

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have a pretty boring breakfast routine, I get up and get in my walk then have my diet pepsi and yogurt. I do this every day. For lunch during the week I have a big salad with turkey lunch meat (I know, sodium, but it works for me). I prep the veggies and turkey on Monday when I'm not working so all I do the rest of the week is toss it in my bowl and eat it at my desk while I work. I also have apple slices for a sweet hit (which unfortunately are still replaced with unsweetened apple sauce while I wait for my jaw to be "well"). I eat a small banana every day to help ward off leg cramps (the sodium in the turkey helps me with that too). Sometimes I have peanut butter with it, sometimes plain. Dinner is a protein and veggies. Whatever I want to make or use out of the freezer if I'm cleaning it out. My hubs will grill me up a big batch of chicken breast that I freeze in portions. He also smokes a bunch of chicken breasts that I pull off the bone and freeze the same way. I generally have smoked and/or grilled shrimp in there too. Weekends tend to be a sensible lunch out with the hub and then a salad at home for dinner. I drink water all day, sometimes flavored with some unsweet tea.

    I am lucky enough to work part time from home. Currently I only work two days a week (cut from three last year, my choice). I enjoy having something to challenge me and a way to earn money to buy frivolous things I don't need but like. I could buy them anyway, my hubs wouldn't care, but I feel better if I am contributing at least something to the equation.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    LANETTE I missed episode3 of Broken Brain a lot of comments on Ep 4 complaining that people missed it because of time differences around the world. I looked on YouTube but couldn't find it. Most annoying, it is very interesting and looking forward to last episodes which will give practical advice

    Kate UK <3

    - drat. I see they've taken episode 3 down. :( Try this for episode 4: https://brokenbrain.com/04b-adhd-mf/. Looks like it's only up for another 8 hours or so over here in the US. This one is also Youtube and closed-captioned. It's about 2 hours long.

    Just finished watching Episode 4 really interesting

    Kate UK

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    • Finally got Christmas taken down and packed away.
      in the land of psycho weather - 17 degrees on Tuesday, 68 degrees today.

    I hear you on the psycho weather, us too! And, I’m working, slowly, on the Xmas tree, myself.

    I so envy your sewing abilities, Marcelyn, I think it is such a nifty thing to be able to do!
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    My tart cherry juice arrived today. I took my first dose immediately. :D Thought it was delicious! I will be drinking my "dose" night and morning and probably having it with sparkling water in between. I love sharp flavours, so it's perfect for me.

    Kate UK - Didn't see your post until Machka reposted it. Yes, it is nice to have some UK folks. I would love it if you and the others posted more often. <3 I do love the way this thread has introduced me to the ways of the US in particular. I feel I have gained a real insight into the country, from the inside. I have been on here over 5 years, so feel very at home. I am hugely curious about the way different people think and I find it endlessly fascinating. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I agree with Heather. I love reading all the posts from US, Australia & New Zealand. It's so interesting to hear about the different customs and daily lives. I live in a small town in South Wales, UK (it used to be a village in my childhood, but has grown over the years), and have never lived anywhere else. All of my immediate family and friends live very near to me so I'm very fortunate.
    I have been using MFP for nearly four years now and had lost 30 lbs, but, have gained half of it back!! I'm trying to get back on track but not doing very well at the moment. I am taking note of all of your wise advice and comments and hope that this will soon change. My middle daughter is getting remarried in July 2019 in Cyprus so it would be great if I could lose the regained 15lbs by then. I think that 18 months is a good timeframe for me. I'm not in too much of a hurry and know it will take a while. I'm 155 lbs at the moment and would like to get back to 140.
    It's been raining all day here.
    Take care all
    Karen UK
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Oh, Allie, so very, very sorry to hear your sad news. X
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Apologies for my mundane post then, I was writing it as Allie must have been sending her sad news.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Allie - so very sorry. Hugs and prayers for you and your family!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
    Just letting you all know my dad passed away this morning.

    Allie - so sorry. Hugs to you and your family <3:'(<3

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allie ~ Please know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Allie - So very sorry. That was unexpected at this point, I believe. :o Sending big, BIG hugs to you and your family. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 . You have been such a good daughter.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Beth: We have a slow cooker, a conventional pressure cooker, and an Instant Pot. We also have both stainless steel and cast iron cookware. The cast Iron is my favorite for frying, or stews. The Instant Pot is also good for stews, bone broth, and chili. DH is the one who wanted an Instant Pot. Our neighbors got theirs first and I got to see it in action. The husband in that family is also a big fan. A few years ago we made big pot of chili in our slow cooker and left it to simmer while we went boating with our DDIL, DS and his best friend's family. All of us got sick as dogs. Food poisoning is not something we ever want to experience again. We replaced the faulty slow cooker with another, but haven't been slow cooker fans since poisoning ourselves with the old one. :noway: The worst cookware we ever had was teflon coated. Nasty stuff when the teflon started peeling. Ugh.:grumble:

