Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 40



  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    5/12--177.2 I'm okay with this. Ate a little over my calories yesterday. Today is my college graduation!!! Going to Pilates this morning and then I just have to make sure not to overindulge at the party my boss is throwing for me.

    Congratulations on your graduation!!
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member

    Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 40
    « 1 20 24 »

    Search discussion
    mackie_pantsmackie_pants Member
    May 11, 2018 5:51PM
    Female, 35, 5’6”
    Starting weight: 158.2
    Goal #1: 150
    Ultimate Goal: 135

    5/08 – 158.2 I’ve been losing weight for a little bit now, but this is my first time participating in this challenge so I’m going to pretend like it’s day 1 of my weight loss journey. I’m looking forward to the accountability this will provide!
    5/09 – 158.6 Yesterday was not a good day on the eating front! I don’t know why I bought that bag of Starbursts, but it was a definitely a mistake. Not doing that again. If I have to have Starbursts, I’ll stick with the smaller packs. It’s a brand new day though and I’m excited about getting back on track.
    5/10 – 158.8 I got back on track, but the scale didn’t get the memo! No worries.
    5/11 – 159.4 Disappointing after doing really well yesterday and the day before staying at my calorie goal. I might try lowering my carbs today to see if that gets things moving in the right direction.
    SheilaBonehamSheilaBoneham Member
    May 11, 2018 6:01PM
    I'm considering this round a pivot point since it ends on our move-into-new-house day. I've been lax in my calorie limits, and that's going to stop. I've reset my allowance and am dropping most bread from my diet. I'm also finally getting back to regular walks and weight training. I'm not keen on weight goals since I can't control the scale, but I'm determined to stick to my eating and exercise goals now and will hope to drop a pound per round (3/month) with an eye to hitting my UGW by early December.

    Weight ~~ UGW - 130; looking for indefinite downward trend each round, ideally 1 pound/round.
    Food ~~ 1350 calories max (estimated TDEE); P 15-25%, C 35-50%, F 30-45%

    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R39 end weight 149.8; averages -- calories 1753.5; carbs ~47%; protein ~20%; fat ~33%

    Day/Weight/Calories Day Before (aiming for 1350 starting 5-8)/Comment

    5/8 - 150.8 - 1647 (10-day ave 1791)
    First day, new round, revised approach. I'm up a little, no surprise, but I've finally shaken off this horrible cold and most of the cough, so I feel more like walking/exercising. Yay! Happy to see you all!

    5/9 - 150.6 - 1256 (10-day ave 1732)
    Good day yesterday! I cut my calories without feeling deprived, went for two lovely walks, and started packing. Feeling very positive - and the sunny morning doesn't hurt!

    5/10 - 150.6 - 1315 (10-day ave 1653)
    A little disappointed not to see a drop but, in fairness, it's only been 2 days since I cut back after a week + of higher calories and my 10-day average is still higher than it should be, so the drop will come. I feel much more in control.

    5/11- 150.5 - 1505 (10-day ave 1605)
    We were invited to brunch yesterday and I had no idea the strata she served was VERY high in calories - over 900/serving :-( until she sent me the recipe later. Yike! So I went a little over my goal yesterday, although not too bad - 155. Back on track today, although we'll be going out for dinner as our house closing is at 4 o'clock. But I'll watch it!


    amfmmamaamfmmama Member
    May 11, 2018 6:13PM
    @gmiller725 How are you liking T25?
    doseofcrazydoseofcrazy Member
    May 11, 2018 6:33PM
    I'm in! Goal for this round is to try to get more water (I'm terrible about that), and hopefully lose a pound.

    Female, 38, 5'4.6"
    SW 165.6 (4/23)
    GW 135

    R39 164.8 --> 162.2 (-2.6)

    Date - Weight (Comment)

    5/08 - 162.6 (A bit up from yesterday, but enh, that happens.)

    5/09 - 162.2 (Yesterday wasn't a fab day - not horrible, just not my best - and so I'm surprised to see it go down. No complaints though, lol.)

    5/10 - 162.4 (Apparently we're just gonna hang out right around this weight for a few days. And I have a sneaking suspicion why.)

