To Keto or not to Keto



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    2t9nty wrote: »
    annwyatt69 wrote: »
    My family (4 of us) started the Ketogenic Meal Plan three days ago. I, myself, have already seen a 6 pound weight loss. I'm sure this is mostly water. Today--the 3rd day I achieved ketosis and the ketones are at large. My family and I are focusing on keeping are macros in check--70% fat, 10% carbs, and 20% protein. I am a type I diabetic on an insulin pump and since starting my blood sugars have been completely level. I am not seeing the ups and downs that are normally seen after meals and the lows prior. Steady levels throughout. I also have decreased my insulin usage from about 37 units per day to 15 units per day. Interestingly no one in my family has felt hungry and the meal planning is a family thing. I find it interestingly also that my calories are pretty much equal to what I ate prior to starting, but I was gaining slowly and now I am losing. I also like the intermittent fasting and plan to do that whenever possible.

    I am a T2D and was trying to lose weight and manage glucose levels. By monitoring with the meter, I found that the lower I kept the carbs, the more stable the glucose readings were. The keto diet looked like a solution for the weight loss and glucose control. I went with it.

    I keep my carbs under 20 a day. My macros are 5% C, 60% F, and 35% P. I have lost a pound a week more or less since October of 2016 on keto. I had lost about 40 lbs pre-keto and before my T2D diagnosis. I am 116 lbs down total since I resolved to lose some weight in January of 2016.

    My experience is that you have to watch the calories carefully (as I would expect). As I went into this I calculated basic caloric needs. I went with a daily 500 calorie deficit to meet the goal of losing a pound a week. Periodically I hit a plateau. After I notice the plateau and get tired enough of it to be motivated, I will drop the daily calorie intake by 200 and be really strict with measuring portions to get back on track. There is calorie creep in estimated servings (or mine anyway). That always gets the scales moving again.

    I do find that for me the keto diet provides very good control of appetite, and I find the food satisfying. Neither of those might be true for someone else. For me keto is a good fit.

    Very inspiring with your weight loss. Congrats!! I was pre diabetic before doing keto/intermittent fasting and no longer am. No fatty liver, no high blood sugar anymore. :smile:

    I'm curious, with your large amount of weight loss have you been able to get out of the diabetic state? Are you currently taking insulin or other medicines, or other

    I'm curious because I have a relative who had T2D and he was and still is a very thin, lean guy. 42 years old. No where near being obese but still had the Diabetes. He has been eating keto for only about 5 months and has completely reversed his T2D. He was on insulin and no longer takes that or any other meds. He went from a very high carb intake to barely any. Funny how so many folks say it's not possible to reverse it and that it's all fat related (of course obesity is a major player) but facts show that even skinny people have Diabetes and can still reverse it if they do what's needed to do so.

    Obesity is a major risk factor for developing T2 diabetes.

    However that does not mean everyone who develops T2 diabetes is or was obese. Some were not, this is true.

    For those who are not and who are , yes, i accept a low carb diet is benificial and may help control BSL's and result in reduced or no medications - diet controlled diabetes - wont be acheivable for everyone but will be for some.

    However important to realise this is not reversing the diabetes - it is controlling it with diet. It has not gone away.

    Insulin is also not always permanant - sometimes used short term in newly diagnosed diabetics to stabilise blood sugars more quickly. This is regardless of keto diets - have seen this used many times and none of the patients adopted a keto diet. They improved their diet and usually their activity level and reduced carbs and sometimes used oral meds as well as the insulin - but they did not go to a keto diet.

  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    2t9nty wrote: »

    Very inspiring with your weight loss. Congrats!! I was pre diabetic before doing keto/intermittent fasting and no longer am. No fatty liver, no high blood sugar anymore. :smile:

    I'm curious, with your large amount of weight loss have you been able to get out of the diabetic state? Are you currently taking insulin or other medicines, or other?

    I'm curious because I have a relative who had T2D and he was and still is a very thin, lean guy. 42 years old. No where near being obese but still had the Diabetes. He has been eating keto for only about 5 months and has completely reversed his T2D. He was on insulin and no longer takes that or any other meds. He went from a very high carb intake to barely any. Funny how so many folks say it's not possible to reverse it and that it's all fat related (of course obesity is a major player) but facts show that even skinny people have Diabetes and can still reverse it if they do what's needed to do so.

    I am completely off meds. I took metformin and then had it reduced. The doctor took me off of it in January, and my last A1C was 5.9 - so high normal. I am working on bringing it down some more. I still consider myself T2D, but I am just managing it with diet. Once I get to goal weight, I may see if I can tolerate a few more carbs in maintenance, but that is why I have the meter.

    I managed to do all this in the span of less than 18 months since diagnosis. The weight loss helped, but even before losing weight, the diet brought down the glucose numbers dramatically and gave me a lot of motivation to stay with this diet. I tried the Diabetes Association diet initially because that is what the doctor gave me, and it really did not work for me or seem to help my numbers at all. I would have to check but I think I did not see a reading under 200 (fasting or otherwise) until I started restricting the carbs to 50 a day. I tried lower carb amounts to see if the downward trend would continue, and they did. I reduced carbs to 20 and formally adopted keto in October of 2016. Numbers then were very good and were reflected in subsequent A1C's.

