Rainbow Warriors: Getting Fit & Fabulous!



  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Hey my rainbow poeple, so I had this 10 pound goal for this month. After this past weekend I am actually up 6 pounds instead of down 6. We had a festival in town fried foods, funnel cakes, tacos, yeah it was bad. I didnt eat a whole lot. I just ate BAD food. It took me a month to lose 17 pounds but only 2 days to gain back 6. How f'd up is that. Seeing that scale go up really made me sad and I have lost ALL motivation to keep going. I know I should and today has been a great bounce back day but I cant stop thinking about how I gained back 6 pouds in only 2 damn days. Is that even possible?

    If you ate all those fried foods and what not, then it's gotta be mostly water weight. Those foods have a lot of salt and stuff, which makes them taste so yummy. Do not give up!

    Drink a lot of water, do an extra hard core workout and try to do some cardio every day this week. Don't stress!
  • amschulte
    amschulte Posts: 7 Member
    Hey my rainbow poeple, so I had this 10 pound goal for this month. After this past weekend I am actually up 6 pounds instead of down 6. We had a festival in town fried foods, funnel cakes, tacos, yeah it was bad. I didnt eat a whole lot. I just ate BAD food. It took me a month to lose 17 pounds but only 2 days to gain back 6. How f'd up is that. Seeing that scale go up really made me sad and I have lost ALL motivation to keep going. I know I should and today has been a great bounce back day but I cant stop thinking about how I gained back 6 pouds in only 2 damn days. Is that even possible?

    I agree with everyone else. It is mostly water weight, it always happens to me after I have a bad food weekend; which is very common if i visit my parents or end up at some holiday function. I've weighed Monday morning then again Tuesday morning and the scale was 3 pounds lighter Tuesday. Drink plenty of water and just simple exercises like adding more walking or cardio to your day will help you lose it. I'd bet you only really gained a pound or two. Don't give up!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hey my rainbow poeple, so I had this 10 pound goal for this month. After this past weekend I am actually up 6 pounds instead of down 6. We had a festival in town fried foods, funnel cakes, tacos, yeah it was bad. I didnt eat a whole lot. I just ate BAD food. It took me a month to lose 17 pounds but only 2 days to gain back 6. How f'd up is that. Seeing that scale go up really made me sad and I have lost ALL motivation to keep going. I know I should and today has been a great bounce back day but I cant stop thinking about how I gained back 6 pouds in only 2 damn days. Is that even possible?

    Like everyone else said, it's most likely just water weight - I mean, is it even possible to eat enough food to gain 3 lb a day? That's like...(does quick math) over 10,000 cal a day! Don't sweat it, move on & don't feel guilty - you've got this! :drinker:
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I refuse to give up ice cream. I do, however, eat a lot less of it and less often. Usually I make myself earn it first by working in the garden, hand mowing the lawn or working out first. Then I enjoy it guilt free. (I have also discovered I like those skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.)
  • Ok time to step it up. I have slacked off long enough. I WILL reach my 10 pound goal. *looks at calendar* oh wow only 20 days left. Lets do this!!!!!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    How are people doing with their goals? I've exercised at least 30 min/day every day, but one, which was my goal.

    Best, and have a nice weekend!

  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I'm not doing so well on my increasing excercise. I had borrowed some kidslast week, and we got busy doing other stuff. (I also slacked a few days on fod). But, I have committed to being kind to myself this time around, so I'm not beating myself up about it. This week I'm back on my regular work schedule, so I'm planning on eating beter again (although I've been really hungry thelast couple of days. Hoping that will go away again with resuming my sleep schedule as well. I've been awake durng times I'm normally sleeping through hunger.) Working midnights is an uneasy balance between work, food, playing, sleeping and spending time with my beloved. (Instead of sleeping yesterday, we were at the hospital getting her a CT scan, so we ended up eating out and I was awake longer than usual, so I got hungry during my usual sleep time.)

    Anyway...long story longer...this week will be better with my goals.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Update on my monthy goals:
    1. 1000 fitness minutes.
    460 for the month so far, so I'm still on track (despite no exercise the past 2 days!)

    2. strength train 2-3x week.
    only once this week so far (planning another session today) - need to be more diligent about this.

    3. track all food even on bad days
    good except didn't track every bite from the fair on Wed

    4. Dog walks
    need to work on this! I'm just so tired by the time I get home from work & the gym....ugh! excuses!

    5. Bedtime of 10-10:30pm at the latest!
    REALLY need to work on this one!

    6. Get up early enough to make breakfast, or make ahead.
    I do better making ahead, but I don't like re-heated eggs as much as fresh cooked!

    7. train for a 5 minute burpee challenge
    only once this week, need to push thru this one, I've got about a week and a half till the challenge!

