April 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Aiming for 100 miles this month...and running my first ever marathon (London on 2nnd April). Not setting a time goal for marathon as just want to finish it (and any time will be a pb!!)


    23/100 Miles

    Congratulations, doing your first marathon in one of the Abbott World Major Marathon events! I wonder if we have all 6 covered by the MFP group? A couple of us are running Boston, you're running London, I think there are people who said they got into New York and Chicago; but I don't know about Berlin and Tokyo.

    Might be tough to get them all covered in the same year; nobody can run London and Boston in the same year, because they're only 6 days apart. But we could get them all covered over time, as a group.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Aiming for 100 miles this month...and running my first ever marathon (London on 2nnd April). Not setting a time goal for marathon as just want to finish it (and any time will be a pb!!)


    23/100 Miles

    Congratulations, doing your first marathon in one of the Abbott World Major Marathon events! I wonder if we have all 6 covered by the MFP group? A couple of us are running Boston, you're running London, I think there are people who said they got into New York and Chicago; but I don't know about Berlin and Tokyo.

    Might be tough to get them all covered in the same year; nobody can run London and Boston in the same year, because they're only 6 days apart. But we could get them all covered over time, as a group.

    no one?????


    I follow her on instagram - she did Tokyo this year too.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    so completely off-topic

    @Elise4270 you were learning the violin a while back. How's that going?

    I made the 'mistake' of verbalising that I fancied learning trumpet. I now have a rental instrument in my possession and my first trumpet lesson tomorrow. I must hate my neighbours.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    4/1-14.5 miles
    4/2 Rest Day
    4/3 5.7 miles (4 on dreadmill, 1.7 with Stella)

    20.2/180 miles

    Yesterday was an, er, interesting running day. We had severe thunderstorms and torrential rain all day long. I had an easy 8 mile run on the schedule. It was pouring when I woke up and I knew from the weather forecast that it was going to be difficult to get this one in. I kept waiting all afternoon for a break in the weather to sneak out to do at least half of it because 8 miles on the dreadmill is like a prison sentence to me. Every time I thought I saw a window of opportunity, another storm would roll in. By 8PM, I finally gave up and decided to see how much of an easy run I could eek out in the basement.

    Even though I was only able to complete 4 miles on satan's sidewalk, I did actually realize a lot of things from this run. My goal was to keep my HR under 130, which I was able to do by keeping the treadmill at 6.5mph. My Garmin was reading a much slower pace though. Since I know that my Garmin is estimating my pace based on my known average cadence, I figured that my cadence must be much lower on the treadmill, which meant I was probably altering my stride quite a bit. I tried to consciously change my stride as if I was running outdoors. When I did this, my Garmin pace increased and fell into line with what the treadmill said I was running. However, although my HR did not change much, it felt a lot more labored and my legs really started to ache. I noticed that it was very hard to keep trying to run this way. I kept wanting to increase the speed, which I think would have put more more in line with my natural gait. When I finally hit 4 miles, because I felt that this may be doing me more harm than good, I decided that was sufficient.

    When I was done, the rain had slowed to a drizzle and the lightening appeared to be off in the distance so Stella and I went for a run. She had fun sloshing in the puddles. I only ended up with 5.7 out of my planned 8 miles, but it was intended to be a slow and easy day, so I don't think it will matter in the grand scheme of things. I feel very refreshed and ready for my cross training today.

    TL,DR- Running on the treadmill definitely changes my gait and probably not in a good way. Oh, and sometimes you need to listen to your body rather than your stubborn inner voice.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @lporter229 Satan's side walk that's a keeper.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    April Running Challenge
    Goal: 80 km
    Done: 5.5/80 km

    4/4/18 Run 3.5 km walk 7 km
    3/4/18 Run 2 km SL B
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @lporter229 Satan's side walk that's a keeper.

    I can't take credit. I stole it from a woman in my run group, but it definitely is appropriate sometimes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    so completely off-topic

    @Elise4270 you were learning the violin a while back. How's that going?

    I made the 'mistake' of verbalising that I fancied learning trumpet. I now have a rental instrument in my possession and my first trumpet lesson tomorrow. I must hate my neighbours.

    Wow! Glad you have lessons lined up.

    I still plan to learn to play. I can teach myself, but I'd love lessons, which I haven't found any here... I just need the time to do it. And I set it down long enough that I have to go back and relearn the music reading bit. If I'd just practice reading sheet music, I'd probably not fall behind so easily.

    I did some online lessons. That was okay.

    DD is working late afternoon to 12am, and I try to keep it quiet so she can sleep, DH studies with his men's stuff some evenings too. I've gotten complacent.

    I thought (forgot and just remembered) I'd buy an inexpensive electric violin and try to practice more.... Why did I forget that? It plugs in ear phones so I wouldn't bother anyone or feel overly self conscious practicing. Dang. I could have learnt an Irish Diddy already, if I hadn't forgotten.

    My youngest son played the trumpet for a while, he took to it like a duck to water (until other interests developed-bipolar with an alcohol addictionl). You can do a thingy... A uh. Oh... Silencer.. haha! Violin has a mute, I can't remember what the thing is for the horns. Or just B.B. King that baby! Let 'em all enjoy it!

    Now I must shop for an electric violin.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Hrm. 27mph steady winds here, with showers and snow. Probably not a run outside kind of day.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @MNLittleFinn all I know is I look forward to reading your race report after you cross the finish line :D
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited April 2018
    @7lenny7 I'll take slop over post holing. Oh yeah, bring me bacon.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @7lenny7 i wish i could just grab and go. I found out in october that after about 45 miles, most thingslook like crap to me. Nutrition mainly means packing things I'll still want to eat in the latet miles.