January 2018 Running Challenge



  • DauntlessDiva
    DauntlessDiva Posts: 28 Member
    YTD Stats:
    4,972’ gain
    31 miles

    Jan 11:
    0.5mi 0ft/gain

    Jan 10:
    1.5mi 0ft/gain
  • LaurenFOB2301
    LaurenFOB2301 Posts: 84 Member
    kevaasen wrote: »
    1/1 - Rest
    1/2 - 2 miles
    1/3 - Boxing
    1/4 - 2.5 miles
    1/6 - 2.4 miles
    1/7 - 2 miles + 30-minute boxing session
    1/8 - 5 miles
    1/9 - Rest
    1/10 - 3.1 miles
    1/11 - 2 miles

    19 miles / 50-mile goal

    Quick update. I had a really rough day mentally Wednesday. Temperatures were a little warmer, so I decided to run around my neighborhood with goal of running 5 miles (this is still a lot for me). Instead, I ran a little over 3 miles and came home. Temps were in the high 30s with an unexpected constant cold drizzle. I think I overdressed. I had my Columbia Titanium rain jacket as my top layer -- and that sucker is super insulated and heavy (at least for running)! Lesson learned. I don't have other rain jackets, so that's what I had to go with. I need to find a lighter rain jacket for days like that one.

    It's frustrating -- I was happy, mentally prepared and motivated during Wednesday's run but I think my legs were still exhausted from the 5 miles I ran Monday. After I came home, I felt discouraged.

    My first 5k race in over 2 years is next weekend -- and I think the nerves are getting to me. I set this arbitrary goal of beating 33 minutes because I had been averaging 10:30-11 minute miles over the last couple of weeks. Not sure I'll hit that goal this time. I've only beat that time once before (~32:46) but it was tough and on a treadmill in a controlled climate -- not outside in this weather. lol.

    Don't beat yourself up too much. We all have good and bad days. Some of those days we can't control because of various factors (weather, work, life, home, whatever, etc). Re the race, in my view - don't worry about the time - just focus on doing the best you can. Note- You have been training, so you know you can do the distance and we don't know if it will be a sub-zero weather day, poor road conditions, lack of sleep, etc...So to some degree we can't control the good/bad element. All that said, if you go out and do everything you can to push through the mental/physical barriers as best you can that day (i.e. run as comfortably hard as you can the entire time and faster if feasible at the end) the time will take care of itself. The race will be still rewarding for many reasons besides the time result and since you have other races later in the year, you can continue to train and face those challenges one day at a time.

    @kevaasen @PastorVincent thanks to you both for the words of encouragement! :)
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Wow, what a ...umm... KITTEN this guy is:

    This Ultra Runner Won His Races by Hiding in a Port-A-Potty

    The whole idea that people actually cheat at marathons/ultras is fascinating to me. (I may or may not have binge-read all of Derek's posts at marathoninvestigation.com when I first discovered it about a year ago.) I just don't get what having that medal would do for you, other than remembering how you cheated, every single time you look at the thing.
  • power0304
    power0304 Posts: 293 Member
    edited January 2018
    January 1 - 7 km run / strength training
    January 2 - rest day
    January 3 - 18 km run / 10 km stairmarster
    January 4 - 10 km run
    January 5 - 16 km run / strength training
    January 6 - 16 km run
    January 7 - 5 km club run / stairmarster
    January 8 - rest day
    January 9 - 8 km run/strength training
    January 10 - 14 km run

    90 km - goal 350 km.

    Haven't been able to run properly the last couple of runs. Pain back of leg and lower calf. Thought I strained a hamstring as runs getting progressively slower and in pain at the end. Went to a physio yesterday and the cause of my problem is my lower back. Very tight, poor flexibility and tight hip flexors. Good to know it can be soughted out eventually once the pain in my legs subsided with some gentle stretching.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Wow, what a ...umm... KITTEN this guy is:

    This Ultra Runner Won His Races by Hiding in a Port-A-Potty

    The whole idea that people actually cheat at marathons/ultras is fascinating to me. (I may or may not have binge-read all of Derek's posts at marathoninvestigation.com when I first discovered it about a year ago.) I just don't get what having that medal would do for you, other than remembering how you cheated, every single time you look at the thing.

