Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 40



  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
    I didn't realize until a few minutes ago that I'm more than 50 lbs down from my heaviest weight (January 2015). When I see 190 again, my weight will be lower than it's been since high school. Life is working, and I'm just going to take another moment to thank everyone here for everything. This place has allowed me to sit with whatever it is that's been bothering me. It's given me space to really examine how I've been living my life, especially the pattern(s) that have been derailing me from previous success. I feel so much more prepared to deal with life than I was a few months ago, and this group has everything to do with that. I'm blessed to have you in my life, and I love each and every one of you.

    Age: 46
    Height 5’11”
    Historical SW (January 2015): 245 lbs
    Recent SW: 220.0 lbs (1/14/18)
    Ultimate GW: 189.8 lbs (and then reevaluate)

    R28 SW = 220.0 EW = 219.8 (-0.2) AW = 220.2 (+0.2)
    R29 SW = 219.8 EW = 214.0 (-5.8) AW = 215.9 (-4.3)
    R30 SW = 214.0 EW = 214.0 (-0.0) AW = 214.1 (-1.8)
    R31 SW = 214.0 EW = 209.2 (-4.8) AW = 211.3 (-2.8)
    R32 SW = 209.2 EW = 209.6 (+0.4) AW = 208.9 (-2.4)
    R33 SW = 209.6 EW = 207.4 (-2.2) AW = 208.2 (-0.7)
    R34 SW = 207.4 EW = 206.6 (-0.8) AW = 206.6 (-1.6)
    R35 SW = 206.6 EW = 204.2 (-2.4) AW = 204.1 (-2.5)
    R36 SW = 204.1 EW = 207.4 (+3.3) AW = 203.9 (-0.2)
    R37 SW = 207.4 EW = 202.0 (-5.4) AW = 203.5 (-0.4)
    R38 SW = 202.0 EW = 196.8 (-5.2) AW = 197.1 (-6.4)
    R39 SW = 196.8 EW = 194.2 (-2.6) AW = 195.8 (-1.3)

    Total loss (since 1/14/18, but before this round): 25.8 lbs
    Average weight loss per round: 2.28 lbs

    R40 SW = 194.2
    Goal for this round: 193.0


    5/8 = 194.0 (-0 2). I finally went shopping on Sunday night, and I actually food prepped last night. I made a sausage and pepper soup (delicious) and a bacon frittata (also delicious). Tonight I'm getting some new cookware that I need in order to finish my food prep: a chicken casserole thingy. Lots of work getting it done, but it felt good. And it's great not having to stress about where I'm getting my next meal. And it tastes good!!! 4 more days until I can resume basketball/lifting weights, but I might cheat a couple of days early and play Thursday.

    5/9 = 194.2 (+0.2). I stayed "on plan" last night, but impulsively had another serving of dinner. And then a little bit of dark chocolate. I was on-target with carbs, but over everywhere else. Snacked a bit to much during the day, which left me with very little wiggle room at the end of the night. I really wasn't hungry; it was impulsive. Moment noted. I'm not going to dwell. My tattoo is looking/feeling pretty healed. I'm going to take a pic of it, send it to my artist, and ask for permission to play basketball tomorrow. Focusing on avoiding snacking when I'm not hungry today.

    5/10 = 193.6 (-0.6). A tiny WHOOSH™. I literally overate slightly last night, so there's no other explanation. Overeating slightly is eating my prepared food, and then my wife comes home and says she wants tacos (which includes fresh chips and guac) from a local place. I get a skirt steak burrito with no refried beans and extra steak. I throw away the tortilla, throw some guac on top, and that was my snack. I also had lunch out for my friend's birthday, and had a salad with tuna salad, avocado, and Caesar dressing. Everything I ate for the day was Keto-friendly. It is getting easier. It really feels like I can do this long-term. I'm playing basketball tonight!!! And lifting weights.

    5/11 = 192.6 (-1.0). A regular ole' WHOOSH­™. I don't understand it, but I'll take it. I drove about 30 minutes to play basketball last night after lifting weights, and the high school I play at apparently decided to setup the gym with tables and chairs for something, so no basketball last night. Infuriating. I was out in the field for work yesterday and decided to stop at Panda Express for lunch. I made the mistake of not checking carbs before eating my food; I now know that Teriyaki Chicken (with no sauce) has 11 carbs, and whatever the Steak option is has 16 carbs. I probably ingested less carbs than that; I didn't eat all the vegetables in my steak dish (only the ones I know are Keto-friendly), and I pretty much ignored my vegetable side. It was an important lesson, though; trust no one! Plus, if I'm being honest, I did some math in my head when I was ordering, and I probably should have figured it out. I knew total calories, I knew protein content, and I could have probably extrapolated the fat/carb macros. Not to mention I could have just plugged everything in to one of my handy dandy apps that does all that crap for me automatically. Anyhoo... I ate great the rest of the day (ended up with 36 net carbs), so the damage was minimized, but YEAH. And somehow I still dropped a pound. On a side note, my wife is getting jealous at my continued weight loss. I'm trying not to influence her directly in any way (which is unusual for me), but I think she's coming around to it on her own.