    8. goal weight 190 (that's a 6.6lb loss)
    Down to 191.4 this morning!!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    My goals? Eh. I wanted to lose 7-8 pounds in August...I've lost 1 (and, I keep fluctuating it back on and off). So,that likely won't happen. My other goal was to try to walk 60 miles this month, which is 15 miles a week. I can still pull that one off, but I need to sit out a couple of days at least because of a hip injury. So, we'll see. And I haven't really done any yoga or pilates, which weren't stated goals.

    Mostly I feel like I'm slipping...LOL
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Does anyone revise their goals, if they are not making them?

    I have met my goals for the week... managed exercise, but my goals are pretty modest.

    I found a really cool, intense, exercise website (that's free) that I think I'm going to try tomorrow!

  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Does anyone revise their goals, if they are not making them?

    I have met my goals for the week... managed exercise, but my goals are pretty modest.

    I found a really cool, intense, exercise website (that's free) that I think I'm going to try tomorrow!


    I've never (to my recollection) revised goals for not making them, but I have increased my goals if I attain them sooner than I planned.

    Got in a walk with my dog today, and had a yummy salad for lunch!!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hey everybody, just found this thread (thanks for the tip, debbiequack). I'm Chris, 37, from Arizona. I've gotten to where my job takes up too much of my day, and all I do it sit in front of the computer. I'm going good so far with my workout plan but could definitely use some camaraderie and support.

    I know it's half-way through the month, but my goal for this month was to lose 10 pounds. I'm at 6 already, so going good so far.

    Nice to meet you all!!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Welcome attacus :-)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Great job so far, Atticus!

    It's a new week, and halfway thru the month - let's finish August strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I don't set weight goals, myself... mostly bc I try to focus on health and god knows what the scale will do. But my goals are the same this week: exercise 30 min, 6X/week. I might try to increase my running distance to 2.3 miles :)

  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    I'd have to say that mine is the time-suck that is TV. I have no problem admitting that I'm totally addicted and that I waste more time that I should watching it. Since getting on MFP, though, I've stared using TV as my motivation for exercise. I can't start a show up unless I'm in the process of working out or I've already worked out. Of course, that's led to this new mindset that I have to at least start other stuff before I watch TV.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    Food has never really been a problem for me: slothfulness is a problem. I REALLY hate exercise for some reason! I have never had "runner's high", and sometimes I find myself exercising saying "I hate it, I hate it" lol.

    That's my obstacle... chronic hate of exercise.
  • amschulte
    amschulte Posts: 7 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    I'd say mine is apathy on certain days. There are days when I have a fire lit under me and I'll do all the dishes in the house, 5 loads of laundry and go for a walk/run. Other days I get home from work and just don't feel like moving or doing anything. And I know the days I do physical activities I will sleep better on those nights and be more well rested the next day. The days I don't do anything I end up eating less healthy that I would on a motivated day. It's a cycle.

    I'm still working on overcoming bum days but I try to set a manageable goal for each day like one household chore plus a walk or run so I don't burn myself out and I can keep up with house/yard/life. I also am working on getting right into activities instead of sitting down on the couch "just for a minute" in front of the TV right away. The TV is indeed a time-suck. It's a struggle but I'm working on it. =)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    I had to think about this one a while...mine isn't tv (I hardly ever have time to watch tv except weekends), it's my computer. I mean, I waste like an hour a day catching up on a full days' worth of fb updates (not even playing games or anything!). I actually gave up fb for the month of June, and it was AMAZING how much more time I had!! Unfortunately, it is a good communication tool, and I missed out on some invites from my friends for get-togethers. And also unfortunately, it is too easy to fall back into that trap. it's not uncommon for me not to be able to check my email/fb until 9pm, due to my schedule & unable to access either from work.

    But this obstacle is two-fold - my other challenge (has been since FOREVER!) is getting to bed at a decent time, 10-10:30. If I wasn't getting to check email/fb until 9pm or later (it was 10 last night!), then I waste an HOUR...yeah, totally not getting to bed on time! So, I just have to try to use my time more wisely. It's just so easy, when I finally get to sit down & relax at my computer at home, to sit & waste time catching up on fb.

    Other things I have done to help overcome this...if I have time to stop at home between work and rugby practice, I go ahead then and make my lunch & snacks for the next day - so I don't have to worry about it when I get home at 8 or 9:00 (and still have to eat dinner then too!). I've even started making 2 days of lunches at a time, if I'm already preparing one meal, it's not too hard to make 2 at once.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    Mine is generally fatigue. I work a lot of hours during the week, and I'm always so tired in the evenings that it's hard for me to get motivated to work out and get going. The best way I've found to combat that is to just recognize that no matter how excited I am to get home and work out, once I get home I will want to crash. So I force myself to get up earlier in the morning and do all my workouts first thing before I can think of any excuses. Even though some days I hate hearing the sound of the alarm, once it goes off and wakes me up I can't usually fall asleep again anyway so I might as well get up. :) Seems to work for me for the most part.