

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie yay for doing Leslie videos and not eating after 5!!! I only did 25 minutes on the bike, but that might have been a little much, as my leg hurts a little today. I'm not going to the gym tonight and if I do go tomorrow (not sure if I will), I'll only do 15 minutes. I don't need to make it take longer to heal! I was not using my water app because I did not do a good job drinking water. :( BUT...I vow to use it today.

    @TrishasTime too late! Already overdid it lol. That would have been a good idea (see above note).

    Hi all. I wish today was Friday, I need a weekend! lol I'm tired. I ate very well yesterday. I didn't drink enough water but I did drink more water than I have been lately. I'm just hoping that I overestimated the points in what I ate in Monday night's dinner. Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all,

    I didn't do great about not eating after 6, I came home from worship practice was hungry..:( I ate Kettle Korn, hoping that would be enough, but ended eating a cup of ice cream...UHG...well back at it today!!

    @trooworld glad to hear to are going to take the night sometimes in our lives is very much needed.

    @TrishasTime I used to belong to Curves, loved it. Hope you had a good night there!!

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Just taken the puppies for a walk - clocked up 5624 steps before work. Will take a 15 min walk at lunch - need to get away from my desk

    @trooworld - my weekend comes around quicker this week as tomorrow is a public holiday (Australia Day), my husband has to work though :( I have also taken Monday off from work so I get a 4 day break which is sorely needed. My work is pretty toxic at the moment

    @cbabie - Everyone does that as long as you are back to it again.

    Missing a few ladies here - hope they return soon. Have a great day
  • hayleyb25
    hayleyb25 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Sorry, had a busy few days in work so couldn't check in. I have moved into a new house just before Christmas, so this week I treated myself to a slow cooker, will be hunting for some delicious recipes!
    @cbabie hope your headaches improve! I tie a scarf around my eyes, the pressure and darkness seem to help a bit.
    @trooworld I think I missed a bit about your leg, maybe from before I joined, but I send good vibes your way for a quick recovery!
    @TrishasTime what dogs do you have?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie yes, today is a new day as they say! And yes, I'm very glad I took last night off...for many reasons!

    @TrishasTime that's a lot of steps to get in BEFORE work, wow! I'm sorry to hear your work is pretty toxic right now, but glad you get a respite from it. I hope you do something fun, I'm sorry that your hubby has to work. :(

    @hayleyb25 I love slow cookers! I actually just recently bought an Instant Pot, which also functions as a slow cooker and I love it too. :) My leg--- thanks. What happened was I tripped over a blanket on the floor and fell out onto my patio and skidded and scraped up my leg and hands, bruised up the leg so badly they thought I had a blood clot lol. But I'll be fine! :D

    Hi all! I'm excited to say that I lost 2.3 lbs this week bringing my total since 12/21/17 to 5.5 lbs! Not a lot for some people, but I treasure every pound lost. I had a very stressful day yesterday at work, I really really wanted to eat my was especially tempting when I stopped at the store to get some diet 7up, I wanted to get a bag of Doritos, but I did not. Then, when I got home, the husband said if I didn't feel like cooking, we could order delivery food. But I said no. NO! I'm so glad I did. I did it! I said no!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning All!!!

    Well I hit bottom again last night, didn't have time to eat before running out the door and when I got home, I was starving...ate a bowl of raisin bran and 1/2 bagel. However, it was NOT ice cream..LOL I am seeing my cycle that gets me into trouble, so working to correct the tide. :)

    @TrishasTime I agree, that is a lot of steps in the morning!, but good for you and the puppies. :) I am sorry to hear work is toxic. I lived in that environment for a long time...I could handle it until personal life was the same...that's when I started eating my blues the job is gone..and I am working on not eating for toxic. :)

    @hayleyb25 I love moving, it's a way to declutter...When I was a senior in high school, my mom and I counted how many houses I had lived in..32 and I was 13 soon to be 14. LOL I don't move that often anymore. You will enjoy your slow cooker. One of the things I am wanting to try is overnight oatmeal...just sounds like heaven waking up to that smell. :)

    @trooworld I am SO PROUD of you. You did it!!! My mom used to say, a 1/4 pound is a stick of butter.. I will take it!!! Congrats on the weight loss, it looks like the new WW is working for you!

    theslightedgeforever should be back soon..

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning all

    It is Australia Day - kinda like our 4th July. Fireworks going off etc around 8pm in the centre of the city and other spots around the suburbs. For me - it is a day away from work - yes!! This morning I am having morning tea as my GD turns 3 and my sisters birthday was last week.