    5/11 - 162.4 (Suspicion confirmed. Now to not let it get the better of me when deciding what to eat. LOL)
    5/12 - ()
    5/13 - ()
    5/14 - ()
    5/15 - ()
    5/16 - ()
    5/17 - ()
    MadisonMolly2017MadisonMolly2017 Member
    May 11, 2018 6:44PM
    Jan 2016 SW: 228 BMI: 33.7
    Round 34 SW 179
    Round 35 SW 178
    Round 36 SW 177
    Round 37 SW 175
    Round 38 SW 174
    Round 39 SW 173
    Round 40 SW 172
    5/7 172
    5/8 171 BMI=25.25
    5/9 170 BMI=25.1
    5/10 170
    5/11 170
    RGW: 171
    GW: 168.5 BMI Normal: 24.9
    puddlegooberpuddlegoober Member
    May 11, 2018 7:15PM edited May 11
    I didn't realize until a few minutes ago that I'm more than 50 lbs down from my heaviest weight (January 2015). When I see 190 again, my weight will be lower than it's been since high school. Life is working, and I'm just going to take another moment to thank everyone here for everything. This place has allowed me to sit with whatever it is that's been bothering me. It's given me space to really examine how I've been living my life, especially the pattern(s) that have been derailing me from previous success. I feel so much more prepared to deal with life than I was a few months ago, and this group has everything to do with that. I'm blessed to have you in my life, and I love each and every one of you.

    Age: 46
    Height 5’11”
    Historical SW (January 2015): 245 lbs
    Recent SW: 220.0 lbs (1/14/18)
    Ultimate GW: 189.8 lbs (and then reevaluate)

    R28 SW = 220.0 EW = 219.8 (-0.2) AW = 220.2 (+0.2)
    R29 SW = 219.8 EW = 214.0 (-5.8) AW = 215.9 (-4.3)
    R30 SW = 214.0 EW = 214.0 (-0.0) AW = 214.1 (-1.8)
    R31 SW = 214.0 EW = 209.2 (-4.8) AW = 211.3 (-2.8)
    R32 SW = 209.2 EW = 209.6 (+0.4) AW = 208.9 (-2.4)
    R33 SW = 209.6 EW = 207.4 (-2.2) AW = 208.2 (-0.7)
    R34 SW = 207.4 EW = 206.6 (-0.8) AW = 206.6 (-1.6)
    R35 SW = 206.6 EW = 204.2 (-2.4) AW = 204.1 (-2.5)
    R36 SW = 204.1 EW = 207.4 (+3.3) AW = 203.9 (-0.2)
    R37 SW = 207.4 EW = 202.0 (-5.4) AW = 203.5 (-0.4)
    R38 SW = 202.0 EW = 196.8 (-5.2) AW = 197.1 (-6.4)
    R39 SW = 196.8 EW = 194.2 (-2.6) AW = 195.8 (-1.3)

    Total loss (since 1/14/18, but before this round): 25.8 lbs
    Average weight loss per round: 2.28 lbs

    R40 SW = 194.2
    Goal for this round: 193.0


    5/8 = 194.0 (-0 2). I finally went shopping on Sunday night, and I actually food prepped last night. I made a sausage and pepper soup (delicious) and a bacon frittata (also delicious). Tonight I'm getting some new cookware that I need in order to finish my food prep: a chicken casserole thingy. Lots of work getting it done, but it felt good. And it's great not having to stress about where I'm getting my next meal. And it tastes good!!! 4 more days until I can resume basketball/lifting weights, but I might cheat a couple of days early and play Thursday.

    5/9 = 194.2 (+0.2). I stayed "on plan" last night, but impulsively had another serving of dinner. And then a little bit of dark chocolate. I was on-target with carbs, but over everywhere else. Snacked a bit to much during the day, which left me with very little wiggle room at the end of the night. I really wasn't hungry; it was impulsive. Moment noted. I'm not going to dwell. My tattoo is looking/feeling pretty healed. I'm going to take a pic of it, send it to my artist, and ask for permission to play basketball tomorrow. Focusing on avoiding snacking when I'm not hungry today.

    5/10 = 193.6 (-0.6). A tiny WHOOSH™. I literally overate slightly last night, so there's no other explanation. Overeating slightly is eating my prepared food, and then my wife comes home and says she wants tacos (which includes fresh chips and guac) from a local place. I get a skirt steak burrito with no refried beans and extra steak. I throw away the tortilla, throw some guac on top, and that was my snack. I also had lunch out for my friend's birthday, and had a salad with tuna salad, avocado, and Caesar dressing. Everything I ate for the day was Keto-friendly. It is getting easier. It really feels like I can do this long-term. I'm playing basketball tonight!!! And lifting weights.

