JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @Bex953172 Good luck on your sweep(I'm still afraid to look this up! Lol) tomorrow! Maybe your little girl will come! We are all expecting pictures!

    Hahaha! Yes their will be pictures!! (You know what I’m like haha) I’m so excited to tel you all!

    The sweep could start labour but most the time it’s pretty ineffective. But either way Sunday is the day!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 2/21/18

    1. Log all food :)Even the 2 pieces of pizza and cup of coke I had! Somehow I'm still under calories!!!!
    2. Up whenever :)Around 9 I think
    3. Laundry(if up early and before DH) :)Was in a funk this morning so I wrote my post this morning on my back deck and went and saw my Mom for a few minutes
    4. Breakfast :DIt was just coffee for me and tea for the DH because I didn't get him out of bed until almost noon.
    5. Read :)I'm going to do this now and probably before I go to bed
    6. Something active outside :|Unless you call sitting out on the deck with a beer and our phones, active. Lol
    7. Lunch :)A lunch date at our favorite pizzeria
    8. Something else active outside :DSee above
    9. Rest :)Pretty much did this all afternoon.
    10. Dinner(maybe on the back deck??)/Dishes :)Didnt eat outside. I keep forgetting that even though it was almost 80F today, it is still February so the sun sets around 5 pm/About to start the dishes now
    11. Rest/Hockey/Sew :)Gonna sit on the couch and read/no good games on tonight/Finished all the sewing this afternoon. I was way rusty but I'm getting better
    12. Bed by 12 :)Probably waaay earlier

    So after I woke the DH up things got significantly better. We laughed and joked the whole day away. Something we ate for dinner seriously hurt his stomach, though. We have no idea what it was because I had everything he did and I'm fine. He's lactose intolerant but the only lactose there was in the meal was a tablespoon of butter on the frozen broccoli I heated up. There's no way that could have hurt him like this. We are kind of stumped. It may be stress but we had a pretty stress free day, all things considered. And of course, right after typing that, we just got into an argument about a video game. I dont think he understands that I pay absolutely no attention to it when he plays. Then he gets mad when I ask a question about it, even though he knows I know nothing about it. I think I am just going to stop talking to him about them all together. Sorry for the rant. Just needed to say that to someone who isn't him. Lol. Driving my G/M to the eye doctor tomorrow and then we will probably do some running around. I'm not going to make too many goals because I never seem to get them done when I see her. Lol. She kind of sucks me in and I end up(joyfully) spending 8 hrs with her when I had only intended 3. Lol. So onto my list!

    JFT, 2/22/18
    1. Up at 7:00
    2. Laundry
    3. DH up at 7:15
    4. Morning routine
    5. Laundry part 2
    6. G/M by 9:30
    7. G/M until 4(a rough estimate)
    8. Gym
    9. Dinner/Dishes
    10. Rest/Hockey/Shower
    11. Nighttime routine
    12. Read
    13. Bed by 11
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited February 2018
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    2/20 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔▪Up early ~ 5:45 am
    ✔▪Revised business plan w/ hubby
    ✔▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ✔▪At university lab for 3.5 hrs
    ❌▪Rest ~ 1 hr
    ✔▪Pick up kiddos from school
    ✔▪Academy - pick up a few baseball items
    ❌▪Prep taxes
    ❌▪Rebox textbooks
    ❌▪Elliptical - Walking Only ~ 20 min.
    ✔▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ❌▪Bedtime by 10 pm➡️1 am :flushed:

    2/21 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ✔▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ✔▪Research work - completed excel log
    ✔▪At university lab for 2 hrs
    (I was suppose to be there for 3 hours but I ran behind schedule this morning.)
    ✔▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ✔▪Nap (I was exhausted from staying up late for the past two nights.)
    ✔▪Pick up teen from track
    ✔▪Rebox textbooks
    ✔▪Research work - Analyze 50 scans
    ✔▪Dinner by 8:30 pm
    [Hubby is making dinner tonight :blush:]
    ✅▪Bedtime by 10:30 pm

    Well I have been able to get back on my elliptical yet. Mainly bc I need more energy and time in the day, Lol!! I'll just try again tomorrow. Tomorrow should be a bit more relaxing bc I do not have to go run a ton of errands.

    There are sooooo many posts and many people I'd love to respond too but maybe another time when I have more time, Lol!