    There is big money in sponsorships, and cash prizes at the bigger races. That is probably what it is ultimately about.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited January 2018
    So... glad I got in my run yesterday, since I'm awake tonight listening to my entire world get encased in ice. I wish I could properly enjoy a good freezing rain, but living in Memphis has traumatized me... none of our power lines are buried, and after the last two ice storms, we ended up living in a hotel for three weeks while the city eventually got around to getting our power back on. I'm just really really praying the power lines stay intact this time, I don't have money set aside to deal with a disaster.

    Interesting thing about becoming a runner, though... in the past I've been completely trapped by winter precipitation (Memphis has no snow plows, and very limited salt crews, so streets become unsafe instantly) but I just noticed on Google Earth that my gym, grocery, a Starbucks, and a dozen restaurants are 1.2 miles away. I know I can walk that in all but the most adverse conditions and I'm pretty sure in my trail shoes I could run it if the ice isn't too bad, even on what's supposed to be a rest day. Now, there's a question as to whether anything would be open when I got there, since employees tend to ditch work at the first sign of ice here, but I could get there.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Wow, what a ...umm... KITTEN this guy is:

    This Ultra Runner Won His Races by Hiding in a Port-A-Potty

    The whole idea that people actually cheat at marathons/ultras is fascinating to me. (I may or may not have binge-read all of Derek's posts at marathoninvestigation.com when I first discovered it about a year ago.) I just don't get what having that medal would do for you, other than remembering how you cheated, every single time you look at the thing.

    Me too. I'm an average runner and if the conditions are right, I can sometimes place in my age-group in local races. But the thought of cutting a corner to ensure a win, is just weird to me.

    And I went on a binge-fest reading everything I could find about Kip Litton.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST
    1/2- 8.1
    1/3- 6.4
    1/4- REST
    1/5- 4.8
    1/6- 8.1
    1/7- 5.4
    1/8- REST
    1/9- 8.5
    1/10- 6.7
    10/11- REST
    10/12- 9.3

    Total: 57.3

    Today's notes: Today's assignment was 3x2Mile cruise intervals at 7:30 pace (15:min) with 3min recovery. When I got up it was -17, so I knew that conditions were not going to be optimal for a fast workout but, oh well, got to get it done. Ran my 20 minute Warm Up, getting about 2.1 miles. Then the fun began.

    Interval 1: This one felt OK, the roads were kind of slick, but the snow wasn't too bad. ended up clocking 14:57 for the interval. Felt pretty good about that.

    Interval 2: Started feeling the cold and conditions a bit on this one, I knew it was going to be slow, but with Interval one coming in under time, I felt OK. As I finished this interval and began recovery, the blow came by. Great! I though, that would clear the road so I can go fast on my last interval,

    Interval 3: Nope, the plow didn't help. All it did was expose the ice under the snow. It was actually worse. Interval time: 15:13.... grumble..... stupid 13 seconds off... grumble, grumble, grumble....

    Cut my cool down short by about 2 and a half minutes. Temp had dropped to -20 (found that out when I got inside) and my left hand was to the hurting phase of getting cold, so I figured heading in was the better option.

    Have a Runderful day!

    2018 races and possibilities
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50 (coach brought up this one)
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST
    1/2- 8.1
    1/3- 6.4
    1/4- REST
    1/5- 4.8
    1/6- 8.1
    1/7- 5.4
    1/8- REST
    1/9- 8.5
    1/10- 6.7
    10/11- REST
    10/12- 9.3

    Total: 57.3

    Today's notes: Today's assignment was 3x2Mile cruise intervals at 7:30 pace (15:min) with 3min recovery. When I got up it was -17, so I knew that conditions were not going to be optimal for a fast workout but, oh well, got to get it done. Ran my 20 minute Warm Up, getting about 2.1 miles. Then the fun began.

    Interval 1: This one felt OK, the roads were kind of slick, but the snow wasn't too bad. ended up clocking 14:57 for the interval. Felt pretty good about that.

    Interval 2: Started feeling the cold and conditions a bit on this one, I knew it was going to be slow, but with Interval one coming in under time, I felt OK. As I finished this interval and began recovery, the blow came by. Great! I though, that would clear the road so I can go fast on my last interval,

    Interval 3: Nope, the plow didn't help. All it did was expose the ice under the snow. It was actually worse. Interval time: 15:13.... grumble..... stupid 13 seconds off... grumble, grumble, grumble....