    5/11 = 192.6 (-1.0). A regular ole' WHOOSH­™. I don't understand it, but I'll take it. I drove about 30 minutes to play basketball last night after lifting weights, and the high school I play at apparently decided to setup the gym with tables and chairs for something, so no basketball last night. Infuriating. I was out in the field for work yesterday and decided to stop at Panda Express for lunch. I made the mistake of not checking carbs before eating my food; I now know that Teriyaki Chicken (with no sauce) has 11 carbs, and whatever the Steak option is has 16 carbs. I probably ingested less carbs than that; I didn't eat all the vegetables in my steak dish (only the ones I know are Keto-friendly), and I pretty much ignored my vegetable side. It was an important lesson, though; trust no one! Plus, if I'm being honest, I did some math in my head when I was ordering, and I probably should have figured it out. I knew total calories, I knew protein content, and I could have probably extrapolated the fat/carb macros. Not to mention I could have just plugged everything in to one of my handy dandy apps that does all that crap for me automatically. Anyhoo... I ate great the rest of the day (ended up with 36 net carbs), so the damage was minimized, but YEAH. And somehow I still dropped a pound. On a side note, my wife is getting jealous at my continued weight loss. I'm trying not to influence her directly in any way (which is unusual for me), but I think she's coming around to it on her own.


    taniayftaniayf Member
    May 11, 2018 7:19PM
    5/09-185.8 (-1.6)
    5/10-185.8 (-0)
    5/11-185 (-.8)
    NSV-feeling good because I haven’t been this weight in over a year.
    puddlegooberpuddlegoober Member
    May 11, 2018 7:29PM edited May 11
    curvyycaloriess wrote: »
    5/10 500.8- I think I am being a bit too hard on myself while wishing I had lost more than just a pound. I did so good yesterday and I am proud of myself for that. Let's do great again today!

    I think you have a great point here. You're definitely being too hard on yourself.

    At some point in your experience you might even enjoy a day when your weight stays the same (when you didn't expect that to happen). You've embarked on a journey, and you're doing great. Enjoy your "streaks" (like this one) when you lose weight every day for a bunch of days in a row. Pay attention to plateaus (or unpleasant surprises in the other direction), and recognize them as opportunities to reflect on what you've been doing, to identify potential issues that might be holding you back, so that you can keep moving forward.

    This is going to be a long journey. We're with you. Being here and staying accountable EVERY DAY has been life-changing for me. I hope it will be for you, too.

    1stepfwd_LF301stepfwd_LF30 Member
    May 11, 2018 7:54PM
    Female 30y/o 5'1"
    GW: 135

    5/08: 176.4 -lots of water, made decent eating choices, ran 2 miles, 10K steps.
    5/09: 175.0 -did not overeat, did not exercise
    5/10: 174.8 -i had raman noodles right before bed... not as good as i remember it.
    5/11: 174.6
    Cheery83Cheery83 Member
    May 11, 2018 7:55PM
    This is my first round. I Started dieting last may lost 22 kg before desember. Then I stopped logging. Didnt gain before easter. And then I guess I just thought hey I have masterd this I can just eat without thinking because now I know what is enough. But I guess I was thinking more about what I was eating before easter because 5 kg jumped on so I am back to logging.
    SW 92
    Sw round 40 :73.2 kg
    Gw round 40:71.2kg
    Ug: 62 kg

    5/08 73.2
    5/09 73.4 I am watching secret eaters. I am definetly a chop and pop and a grazer. But no worries I work in a kitchen so there is plenty of things that I can eat without beeing aware. I have a plate of fruit . Trying to grab that instead of cheese and choclate.
    5/10 72.9 realising ten days is not to weeks. My goal is not really realitic. But hey I will get as close as i can. Loads of things happenings in this tread.
    5/11 72.4 Today I over ate. Had to go shopping for shoes to the little ones. We bought pizza itis so easy to eat my half of the pizza just out of habbit. Need to learn to leave food on plate when dinning out.
    5/12 72.3 another day done
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Age 60, 5'4" and eating in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet. I eat back exercise calories, or I would be starving and cranky. Hubby does not like cranky me. Changed MFP setting 5/5/18 to 1/2# per week loss ~ within 10# of UGW, weight loss had stalled 3 months + was feeling hungry more often.
    MFP SW 195 ~ Goals: #1 = 150 / #2 = 145 [normal BMI] / #3 = maintain 140 - 145 / no goal dates ~ I get there when I get there
    Thrilled with my 2/15/18 annual physical: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:

