
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Lanette, my mom bought the “My Pillow” and hates it.

    Joyce, yikes! Please, please, take care of yourself. Thanks for letting us know.

    Allie, hugs and prayers for you and your dad.

  • herminmeeker
    herminmeeker Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Can't help with the pillow thing as I'm a front sleeper and have to have a flat pillow. :*

    Most of the sheets /towels are clean now. Just one lot to go. Drying them is more of a problem as I don't have a tumbler dryer.

    I've got some curried sprouted beans in the Instant Pot to go with sea bass, broccoli and raita. :D Lovely smell.

    The delivery people had run out of blinis so I made my own rather than face the huge supermarket! They are in the freezer now, waiting for New Years Eve. Light creme fraiche and faux caviar blinis are our go to celebration food as it is so easy and delicious, but I have never actually made the blinis before. I'm also going to cook a zucchini lasagna for the early evening, using zucchini strips as pasta. I will make the ragu tomorrow. Freeze some and keep some for the lasagna. It's just us, but my son bought us a very special bottle of champagne for Christmas, so we will have that with the blinis. That all depends on whether we come down with Bea's flu, of course. Edie had it the previous week and had a temperature for 5 days!

    I'm trying the trick mentioned on the MFP blogs of having a teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach to cure hunger pangs. I don't think it's working as I'm still starving! :laugh: They also suggest water with a tiny amount of sugar. But I like olive oil better.

    I'm worrying a bit about my cancer friend who hasn't replied to my text or email. She's probably just overwhelmed with solicitude. <3

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Beth, I think I do the same one. They really need to run it backwards one year, just for you and me. I had unfollowed the FB group, because it was making me feel guilty, but I refollowed it just this morning. I’m such a sucker for New Year’s Resolutions.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Ladies - At this point in the game - it is just easier to write a general post rather than answer individually; hope I get what I want to say said.

    As for the "My Pillow" (advertised on TV??S?), it just 'looks' lumpy to me. We use 'feather pillow' ... soft and mold around head when you lay on them. We both have a king-sized one and a standard sized one. The kings were to replace foam pillows that were way too hard. Standard ones, I don't think Louis will ever give his up. It 'smells' like him - fresh because he takes his daily shower at night. When he isn't here - I lay on it because it smells like him. My king has settled down and I use it, too. He just doesn't want to go through using his until it settles down.

    Our ISP (Windstream) is blocking certain emails ... at this point the @Hotmail.com or the @live.com; but, they 'admitted' they were having this issue; but, don't know how long it will take to fix it. If I sue my web-based email program through them I would have to do it over an unsecured line. I'm not willing to do that.

    When I got home from hospital, my computers were updated to Microsoft Edge or Office 360 or something that replaced Windows 10. I 'hate' it and was really, really ugly to the technicians last week. Now, it is syching all my devices somehow and I get posts from FB and it seems to have change the settings and is bringing me FB posts that I really don't want to come to my cell. Some of them there, don't appear on my laptop Facebook Wall. I don't ever remember putting it on my cellphone. I do remember putting MFP on it (so I could post food to my MFP page); but, I do remember taking phone to Verizon to have them 'turn off' the notifications I started getting. I prefer to check them on my laptop, not cell ... which is turned off most of the time. I just don't like having the 'dinging' all the time. It also runs my battery down very quickly. They were able to do that. But, I apparently don't know how to 'turn FB off ... or specifically how to 'log out' if that is what you need to do so that it isn't up and running all the time. I have to 'log out' on my laptop. Only place that I know I put it on, because I can 'check it' and still be out here in the den. It seems to be the 'synching' feature that I can't seem to 'grasp' the concept of it. For whatever reason, it has made me a 'bit paranoid' because I am thinking ... who has my information and how? Apparently, every time someone was posting anything that would be coming to my FB Wall it was notifying me on my cell and when I go to the Wall through FB on my laptop, the Walls did not seem to have the same posts. I just feel like 'I am being watched' and it is 'creepy'.

    Got to also think of what I want to cook this weekend. Louis wants or needs to go to grocery store today, so I have to decide what I want to cook for Saturday and Sunday and possibly even Monday while DS and DBnL are here. He is so picky about what he eats. They grill out a hamburger (every night), we don't actually have a good grill to cook out on. We have the one Trey had before he got one for his birthday a couple of years ago. Time is passing by so fast. I was looking through my address book and saw former/late boss's obit taped in the back. He's been dead 7 years. That is unbelievable.

    I did my nails last night. No polish, because all I do is 'peel it off'. For the first time in years they actually look nice (for once in a long time). Only one that isn't pretty is my 'middle' one on the left hand. It is bruised and looks like it isn't attached to skin under the nail on the right side of it. The spot that looks like a bruise also looks like something I have 'stuck' under the nail, but just can't get out from under it.

