

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Laura :) I take calcium and D3 and have none of the symptoms you describe. Has your doctor recommended all of the supplements you take? Can you get some of them from food?
  • relax47
    relax47 Posts: 3 Member
    Love the pup pictures!!

    One day at a time.

    Happy Valentines Day everybody. ❤️

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Michele, in regards to Facebook, if your name doesn't appear in the persons list of friends, I think that means your not friends with them. Does that person appear in your list of friends? They may be friends with one of your friends so if that friends name is in the post you would see it. I think it would mean the person who posted has their privacy settings pretty low. As for the "add friend" button not showing up, possibly that person has their privacy settings higher. That's all the insight I have for today. Hope it is of some help.
    Allie, I'm not going to yell at you for feeling bad for Tom. You two were married, after all. It's hard to break a habit of 20+ years, but please do not take that feeling into the courtroom! I agree with a few others who have said you should ask for compensation for when Tom's attorney was a no-show. That is pure incompetence on his attorney's part, in my opinion. I also understand wanting to talk things thru and skip the trial, you just want it over and I think that's a very reasonable feeling at this time. Just please, please, please, don't settle for less that you deserve!
    Kelly, hugs for Joaquin, poor little fellow. I'm sure he will bounce back quickly, the beauty of being that age is that it doesn't seem to take too long for their systems to get back on track. The antibiotics and tamiflu I'm sure will help!
    Terry, I have never gotten rid of a UTI without the help of antibiotics! And the last one (thank heavens not a regular occurence!) was really quick to react to the drugs. Such a relief! Hope you get some relief soon too, so uncomfortable!
    Lisa, so glad you were able to save your laptop! Must have been a panic filled hour, I know it would have been for me! Also, good for you for realizing that you can't confront your daughter when you are feeling angry. It will be much better to talk when no one has to be on the offensive or defensive!
    Rye, I think that's just awful that no one was there when you were finished your swim! Did you contact the organizers and let them know about the shoddy treatment you recieved? I don't care how long it takes, there should be someone there until the last swimmer/biker/walker etc finishes.
    Well, this was supposed to be a quick drive by posting! lol Weigh in today, up 1.2 lbs. Not a huge surprise. I have not done any exercise this past week because of my back. I am feeling better every day, but still nowhere near 100%. Seeing the chiro today, hopefully she can help. I also plan on asking her for some specific strengthening exercises (which I shall do faithfully!) to help prevent this from happening again. Must go feed the cat.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! (I have a couple small steaks out of the freezer for us. Will be tasty!)
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member

    Lisa, can I go with you to Rome? I'm only across the boarder in VT. lol

    Yvonne, Woo Hoo on the weight lose. What a wonder feeling!

    Allie, you do what feels right for you. Just remember that you are the advocate for you and you need to end up with something that will work for you. Can't go back and have a do over. ((Hugs))

    To all of you who are struggling, I'm sending healing and strength to you. You are all in my thoughts.

    I'm feeling much better today with hardly any pain and not too uncomfortable. I think I just might not have to go to the dr for my bladder infection.

    Well back to work. Terry
  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    Happy Valentines Day!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    lhscapil wrote: »
    <3 Happy VD Ladies! <3


    Snowy (becoming rainy) SW WA State

    Venereal desease day? i dunno but thats not something to be happy about

    , that's my 11 year old self kicking in. Saying "Happy VD" for "Valentine's Day" used to be silly when I was a kid. Sorry if I offended anyone :(


    i was joking.... lmao!! i wouldn't get offended by that.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    LOL! Lanette and Pip I kind of like Happy VD! It IS the gift that keeps on giving! Very appropriate!

    I have to share a laugh with you all, I got up this morning and my DH was in the kitchen waiting for me. He was talking to me, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying. It was like he had peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth. I hadn't had coffee yet, so I kind of gave him a crabby look and griped "I can't understand what the H*** you are saying." He got mad and went downstairs to his office. My laptop email pinged me. It was an e-mail from him. "I burnt the roof of my mouth on something I warmed up in the microwave! It hurts! What do I do?!" lol By that time I had gotten a couple of gulps of coffee in me and found the whole thing rather funny. After a minute or so of hysterical laughing and cleaning coffee spritzed all over my laptop; I googled "How to care for a burn on the roof of your mouth", read it, sent it to him, got up and made him a salt water gargle, grabbed some advil and took it downstairs to him. Big baby! lol KJ

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    KJ - :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Heather UK xxxxxxx <3
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Heather- Yessss! I miss that about running. The endorphins are the BEST! Plus, you really DO want to hear/read inspiring stories from other people. But geeze! The endorphin rush is just phenomenal! So happy for you, Heather!