
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.26min, 145mhr, 12.2amph. 1.4mi= 91c
    apple watch- 63c
    ELIPTICAL- 15min, 133mhr, 1.36mi= 127c
    apple watch-138c
    floor exerc- 26.57min, 2sets 10ea, 145mhr, burpees
    squats, running stationary lunges, squats w/jump, bounce single leg toe touches, single leg squats, ceiling to fl single leg touches, mountain climbers, planks, elbows to hands, planks, hand leg cross under, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest= 196c
    Apple watch- 170c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.33min, 15.4amph, 137mhr, 1.4mi= 68c
    apple watch- 45c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 15.20min, 150mhr, 12amph, 3mi= 153c
    apple watch- 114c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.47min, 156mhr, 9.31min mi, .5mi= 66c
    apple watch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sta- 510min, 150mhr, , 9.58min mi, 5mi = 64c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.15min, 8.8amph, 163mhr, 2.3mi = 213c
    apple watch- 147c

    total cal 983
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: DH has blood pressure issues, too. He took his BP frequently during the day until he finally got his medications balanced. This was a long process. He has a BP cuff and reader that he ordered from ihealth. He used the information along with his doctor's guidance to adjust medicine doses. I hope that you'll be able to stay in close contact with your doctor until your issues are all sorted out. Good luck. :heart:

    Allie: Keep photos and other records of things that need fixing. They might help when you are actually negotiating to buy your place. :wink:

    Becca: I'm sipping mint tea, too. Mine is Celestial Seasonings. I like the tea and the cute packaging. :star:

    I had a memory glitch today and couldn't remember my fitness center locker combination. I looked at it on the list and went in an opened it right up, but now I'm fussing about whether I'll remember next time. We'll see how things go tomorrow.

    We are planning a trip to see our kids and grandkids. It involves a stop in illinois and another in Virginia. Our son is acting as our travel agent. He has all the flights set up, and all we need to do is pay for them. It is nice to be molly coddled now and then. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Machka I would not be able to do what you do with spiders, I am a confirmed arachnophobe! If they are outside, I'm okay with live and let live (wasn't always!!) but if they make it into the house.... they will get vacuumed up or whacked with a shoe or slipper or something. DH thought we had a black widow living in the garage, I looked at it too, it was upside down so we could see it's belly. Weren't entirely sure but a few days later he said he had given it a shot of raid. I was okay with that, although it turns out, upon closer examination, it may not have been a black widow. Oh well, it was technically inside......
    Allie, good luck with the condo. Your landlord sounds like a bit of a jacka$$. Isn't it his responsibility for things to be up to code in a rental unit?
    Need to get up and get the dishwasher emptied, get the kitchen tidied and mix some cookie dough. I am having friends over Monday afternoon and since I work all weekend and have an exercise class Monday morning, I thought I would mix them today and then bake them when I get home from the class. Can't get much fresher than that! They are a refrigerator cookie, so putting the dough in the fridge for a few days is perfect!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited January 2018
    exermom wrote: »
    M - good luck in your course. I'm sure we won't be seeing much of you during that time. But that's OK, we'll know that you are fine. Good luck on your run, too. I know this sounds hokey, but what about a PJ&J sandwich. That doesn't involve refrigeration. Can you get those packages of tuna or sardines? I'm thinking of things that I keep at the condo since our refrigeration is very limited. The small packages of cereal. Then can you get the small cartons of milk? They don't require refrigeration. You can take cereal, the milk, and a piece of fruit with you. I keep jerky available. OK -- another thing that sounds really dumb, what about those individual servings of baby food (I usually get the carrots and the dish of green beans -- foods babies can pick up)? Will they work? I know there are baby food meals (Gerber graduates here) but I don't know if they require a microwave or not. I would think so.

    I've got John West tuna and crackers, and also the crackers and cheese packets. I picked up a box of 5 granola protein bars ... I've used those ones before (couple years ago) while cycling and didn't mind them. They are 200 calories each, so they'd better be filling! If I like them, I'll get another box. I'll also bring a banana each day and maybe some other fruit.

    I know I can buy toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches there, which I might do on one or two days. But I'd rather not do that too often. And I might just make and bring my own cheese and tomato sandwich.

    I have access to boiling water ... so I could also bring noodle soup, but that's pretty high in calories too. But of course I'll bring my tea.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Regarding spiders ... I'm fine with them everywhere but on me. I've mentioned my hair before ... I have this thing about spiders and flying insects getting stuck in it.

