Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    Happy Saturday folksies! :blush:

    It’s gonna be a quiet one over here. Gonna get my workout in, then later today possibly go to a nursery with my husband to maybe get some plants for the house. I don’t have a green thumb at all, but I really love a home with nice greenery about, so I’d like to try!

    Good morning! Sounds like a peaceful day. There are a lot of house plants that are good for you in terms of cleaning the air. Like Peace Lilies, Boston fern, ficus ,etc. xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member

    No drinks since last Sunday. This is my third week in a row of not drinking through the week. Like the other runners here, it's making my long runs on Sunday so much easier. The only problem is that I feel like I've earned a few drinks on Sunday night. I'm really going to try to stay dry this week though, even with the Superbowl. We're not having anyone over this year, so it should be easier. Fingers crossed! I'll just keep reminding myself there will be a hangover free Monday morning at the other end.

    Hangover free Monday- i like the sound of that. Have a great run! I am a slow runner, but I really want to build up my distance! Have a great day!
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    @kittybenn I have been looking forward to hearing your thoughts on your planned splurge. I guess I am not surprised after how good you have been feeling. I am starting Day 15 and these reminders are so helpful. Today I am going to get some sparkling water and some yummy juice, I haven't done that yet. I hope you get your mojo back quickly ;-) ((hugs))
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @katie5467 8 pounds weight loss is fantastic! Great work- staying dry. It gets easier, doesn't it?
    @lporter229 What a peaceful, calm evening! Have a great run!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    Last night was the post Dry January celebration. Had a great meal out at an Italian/Southern soul place (weird, I know, but good). Split two bottles of excellent red wine between three people, so I had 2+ glasses, maybe 3. Despite how good the wine was, I kinda felt like the experience was meh and that I could take it or leave it. Those two bottles were also really expensive, so our dinner tab was pretty up there. Great company and lots of fun, but I didn't need alcohol to experience any of that. Also came home and ate a ton of chocolate, because . . . I don't know. Was kind of drunk and just sounded good. I, of course, woke up in the middle of the night with a headache and was super dehydrated. I'm fine this morning, but not to the point where I can get out there and do the usual morning walk/run. Still moving slowly, and don't like that feeling. I had fantasized about the first wine I would have after not drinking for 32 days, and how great it was going to be, but all in all, it wasn't nearly as thrilling as I thought it would be. I had planned to go back to drinking, but just on weekends. Now I'm not even sure I want to. BTW, the Fre chardonnay (no alcohol) was absolutely hideous, as I thought it would be. Would much rather have tea, diet gingerale/coke or a Polar.

    I was thinking about you and your dinner. It's nice to read your thoughts about the wine. And that it wasn't nearly as thrilling or satisfying. I imagine your tolerance was lower than before day 32, so maybe the alcohol hit you harder. Who knows. It's a good time to reflect anyway, and set some goals for February. Yes, the tab is tripled in a way when we add the bottles. Sending you a hug!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    Made it through Day 2 and it’s even a Friday evening. Hubs drank and I just watched. Felt good to not want to be asleep by 9 pm. Looking forward to a great morning again, I have to get up at 5 am so this makes it soooo much easier. Until tomorrow AF friends!

    I bet with each passing day, you will have more and more energy. Have a happy day!
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    @JulieAL1969 - thanks, I need a hug this a.m. You are prob right about tolerance. I continue to admire how you've hung in there. WAY TO GO!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    becarrah wrote: »
    I've been lurking here and on the January site and I'm inspired and fascinated by all of your stories. I've kicked my daily beer habit to the curb so that I can lose weight and generally be more healthy. I've had a few occasions to have a beer or glass of wine and I've done so but the daily habit is gone and I am thrilled. Like many of you, I feel better, exercise more, eat healthier (and less!), and I am losing weight! I am in this for the long haul so will continue to "hang out" with all of you for inspiration and encouragement! Here's to a very damp February and beyond.

    Nice to hear from you! You're doing well! I am in this for long haul, too. Looking forward to hearing what worked for you when you kicked your daily beer habit. Xo
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,498 Member
    @kittybenn Thank you SO much for your story about your experience with wine after being dry for 32 days. I think many of us envision that after being AF for a long time it will be a pleasure to indulge once again but the reality may be less than what was anticipated. I appreciate you sharing your perspective.
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,498 Member
    @eminater I am right there with you. But do permit yourself some dark chocolate. It is OK, really!