    My digital scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Weigh first thing in morning / comments reflect prior day.
    Previous round EW 154.0 LW 152.0
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving (no food/drink logged)
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 & pace 14:22 / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R25 EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    R26 EW 161.0 LW 157.5 = included Christmas (no food/drink logged) & several gatherings
    R27 EW 159.0 LW 159.0 = included New Year's Eve (no food/drink logged)
    R28 EW 157.0 LW 157.0 = walked Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19 / temp 10F & NNW 12 mph wind ~ fun!
    R29 EW 156.5 LW 156.5
    R30 EW 153.5 LW 153.5 = sick 4 days
    R31 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = recuperation during entire round / annual physical 2/15/18 BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14
    R32 EW 155.0 LW 153.0 = oops / still lower than before sick
    R33 EW 153.5 LW 153.0
    R34 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = Mexican restaurant day before end of round / high sodium
    R35 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R36 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = included Easter (no food/drink logged) / snacked on Easter candy during week / walked Badger State Brewing 10K in 1:30:28.82 & pace 14:35 / snow+rain+wind ~ yahoo!
    R37 EW 155.5 LW 153.5 = Easter candy + eating during 2-day record-setting blizzard in APRIL :p
    R38 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R39 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = last 3 days, changed MFP setting to 1/2# loss per week ~ more net calories :D
    Round 39 (previous round)
    04/28: 152.0 Walked dog before work / 3.19 mi 56:48 pace 17:48. Fitbit 14,080 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 32 floors. Net calories -101, sugar -11 (banana & power muffin), sodium -170, fiber & protein good.
    04/29: 155.5 Expected... ate out for lunch w/ hubby Sat. & no idea how to log accurately so didn't & no regrets (one of my favorite local restaurants). Walked dog 3.27 mi 58:33 pace 17:55. Fitbit 14,522 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 & 18 floors.
    04/30: 153.0 Late lunch w/ hubby's family after cemetery visit Sun. Logged best guesses. Walked dog 3.27 mi 1:01 (stopped for dog treats at Al's). Fitbit 11,059 steps, 250+ steps 6/14 (church & in car 3 hrs) & 21 floors.
    05/01: 154.0 Drank beer (& logged) to celebrate completion of never-ending work project (met my guesstimated deadline). Net calories red, sugar & sodium green, fiber & protein ok, 14c water. Walked dog after work / 3.08 mi 55:21 pace 17:59 (foot feeling better / keep up stretches). Fitbit 14,230 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 38 floors.
    05/02: 154.5 Stuck with meal plans but Snacked. Too. Much. on almonds (before supper) & veggies straws (late evening). At least those snacks are out of the house. Forced myself to log (guesstimates) ~ ack! Net calories, sodium & sugar RED, fiber & protein good & 15c water. Rest day / Fitbit 9,129 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 40 floors.
    05/03: 154.0 Fitbit 7,411 steps, 250+ 12/14 (spa night) & 25 floors. Stuck with meal/snack plan except finished snappea crisps for evening snack (unplanned) ~ net calories -208, sodium -358, fiber ok, sugar green, protein good & 15c water. Close enough for unplanned rest day (overslept alarm).
    05/04: 154.5 Evening social event & self-control not so much... Oh well, oops. At least I got up from table to remove myself from further damage. No idea how to log some, used quick add... needless to say net calories, sodium & sugar all RED. 15c water anyway. Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 59:49 pace 17:34 / happy dog & happy me. Fitbit 15,969 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 35 floors ~ hoping I can move up the leaderboard of workplace step challenge.
    05/05: 153.5 Weight machine & circuit training before work and increased my minutes slightly. Fitbit 8,226 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (volunteer host = sitting) & 30 floors. Net calories -273, sodium & sugar red, fiber & protein good, 14c water.
    05/06: 155.5 Lunch w/ hubby at Olive Garden (Sat.) + took home 1/2 entre ~ sodium very high + 13c water. Walked dog 3.57 mi 1:05:01 pace 18:11. Fitbit 12,715 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 & 22 floors. Changed MFP setting to lose 1/2# per week & see how that goes.
    05/07: 154.0 Liking change in daily calories with new setting ~ don't feel as hungry. Net calories green, sugar -5, sodium -547, fiber & protein good & 14c water. Walked dog 3.81 mi 1:08:03 pace 17:55. Yard work (lots of bending & hauling).