    5/12 = 192.6 (no change). Had a normal day yesterday. Ate within plan for breakfast and lunch, and had dinner out (guacamole bacon lettuce wrap). All macros good. It's raining and but I'm about to get on my motorcycle to go to the gym and play basketball. I'm going to a party today, but I'm going to eat breakfast and lunch before I'm going, and I'm confident that I can tolerate whatever comes up.

  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    gmiller725 wrote: »
    amfmmama wrote: »
    @gmiller725 How are you liking T25?

    @amfmmama I love it! I have always been a fan of Shaun T and his workouts. T25 is a super quick workout and has a person doing modifications the whole time which is good for beginners and when you need a break. I have the on-demand subscription so I just go to the website and press play. Netflix for fitness!

    Wait, what? I tried to find this on Netflix, nothing.
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Start Date: 1/16/2018
    Start Weight: 295
    First Goal: Back away from 300!!! Accomplished
    Next Goal: 263 Accomplished
    Next Goal: 233
    First Celebration Goal, No longer obese: 196
    Second Celebration Goal, No longer overweight: 163
    Ultimate Goal: Approx 150, but with muscles, and active with hiking, kayak, and all manner of outdoors.
    R 29 End Weight: 285.4
    R30 End Weight: 286.4
    R31 End Weight: 277.8
    R32 End Weight: 274.6
    R33 End Weight: 271.6
    R34 End Weight: 268.2
    R35 End Weight: 267.0
    R36 End Weight: 263.8
    R37 End Weight: 262.4
    R38 End Weight: 260.2
    R39 End Weight: 259.0
    5/08 / 259.0 / Here we go! I was so down about my last round that I decided to see how much I'd stalled out in my weight loss over the entirety of this attempt (from Jan. 16th). I thought, surely, with the time I spent out of state, my mother's death, and this past round I must be at least 5 pounds behind my "two pounds a week" goal. Shocker. No. I am still ahead, having lost more than two pounds a week on average. I know weight loss starts with water weight but it helped put the wind back in my sails.
    5/09 / 258.0 / I have never really looked at my macros. I just count calories. By coincidence, my fat calories were high, protein was just below target and carbs were way low. You Keto people know where I’m going with this, right? I.Wasn’t.Hungry.
    5/10 / 256.8 / Thank goodness.
    5/11 / 256.4 /
    5/12 / 256.6 / My daughter made dinner, something she knew would be okay for me to eat. She cannot help but use salt liberally.
    5/13 /
    5/14 /
    5/15 /
    5/16 /
    5/17 /
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member

    5/08 199.4 morning workout done
    5/09 199 going to start today with a long walk - I've noticed i feel less hungry on days when I get more exercise. Don't quite understand that. I don't eat back my exercise calories - but it's a win win so I'll take it !
    5/10 199 Yesterday was a beautiful day, lots of walking in the sunshine - and a 3 hour choir practice.
    5/11 198.8 if slow and steady truly wins the race - I'm in contention.
    5/12 198.8 I'm happy with that. Didn't eat as well yesterday. One of my students brought me homemade cranberry and orange scones. Delicious! but, over my calorie and carb goals and now I am having carb cravings. Must stay focused today!
  • gmiller725
    gmiller725 Posts: 147 Member
    @DebCountsAll I wish T25 was on Netflix! I was referring to the beach body on-demand subscription. They have hundreds of great at home workouts that you can play from anywhere.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,015 Member
    edited May 2018
    Seeking lower bodyfat %

    My name is Tish.

    USW: 253
    SW: 240
    CW: 202
    GW: 199
    FGW: 150
    *It's easier for me to think 10lbs ahead at a time*
    {Round 34 - lost 2.8 lbs}
    {Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs}
    {Round 36 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs}
    {Round 38 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs}


    •5/8 - 203.2 - Smh. Once again retaining water. I reach a lower weight and my body won't let me enjoy it more than one day.
    •5/9 - 203.2
    •5/10 - 202.4 - My weight adventure. Still retaining fluid.

    •5/11 - 201.2 - No comment on this number until tomorrow.

    •5/12 - 202 - Had another small decrease in bodyfat. I don't know about accuracy on a body composition scale, but it does give insight to changes in fat/water percentages. I've noticed that when my weight drops and I've lost a bit of fat, the water% goes up. The scales tale behind the whoosh?

    So, don't get discouraged if you're doing everything right for yourself. Your body is doing its job keeping everything in balance. It doesn't care if you're frustrated. Your weight is fat, fluid, skin, bone, muscle.