    Cut my cool down short by about 2 and a half minutes. Temp had dropped to -20 (found that out when I got inside) and my left hand was to the hurting phase of getting cold, so I figured heading in was the better option.

    Have a Runderful day!

    2018 races and possibilities
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50 (coach brought up this one)
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)

    I've never used a coach so maybe that's the difference, but is 13 seconds off for a 15 minute interval really that big of a deal? In my mind, that's close enough.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST
    1/2- 8.1
    1/3- 6.4
    1/4- REST
    1/5- 4.8
    1/6- 8.1
    1/7- 5.4
    1/8- REST
    1/9- 8.5
    1/10- 6.7
    10/11- REST
    10/12- 9.3

    Total: 57.3

    Today's notes: Today's assignment was 3x2Mile cruise intervals at 7:30 pace (15:min) with 3min recovery. When I got up it was -17, so I knew that conditions were not going to be optimal for a fast workout but, oh well, got to get it done. Ran my 20 minute Warm Up, getting about 2.1 miles. Then the fun began.

    Interval 1: This one felt OK, the roads were kind of slick, but the snow wasn't too bad. ended up clocking 14:57 for the interval. Felt pretty good about that.

    Interval 2: Started feeling the cold and conditions a bit on this one, I knew it was going to be slow, but with Interval one coming in under time, I felt OK. As I finished this interval and began recovery, the blow came by. Great! I though, that would clear the road so I can go fast on my last interval,

    Interval 3: Nope, the plow didn't help. All it did was expose the ice under the snow. It was actually worse. Interval time: 15:13.... grumble..... stupid 13 seconds off... grumble, grumble, grumble....

    Cut my cool down short by about 2 and a half minutes. Temp had dropped to -20 (found that out when I got inside) and my left hand was to the hurting phase of getting cold, so I figured heading in was the better option.

    Have a Runderful day!

    2018 races and possibilities
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50 (coach brought up this one)
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)

    I've never used a coach so maybe that's the difference, but is 13 seconds off for a 15 minute interval really that big of a deal? In my mind, that's close enough.

    It's my OCD tendencies, nothing more. When I was 30sec off on 1 mile repeats, he said it was "close enough" LOL
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - 4 treadmill miles on a way too cold day.
    1/2 - Two flat tires doomed my chances of getting to the Y / gym.
    1/3 - 4 more 'mill miles.
    1/4 - 5.1 treadmill miles at Trek Class, then upper body weights.
    1/5 - Unplanned rest day.
    1/6 - 4 treadmill miles, then upper body weights.
    1/7 - Another 4 on the 'mill. Finally could have run outside, but my son asks me to take him to the gym :neutral:
    1/8 - Nothing yet, but planning an odd (for me) evening run.
    1/8 - 4.8 miles. First outdoor run in a while. Almost got hit by cars twice...people are stupid.
    1/9 - Rest day.
    1/10 - 5 miles outside...woot!
    1/11 - Snow day (really?!?). Stayed home with kids, snuck to Y in late afternoon for 4 treadmill miles and some weights.
    1/12 - Really sore in the low back, hips and knees. Gonna wait and see.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 - 4 miles
    1/2 - 5 miles
    1/3 - 5 miles
    1/4 - rest day
    1/5 - 6 miles
    1/6 - Skip's indoor track and field meet
    1/7 - 6 miles
    1/8 - 0 had long work day
    1/9 - 7 miles
    1/10 - 6 miles
    1/11 - 6 miles
    1/12 - 0 rest day

    45 of 110 miles

    A great 60F this morning but I knew my legs needed a day off so I took a rest day. ☹️.

    Welcome to Alabama where it's 60 degrees we are under a winter weather advisory and our schools are closed. Ha ha. The temperature is supposed to really drop and maybe some rain or ice or snow later so no school.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Wow, what a ...umm... KITTEN this guy is:

    This Ultra Runner Won His Races by Hiding in a Port-A-Potty

    The whole idea that people actually cheat at marathons/ultras is fascinating to me. (I may or may not have binge-read all of Derek's posts at marathoninvestigation.com when I first discovered it about a year ago.) I just don't get what having that medal would do for you, other than remembering how you cheated, every single time you look at the thing.