    05/08: 154.0 Did ok all day, stuck w/ prelogged meals & snacks, and net calories w/i limit... then late evening snacking on walnut halves ~ ack!!! Really liking my new calorie limit, but need to figure out what to do about snack attacks ~ I never used to. Rest day ~ Fitbit 10,194 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 30 floors. Raked part of front yard after work ~ so many whirlybirds ~ that was a good arm workout!
    05/09: 154.0 Yes! Stuck pretty much w/ prelogged meals, snacks + one curveball. Net calories green, sodium red (leftover Chinese food), sugar -13 (some fruit, power muffin, but also unplanned small portion of ice cream cake in office for manager's granddaughter's 5th bday ~ don't get me started!), fiber & protein good & 17c water ~ actually felt thirsty! Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 1:02:23. Fitbit 16,402 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 54 floors ~ evening, packed 3 boxes of Easter decorations & stored in basement ~ yes, I still had Easter decorations out.
    05/10: 153.5 I think changing my MFP setting to 1/2# per week, and having more net calories to play with, is agreeing with me. Net calories -15, sodium -721, sugar -19 (mostly fruit, power muffin & yogurt), fiber excellent, protein good & 14c water. Walked dog before work in off + on sprinkles + beat the rain / 3.43 mi 1:01:05 / remembered to stretch. Fitbit 16,489 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 46 floors. Workplace step challenge ~ currently in 31st place / top 30 women get prize at 10-week point... too bad leader board combines men & women, and everyone is listed by code number with no gender identification.
    05/11: 154.0 Net calories -85, sodium -517, sugar -13, fiber & protein good & 14c water. Walked dog after work 3.42 mi 59:43. Fitbit 13,538 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 & 41 floors.
    05/12: 153.5 Rest day / Fitbit 9,134 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 33 floors. Net calories -156, sodium green (yay), sugar -12, protein good, fiber excellent & 14c water, so not too bad for rest day.
    05/15 = annual workplace Health Risk Assessment
    05/17 = 8 hr seminar + 1 hr drive time

    Today ~ Smile ~ Laugh ~ Be Kind ~ <3 ~ Eat Well ~ Be Active
  • jaccimc63
    jaccimc63 Posts: 1,743 Member
    First Round!

    F, 54, 5' 6"
    OSW - 186 (March 2018)

    5/08 174 - I’ve been stuck between 173 and 175 for 2 weeks. I hope this helps get me to 172.5
    5/09 172 - Well that was quick, but knowing my body and my scale, I'll bet I go back up tomorrow.
    5/10 172.5 - As expected, I'm a little up this morning. But as long as I can end this round at 172 or 172.5, I'll count this round as a win!
    5/11 173.5 - After I cursed at the scale this morning, since I have stayed on plan all week, I threw on a pair of pants I haven't worn in about a month. I knew right away they felt different. Lo and behold, I didn't have my little muffin top! It will be these little things that keep me going through these plateaus.
    5/12 172.5 - I'm happy with this. I had pizza for supper tonight so we'll see if the sodium causes a problem tomorrow. I'm still within my calorie limit.
  • mrumlor
    mrumlor Posts: 92 Member
    Female, 40, 5'6".
    SW (early Jan): 90.8kg
    Round 35 SW: 88.4kg
    Round 36 SW: 86.1kg
    Round 37 SW: 87.4kg
    Round 38 SW: 85.4kg
    Round 39 SW: 84.3kg
    Round 40 SW: 84.8kg
    Ultimate GW: 70ish.

