
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited January 2018
    Judefit18 ~ Please tell us a bit about yourself! Where are you in the cold overlooking the ocean? What name would you like sign your messages?

    Welcome Vicki! Please tell us about yourself also!

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Katla - I'm doing the poo sticks that you mentioned some time ago. I've always just chucked the package straight in the bin before, but your doing it motivated me to try. First go this morning. :o:D

    DH gone out for food shopping, so I will have to wait for my "run" until he gets back as Amazon is scheduled for deliveries. Weather ok now after a night of wind. Lots of damage around the country.

    I had to cancel my trip to London next Monday to be with my friend during her chemo. There is probably going to be a planned strike on the trains. Sometimes they are cancelled at the last minute, but I didn't want to leave her with the uncertainty. :'( She replied that her son's dog had just died unexpectedly after an acute bout of pancreatitis following an upset stomach. 24 hrs! They are all devastated as it was a young dog. She goes to the consultant tomorrow to have the "discussion".

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,613 Member
    Sharon - I am so, so grateful you have your brothers and Jheri and the grandkids close by. I cannot imagine the loneliness if you were going through all of this with Larry without your good family support. I personally would like to get Larry in a room and just ask him, what does HE want : live with you in harmony? live by himself? live with his Ex? Travel? He needs to figure it out then put his love into whatever it is. And be quick about it, darn it.

    - that photo you posted holding the foal made me nostalgic. Even with the hay fever, I loved the smell of our barn and animal sounds and even the barn chores (not so much in the freezing weather though.) Your days sound so full - how much sleep do you get at night? You and Machka are like energizer bunnies, with your busy schedules.

    Becca - I laughed out loud at that poster about finishing three coloring books. Speaking of books, I picked up "The Good Earth" by Pearl S Buck and a book by Jack LaLanne at the library yesterday. For some reason I have a hankering to reread the books that influenced me when I was a child - "The Good Earth" was one of them.

    Penny - good for you running in the cold! You have some good lungs - I remember the zero weather and how it would literally take your breath away.

    I grew up on a farm in Northern Indiana in the 1950's and 60's, and we were quite poor. My dad had some hard years on that farm and one winter got a job sweeping out railroad cars at night to bring in money to pay taxes and the power bill. But, we were never hungry. We had chickens, hogs, a milk cow, a huge garden every summer. Other than milk, flour, sugar, bread and a few other items, we grew everything we ate. I guess that's why that story about living off food stamps was so interesting to me. Even now, I am pulling carrots from our garden and eating applesauce I canned from our own apples and beans that we grew. And making tomato sauce from some tomatoes tossed into the freezer. Considering it takes months and months to grow from seed to harvest, it's hardly fast food, lol. Anyhow, I have a new appreciation for the food we are able to grow here on a small plot and the nutrition it provides, even though it's only a small fraction of our diet now. B)

    I haven't contacted my girlfriend's cleaner yet. Our former cleaner brought her own vacuum, cleaning supplies and just went to work. This one, according to my friend, goes down the list you give her with your supplies and your vacuum - we need a new one anyhow with a long hose to do blinds and such. And she has a 5 hour minimum from what I understand. So it will take some planning. I may just put it off a while, too, and tackle some of the big jobs myself since 5 hours and doing blinds is what I consider spring cleaning, not just maintenance.

    Thanks to all of you sharing the winter photos! KMorgan - where did you say you live? That photo was spectacular! Barn scene with horses.... it would make a lovely Christmas Card!

    I did make it out to my work-out shed yesterday and got my strength training routine done. 38 degrees - but it didn't feel that cold. I tossed out my old house-shoes which were Skechers with super soft soles and the metatarsal pain on the bottom of my left foot is now diminishing - I am back to flat moccasins. Sometimes, that's all it takes.

    You all are inspiring me to get a little running in when the weather warms up a bit and there's no threat of black ice. Even though I'm in the country, the only place to walk or run is blacktop and the graveled road shoulders. All the more reason to have good running shoes.

    Will close for now - those of you in the deep freeze - watch your step and don't fall! Ice and snow are not our friends unless we are well-prepared.

    Moonlit, warmer SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Machka ... there are preference settings for the notifications ...

    Ah, I see.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,598 Member
    Machka Notifications? Don't get 'em, but I log in with my old mfp id. Maybe if you log in with Facebook?
    Becca handsome sailors!
    Meg if I lived where it is that cold, I'd NEVER want to get up and out of bed... or at least not 'til spring ;)

    Timer went off, still/again 2 pgs to go. Back after meditation lesson day 3.