    There's this one race that I think, I could just cut over and be done sooner but would never actually do it. It's just this one spot where it's near the end of the 15k (like mile 7 and 8) and you take this long, straight stretch and you know at some point you turn around but it seems further and further away as you run toward it. And there's nothing to look at as it's not yet developed there but there's no scenery. It's awful and I always just want to run across the median and head back.

    I could never actually do it though. I'd rather have a DNF over a I know I cheated medal/time.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Wow, what a ...umm... KITTEN this guy is:

    This Ultra Runner Won His Races by Hiding in a Port-A-Potty

    The whole idea that people actually cheat at marathons/ultras is fascinating to me. (I may or may not have binge-read all of Derek's posts at marathoninvestigation.com when I first discovered it about a year ago.) I just don't get what having that medal would do for you, other than remembering how you cheated, every single time you look at the thing.

    There's this one race that I think, I could just cut over and be done sooner but would never actually do it. It's just this one spot where it's near the end of the 15k (like mile 7 and 8) and you take this long, straight stretch and you know at some point you turn around but it seems further and further away as you run toward it. And there's nothing to look at as it's not yet developed there but there's no scenery. It's awful and I always just want to run across the median and head back.

    I could never actually do it though. I'd rather have a DNF over a I know I cheated medal/time.

    The Tufts Women's 10k in Boston has a stretch like this, and I've seen people cut across the median. Admittedly they're so far back they don't stand a chance of winning anything, but I still think it's bizarre.

    Confession time: I ran a 5k last year and accidentally cut off a tiny corner. In my defence, so did the entire field as the person directing us wasn't too sure where we should be going.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1/1-4 miles New Years run
    1/2-4.1 miles dreadmill intervals+ "Functional Training with Stella"
    1/3-4.4 miles+ stretching/PT
    1/4-3.7 miles trail running
    1/5-Rest day
    1/6-7 miles
    1/7-9 miles total (6 @tempo pace)
    1/8- Rest day-"Functional Training with Stella"
    1/9-4.2 miles dreadmill intervals 8 X 400m @5k pace+ P90X3 Dynamix
    1/10-6 miles
    1/11-5.6 miles (includes 2.4 miles with Stella)
    1/12-30 minutes strength training + 10 min stationary bike

    Today is a rest day from running. We were originally planning to drive to Pittsburgh after work, so I scheduled an early appointment with my trainer today. It was my first session in close to a month and she did not take it easy on me. It was mostly low weight and high rep stuff. Coupled with the warm up on the stationary bike, I feel like it was more of a cardio cross training day.

    The crazy winter storm that has been traveling across the midwest is due to arrive today, so we postponed our travel plans to Pittsburgh until tomorrow. My training plan has an eight mile tempo run on tap for tomorrow, which I would normally plan to do with the group, as well as a 10 mile run on Sunday. Given the weather forecast of 3-5 inches of snow over night, our plan to hopefully leave for Pittsburgh early tomorrow, and the fact that there will also be abundant snow on the ground when we get there, I have no idea how any of this is going to play out. I guess I will play it by ear, but I am afraid that I will be doing some treadmill running somewhere in there. Maybe those of you that live in Minnesota year round (wink, wink) can pull off a tempo run in 3-5 inches of fresh snow, but I am not about to break an ankle trying.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    The crazy winter storm that has been traveling across the midwest is due to arrive today, so we postponed our travel plans to Pittsburgh until tomorrow. My training plan has an eight mile tempo run on tap for tomorrow, which I would normally plan to do with the group, as well as a 10 mile run on Sunday. Given the weather forecast of 3-5 inches of snow over night, our plan to hopefully leave for Pittsburgh early tomorrow, and the fact that there will also be abundant snow on the ground when we get there, I have no idea how any of this is going to play out. I guess I will play it by ear, but I am afraid that I will be doing some treadmill running somewhere in there. Maybe those of you that live in Minnesota year round (wink, wink) can pull off a tempo run in 3-5 inches of fresh snow, but I am not about to break an ankle trying.

    Yeah, I am here in Pittsburg, trying to figure out how to juggle work and running to get one more run in before the storm hits. The "warning" starts at 4pm, and runs all night. Normally I would just be getting started with my run by then. Might have to try and brave the locker room in the gym at lunchtime. In January. Ugh.