    Seeking lower bodyfat%
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Round 40
    My 5th round!

    Round 36 - SW 167 EW 168
    Round 37 - SW 168.2 EW 166.6
    Round 38 - SW 166.6 EW 165.2
    Round 40 - SW 165.2 EW 163.6

    SW - 172 on 1/14/18
    CSW - 163.6
    CEW - 161.6
    UGW - 130


    5/08 - 163.8 - A little bit of an increase but I was expecting it, I always gain a little when I don't drink enough water and the past couple days I haven't. Going to up my water intake today and get a walk in this evening. Wasn't able to walk yesterday like I wanted to, husband came home from work with a trailer full of mulch so I spent the evening weeding and laying mulch instead. Granted that's a work out of its own. Looking forward to this new round and getting that much closer to my ultimate goal weight.

    5/09 - 163.8 - Been around this weight for quite a few days now so I'm hoping to see a drop soon. I've been getting well over my steps goal (10,000) the past few days and my food has been good, haven't been eating back any of my exercise calories. My water intake is down still though, for some reason I've been having a hard time drinking as much as I was which I find weird, you'd think I'd want to drink more as it's getting very warm out.

    5/10 - 164.4 - Well crap! I wanted the scale to move and that it did but it went in the wrong direction... I think it's because I've been bad with drinking water the past few days, was a lot better drinking my water today though and my food has been good, even though I had to mentally slap my hand away from grabbing unhealthy snacks yesterday. Kicked myself out of the house so I wouldn't munch. I'm hoping this number won't stick around too long, fingers crossed. Getting a walk in this evening and and have a healthy dinner planned out.

    5/11 - 162.6 - There's the drop! Glad yesterday's weight didn't decide to stick around and hopefully doesn't reappear. Drank lots of water yesterday, got a 40 minute walk in while the kids had soccer practice and enjoyed my healthy dinner. Starting to plan weekend meals now so I don't ruin my hard work and and can meet my goal for this round.

    5/12 - 160.4 - I don't know where these big drops are coming from but please continue! I've reached my goal at this weight but I'll wait a day or two and make sure it's going to stick around before I set a new goal for this round. Today's been good so far, lots of water, healthy breakfast and lunch but I have a wedding to go to tonight so hopefully I can resist some of the badder but oh so yummy foods. Hope to see a good number tomorrow by continuing good choices today.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    Jan 2016 SW: 228 BMI: 33.7
    Round 34 SW 179
    Round 35 SW 178
    Round 36 SW 177
    Round 37 SW 175
    Round 38 SW 174
    Round 39 SW 173
    Round 40 SW 172
    5/7 172
    5/8 171 BMI=25.25
    5/9 170 BMI=25.1
    5/10 170
    5/11 170
    5/12 171 Both 5/10 & 5/11 were rough days... exercise was restricted and stress was high...but I’m back to pre-logging & can exercise again. All will be fine weight-wise; hoping for good medical outcome. “Carry on carrying on.”
    RGW: 171
    GW: 168.5 BMI Normal: 24.9
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    SW 169, this round163.4
    GW this round 163
    Round 38 - lost 0.4 lbs
    Round 39 - gained 0.1 lbs

    5/8 - 163.4
    5/9 - 163.2
    5/10 - 162.8 Yay! Hope I can make it stick
    5/11 - 161.8
    5/12 - 162.4
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'9"
    Historical SW: 251.6 lbs 9/14/2015
    Restart W: 230.8 12/26/2017

    JGM SW: 222.7 (2/7/2018)
    R31 EW: 218.6 ✔️ Goal
    R32 EW: 215.8 ✔️Goal
    R33 EW: 213 ✔️Goal
    R34 EW: 211.3 ✖️
    R35 EW: 208.1 ✔️Goal
    R36 EW: 212.2 ✖️
    R39 EW: 210.2 ✔️ Goal

    Goal: Release 2 lbs per round. I won't reach my goal of onederland by Memorial Day weekend with this goal, but I'd rather reach it late than never!
    Ultimate Goal: 175 lbs, reevaluate at that point

    8: 208.5... I'm down 7.4 pounds of water weight since I started a few days late last round. I'm feeling really good about being back on track!
    9: 208.5
    10: 209... Not bad considering the late, high sodium dinner and low water intake for the day.
    11: 206.9... Did really well yesterday. Plenty of water, and I think drinking a homemade iced vanilla matcha latte every morning is helping with the weight release.
    12: No weigh in today. Left home way too early in the morning for my daughter's soccer games over an hour away. I'm not off to a great start foodwise, but I don't feel the need to go overboard just because I've started out eating gas station food. I feel like that's a victory for me. I may end up a little over my calories, but I'm going to try not to.

    There's no such thing as failure; only feedback.