
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Rye - You certainly look like you could be a trainer. I would say that is a NSV

    Allie - Hate those days/nights when the mind won't shut off. Looks like you have a lot of good suggestions to help deal with this.

    Lanette - It seems that your DH has a very good doctor for him. I hope the doctor was able to ease your DH's mind.

    Thanks all for the compliments for my daughter on the cake. Since posting the photo of the cake some of my nieces and nephews have contacted me with memories of the cakes I made for them. I didn't think they would remember so long ago.
    We think Harmony is quite cute but we could be a little biased.

    I am having a hard time staying awake. I am not sleeping long periods at a time. I sit down, fall asleep for 5 minutes , wake up. Not being able to stay awake nor stay asleep is very exhausting.

    Trying to get our Christmas party sorted out. I'm not supposed to be a member of the Social Committee just a mentor. It seems we have to do this before the end of the month. The woman who was supposed to book the Escape rooms didn't get on it and now it seems that they can't accommodate all of us at one time. I do have a date to try to work some magic with a restaurant. Not sure how I got roped in for this.

    Everyone is bored at work these days. Customer traffic is always slow in January and you can only clean for so long at a time. I am writing up some SOPs for the stuff I do. It takes a while to go through it step by step. More steps than I thought and then type it up so that others can follow it easily.

    Made a recipe in the slowcooker with perogies, cabbage and sausage. 4 hrs was not enough on low. I will just have to adjust it next time.

    Keira called me this afternoon because she got to build a snow man with her Mom. You would think with all the snow we had this would have happened before but sometimes it is just too cold to build one. Today was perfect although Jheri said the Chinook was giving her a headache.

    Maybe tomorrow I will be more awake.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge listening to the Chinook
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    I joined the not sleeping brigade last night, awake for three hours in the middle of the night. It's because of the viewing tomorrow. I'm partly annoyed at DH for not negotiating a more convenient time. Even half an hour later would have made a big difference. But it is what it is.
    Plus our yoga was quite tough yesterday and my thigh muscles are sore. Even today's exercises haven't ironed them out. But I still did it, even though I felt knackered. :) I might walk to the pub for lunch for my bonus exercise.
    I have lost around half a pound this week, but I may have some water retention. So a pound and a half since the New Year.

    We are negotiating our spring York trip with the girls. Hard to find a date to suit everyone. I really don't want to give up a yoga session, but may have to. I will talk to my friend at lunch time about it.

    Heather, feeling a bit unsettled in the UK. XXXXXXXX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited January 2018
    Baribie and Machka thanks for sleep ideas. I try to drink tart cherry juice every night too. It is tart so I know it not for everyone. It is also a bit pricey. Still it is cheaper than a sleeping pill. It is supposed to raise serotonin levels naturally and give you better REM sleep.

    Allie glad to hear you slept well. Sounds like brother needs a chill pill. He is being a pill. You have enough on your plate without adding him.

    Heather hope it goes well for you today. Pleasant dreams tonight!

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi ladies,

    Katla, you reminded me I need to repaint my toes. I think there is only my big toes that still has paint on them. My daughter is a little down as her boyfriend broke up with her again. He just stopped answering her texts. He is a fifty year old man and she is 34. He should know better than to break up that way. They have broken up about 3 times over 4 years. I told her I hoped she learned her lesson and that this is the end. She also quit her job Monday as they don’t treat their employees very well and she had enough. I’m glad. She is living with us while she goes to school so that’s ok and her dad said he would help if she did decide to quit. So, it hasn’t been the best week for her and it’s only Wednesday. Maybe I’ll ask if she wants to get a pedicure with me. Might lift her spirits.

    Machka, we have a river that is within walking distance from work and I love to go there and sit and have lunch. So peaceful. Of course that’s only in the summer. Love the drawing about sweet exhaustion. That fits you to a “T”. I’m sure you will ace your project.

    Pip, I can see the family resemblance. Great picture. Wish I was close to my sister.

    Suebdew, I’d take the books to a senior center or nursing home. The hospital may like them too.

    Kim, hope it works out with the new housemate.

    Wendy, I love your saying about books. I collect magnets with sayings about books and have them on my refrigerator . Some of the saying are
    >If you have a book, you never go to bed alone.
    >A room without books is like a body without a soul.
    >I will work for books.
    >Turn off the tv and read a book! It’s called thinking outside the box.
    >Reading is sexy.

    Joyce, I’d call your dr. You shouldn’t have that pain. Maybe your dose isn’t strong enough or you need something else.

    Pam, sounds like the decluttering is going well. My DH also loses better if he cuts out bread. He’s down another pound. I’m so glad he is staring to lose again. His weight is all in his stomach and that increases the chance of a heart attach according to his dr.

    Sharon, as beautiful as your cakes are, I’m not surprised that people remember them. Are you on any medications that could be making you drowsy? I would be worried if you drive.

    Heather, congrats on the pound and a half. Great start to the new year! Good luck with the showing. I’m sure your place looks great. We are always critical of our house and how it looks. Most times it’s in our head.

    Allie, sorry to say but your brother is an *kitten*. Just keep doing what you are doing as you are angle to your father.

    Lisa, sounds like you’re on a role with logging and staying within calories. You go girl!

    Kate, my DH also has problems with wax build up. Thankfully it is an easy process to clean it out.

    Margaret, tart cherry juice is good for any inflammation but didn’t’ know it was good for sleep. Will have to tell DH that.

    Well the weather is 23 (-5c) so not too bad. Expecting snow storm but not sure when. Finally told my co-worker about losing weight. She had shared with me that she was going through a divorce so I shared my “secret” about trying to lose weight. She said she was sorry she hadn’t noticed as she was so focused on what she was going through. I told her I had kept it a secret as I didn’t want people telling me how to eat or exercise. I think she got it. Well better get back to work. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Terry in VT

    Thx, I don’t c the resemblance but oh well. I hated her (and told her when I was in my 30’s). We’ve come to an understanding. After our sister died we have gotten closer. But I was definitely not close to her most of my life
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Off to bone density test and yearly mamo. It is cold here for the first time. Boy I was spoiled!!! (26 degrees at 8 am)
    At least I have clothes and know how to deal with it being from CT.

    RV Rita brrrrrrrrr
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited January 2018
    Terry (((daughter))) a loss of a boyfriend and a job so close together is tough. Glad she has you and school to see her way forward.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Made red lentil soup, bone broth and yogurt in my IP over the past few days, so tasty, fast, economical and low-calorie WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN!! :p

    I've got the decluttering bug today, could it be from reading all of your posts? ;) Make me feel lighter packing away clothes and other items to go to Good Will Industries. DD loves to shop there--found terrific pair of boots for $7, and a blazer for $4!

    I'm happy to be home due to the stormy weather, just can't deal with driving in ice. Afternoon should have improved roads so I will probably go to the gym but only if everything is clear.

    Have a great day everyone. NYKAREN