    Mindful Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I turned off the phone notifications for MFP items but can’t find a setting for turning off the in app community MFP notifications. They take over the screen for several seconds every time someone posts. So I too have chosen to NOT subscribe to this thread. It is always on the first page of this sub forum, so it has been easy to work it that way.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,613 Member
    edited January 2018
    Katla - I'm doing the poo sticks that you mentioned some time ago. I've always just chucked the package straight in the bin before, but your doing it motivated me to try. First go this morning. :o:D

    DH gone out for food shopping, so I will have to wait for my "run" until he gets back as Amazon is scheduled for deliveries. Weather ok now after a night of wind. Lots of damage around the country.

    I had to cancel my trip to London next Monday to be with my friend during her chemo. There is probably going to be a planned strike on the trains. Sometimes they are cancelled at the last minute, but I didn't want to leave her with the uncertainty. :'( She replied that her son's dog had just died unexpectedly after an acute bout of pancreatitis following an upset stomach. 24 hrs! They are all devastated as it was a young dog. She goes to the consultant tomorrow to have the "discussion".

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Heather - worry to hear about Ros's son's dog. Life is very fragile indeed. Hope you can see her soon - and that her "discussion" goes well. Has she decided, in her mind, no more chemo?

    You haven't mentioned your house showings lately. My DH was kind of depressed yesterday and talked about selling again. The cold weather was making his joints ache badly, and he said he looks out the window and there's so much to do and he's discouraged - he's thinking of having trees taken down, planting more, of course the lawn care, etc. I told him he doesn't have to do it all in one day and I know plenty of high school kids who'd love a job helping him- he has been resistant to that tho.

    When we get ready to sell, it's going to be a lot of work - he especially has been a pack rat with collecting tools, drums, etc and his shop is full.

    I took my blood pressure after doing strength training yesterday and it was back to 130/77 which is acceptable for my age. I read research that was done on older folks - BP does go higher during cold weather and even in air conditioned rooms in the summer as it forces blood out of the limbs and into the core = higher pressure. The article said that's why strenuous outside work can cause heart attacks in old fellers who are shoveling snow and not used to it. I always wondered why my BP would drop dramatically in the summer. I've mentioned this to several doctors and not a one has mentioned that simple fact. :#

    We keep our house cold - the only heated room is the living room with the wood stove - DH is on an electricity saving campaign and doesn't want the heat pump coming on - tho we do have a radiator type space heater turned on to keep that room above 60 at night. The woodstove keeps that main room around 70 which is very comfortable.

    Have any of you noticed this correlation of BP readings/cooler temperatures?

    What this tells me is - put on more layers, move more and keep as warm as you can. It's good for the BP.

    SW WA State where it's going to be a good clear morning to get a walk in.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Good morning, Gals,

    Just got back from my morning walk with Ella. The moonlight was bright and the frost was thick. I love the early morning with the world not quite awake and Ella is excited when she sees me get up and begin to dress. She knows we are off for our adventure. I love her enthusiasm. My DH thinks I'm a bit out of my mind to face the morning before daybreak.

    Barbie... I like that you write about walking every morning. Thanks for this new monthly thread.

    Wendy... I enjoyed your information about fasting. I've never really fasted but I do calorie restriction on two days a week and my body likes that routine. I attempt to eat healthily five days and for two days I limit myself to 500 calories.

    I love all the pictures and the information on this forum. Thanks everyone.

    Betsy in NW WA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,598 Member
    Soo proud of my husband. Forever he's been anti-tech, hated "them dang digits." He got a used, Windows 7 laptop for Christmas and is now merrily ripping and burning CDs of his own mixes. Windows updates interrupted his most recent burn, he took it in stride. He had "the nice picture where it told you all the things you could do" but it disappeared after the updates. I was about to offer to find it for him when he said something about its OK. I'm looking for it. That's what I'm supposed to do. He's actually trying to learn something new. This is huge for us and I am so grateful. It feels like a miracle. Sorry to over enthuse, but he's been such a stubborn old stick in the mud for so long I just feel like rejoicing! Know y'all will understand.

    Joyce, boot off, halelujah! Please take care and stay safely warm, too easy to slip on the ice. So glad we moved away from it.
    Becca you never fail to make me laugh. Thank YOU!
    Machka so maybe I WAS getting notifications, have seen ghostly popups when gals reply to this thread. hmm, don't remember seeing the Notification preferences menu before, unchecking everything now... Too bad you can't pick which discussions notify and which don't. You're right it was your fireworks/moon pic at first, but now Penny's too ;)
    Michele Joe's a homebody like Vince. I'm not quite the go getter you are, but get cabin fever after a stay at home day. What's the Green Room?
    Ginger you are off to a great start with tracking, fiber and dressing. There are days when I never get out of my bathrobe. Congratulate yourself for starting and pick one thing to add for today. While it's possible some people do best with drastic change, most of us do better with baby steps.
    Rye 40 down 10 to go... well done!
    Wendy LOVE your style of weightlifting. Will that pony get much bigger?
    Penny Love your full moon pic. You're right about humidity and cold, especially about being equipped to handle it. Do you get wind? The first 15 years in Boise weren't bad, but the last 5 years, with ice on the deck from November to May got to be too much for us. Thank you for sharing your North Pole life, it's so interesting and outside my imagination ;) Will see if any PNW seed catalogs carry parsely root. Amazing the difference between a home grown and store bought parsnips or carrots.
    Sharon my heart breaks for you.

