

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Janet, have you ever thought of putting costume jewelry on the eggs. I know at craft stores they have wooden eggs that you could paint and then glue gun parts of costume jewelry on. That might be nice and different. I did a quick google search and didn’t see any so may be a good nitch for you.

    Evie1958, good job on the 3 good days. Keep going girl.

    Joyce, sounds like your DH is doing well. Hope you can get him to exercise.

    Heather, that is wonderful news on the house. Things are really moving along. I’m sure you will find something soon.

    Mary, good luck with the job interview. I’m sure you will wow them. China? Go for it. What a lovely opportunity. I understand how you would be nervous though.

    Drkatie, good for you staying within calories. You are right , one day at a time.

    Rye, what good news for your father. I’m sure that takes so much off his mind. I think of my mom every day. I don’t ever want that to go away. Nice picture of your mom.

    NYKaren, I’m so happy for you. You are seeing so many interesting things.

    (((Dana))) and pretty daughter and cute kids.

    Machka, how did the spinning go?

    Lisa, doing the Snoopy happy dance for you getting past the 10lb mark.

    Allie, tell Tom your still thinking about what you want. Good luck at the lawyers.

    Beth, WTG girl on the tracking and deciding to take care of yourself. So important.

    Rita, so glad to hear that your DH surgery went well and that he is home in good spirits. I’m sending good thought for your brother. ((Hugs))

    Barbie, love the scowl on Bernie’s face. One of my cats is older and has a permanent scowl.

    Yvonne, good job girl leaving the cookies alone.

    Today is a good day to have a good day!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    edited February 2018
    Was on my feet all day yesterday shopping and making soup for community ecumenical Lenten soup supper. No nap and AF because of going out in evening. Sat with T'ai Chi teacher in church and at supper. She told me about her dog group that meets twice a week to train and socialize. One of the group's trainers sat with us too and was very encouraging. Just exactly what Tumble and I need, especially if we ever decide to show her (a pre-requisite for breeding). Might even be an activity of interest to Joe (wishful dreaming here). He was supportive of me being away Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, but not interested for himself. Slept like a rock. Must be the no nap/AF :innocent: day. Go figure.

