

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Marcelyn - Brilliant! I guess the right stickiness of tape is essential though. Our new notes are plastic, which would make it easier, but our lowest denomination is £5 . I always take $1 bills when we go to exotic countries so I can tip before we can buy local currency. They can't change foreign coins.

    Quiet day today. Got to amend my food order - hope I'm not too late. Make brandy butter and truffles. Do my TYPING. :o:D
    I am not losing any weight. Grrrrrrrrrr! :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    Had a good, fast (for me) 2.4 km run this evening!! :grin:

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Karen in NY - sorry you're in the midst of hurtful and dark moments at work. Young lives lost always seem especially tragic. I always try to keep the serenity prayer in mind at times like those, to "accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can." And hope, of course, for "wisdom to know the difference." It sounds like you're already there.

    I am heading into my final day at work until the New Year rolls around, and looking forward to the break. It's been an interesting year, and I always try to take some time at the end of each year and do a look back at the year just past, as well as a look forward to the year yet to come. It brings a nice sense of closure, turning a new page, pick a metaphor.

    Minor struggle on the looking forward as, while there is a lot of hope for the year yet to come, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty. This isn't unusual in my life, but it is mildly uncomfortable, like an itch I can't scratch. I honestly don't know what the year will hold, which of course none of us do... but it seems at higher levels this year. Too many possibilities, many of which are quite positive, but no knowing which way to jump right now.

    But, for now, just one day of work to get through, cleaning up our main database. Boring, but necessary.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    Dec 1 - 1.6 km walking (20 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Dec 2 - 7 km running (56 min) ... 45 min running + 11 min walking to warm up and cool down
    Dec 3 - 9.5 km cycling indoors (30 min) + 6.25 km rowing (40 min)
    Dec 4 - 5.2 km walking (65 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Dec 5 - 6.5 km walking (85 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Dec 6 - 5.2 km walking (65 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min) + 15 min of weightlifting
    Dec 7 - 2.5 km running (25 min) + 2.9 km walking (40 min) + 6.33 km cycling indoors (20 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min) + 12 min of weightlifting
    Dec 8 - 3.6 km walking (45 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min)
    Dec 9 - 5 km running (38 min) ... first 5 km run!!! :):)
    Dec 10 - 161 km cycling (531 min) ... December Century. That's 12! One century for each month. This was a tough one!!
    Dec 11 - 2.9 km walking (36 min)
    Dec 12 - 4 km walking (50 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Dec 13 - 9.5 km walking (118 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Dec 14 - 7.2 km walking (90 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Dec 15 - 6 km walking (75 min) + 12 flights of stairs (9 min)

    Dec 16 - 5.9 km running + a short cool-down walk (45 min) + 15.6 km cycling (49 min)

    Dec 17 - 50.2 km cycling (158 min) + 1 km walking (12 min)

    Dec 18 - 6.1 km walking (76 min) + 6 flights of stairs (5 min)

    Dec 19 - 6.9 km walking (86 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)

    Dec 20 - 5.3 km walking (66 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min)

    Dec 21 - 8.4 km walking + 2.4 km running (121 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)

    2017 Monthly December
    Walking Distance (km): 105.1
    Walking Time (min): 1215.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 242.6
    Cycling Time (min): 788.8
    Stairs Climbed Number: 166.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 132.8
    Other Distance: 8.5
    Other Time: 83.0

    Total Distance (km): 356.2
    Total Distance (miles): 221.3
    Total Time (min): 2219.6
    Total Time (hr): 37:59:35
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,769 Member
    Morning Ladies, im up and hit the ground running.... have laundry in, have to choke down my tea.. and then run to dollar store and get my DFIL a balloon and card today is his 90th birthday, feed him, stop at my place.. pick up christmas present for my hair dresser.. and beofre any of that take the 3 pups for a walk...
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Michelle, thanks, I guess I was not clear. My weight program is 4 week long progressions. My first four week weights were 10lb dumbbells and 6lb leg strap on leg weights. This was doable but just barely. 3 workouts ago on schedule I upped the weight to 12lb and 7lb. My left side is failing (can’t complete the sets and reps scheduled). I’m thinking I should redo the 10/6 lb progression schedule (for both right and left)?