    Timer went off, still/again 2 pgs to go. Back after T'ai Chi.

    Mindful Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Morning all,

    DH and I went to dinner and a movie last night. Managed to behave pretty well. Kind an eclectic restaurant so I had to kind of guesstimate the calorie stuff when I logged it. But I logged it and I suppose worrying about it is a good step.

    It is so darn cold I don't think I can take it. A whole 1 degree this morning when I left for work. Supposedly to crawl up to 28 today but I am not optimistic.... I get my 2nd hip replacement in 3 weeks and I am almost looking forward to being housebound. Isn't that an awful thing to say?? And of course I don't sincerely mean it.... I know many of us are dealing with extreme cold, so try to stay warm and be careful... Didn't I once read somewhere that the body expends more calories when it is trying to keep warm? Hmmmmm... B)

    Shivering away in Pa.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    Wendy amazing pic! You sure are strong! How much does he weigh? I did buy V. Longo book. Disappointed in the pescatarian recommendation he makes ( I literally get sick from even the smell of fish or seafood) without offering any alternatives. But I’m seriously considering doing a FMD 5 day ‘fast’ at end of month.

    Betsy I’m a 5:2 dieter as well. 5-600 calories on Tues Thurs. 1400 (weight loss) or 1600 (maintenance) the other days. I’ve moved into maintenance this January and am now trying to determine what percentage of exercise calories to add to the 5 day base. I’m going to start slowly / maybe 20% for a few weeks and see where that gets me.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,253 Member
    I can’t find where I got the all time States on the app. I’ll keep looking!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Who is getting a lot of snow? I see Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas may be in the path of a big storm!

    Karen in Virginia, hoping it skips us
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,159 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. We are out of the deep freeze for now, it’s going to be about 12 today! Woo hoo bathing suit time! Actually it’s high time for me to get serious and get to work on my weight and health. I have nothing else to concentrate on for now, so I need to get going!

    Evelyn: that’s a great idea (brushing your teeth after dinner) I may have to try that!

    Hi Lenora: I totally understand; all last year I literally lived minute by minute. I’m just now up to day to day. The serenity prayer is really powerful. I used to think all that stuff was just dumb but not anymore. I have seen its power.

    Joyce: hooray for getting the boot off. Sending healing thoughts for your arm.

    Becca: I am going to start planning my lunches and checking out my pantry to see what I can make with what’s on hand. I already make weekly dinner menus, but I have a lot of food stocked up. I’m having trouble cutting groceries down to 1 person!

    SueBDew: glad you got your power on. We had one storm (winter) where our power was off for 4 days, and we were lucky! I had just bought a camp stove fueled with propane with anniversary money my parents gave us. They were furious that I spent it on that, but boy did they have a change of heart when they found out we were doing all our cooking on it for days!

    Wendy: that’s awesome!

    Sharon: I’m sorry you are having such a good time. There are actually a lot of good books on divorces, but I too am on the same search, so we should form a search party!

    Machka: what is that beautiful flower?

    Lisa: you are not used to all that cold weather!!!

    Barbara AHMOD: it’s all in how you dress! I love winter although I could do without the wind and ice part. But I love to go outside in the snow. But it was too cold even for me on NYE so I stayed home and had a hoot watching CNN’s NYE show; they were all a tad tipsy except the one lady in Denver on the pot bus…by the end of the show she was clearly high. I have never seen all those serious newsy types being so silly.

    I have 2 movies to recommend if you haven’t seen them: The Last Jedi (my mouth hung open the entire time; I was transfixed!) and The Darkest Hour (people stood and cheered when it was over). There are a couple others out there that I am planning to see.

    Well I’m off to get some work done; first day back is always hard to organize yourself! Take care, welcome newbies, and thanks for all the pictures! Meg from frosty Omaha
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Who is getting a lot of snow? I see Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas may be in the path of a big storm!

    Karen in Virginia, hoping it skips us

    No snow here, finally going to get above freezing today and the sun is shining brightly. That always makes you feel better :)

    Janetr OKC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,223 Member
    :heart: Margaret