    Debbie from Boston: Welcome! :smiley:

    Machka: I wash my garden blueberries and pat them dry, then freeze them on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Once they're frozen, I put them into zip lock bags and keep them in the freezer. My plants get organic fertilizer and no spray. We haven't had a bug problem. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I have the broken brain episode cued up to watch when I finish here. Thanks!!! :heart:

    (((Allie))) I am so sorry for your loss. Your dad will still be with you in your heart and your memories. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    We're working on packing today for the trip that begins next week. We're a bit worried about food and DD's house, but we'll take care of ourselves and our daughter will be a huge help. When I visited there last year, DD cooked the best meal while we were there, and she'd just given birth. Her MIL doesn't cook. Friends dropped off food sometimes and there was a lot of junk food available all the time.

    Favorite Breakfast: 1/2 C low fat cottage cheese with blueberries on top and loads of coffee sweetened with stevia drops. I still have plenty of frozen blueberries from my own bushes. I'll buy organic frozen blueberries if/when I run out of my own.

    Professional life: I worked for the Unemployment office as a claims taker and adjuster right out of college because there were no teaching jobs available. I learned a lot in that job! Later on when my kids were in school I volunteered at the school and they eventually hired me as a teacher. I taught all elementary grades except kindergarten over the years and ended my career as an 8th grade social studies teacher of US history from the beginning of time through the civil war, plus government, and economics.

    Volunteer experience: I was a City Councilor for many years in the town where we raised our kids. This position "paid" $20 toward our monthly water bill. I am currently a member of our town's planning commission. We meet monthly.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2018
    Allie, sorry you have lost your dad. You can be assured in the fact that you were there for him and doing all you could to make his last days easier. You have set a good example of living in a way that you will have no regrets later. So glad you have little Alfie to ease your sorrow. We all need a hugging friend!

    Well, after five days of semi-fasting (consuming less than 500 cals a day) I have made it into the 120's, my Happy Place. Now I just have to stay here! That seems to be the impossible part for me. But I am going to try to implement mini-habits around my diet. I don't need to worry about the exercise part as that is easy and natural for me, built into my lifestyle. But because of my constant activities, I burn a lot of calories and I need a lot of calories to fuel my movement. I am going overboard though and over fueling so that is what I must figure out. Fuel but not too much! I will be putting my focus on filling up on healthy fuels that will actually give my body all the nutrients it needs instead of just hitting my sweet tooth so often.

    Lanette, if you want to get the benefits of HIIT fast, I can recommend swinging the kettlebell if you can. I find that I am panting after 15 or 20 swings of my 8kg bell just as if I'd been running sprints. Heart beating fast! I can do this inside no matter what the weather and the bell can be easily put behind my reading chair when I am done with my workout. I also do squats with it and lift it up over my head and I feel like I get a good workout in very quickly. No need to drive to the gym or get dressed up.

    Supposed to be meeting my best friend, who is a herbalist with her own laboratory and business "Hira Laboratories" for a garden ramble and lunch...but it is pouring with rain this morning. We have been best friends for 30 years through thick and thin. So much in common...gardening, horses, health and Christianity. And tomorrow I am driving to my daughter's new home, after I finish my office work, to stay the night and celebrate her birthday with her. I bought her a pearl necklace and bracelet while I was in Vanuatu.

    What supplements do the brokenbrain people recommend? I take Ginkgo and Ginseng, Dong Quoi, Go Meno Free, St Johns Wort as my main ones, and if I have money (not lately!) I will add in other good herbs and minerals like magnesium and glucosamine. I also take herbs sprinkled on my food or just eat the seeds, like fennel and fenugreek and rosemary. And I am big on garlic and onions. Love my brocolli. And I eat seaweed and feed it to my horses. You all know I am sipping my turmeric mocha coconut drink while I'm speed typing this! For cold drinks I drink kombucha or make my own ginger, lemon, beetjuice and honey combo. I hope to be Youthing to my dying day. <3 Wendy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :'(<3Allie, so sorry for your loss.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just popped on while on a break between cooking/baking things and saw the most recent news:

    Allie- I am so sorry to hear the news of your dad's passing. My mind went immediately to the pictures you posted of your trip that you took for his school reunion. The smiles and memories you shared are so special. Sending much love and supportive hugs to you! <3

    Janet- SEnding hugs to you as you continue your grieving over your sister's passing. Hugs and peace to you and your family!