    And while I can capture and relocate a spider, large flying insects have me hiding under the table!!

    Machka in Oz
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Well I finally logged in from my lap top where reading and responding is easier than on my phone, and 313 posts and 2 .5 hours later, I realized I have read this more like a novel and taken almost no notes… I’m thinking of you all, cheering and hugs are flying around the world from GodMomKim in CA… all take care!

    I’ll write more tomorrow, I really need to sleep! I just was amazed at a few of you with very limited sleep time; I’m an 8 hour gal! I can do 7, but 8 means I am a organized, nice person… I do not like myself on less than 7 hours.

    Karen in San Jose, CA – welcome, I’m just up the road

    Lanette – The Good Earth ---- wow I had not thought of that in years! I need to re-read it.

    Wendy – are you comfortable microwaving water? (I know some folks who are not) but if you are maybe you could find some items that you could just add hot water too that would work for lunch…


    Kim from N. California
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Kim, no I don't own a microwave at home and I don't use the one at work. Microwaved water kills plants so it can't be good for the human body. Women are made up 55% of water! And I am sure the waves that leak from them are really bad for you. Allie, don't use yours with cracks in it! That's even worse.

    But I can use the electric kettle at work to boil water, so I can take soup or noodles, though I try to avoid noodles. I do LIKE noodles especially with cheese on them, but they make me heavy. I also love crackers but also think they are fattening. Mainly because I can't just eat a few... I will probably just take mixed nuts, sunflower seeds and fruit. If I get organized I will boil some eggs and bake some potatoes to take and mix into a green salad. That is my ideal lunch: salad with egg and potato. If I am cold I like Soup and Toast. I love toasted sandwhiches but I think bread is fattening so I try to resist. When I eat bread or rice or pasta, I think my body must hang on to water and my weight just goes up on the scales. My food diary and daily weighing has proved this to be true for me. I know nuts and seeds can be fattening but I can't actually eat lots and lots as my full button gets switched on after a bit.

    This year my goal is to hit my preferred weight and maintain it, rather than yo yo all year long, as has been my pattern! The amount of exercise I do makes little difference to me. I know it's my diet I must address and change habits. So changing my eating out lunch pattern is one place to start. What changes are you'all thinking of making this year?

    <3 Wendy
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Kim, no I don't own a microwave at home and I don't use the one at work. Microwaved water kills plants so it can't be good for the human body.

    Apparently that's not true ... as long as you let the water cool before you pour it on the plants. :)

    But a cracked or broken microwave is dangerous.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Machka, no matter what statement anyone makes, it will be immediately contradicted. Fasting is good for you. Fasting is bad for you. Meat is good for you. Meat is bad for you. DATA is overwhelming. LOL. We all must make decisions about what we believe to be true, and what makes logical sense to our own self. Nuking the enzymes, cells and molecules of my food and water in a microwave doesn't make it past my Truth Sensor as being okay. But everyone will believe what they choose to and that is okay with me too. LOL


    I am HAPPY right now as my insurance has just confirmed they will replace my stolen phone. YAYE!

    <3 Wendy

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    I am HAPPY right now as my insurance has just confirmed they will replace my stolen phone. YAYE!

    <3 Wendy


  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    First thing I did when I got home was to vacuum the whole area. I sucked up 2 or 3 more spiders I hadn't relocated last night. They looked like teenagers. I also got 2 or 3 more babies. Hopefully that's all of them. There was A LOT of cobweb and that's all gone now. :)

    M in Oz

    I admit to being kind to spiders, always taking the relocation option when possible. But I hope to never become so familiar with them that I can identify them as babies, teenagers and adults!

    That is something I find amazing. :smiley:
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, all...

    Do love working for a company where I work 4 days on/3 days off. Every 3-day weekend feels like, well, a 3-day weekend! LOL... We had planned to take the little one with us and go walk through a house we found south of us... but also just found out it's been flooded before, which I find a little unnerving. It's a great price, but now, of course, we know why. Still thinking about it.

    Won't go anyway, as both kids are now going to be home. School's canceled once again this morning, don't even know why. The base is on a late opening though, so our daughter will take care of the kids' breakfast, etc., and my hubby can sleep in. I did already, didn't get up until 5:15! :)

    Got some writing to do... and once the hubby gets up, will find a video on Amazon Prime and work out. My monitor is only ten feet away from the bed, and while he can sleep through me typing, pretty sure he can't sleep through an exercise video!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC, staying warm (13 degrees F out)