    @HGSmith I'm so sorry to hear about what is going on in your life right now. I'm so proud of you for finding a positive within the sadness surrounding you. Fitting into a fav T-shirt is a wonderful feeling!! :joy: I'm sure your DH even appreciated seeing you wear it. Don't worry so much about healthy eating if you and DH need to have a slice of pizza to "escape" the negativity then have a slice!! This is how life is....it has ups and downs and our job is to find a balance to live in between them. - Remember we are all here for you!
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    @HGSmith0920 I’m glad you are taking care of yourself and hubby. Congrats on the NSV!
    @Bex953172 A lady arrives exactly when she means to. Your little one has a mind of her own. Good luck with sweep.

    JFT 2/21
    Log :)
    Go to bed early :o I’m going to try
    Drink water :) more than normal, but can always drink more
    Come back here tonight :D here I am

    JFT 2/22
    Walk at work around building twice
    Cook dinner ( been running at dinner time to activities so it’s been frozen food this week).
    Stand at work during one meeting
    Come back tomorrow night and report!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT: 2/21/18
    1. Get up without hitting snooze button :sNope. Just can't seem to do it. I stay up watching the Olympics and just don't do well on 5 or 6 hours of sleep. As much as I love the Olympics, I'm so ready for them to be done! LOL!
    2. Drink more water. Stop coffee at 10 a.m. :)I stopped coffee earlier today. It's a start.
    3. Stay in the green :)So far, so good... Last night I signed off and went to bed. Was in the green and happy. Then I got up around midnight and ate a brownie and 2 cookies! WTH? Bad Tracie.
    4. Take me time to address each: Body, Mind and Spirit :)(Body) I got up and walked almost every hour today. (Mind) Listened to podcast and acoustic guitar music at work to tune out office, (Spirit) Started my day taking 10 minutes to meditate and pray.
    5. Read my daily readings: Simple Abundance, Diet Beck Solution :)Yep and Yep
    6. Listen to Podcasts :)Yep.
    7. Study and take test for AMB 2017 NVT at work tomorrow :) Studied but didn't get through all the material. To Be Continued...
    8. Move every hour. Try to hit 250+ steps each hour. Take stair breaks. (Copying YOU, @cschmitz110515 :) ) I only went up and down 2 flights of stairs today (total 4 flights) but I did get up and walk every hour and hit my 250+ steps! We only have one staircase and it only goes up one floor.
    9. At least one random act of kindness. :)
    10. Bed by 9, sleeping by 10. :sNope.

    @HGSmith0920 I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. What a shock that had to be. I think your approach is very good, providing support for your DH and taking care of yourself also. (HUG) Congrats on the t-shirt! I cannot WAIT until I can do that! I'm working towards an NSV of being able to wear my wedding ring. I haven't been able to wear it in about 6 years now, ever since I had chemo and steroids and swelled up. :blush:

    @Bex953172 Good luck tomorrow!!! I'll be checking in randomly and know I will be thinking of you!!! (((BEX))) I have to tell you, I really thought your post to @HGSmith0920 regarding your outlook on life and death and the afterlife was very intriguing and insightful. I do pray and chat with God throughout the day, and I really believe that my little brother who was taken from us when he was 11 (four years younger than me and my best friend back then) is going to be there to greet me when my time comes. I just know I'm going to see him again.

    Hoping to stay awake and watch the Women's Hockey teams (Canada vs USA) play for the Gold tonight but I don't know that I will make it. It won't be over until 1:00 a.m. and I have to work! I am so bummed out! I love hockey!

    Just for Today (2/22)
    2. Stay in the green
    3. HYDRATE
    4. Use Mircle Timer to move every hour. Walk the stairs. 250+ steps every hour.
    5. Address all 3 separately--Body, Mind & Spirit
    6. Perform at least one random act of kindness
    7. Go to library and borrow a book. No Kindle or Nook at night in bed. Unplug by 9pm
    8. Complete AMB 2017 NVT Study and Exam tomorrow at work.
    9. Prep for Friday.

    We do what we have to, so we can do what we want to!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday:
    1. Accurate logging. ❌ Start early! 5-min meditation. ✔ Prelog. ✔ Take new trash bag out to the car. ✔
    2. Finish week 8 plans. ❌ Call dentist and make appointment (March 19?). ✔ Grade late work and input grades. ✔ Finish before 11:00 walk.
    3. Walk with D around 11:00. Steps to 6k. ✔ 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. ✔
    4. Spend 30 minutes on classwork. ✔
    5. Gym for strength class - leave by 3:30; steps to 12k. ✔ Try for a mile run. ✔
    6. Audition at garden after gym. ✔ Meds after audition. ✔ Dinner - Plated revision? ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:30. ✔