    Rita ((hugs)) and prayers for your brother, your DH and you.
    Allie, whew! (about the police station... also about not hearing the phone... ):naughty:
    Katla safe travels. Snowed here again overnight :noway: and no warming trend forecast for the next 10 days (whine). Let me know how the reheated pasta goes with your DH. Think I'll make some (cooled and reheated) mac and cheese and see how Joe likes it. "... need to have fun and move" Amen sister! Thank goodness for line dancing :laugh:
    Becca <3 rose covered cottage. Also love how naughty :naughty: your DH and Pip's DH are. Had paste the cute link then remove the [img to see the happy lab in sheep link but it was worth it! :laugh:
    pip no wonder your DH is so naughty, :naughty: he's latched onto a real hottie!
    Mary in AZ So sorry for the loss of your Dad. :cry: Thanks much for the link. Reinforces what we already know, sweets and sedentary are a killing combination. DH has pre-diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure despite changing his breakfast from lots of bacon, eggs and potatoes to veggie omelets and fish sticks. Will work on shifting to healthier fish, minimizing sweet treats, and (ugh) leading by example on the alcohol front. This week I'll be AF :innocent: for 3 days, and will continue at that pace through Lent.
    Sunkist your retirement plan sounds Awesome! If you are getting close to Medicare, it is CRUCIAL to pay attention to the deadlines, especially part D rx coverage. Miss one and the penalty percentages are permanent! :rage:
    Beth Brava! One day at a time . . . :smile: :
    Marcelynh would your family consider mindfulness meditation for taming anxiety?
    Terry is DD's date employed? That became my number one priority when I was 35... :mrgreen: has your Dr. suggested PT?
    Rye thanks for the link and congrats for the ice maker. Sure miss ours. When I dream of Mama I'm happy, but when I waken I'm sad. Beautiful pic of your Mom. "Don't know exactly where our fridge"... :noway: Yikes!
    Jean in NJ 2 miles? Yay indeed! :sweat_smile:
    Kay so sorry for your Mom's losses (and yours). :heartbreak: Glad the Mohs was successful. Brava for freeing yourself from diet soda. :sick: What alternative strategies have you planned? My MD suggests sparkling water with a splash of VINEGAR (apple cider or wine) but I haven't tried it yet (shudder).
    Yvonne Love love LOVE Libraries and Library month. Too cold for Skinny Margaritas to sound good so will save for summer :sunglasses:
    Barbie "... I've never had a better life" Amen. So grateful to be where and with whom I am now... even how I am though I'd like to be better... Bernie is irresistible :love:
    Heather Eeeeeee! So excited for you! My issue is the opposite of yours, I was a very, poor, unattentive daughter and didn't treat Mama and Papa as well as they deserved. Regrets. :disappointed: "Improved offer" Even louder and higher pitched EEEeeeee's!
    MonaRaeHill That "public service" post was a real tea-snorter. Are you new to this thread? Welcome!
    Cheri project Linus well done! :heart:
    Janetr rosebuds and bling? Beautiful! "progress ... in my body... Jack mentioned it..." Even more beautiful! Karen in VA's juxtaposition of "... eggs... from... on the range" suggests some culinary display notions... Like Joyce's napkin rings or mini skillets or ???
    Michele Sending calm thoughts to you about Denise's worrisome situation. :heartbreak: Outside your realm of influence. All you can do is listen with love.
    Lisa you cougar you! :naughty: Good bye eleventh pound and don't let the doorknob hit ya!
    Evie -1.6 hooray! :star:
    Lanette "shoplifting and my daily fifth" :tongue: Hahahahahahaha another tea-snorter, I just LOVE this. While Mr. Graham's style was not my tradition, always respected him and his organization. One of the few that didn't abuse their power. Please post puppy snow pics :love:
    Sue in Troutdale, if you don't want to post publicly, you could click the person's link and send a message. If you mean composing an encyclopedic list of replies (guilty OCDer here), then most of us open a second window with a text or word processing program, and take notes as we scroll through the listings, then copy and paste into the reply box.
    Joyce sound machine?
    NYKaren let me see Pompei through your eyes? Joe won't travel beyond the US ... :unamused:
    Dana Brava for having only one cookie. One trouble with church ladies, they are all great bakers of tasty temptations! :naughty: BBQ! How could I have left BBQ off my fave list? :confounded:
    Wendy "scent of red wine" Amen sister! :grin: Looking forward to having a glass tomorrow. :wink:
    Machka "spinning with a spinning wheel" That's something I've always wanted to try, along with loom weaving.
    BeckyO Have you ever tried to make venison jerky? Delish!
    Karen in VA your complete description of your Mom sounds like my Mama, except I didn't befriend or confide in her. I sure missed out. :heartbreak:

    Lanette's functional fitness story is inspiring me to stand up and do SWSY arms again. Still haven't done legs and won't today as will Line Dance tonight.

    Snow just turned to hail. :sad: Time to meditate on acceptance, do SWSY and break fast.
    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Terry those eggs are gorgeous, and look like "blown" out eggshells. Have you tried making those? Might even be able to carefully saw then hinge them so they could open like a true faux Faberge???
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I stayed away from the thread for awhile until I got caught up watching figure skating, partly to avoid reading any "spoilers" from anyone who had watched it live and partly because I was spending so much time riding my bike and watching the skating that I had recorded. Joyce is so kind to not give any hints about results and just talk in general terms but someone else might have said something. I rode the bike for over four hours yesterday and enjoyed every minute of skating that I watched. I did less walking because of the cold temperatures and icy roads so the exercise evened out. My line dance class tomorrow may be cancelled because of the snow. The teacher lives uphill on a private road that won't be plowed if it snows overnight.

    :) My life may seem boring to some, but I've learned that life is best when I do what I want to do rather than what someone else thinks I should be doing. Beyond usual household tasks, I go to line dance classes, walk my dogs for hours every day, and ride my exercise bike while knitting and watching TV. I plan my food for the day ahead of time and stick to the plan. I eat many of the same things over and over because it's what I like. I've never had a better life.