    Kelly well this former Chicagoan, current Texan thinks “y’all” should be standard English. I always hated the midwestern “you guys”. Personally tho, I draw the line at “fixin to”. Never heard “parked up” - love it!

    On the run... all have great day:

    Cin Cin a tutti!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    Did Personal Training with Chris Freitag DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the deep water class.

    hmmm...where have my posts gone???

    pip - We have a string of lights like your ornament (the leg)

    lenora - my daughter says that she uses cornstarch or flour on her cat if she cuts her nails too short and they bleed. She prefers cornstarch. She says that you can also use a piece of bread, put it over the bleeding area. The starches help the blood to clot. She's very good with animals, knows a lot about taking care of them, she works for the NIH but watches dogs on the side. Actually, she saved the life of one of the dogs. She noticed something wasn't right and it turned out that the dog was in end stage liver failure and needed a special diet and special meds or would have died.

    The Wii still says I'm in the normal range. I'm really trying hard to stay there. I'll probably go over some next week. One year I really went over and it seemed to take forever to get back to weight so I'm trying to avoid that. But I do have to admit that those cookies I made and are in the freezer and really calling my name. I do make them small so that if I have one it's not as bad as if I were to have made them bigger.

    NYKaren - I'm so sorry you're going thru all this,

    Denise called yesterday. I don't know, I just got a funny feeling, like she's getting too much like Pete's family (who I think are a low class). I guess it's just that I want only the best for my daughter and I have to accept the fact that she's chosen not to want the best. barbie - what's that saying that you use? "The reason we fail is because we want (something) right now --- I know there's more to it.

    Put a load of laundry in. Realized while I was exercising that I should vacuum the downstairs, at least one section. Also want to check the room where Steve stayed to make sure the bed is made

    KJ - can I take that opening in your daycare??????? For me, just to be clear....lol Do you know that Denise told us that she's renting a car to drive down here "because they don't want to put the miles on their car". Really, it's good for a car to give it a long distance use and not always stop-and-go in the city. Then she said something about the spare tire. I don't know if she even knows what's the story. Glad you're getting to Texas. I'll be looking forward to pics of Joaquin. I'm a lot like you, I got this arm band for my phone to listen to the radio while I'm exercising. But it just gets too sweaty, I almost never use it. I would prefer to just clip my iPod onto my shorts and put the headphones on. In our family pigs in the blanket were always chopped meat and rice in cabbage leaves. Only problem is that Vince won't eat the cabbage so when I make some I have to just give him the meat. Hey, I have a dentist appt, too, today. But it's not to get a tooth pulled. Good thoughts being sent for your hubby.

    Rye - would it be possible for you to use the 12/7 and when you get fatigued drop down to the 10/6. Actually, if your legs don't get fatigued, keep the 7. I'm not sure what kind of weights you have. You can easily change weights on the dumbells, the legs might not work to change quickly but the legs don't give you the problem, only the arms. That would be my suggestion.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited December 2017
    Kelly that was my interpretation of woo too. I think the few times I used it that is what I meant. Like an extra cheer. Now I doubt I will use it at all.

    Thinking of Mary and how busy she is in her new job. If we don't hear much from her I know this is the reason.

    I subbed in a Kindergarten class the past three days. It was an eat your Wheaties class. I even had the principal personally come and thank me for being here. If I do sub next year I will at most take one day the week before the Holiday break. I still will not work the day before the break.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    langman22 wrote: »

    Can anyone tell me how they insert a picture of a saying. Can't figure it out. Copy and paste doesn't seem to do the trick.

    Hugs to you all, Terry

    I insert pictures that are saved as jpeg files. To do that, you click on the icon above the reply box that looks like a picture. It asks you to choose files....you go to your saved pictures and click on the picture you want to insert.