    Amazing and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
  • freakyfantasy
    freakyfantasy Posts: 6 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    I been on keto for 5 months now and I love it. prior to doing keto I could not stay away from carbs and sweets. a busy mom of two a 3 year old and a one year old keto was the best health choice I have ever made!!! I stick to 80%fat, 15% protein and 5% carb. the whole "caloric deficit " is a bunch of bull to me and I don't believe it at all. there is know way a person can prove how much calories you are burning through out the day. not one persons metabolic rate is the same and everyone does something different everyday so you cant put a straight number on it. and far as the studies read above the high carb and low carb yes its not different because "carbs is carbs" and what a lot of people are missing is keto is just not a low carb diet they key is a HIGH FAT diet. and your goal is to get into ketosis, that's where you start burning fat. Research high fat diet vs. low low carb diet and you will see the difference. I have lost 25lbs since starting keto and it was effortless I have also kicked the cravings for sweets and carbs. I have a ton more energy to play with my kids, and I don't wake up feeling like a zombie from having a rough night with my baby. Not to mention 23lbs of that was straight fat loss! We had a 12 week biggest loser at work majority were doing the low calories (eating like a bird) and doing no fat low carb, and protein diet. and i was doing keto with my butter, fatty stake, egg etc. everyone thought I was crazy. But the number and data don't lie! I won the fat loss and weight loss category. the others did lose weight but also lost a lot of muscle. I have 5 clients right now all only a month in and they all lost 5-13 lbs and 1-3.5 inches off their waist. So i am totally a keto advocate. seeing results with my clients and with my self also feeling the difference in my body and having clarity on keto compared to being on a non keto diet. Its very sustainable for me i don't need to worry about calories i just listen to my body i never did calorie restrict my self neither does my clients and we care getting amazing results!. I just eat when i'm hungry stop when im full. No starving trying to eat like a bird, being moody because you have to eat salads all day. just do your research and give it ago. and sorry so long lol really am passionate about it! =)


    It's just too bad that all of that is incorrect and goes completely against physiology and the laws of energy balance. Magic doesn't exist, you have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. That's been scientifically proven over and over again. There is no "metabolic advantage" to a ketogenic diet, calories are calories.

    Let's start here with some science:

    So much B.S. here. PLEASE realize this guy is 100% wrong and I am 100% proof of it. Have been doing intermittent fasting and keto for 77 days as of today and have lost 47 lbs so far. Have not been in a caloric deficit at all. In fact a lot of days I am in a caloric surplus. Do some research on combining intermittent fasting with keto.

    And as I've said on other threads. If this guy or anyone on this sight want to put some money where their mouth is I will put up $1000 to anyone here to prove what I've lost, how I've lost it, and in how long I've lost it. 100% B.S. that you HAVE to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. Get your body into a FULL time keto adapted state and you will lose weight at an extrodinary rate. And if you want to gain muscle at the same time do that too by working out and making sure you eat at least between .4 to 1 gram of protein a day. I have been doing 5 to 10% carbs, 20 to 25% protein and around 70% good fats per day. Even with my exercise I still am not in a caloric deficit so don't believe everything you read here on this forum cause there is SO MUCH crap I am reading all over the place here. Best thing to do is try it and see what the truth is and if you want any guidance, advice, or info send me a message.

    The power of combining intermittent fasting with keto is unbelievable powerful with fat loss, health, energy, muscle gain etc.. Just do a search online and read of all the people who report the incredible amazing results in their lives from it.

    I do full body composition imaging scans to track my fat % loss and lean muscle mass gains. There is no better way to know for sure what's going on with your fat loss and muscle gains.


    Great post and it really doesn't matter one bit what people who have zero experience doing what I and a ton of other people are doing say about it all. None of these people here who claim to know what they are talking about do long hour intermittent fasting/keto adapted living. They talk about it like they know but it is very very obvious they do not and only do so by reading other peoples posts, para phrase them, or quoting and/or linking some out dated blanket information that doesn't pertain at all to what I am talking about.

    And anyone here who wants to learn more about intermittent fasting combined with keto can very very easily do some research on their own to find tons of results reflecting the same info I have been talking about. And I welcome and PM's as well. If I can help I'd be glad to. I have no ulterior motive. I am not selling anything lol. I could care less who does what with their weight loss. What I do care about is people knowing the truth of what has happened to me and others I know and mentor from just in case it can help a single person if they chose to go that route. And I care a great deal about people talking and shooting from the hip about something they have not done and no absolutely nothing about. Keto is Keto a lot of info about that. Intermittent fasting combined with Keto is a different thing all together.

    What does matter is that at least some people that are here reading have other options to do with their body's what they want and to try for themselves. There has not been very many inventions, new creations, and technology expansion without people trying new things and often times thinking out of the box. It is the narrow minded narcissistic type of people who will not gain new knowledge, insight, new ideas or new ways of doing things. It is often unfortunately the follower mentality that leaves people from opening their minds as well. Going with the status quo so to speak.
    Research and learn from trying. There is no other way on earth to get better, real true facts for your own body. You can read till your eyes fall out but the knowledge you gain will be a drop of water in the ocean compared to doing it yourself and learning from it.

    It seems to me you're restricting calories and not even know it. Going keto works great for those who are easily satiated by fat. Combining that with an eating window of 8 hours results naturally in less calorie intake. You eat highly satiating foods for you, and you do that only within a 6 to 8-hour window ==> lowered calorie intake, unless you're popping 500 g of almonds, 3 avocados and 2 big steaks with a dozen boiled eggs, all within those 8 hours. A bit of an exageration, but that's what it is - it's naturally eating less calories than normal due to the foods and the time restrictions imposed.