    <3 Barbie in beautiful snowy NW Washington

    Like you, my life is pretty predictable. I get a sense of comfort in simple tasks. We both get up early on Wednesday's because its laundromat day. My husband chats with a Marine friend there. His only friend really, but he has me. We do our own thing for the most part. Every morning he empties the dishwasher, a sweet habit. We are true life partners, joking and just living life. There are moments of medical chaos, but he rolls with it all just fine.
    Thanks Barbie for this thread, for this tribe we have here!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Heather, I am so happy for you!! House hunting, while daunting is very liberating. Its a moment life gives you to redefine yourself! Take full opportunity to do that. Life isn't always following a script, its unpredictable, and hey, that's OK too! Hugs!!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Wendy, Happy Trails tooooo you..... And yep I sang that!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)yvonne, Phineas is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the picture.

    :)Rye, cats and an empty refrigerator are not a good combination.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    What did I read recently about resistant starches? Rye and Wendy was it the two of you talking about it? Something about sweet potatoes (and some other starchy foods) that when they are cooked and cool down, the starch is absorbed more like a fiber? Is this a true thing?! If so, which starchy foods? I am going to have to look this up, I swear, I eat all of my meals cold, because it takes me so long to sit down to them after taking care of kids, DH, etc. (remember that line in the movie A Christmas Story: "My mom hasn't had a hot meal in ten years.") Yeah, that's me. Which is probably one of the reasons having some one else cook for me is a treat.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Love the snow pics but glad they are not here. For the last few days, it has been so like Spring in the 70's. The only drawback is that if we get another cold spell (and we will) it will harm the plants that are blooming too early.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Ate the breakfast, did the dishes and some laundry. Still procrastinating about the important things. Made it to page 70. Girls are doing a dance at an assisted living. We will go to watch them at 6. Did I mention that Jheri's art show opens on March 3rd . I am so excited and proud for her.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge who needs to get her butt in gear.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Terry those eggs are gorgeous, and look like "blown" out eggshells. Have you tried making those? Might even be able to carefully saw then hinge them so they could open like a true faux Faberge???

    I've never made them but thought Janet might like to make them. I think a real egg maybe to delicate though.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Was on my feet all day yesterday shopping and making soup for community ecumenical Lenten soup supper. No nap and AF because of going out in evening. Sat with T'ai Chi teacher in church and at supper. She told me about her dog group that meets twice a week to train and socialize. One of the group's trainers sat with us too and was very encouraging. Just exactly what Tumble and I need, especially if we ever decide to show her (a pre-requisite for breeding). Might even be an activity of interest to Joe (wishful dreaming here). He was supportive of me being away Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, but not interested for himself. Slept like a rock. Must be the no nap/AF :innocent: day. Go figure.

