30 Day Shred - Start July 15!



  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    My knee still isnt better. :(

    Oh well.. I will push through till the end!

  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    L3D2 finished. Such a challenge today -- the dogs were trying to help the guys next door roof an apartment. I think my heart rate was a little higher than normal as I was yelling at them (the dogs not the roofers) in between squatting and jumping, hahaha.

    i'm going to the in-laws for 3 days so we'll see how Jillian likes road trips and I'll also provide a little entertainment for the family while I'm jumping around in their basement and possibly yelling at my computer.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Apry1546, don't push too hard if you're in pain (the bad kind not the good kind). Jillian is no good to you if you're broken.
    Mamato4kids -- I found a SUP place that also does Yoga on the board. It sounds interesting and I think I may try to schedule a lesson before the summer is over
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    Done w/ L3 D2...ugh. I will be glad when its over!

    QUESTION: What is everyone doing after your shred is done? Will you start again? Move on to something else? I might take a break and finish up Chalean Extreme....

    Mamato4kids -- I found a SUP place that also does Yoga on the board. It sounds interesting and I think I may try to schedule a lesson before the summer is over

    Our place does Pilates and Yoga too, where are you?
    I am not ready for that, although, I did a plank w/o any problems when I did my first lesson. Good luck!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    L2D2 complete! I am sore this time aroundin my glutes and my abs. I wasn't sore during level one. I do have a shoulder problem though that is preventing me from pulling my weights back exactly like they are supposed to be done. I guess that's what happens when you play too much softball lol! But I will persevere! I plan on moving to the JM 6 week abs dvd. Kind of intimidated when I think about it though!

    Glad everyone is keeping with it! You are very inspiring! Thanks to all of you!
  • Kristin6608
    Kristin6608 Posts: 56 Member
    Ok. We changed our minds and didn't go backpacking. We ended up car camping but got lots of walking in while we fished the streams. I didn't do my workout yesterday (even though I was home) but I got back to it today. Did 30DS and we are about to go for a walk at the park. I have been talking to my husband for the last few weeks about starting C25k. He keeps saying he wants to do it but always tired when he gets home. I told him I am going to do it without him if he keeps this up. Try tomorrow again.

    Not sure what day I actually did of the shred. I have to find my calendar. I know I am way behind now though.[

    Done w/ L3 D2...ugh. I will be glad when its over!

    QUESTION: What is everyone doing after your shred is done? Will you start again? Move on to something else? I might take a break and finish up Chalean Extreme....

    I definitely need to start another program. I had thought P90x but it depends on what my schedule ends up being. What is Chalean Extreme all about? I would love to keep in touch with you. You are a huge motivator for me!
  • Kristin6608
    Kristin6608 Posts: 56 Member
    My above post shows wrong... the quote is actually what I was replying back to mamato4kids
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm thinking of trying Zumba, but I am most likely going to buy another DVD. Something with a bit of cardio.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    L3D3 done. :)
    Between my shoulders is achy now.. and tried to stay off my knee as much as possible. My ankle is standing up to it all, I resprained it this morning.

    I'm having no luck these last 2 weeks it seems! Haha
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member

    I definitely need to start another program. I had thought P90x but it depends on what my schedule ends up being. What is Chalean Extreme all about? I would love to keep in touch with you. You are a huge motivator for me!

    ChaLean Extreme is another beach body program. I started it before 30DS. It is with Chaleane Johnson. Same person that does turbo fire. I like it because I
    The workout are no longer than 40 minutes ( including warm up and cool down) it isn't high impact, it's a lot of weights, but nothing too extreme. LOL...although that is what the title says. My friends have gotten great results with it and are hooked.
    I am a beach body coach if you want more Info. ( only for discount purposes, I'm not making any money on it)
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 68
    Todays a day off between L2 and 3. But got in a good treadmill workout :-)
  • andbam
    andbam Posts: 18 Member
    Disappointed in myself today. I've only done 5 days of the 30 Day Shred and I didn't to a work out today. My knees are absolutely killing me today and I just couldn't bring myself to do today's workout. I did however spent most of the day wandering around a mall. Hopefully I can force myself to do day 6 tomorrow, even if my knees are hurting me.
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    Skipped today...I ran 5 miles this morning, and my ankles were killing me...couldn't see myself doing L3 in pain. Back tomorrow!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    Ugh....went to the movies with my kids, ran errands and then had a call for someone to come see our house (it's for sale) so I have seriously spent the last 4 hours cleaning. I need to get 30DS done....ugh.
  • Margie2210
    Margie2210 Posts: 20 Member
    Did day 1 of level 3 just now. In some ways harder than level 2, but I am also less drenched in sweat than when I do level 2. On the other hand, I was not able to do some of the moves full-out yet in this new level, so I'll probably be equally drenched when I get better :)

    I have to be finished with 30DS by the 18th since I am going out of town and cannot do my workout/measurements. So my plan is to double up two days next week (one workout in the morning and one at night) and then do my measurements on the 18th before I leave!

    To the question about what is next, i think after I get back from two out of town trips, I want to start Ripped in 30 (or whatever its called) which would be September 1st. I plan to do random DVDs, hiking, and swimming in between travels until then.

    We are so close to getting all the way through! Keep on pushing everybody!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    half of L3D4 done. My player decided to crap out every 5 minutes and I just can't bother with it anymore! Looks like it needs to be taken apart tomorrow and cleaned!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    half of L3D4 done. My player decided to crap out every 5 minutes and I just can't bother with it anymore! Looks like it needs to be taken apart tomorrow and cleaned!
  • goals111
    goals111 Posts: 15
    2/3 of the way through. Start Level 3 tomorrow. Can't wait to finish and see the final results-- pretty happy with my progress so far.
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    Back on track...L3D3 done.....
  • andbam
    andbam Posts: 18 Member
    Does anyone know of a way to get sore knees to stop hurting? I haven't been able to do a workout in 2 days because my knees hurt so bad. They feel like they are bruised when I touch them and the pain radiates down my legs. I so want to get back on track but I'm afraid I'll just make them worse if I start too soon.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Does anyone know of a way to get sore knees to stop hurting? I haven't been able to do a workout in 2 days because my knees hurt so bad. They feel like they are bruised when I touch them and the pain radiates down my legs. I so want to get back on track but I'm afraid I'll just make them worse if I start too soon.
    I've had the same problem with one of my knees lately.
    All I did was ice and take a day off, and when i stated up again I wrapped it up during the workout and took it slow, and when I had to get on my knees I put a folded up tshirt under my knees, it helped loads.