    @cbabie - Abetter choice, I agree. Perhaps you could keep some healthy snacks in your bag that you could eat on the way out so you do not get so hungry?? You seem to be a very busy lady so I can understand that time simply runs away

    @Hayleyb25 - I used to have a slow cooker, but my husband absolutely detested it, so it went to my sister. I have an air fryer that I use now for time consuming things. I have 2 border collies


    @trooworld - Well done - any loss is good. Congratulate yourself - cause you did it, no one else! I agree with cbabie - the new WW thing seems to be working for you - so very well done
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie can you bring some snacks with you on the go? I'm glad to hear that theslightedgeforever will be back soon, I miss her!!!

    @TrishasTime do you have any special foods for Australia Day like for us for the 4th of July (hot dogs, hamburgers, etc)? I hope you enjoyed your tea, that sounds relaxing. Your doggies are so cute!!! Were they waiting for a snack in this picture? Thanks, yes, the new WW is working for me, I love it! :D

    Hello all. The migraine I had for the past two days seems to be at least temporarily gone...I called my doctor and he prescribed me some medication to take on top of what I already take for migraines. It didn't help last night, but it must have knocked it out in the middle of the night. It does feel a bit like it could come back. :( But at least it is FRIDAY!!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Afternoon all!

    @TrishasTime I love the picture of your dogs, what cuties they are. Yes I usually have a protein bar or some nuts with Youngliving Wolfberries in them. But I did not. ugh.... So I will just tell the emergency that comes up they have to wait...LOL

    @trooworld I pray your migraine does not come back..I HATE those things. Glad it knocked it so you started the day with out it.

    I hope you all have a great rest of your Friday.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    HI everyone

    I am pleased I recorded a nice loss this week, so I am pleased with that.

    @trooworld - I just called them and they are waiting for something. My DH has already taken them to the beach thir morning. I know Aussie is known for "throw another shrimp on the barbie" but generally people just take a picnic if they are watching the skyworks on the river or if they enterain at home - it is normally a standard barbeque with steak, sausages etc, jump in the pool if they have one. Then there is another section like me whose DH has to work these sort of events and I just treat like a standard day. I am glad you had a little reliefe from your headaches, it seems your are battling everywhere at the moment (headaches, legs) - I hope something gives soon.

    @cbabie - How did your eating go yesterday without emergencies?

    Well it is Saturday here , so off to organise the shopping for the week, let GD drive me to her singing lesson (she has a learners permit). Steak and salad tonight whilst we watch the basketball.

    Hope you all have a great day

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie I'm happy to say that it did not come back! Thank you!

    @TrishasTime congrats on the loss!!! :D It sounds like a fun day to celebrate, and with good food. I hope the pups weren't too scared of the fireworks, my dog gets really afraid. Thanks, yes, I've had a heck of a time lately. :( I'm feeling better though. Enjoy the steak and salad and the basketball!

    Hello all. I'm hoping it warms up this weekend; today it is only supposed to get to 70F but tomorrow it will get to 81F which means I'm going to spend some time on the patio with a book and some coffee or wine spritzer! Well, I hope everyone has a good day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning! I feel like I am on the right path, with some wrong turns, but I am going forward. I weighed and expected a gain, but was the same. I had a 2lb gain after that 3 day fast where I ate my self back to not being hungry, but that is now gone. So I am at the same weight prior to the fast. So I am happy about that. I did my stats say avg hr 131, cal burned 200...25 min Leslie Simones walk

    @TrishasTime I didn't do so well because I had to fix dinner and no one wanted what I was fixing and I ate my comfort food. I was over in calories...but I have made up my mind that I matter and they would be hard up if they lost me. LOL I heard something today about headaches, not sleeping was someone talking about their experiences and said oh my that Is me...and it was caused from her eating on a mission for myself. I am so glad you asked me, it keeps me accountable!! Congrats on your loss!!!

    @trooworld glad you are feeling better,your plan to enjoy the warm sounds great!!!

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - I am SO GLAD your headache did not come back - they can be so debilitating.

    @cbabie - I am glad you are on a mssion for yourself, it is very hard to put ourselves first. Girls are not brought up that way. But remember if you are not happy, no one else will be either.

    Today is Sunday, GD (16) goes back to school tomorrow after a 12 week break. She has not done much over that time with her friends, so I am taking her to a movie today "the greatest showman on earth" not one I would see normally but she is such a good kid (even though she has her 16 year old moods).

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    I’m not going to try to even catch up. Just jumping in where I am. My sister in law died last week. She got a cold and started running a fever for two days. Then she had trouble breathing and went to Urgent Care and died two hours later She had a heart valve problem that might have contributed to it. I don’t know. So I’ve been busy with family plus since we got back my mil is grieving hard and now she’s developed a cold and the family is freaking out over that because they don’t want a repeat of last week. I came home and was emotionally drained and just plain tired. I didn’t sleep well there We got home on Wednesday night and I’ve spent the last few days sitting alone and recuperating. I walked today finally. So I’m getting back to my routine.