    Rita ((hugs)) and prayers for your brother, your DH and you.
    Allie, whew! (about the police station... also about not hearing the phone... ):naughty:
    Katla safe travels. Snowed here again overnight :noway: and no warming trend forecast for the next 10 days (whine). Let me know how the reheated pasta goes with your DH. Think I'll make some (cooled and reheated) mac and cheese and see how Joe likes it. "... need to have fun and move" Amen sister! Thank goodness for line dancing :laugh:
    Becca <3 rose covered cottage. Also love how naughty :naughty: your DH and Pip's DH are. Had paste the cute link then remove the [img to see the happy lab in sheep link but it was worth it! :laugh:
    pip no wonder your DH is so naughty, :naughty: he's latched onto a real hottie!
    Mary in AZ So sorry for the loss of your Dad. :cry: Thanks much for the link. Reinforces what we already know, sweets and sedentary are a killing combination. DH has pre-diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure despite changing his breakfast from lots of bacon, eggs and potatoes to veggie omelets and fish sticks. Will work on shifting to healthier fish, minimizing sweet treats, and (ugh) leading by example on the alcohol front. This week I'll be AF :innocent: for 3 days, and will continue at that pace through Lent.
    Sunkist your retirement plan sounds Awesome! If you are getting close to Medicare, it is CRUCIAL to pay attention to the deadlines, especially part D rx coverage. Miss one and the penalty percentages are permanent! :rage:
    Beth Brava! One day at a time . . . :smile: :
    Marcelynh would your family consider mindfulness meditation for taming anxiety?
    Terry is DD's date employed? That became my number one priority when I was 35... :mrgreen: has your Dr. suggested PT?
    Rye thanks for the link and congrats for the ice maker. Sure miss ours. When I dream of Mama I'm happy, but when I waken I'm sad. Beautiful pic of your Mom. "Don't know exactly where our fridge"... :noway: Yikes!
    Jean in NJ 2 miles? Yay indeed! :sweat_smile:
    Kay so sorry for your Mom's losses (and yours). :heartbreak: Glad the Mohs was successful. Brava for freeing yourself from diet soda. :sick: What alternative strategies have you planned? My MD suggests sparkling water with a splash of VINEGAR (apple cider or wine) but I haven't tried it yet (shudder).
    Yvonne Love love LOVE Libraries and Library month. Too cold for Skinny Margaritas to sound good so will save for summer :sunglasses:
    Barbie "... I've never had a better life" Amen. So grateful to be where and with whom I am now... even how I am though I'd like to be better... Bernie is irresistible :love:
    Heather Eeeeeee! So excited for you! My issue is the opposite of yours, I was a very, poor, unattentive daughter and didn't treat Mama and Papa as well as they deserved. Regrets. :disappointed: "Improved offer" Even louder and higher pitched EEEeeeee's!
    MonaRaeHill That "public service" post was a real tea-snorter. Are you new to this thread? Welcome!
    Cheri project Linus well done! :heart:
    Janetr rosebuds and bling? Beautiful! "progress ... in my body... Jack mentioned it..." Even more beautiful! Karen in VA's juxtaposition of "... eggs... from... on the range" suggests some culinary display notions... Like Joyce's napkin rings or mini skillets or ???
    Michele Sending calm thoughts to you about Denise's worrisome situation. :heartbreak: Outside your realm of influence. All you can do is listen with love.
    Lisa you cougar you! :naughty: Good bye eleventh pound and don't let the doorknob hit ya!
    Evie -1.6 hooray! :star:
    Lanette "shoplifting and my daily fifth" :tongue: Hahahahahahaha another tea-snorter, I just LOVE this. While Mr. Graham's style was not my tradition, always respected him and his organization. One of the few that didn't abuse their power. Please post puppy snow pics :love:
    Sue in Troutdale, if you don't want to post publicly, you could click the person's link and send a message. If you mean composing an encyclopedic list of replies (guilty OCDer here), then most of us open a second window with a text or word processing program, and take notes as we scroll through the listings, then copy and paste into the reply box.
    Joyce sound machine?
    NYKaren let me see Pompei through your eyes? Joe won't travel beyond the US ... :unamused:
    Dana Brava for having only one cookie. One trouble with church ladies, they are all great bakers of tasty temptations! :naughty: BBQ! How could I have left BBQ off my fave list? :confounded:
    Wendy "scent of red wine" Amen sister! :grin: Looking forward to having a glass tomorrow. :wink:
    Machka "spinning with a spinning wheel" That's something I've always wanted to try, along with loom weaving.
    BeckyO Have you ever tried to make venison jerky? Delish!
    Karen in VA your complete description of your Mom sounds like my Mama, except I didn't befriend or confide in her. I sure missed out. :heartbreak:

    Lanette's functional fitness story is inspiring me to stand up and do SWSY arms again. Still haven't done legs and won't today as will Line Dance tonight.

    Snow just turned to hail. :sad: Time to meditate on acceptance, do SWSY and break fast.
    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    Yes, DD date is employed somewhere as an analyst. Don't know much about it. Hate to keep grilling her.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2018
    Terry - Thanks for the picture, I copied it on to my PC. I love them. I put costume jewelry on several of my Christmas ornaments and I put rhinestones and pearls on the first egg I posted the other day. A few years ago, some of the ladies here probably recall, I made Christmas trees totally out of jewelry that I put on a linen background and framed and gave to my family for gifts. I made about 24-26 of them that year.

    Thanks for thinking of me.

    Janetr OKC