    JFT Thursday:
    1. Accurate logging. Pack lunch and prelog. Morning meds. Tea!
    2. Daily 5-min meditation. Print Socratic Seminar forms. Update websites. Add links to blogroll. Check HP. Check on lamination.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. 5k steps at school; aim for 6.
    4. Books in from car. Duolingo. Finish week 8. Check with sub about March 19. Outline essay for Masters program. Complete 2 readings. Evaluate stories.
    5. Gym for strength class - leave by 5:00. Steps to 12k. Try for a mile run.
    6. Meds after class. Dinner - Salad? Omelet for Friday lunch. Check with parents about yoga. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Feb 1 weigh-in: 173.6
    Feb 28 goal: 169.6

    Today: 176.4. Keep going down, scale! I didn't write up a JFT for today but I didn't do TOO badly. Still don't have week 8 done. GOT to finish that tomorrow. *sigh* I still haven't done ANYTHING about a garden. Don't know if that's going to happen this year. Too much else on my plate, I think.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I just spent the last two hours researching writing conferences and things. I've finally come to the decision that I need to finish my associate's degree. I dropped out of college after I failed out of my dream school due to a terrible emotional breakdown(due to a failed relationship coupled with bipolar disorder). I think I only need a handful of credits to finish it. So I'm going to go to the community college that I started my degree at in 2006(!!!!!) and meet with an academic advisor. I want concrete knowledge of what I need to do to graduate. I, also, want to see what my options are to finish a bachelors degree in creative writing. Even if it's only a class a semester, it's something I want to do. It's something I NEED to do. I think it's time I get some real information about it. So that is going to be on my list for Friday afternoon or Monday I think.

    @MLHC1 I blame this on you! Lol. I'm just kidding. But this is something that has kind of been rolling around in my subconscious for a few years and your college talk has brought it back to the surface!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I've been struggling getting back in gear since I got sick 3 to 4 weeks ago. I've been having to spend way too much time sitting on the couch. Good news is I have taken the opportunity to begin some meditation again. So here's me being accountable and letting everyone know that, though I'm still not quite 100%, I'm mostly better and ready to start moving more and trimming calories again.
    February goals
    Under 168
    Medication on track. I tend to forget a dose when unscheduled things pop up and then don't feel well.
    Studio twice+ /week
    Finish bags
    Work on pink/blue quilt, hopefully borders finished quilting
    Declutter entry

    Weekly weigh-in
    Starting weight Jan 3, 2018: 176.0
    Aiming at 150ish
    Progress so far:
    Feb 21 172.6 I need to get back on the wagon.
    Feb 14 172.0
    Feb 7 171.6
    Jan 31 170.4
    Jan 24 172.2
    Jan 17 175.4
    Jan 10: 174.8
    Jan 3: 176.0
  • nuttyhayles
    nuttyhayles Posts: 6 Member
    Keep positive and look after you
    You are worth it and no job is worth all that stress
    Look forward to hearing how you got on today with your plan today
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday, 2/21/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 30 min treadmill) :)
    5. Laundry :)
    6. Start packing for vacation :)

    JFT (Thursday, 2/22/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Clean the house
    5. Pick up rental car
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member

    1. Brisk 30 minutes brisk walk in treadmill.
    2. Cook an meal which is wheat free (abstinent)
    3.Plan tomorrow's meals.
    4. Stock take of my herb cupboard.
    5. Maybe go swimming too.
    6. Stick to my calorie plan.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    @missheidi I would love to hear more about you crochet group. My mom really enjoys it (I have so many pineapple doilies & tablecloths) and I'm trying to get her to start a group.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited February 2018
    Recap W 2/21 - After late evening, no treadmill before work / rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 9.807 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 (church) & 29 floors :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / choose wisely at soup supper / maybe one small dessert / log best I can = Guesstimated 2 soups at supper & ate one small cookie. Then snacked on more walnut halves at home...I really have to stop this!!! :# Net calories, sodium & sugar red, protein & fiber good & 13c water. :(
    3) Evening: soup supper at church :smiley: / Lenten service :smiley: / boil eggs :smiley: / wash dishes :smiley: (hand washed some, rest in dishwasher, which I hate) / read Sunday ads maybe Th :/
    4) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 (kinda want Olympics to be over) = 9:20 :/ / done :smiley: / done :smiley: / not even close...I'm really short on sleep this week...ACK!!! :s

    JFT R 2/22 - Hit snooze alarm for one solid hour :o / no treadmill before work :#
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Workplace hike (snowshoes??? very icy snow) at lunchtime
    3) Meals (leftovers) prelogged / stay on plan / net calories green / no walnut halves in evening!!!
    4) Evening: choir / read Sunday ads
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (plan treadmill F a.m.)