    Trishastime. Thanks for checking up on me how was the movi. congratulations on your loss

    Cbabie. Glad you are putting yourself first. You know me I would let them fix their own food next time

    Trooworld. Sounds like you haven’t been feeling well so I hope that’s gone. How is Freestyle going?

    I added the one I missed this week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie that's great that you were expecting a gain but maintained!

    @TrishasTime thank you, me too! Yes, they can be. I want to see that movie, I heard it is very good.

    @theslightedgeforever WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you! I'm so sorry to hear that your sister-in-law died. What a tragedy, my thoughts are with your family. It might be good to get back to a routine, to help you focus on other things. Yes, I haven't been well but I'm better now thanks. Freestyle is wonderful. I was down -3.3 lbs in January and -5.5 overall since December 21st. I'm very happy with the plan. I feel like I can live on it, it fits my lifestyle very well. Some people do not like it, I think those people might be people that do not have time to cook or are people that rely on packaged foods. Either that or they are overdoing it on the free foods. Thanks for the highlights, the "WHY" one was particularly helpful.

    Hi all! I had an enjoyable day yesterday, I did not go out on the patio but I hope to today. I did walk up to a coffee shop with my husband and sat and had coffee and people watched, which is always fun. I also did my nails last night while watching a documentary on American (Californian specifically) punk music, which was very interesting. Lots of meal prep to do today, but I do hope I get to enjoy the nice weather we are supposed to have. Have a good day!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is Monday here, but I used one of my leave days, so I had a 4 day weekend. I have taken the dogs for a walk and have clocked up 6159 steps. Off to the circuit gym later and then I need to take GD(16) to podiatrist for an ingrown toe nail.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am so sorry to hear your news, I can not even imagine all the emotions that you must be feeling, espically when you MIL is now sick as well. I am glad you made some time for yourself when you returned.

    @trooworld - I love people watching - imagining what they do and where they are from, you also overhear interesting titbits in a coffee shop. Glad you made some time for yourself and did your nails.

    I hope you all have a trouble free day

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    trooworld I missed you all too. That's wonderful that you have found a plan that works for you. I know my plan, I just need to do it. I gained 2.5 lbs this past week. I love sitting at coffee shops.

    Trishastime I used to have problems with ingrown toenails. Very painful. I had a good day today with steps. 10000 I almost never get that many. I did a power walk with Leslie Sansone for 30 min and then just moving around the house.

    I'm slowly getting back into a routine.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @TrishasTime I'm glad you took some time for yourself and had a 4 day weekend. Sometimes we need those! I hope your GD is okay, that sounds painful. Yes, it is fun to people watch and there were some interesting people to watch!

    @theslightedgeforever ((( HUGS ))) I am sure your gain has to do with the stress you were under. I know you will get it off in no time. I'm glad you are getting back into a routine.

    Hi all. I really enjoyed myself yesterday and threw all meal prep out the window due to the nice weather we had. I watched a bit of tv, then spent a good hour on the patio drinking a beer and just listening to music and playing on my phone on the WW app. It was relaxing. I did make my breakfast for the week, but nothing else. I'm traveling to Colorado on Friday morning to spend time with my very best friend whom I've been best friends with since we've been kids. I'll be there for the weekend. I can't wait but I'm nervous about the food. I'll try not to worry too much and let it spoil my weekend.

    @cbabie where are you? One comes back, the other disappears hmmm
  • Devinpa
    Devinpa Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone. I am hoping this group gives me the encouragement that I need. I am getting married in March and I want to lose 15-20 pounds by then. According to my BMI, I am overweight, but doesn't matter if it said I was healthy, I'd still look in the mirror and want to lose weight. I am currently on Weight Watchers Freestyle since before Christmas and I haven't lost anything. This new Freestyle pretty much has over 200 zero point foods that you can eat as much as you want. It's not working for me AT ALL. I think I over eat those big time....I think counting EVERYTHING I eat calorie wise might be a better bet for me. I don't know, I'm so depressed about not being able to get this off. I do go to the gym 2-3 times a week and do cardio at least 5 times a week...but I can not get rid of the belly fat! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @devinpa - welcome, there are two member here on the freestyle program, I used to be a WW member and now I am doing it on my own with MFP.

    @theslightedgeforever - Glad to see you are back on track - we will have to join out fitbits up together for encouragement. I tracked over 13000 steps yesterday - but the day before I only did 4000. At the moment up am up to 5000 steps -cause I took the dogs out.

    @trooworld - Glad you spent some time for yourself. You do not get to do weekend visits every day, so I would say enjoy yourself, eat as healthy as you can and when you come home, step right back into mode. Life has a funny way of happening every day

    I am out the door in a moment to go to work at 6.30am. I woke up this morning at 4.45am and it was still dark. First time I have noticed it. It was all nice and light by the time I got back at 5.30am

    Hope you all have a lovely day