    Love all the pictures, too. So inspiring and makes me want to get back to my drawing and painting. Since I have been home, I have been working on one of those ones you use colored pencils on. An adult coloring page that Lynn (former HS classmate) brought m while there. One of the nurses went into the Activities Director's room and got about 10 different colored pencils for me to use. She was the one that I really felt as if she had my best interests at heart. I never gave them back. I had already used markers and taped them to his door. He was such a jerk to begin with. Hated his sessions, thought he was acting totally unprofessional and that he was far more antagonistic than I would have thought someone in a S/W's position should have been in a psyche unit. Each day, the last few days ... it just got worse and worse. Made me think of the hospital that I got sent to because the DO (Dumb Ox, maybe) after I was dealing with the "Lithium Toxicity" at the time sent me to simply because I 'wanted to go home'. I end up filing a complaint because she had put a note on my records (over my time in the ICU; and time she was assigned to treat me) because she did not want them to release them to me. I had never asked up to that point that they be released 'to me' ... I had signed an authorization ... actually weekly over a 16-month period of time for them to be released to one of my MDs. I think she knew that she had sort of left herself and the hospital open for a lawsuit because of the transfer. It was amazing how quickly I got them once I called the CEO's office at the hospital and told them I had filed my complaint. When I did get them, I looked through them. There were so much information to show that she was guilty of malpractice it was scary as to what might have happened to me before of incomplete or inaccurate information. Of course, when I got that I filed it with the CSBME. While I was not privy to their investigation ... I did succeed in making it so the hospital refused to renew her contract. I was satisfied with that decision because it meant it would remain on her record until the end of time. Any future employers who would be looking at her 'track record' when considering her for employment would be able to see it. At that point, I did not care who agreed or disagreed with this decision. I had to do it; but, it meant that I now have to travel 2 hours in order to get out of the reach of the local hospital that owns most of them hospitals in SW GA. Actually, the PsycheMD I had been assigned to there told me that I should report her. She had sent me to a very dangerous place. A hospital that housed the 'criminally insane'. I've never been 'criminally insane' ... she just wanted to 'fix me' by getting me 'out of her hair'. She could have sent me home, she just was being a real @$$. I had someone that could have stayed with me 24/7; but, she had not even had me on enough medication that would have gotten my bipolar episode under control. He jacked my medications up from 100mg a day to 800mg a day. That hasn't changed.

    Well, hope all y'all have a wonderful weekend. I might post again over the weekend; but, I will probably only be 'lurking'.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Joyce - thank you for checking in, and glad you're doing well enough to be moved into a regular room.

    Allie - still thinking about you and your dad. I know you were hoping for better results. Please keep us posted.

    Penny - good to see you, what a lovely memory...

    Lisa in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Beth, I think I do the same one. They really need to run it backwards one year, just for you and me. I had unfollowed the FB group, because it was making me feel guilty, but I refollowed it just this morning. I’m such a sucker for New Year’s Resolutions.


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi I would of had to read back 66 pages and more to catch up to all of u. It is still a very popular room.
    As for me all is fine. I'm trying again after taking a break from it all. But didn't gain a whole lot before getting back with it. Had a very nice Christmas with all three boys daughter in law and grandkids. There's one son can't be home every Christmas as he works in mine two in two out. This year he was out. So it was great. Looking forward to the same kind of New Years. But receiving brothers and sisters and their families for supper.. Should be fun. As I love to cook and with me it's the more the merrier.

    See you all lighter Linda in cold Northern Ontario
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Marcelyn[/b]: Somebody's idea of humor, no doubt. I am sorry that it is offensive. :grumble:

    I was taken by surprise but not offended. I found it rather humorous. I mean if you’ve ever experienced Houston in August you might just find it fitting.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Lanette, My Pillow was successfully sued for false medical claims. “My Pillow claimed it could prevent sleep loss associated with insomnia, restless leg syndrome, neck pain, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, migraines and other ailments.”

    Heather, I hope you hear from your friend soon.

    Beth, glad to hear that your father is doing better and is being released. Can you get your parents an Medic Alert button? Can’t remember what they are called but my mom wore one around her neck in case she fell. It’s hard when they want to stay independent.

    Rye, glad to hear you are taking care of yourself. Heal quickly my friend. I too can be hurt easily and find it hard to speak up. I think it is always best to say…”I know you didn’t mean to hurt me when you said _________ but I was uncomfortable when you said it.”

    Lenora, it must have felt good to do something for yourself and paint your nails.

    Well I couldn’t think of just one work for 2018 so I am going with this.

