

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Rita - way to go!

    Barbie - absolutely, stay in the moment. No telling what tomorrow will bring! I know my DH gets overwhelmed with our yard work, most of which I would happily do (I love the riding lawn mower! but he says I don't do it right, tho he's not quite as persnickety as he used to be about it, lol) and we could hire someone to do the rest. I'm still not ready to move to a 55+ community, tho when/if we do, renting a place there might actually be the way to go.

    I kind of like the idea of having a familiar "home base" in this small town where we've lived for years, but being able to perhaps go live in Canada or another area, if the budget will allow, for a few months to really absorb the atmosphere. Still waiting for the Teleporter to be perfected so we wouldn't have to drive or fly, there however, lol.

    Until then, I'll live vicariously through you all, so please keep posting pictures <3

    Heather, Kate & UK folks - I've been watching the "Agatha Raisin" series on Acorn TV. I really liked the books, but I think this TV adaption is quite good even tho they've taken a lot of liberty with some of the characters. Still very enjoyable. Gives me a sense of your countryside and some neat old homes.

    SW WA State

  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    I completed my run/walk today. o:) I've ordered two books about running - by women. :D Who would have thought it!? I always said I couldn't run because of my knee.

    Supermarket delivery arrived.

    I'm not looking forward to getting up early tomorrow, nor the scramble to the train, nor missing my exercise sessions, but I am looking forward to seeing my cancer friend.
    On Thursday I'm going to Portsmouth for lunch with another friend, but the later train will enable me to get my morning session in. I really hate missing a session, not the least because I have to cut down my eating. :'(:s

    New season of Endeavour starts tonight. :drinker:

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I love Endeavour! Also Vera which finished last week.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Wendy, I like to think they are coming to see YOU, not fancy sheets etc. Five days is a bit long tho, a few cousins of mine have a saying "Fish and guests are a lot alike. After three days, they both start to stink." I can't help but agree. I do hope it goes well for you.
    Becca, I LOVE that scene of the tree that you would like to paint! I quite like the colors that it is, so beautiful. I am not that talented, I would need stick on designs! lol
    Heather, I too suffer from earworms. And you're right, it's much worse at night! For me the worst part is I don't remember the whole song, just a few random lines and they just go round and round..... ugh.
    Talk of forever homes, we recently bought a townhouse and we are really enjoying it. Part of the enjoyment comes from the fact that it is a brand new build, so didn't move in with anybody else's dirt already in residence. The last house we owned was old and we did clean, paint and shampoo carpets before moving in, but still.... The people were smokers, so everything was discoloured because of it. Painting helped, but it did bleed thru especially in the bathroom. Another yay factor is that we now have more than one bathroom. We lived for 28 years with one bathroom, raised two kids there and made it work. But now that hubby is retired and I'm semi retired, we're both home a lot more and it's so nice to not have to announce your every move! It's also great when I come home from somewhere, if hubby is in one bathroom, I have three others to choose from! Yes, we did upsize a bit. The vacuuming takes a little longer, but having enough space to do what we want is so awesome! And not having to worry about outside maintenance is also a huge load off of our minds. The yard is quite small and there is too much shade for grass, so not as much to do outside either. We do plan on getting some gravel in, have a rock garden type of yard. I have a few planters for flowers, it's working so far, but it's only been 7 months. I do see one more move in my future, if hubby goes before I do, I will probably sell and move into an apartment. No maintenance required there!
    Okay, that's it for me for now! Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Sunday. Wendy- breathe, then breathe again. They are coming because they like you so just be you.
    Mary- thanks for the wed site. I must admit I am a bit confused. If I do yoga, I can’t eat for a couple of hours before I go or it might come up, sorry. I do think the advice to drink water is very on target. I have been trying to go low carb to lose weight but one of the bullet points was to eat more carbs before exercise. So maybe that is part of the problem. I am a beginner with the weight machines and usually only do 5 or 6 during a session. So, it seems like I need the protein to repair the muscles and the carbs to give me energy to do the exercise. Sorry you are still sick. Take care of you.
    Janetr- both my daughters live in Parker. What a small world. Do you have grandkids in school there?
    Thanks to everyone for your advice about post workout meals. I will reread and make notes.
    Time to go to the Y.
    SueBDew in TX
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    . Evelyn, Vancouver Island , I am contemplating doing the swirly "leaves" with paint or just buy different sizes same color group of buttons. Would that look cool or strange?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Happy Sunday.
    Janetr- both my daughters live in Parker. What a small world. Do you have grandkids in school there?

    No grandkids in school in Parker, her kids are now 22, 21 and 18, the youngest graduated HS last May, but did not graduate from a school in Parker. Indeed, it is a small world.

    SueBDew in TX