_face: )
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I weighed myself today.

    Which means I’ve gained 13lb?

    I was devastated seeing as only 4 weeks ago Id only out on 5lb.

    Fortunately (in a way) I realised the bottom is broken so WooHoo to not being 183 but boohoo for not knowing either way :lol:
    Got an appt tomorrow so will ask midwife to weight me then!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I weighed myself today.

    Which means I’ve gained 13lb?

    I was devastated seeing as only 4 weeks ago Id only out on 5lb.

    Fortunately (in a way) I realised the bottom is broken so WooHoo to not being 183 but boohoo for not knowing either way :lol:
    Got an appt tomorrow so will ask midwife to weight me then!

    Remember....you're SUPPOSED to gain weight when you are pregnant! I think I gained 13 lbs by the time I was 3 months pregnant with my kids! LOL!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    JFT W 12/13
    1) Treadmill season has begun! Walked 3 miles indoors where I'm safe, before work in 50:35 and Fitbit thought I was on elliptical, lol. :smiley: Sad dog. :'(

    Is your treadmill real quiet? Or is your hubby already up? I have thought about hopping on treadmill in morning before I jump in shower for the day, but I am fairly certain I would wake up our entire house.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member

    JFT W 12/13
    1) Treadmill season has begun! Walked 3 miles indoors where I'm safe, before work in 50:35 and Fitbit thought I was on elliptical, lol. :smiley: Sad dog. :'(

    Is your treadmill real quiet? Or is your hubby already up? I have thought about hopping on treadmill in morning before I jump in shower for the day, but I am fairly certain I would wake up our entire house.

    The treadmill is in the basement and our bedroom is on the second floor, so I think there's enough space between. Hubby usually sleeps right through my 5:30 alarm and later my shower in our master bathroom. That's b/c he usually comes to bed around 2:30 or 3 a.m. :D
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12/13 Wednesday JFT:

    Just relax!! I'm just not going to stress about doing anything today.

    I watched a "chick filck" today and plan to take my time doing the rest of my regular day. I've been trying to distract myself from Thursday and Friday (I don't want any anxiety, lol!) God must have know what I was up to today bc I just read an email that put me in an extremely positive mood :joy: The medical school grad. student program has extended me an invitation to their gala in January. This event is by invitation only for outstanding science students!! I'm so happy they recognize my hard work and dedication in school. It is nice to be recognized occasionally :joy:

    Well I know that's not a JFT list but I'm taking a break from obligations today, lol! :lol:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I weighed myself today.

    Which means I’ve gained 13lb?

    I was devastated seeing as only 4 weeks ago Id only out on 5lb.

    Fortunately (in a way) I realised the bottom is broken so WooHoo to not being 183 but boohoo for not knowing either way :lol:
    Got an appt tomorrow so will ask midwife to weight me then!

    Remember....you're SUPPOSED to gain weight when you are pregnant! I think I gained 13 lbs by the time I was 3 months pregnant with my kids! LOL!

    I know lol!
    I just don’t want a whopper of a baby :lol:
    I’m the one who’s got to get it out remember lol!

    But there’s no way I’m not eating enough, it’s like i constantly graze all day haha

    I was more concerned about the sudden massive increase. And then annoyed that someone broke my scales :sweat_smile:

  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    12/13 Wednesday JFT:

    Just relax!! I'm just not going to stress about doing anything today.

    I watched a "chick filck" today and plan to take my time doing the rest of my regular day. I've been trying to distract myself from Thursday and Friday (I don't want any anxiety, lol!) God must have know what I was up to today bc I just read an email that put me in an extremely positive mood :joy: The medical school grad. student program has extended me an invitation to their gala in January. This event is by invitation only for outstanding science students!! I'm so happy they recognize my hard work and dedication in school. It is nice to be recognized occasionally :joy:

    Well I know that's not a JFT list but I'm taking a break from obligations today, lol! :lol:

    That is flipping awesome. I think you probably TOTALLY deserve it.
  • baseballtoros
    baseballtoros Posts: 6 Member
    Today my goal is to pay attention to small details. It sounds small but it’s actually a big deal. I will celebrate the small things and not sweaty the end goal.
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    Dec challange/done
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @MLHC1;c-41019799]12/13 Wednesday JFT:
    God must have know what I was up to today bc I just read an email that put me in an extremely positive mood :joy: The medical school grad. student program has extended me an invitation to their gala in January. This event is by invitation only for outstanding science students!! I'm so happy they recognize my hard work and dedication in school. It is nice to be recognized occasionally :joy:

    Great job! Congratulations.
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you MLHC1. My 7 year old great niece was in the hospital for nephrotic syndrome (liver). I helped care for her sisters so mom & dad could be with her. She is home and doing ok now.