    Terry in VT

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Wendy, great attitude regarding the pond scum who stole your wallet! And you're absolutely right, he/she is not worth your time or energy. Hopefully, the police will get some good video of the perpetrator and deal with him/her. Awesome that the thief's charges are being reimbursed!
    Allie, big {{{HUGS}}} to you and your dad. I'm so glad you took him to his reunion, a special trip for both of you I'm sure.
    Penny, great to hear from you! What a special memory, thank you for sharing.
    Like a few others, I need to attack my craft room! We just moved into our house in June, so just kind of put stuff in where there was room. Some of it got organized immediately, other stuff, not so much.... so anyway, my craft room is one of the last rooms that needs a thorough going through. I'm not looking forward to it, but will have to buckle down and git 'er done in the new year.
    I have been to the gym two days in a row now, and gave away the majority of the shortbread and gingersnap cookies this morning. Still have some pumpkin pie, but not giving that away, I will have that for dessert for the next few days and then it will be gone also. And then the really good eating will start! I have started paying attention to what I'm putting in my mouth, and have updated my stats here on MFP. I have gained, so wanted to start off on the right foot. I have also decided that I need to step on the scale only once per week, not every day like I have been. Hopefully that will make me more accountable.... Can't hurt! lol
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    I changed the words around to be Dream, Believe, Imagine
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Rye, sorry you are sick and also hurting from something. Consider stepping up high and looking from afar at the situation. Do you encounter the same thing over and over? What could you learn from this, so it doesn't happen again? Or if it continues to happen, could you "react"in a different manner? Refuse to feel hurt...just don't catch that ball that someone has thrown at you, don't take it personally? What good can you make come from this situation? Do you choose the same type of 'friend" who wants to use you, take advantage of you or treat you as inferior? (I am not expecting you to answer any of these things on the forum but just giving you some food for thought as you are in bed recovering...) imiv66z4tb45.gif Wendy
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did Paul Katemi's ASAP Workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad's Body Sculpting DVD

    We had our Wigilia last night. Denise is getting quite a bit of food to take home, there's things that I've determined will go other places or else she's getting. Between her and the soup kitchen, my refrigerator is pretty emptied out.

    We're planning to go out to breakfast this morning. Vince wants to go to Waffle House. I'll just get 2 egg whites fried. Pete mentioned that he would like to get his cousin interested in bowling so I thought it might be good to take them bowling. Then we'll ask them where they'd like to go for dinner (we'll eat out). Depending on the time, we'd like to take them to Charlotte Motor Speedway to see the lights, mainly because I'd like to see them. And if we don't have time, hopefully we can do it tomorrow. I'm just hoping that because they came a day early, that won't mean that they'll leave a day early. Update: I also got bacon since it was so late, figured that would hold me over for lunch.

    Penny - your Christmas sounds really nice.

    Joyce - I know that it feels really good to get out of ICU. Hopefully, you'll be out of the hospital real soon. So glad there isn't any more bleeding. Did the bleeding cause the tingly sensation?

    Gotta think of something to have pork related for New Years. You always have pork on New Years. Then I'll probably get more lettuce so we can have a salad. I'll start giving Vince some of the leftovers.

    Don't know why I'm so tired right now.

    Lanette - how many times I think how I probably treated my father the same way that my kids are treating me. Sometimes I think they're treating me worse than I treated my father. But now that he's gone, I think of him practically every day and realize how very much he loved me and sacrificed for me (that is, except marrying his second wife. But when he asked me the first time what I would think if he married her, I said "I wouldn't think much of it" and he didn't marry her. Guess at my young age, I knew.). I'm convinced that especially when I'm gone, they'll know how much they were loved. I don't know about Bryan, tho. I don't think I've ever heard of hemp milk. Where do you get it? I've started really liking almond milk

    I've kept up with my exercising, even if some days it was for a shorter period of time. Like today the DVD was only something like 45 minutes long. Now for the hard part -- not snacking. Well, I gave away most of the food (or I'm ready to give it away, it's in a bag for Denise out of my sight), I know one type of cookie I can give to a lady who works at the Y (they're her favorite), Vince will eat the chocolate chip cookies, I'll give most of the snickerdoodles to the place where I do the extremepump. Desserts taken care of. Now for me to keep my paws out of it. Well, I think I might be able to do it since I'll constantly remind myself that the less I eat, the more they'll have. I'm someone who likes to give food away (as you know)

    I have a feeling Denise and Pete plan to leave tomorrow. They put their Christmas gifts in the car. Well, this was the plan originally, then it was going to be delayed a day because of the dog

    My MIL had one of those medic alert necklaces, but she refused to use it. I think she got it just to make Vince feel good. But she "didn't want to bother anyone". She wanted to be independent, even tho she really couldn't and shouldn't have lived alone.

    Pete talked about bowling so we'll take him and Denise bowling. Denise asked if there was anything else to do, so I asked her what she'd like to do. No answer. Not sure where they want to go for dinner. I would go for Golden Corral since I don't have to eat a whole lot since I'm not really all that hungry.

    Michele in NC