    Goals this round: eat better, track calories, be as active as my lupus will allow.
    5/08 - 84.8kg
    5/09 84.8kg - Feeling bloated.
    5/10 - 84.3kg - Feeling a bit better now but went a little off the food plan last night. Oops. Was still only around maintenance calories, tho.
    5/11 - 83.8kg
    5/12 - 83.3kg - I'm glad the numbers are finally coming down after being stagnate the last round.
    5/13 - 83.6kg - A couple glasses of wine last night. ;)
  • rhondamacleod1958
    rhondamacleod1958 Posts: 88 Member
    This is my First Round. I will be 60 years on June 18th and I would like nothing better than to weigh 155lbs by then.
    59 year female 5' 5" sedinary office job that truly ties to my desk most of the day


    SW 170 GW 163 UGW 145
    5/08 169.2 - UGH! :s
    5/09 167.4 - I need much better with my sugar today!
    5/10 166.5 - Very long day at work and then a 3 hour seminar. All numbers in the green  <3
    5/11 165.4 - Every Friday is “Treat Day” at work – I drank my herbal tea o:)
    5/12 166.8 - Worked in the yard all day, so a great day, lots of exercise.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,788 Member
    5/08-194 Ibs
    5/09- 193

    Thank-you Jackie

    5/08 Fitbit steps- 11,300, 67 minutes of exercise. eating lots of vegetables, eating healthy!

    5/09 - working hard to be strong, had a great day yesterday, had swelling from my head going to my toes. Keep going!

    5/10 - tracking my food I thought I ate good, but I realized my sodium was up. Still had lots of vegetables.

    5/11 - Fitbit steps-8,500 My eating was not as good as usual as far as vegetables, had to remind myself why I had surgery. I eat healthier when I make it myself. I keep telling myself how good I`m doing and every day I have a new challenge. Keep positive!

    5/12 - I am so lucky I eat my foods to help me heal. Chicken, lots of vegetables, fruit and water. Back to the doctors today the start of bronchitis, I can not believe all the virus I keep catching!
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    "Our greatest glory is, not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Oliver Goldsmith
    Start this FINAL weight loss journey 10/18/2017 = 147.9
    Start Just Give Me 10 Days ... 11/9/2017
    R22 * Start = 143.4 * Ave = 141.9 * Min = 140.2 * End = 141.2
    R23 * Start = 142.0 * Ave = 140.1 * Min = 139.4 * End = 139.6
    R24 * Start = 140.0 * Ave = 138.6 * Min = 137.0 * End = 137.0
    R25 * Start = 136.6 * Ave = 137.0 * Min = 135.8 * End = 135.8
    R26 * Start = 136.6 * Ave = 135.6 * Min = 134.8 * End = 136.0
    R27 * Start = 135.4 * Ave = 135.0 * Min = 133.4 * End = 134.0
    R28 * Start = 135.2 * Ave = 133.5 * Min = 132.2 * End = 133.0
    R29 * Start = 132.6 * Ave = 131.8 * Min = 130.6 * End = 131.8
    R30 * Start = 132.4 * Ave = 131.4 * Min = 130.6 * End = 130.6
    R31 * Start = 130.6 * Ave = 130.9 * Min = 130.0 * End = 130.8
    R32 * Start = 130.0 * Ave = 130.0 * Min = 129.0 * End = 131.0
    R33 * Start = 130.0 * Ave = 129.3 * Min = 128.4 * End = 129.2
    R34 * Start = 129.0 * Ave = 128.7 * Min = 128.0 * End = 129.8
    Maintenance Starts
    R35 * Start = 128.6 * Ave = 128.7 * Min = 127.6 * End = 127.6
    R36 * Start = 128.2 * Ave = 128.1 * Min = 127.2 * End = 127.4
    R37 * Start = 127.2 * Ave = 126.9 * Min = 126.6 * End = n/a
    R38 * Start = n/a * Ave = 127.5 * Min = 127.0 * End = 127.4
    R39 * Start = 127.8 * Ave = 128.4 * Min = 127.2 * End 129.8

    Round 40 GOAL = Ease slowly back to the middle of my maintenance zone (125-130), and push the exercise and steps.

    5/8 - 129.0 - Yesterday under calories, 40 minutes on elliptical, 10K steps.
    5/9 - 128.8 - Yesterday a bit over calories, 8K steps. Having a hard time getting any incidental steps at work, so slammed I am just glued to my desk stressing for 9 hours straight ... did not work for me (or anyone else)
    5/10 -128.8 - Yesterday over calories thanks to medicinal insomnia sugar in the middle of the night, other than that it would have been a reasonable day. 10K steps and got a walk at lunch.
    5/11 - 128.8 - Yesterday under calories, super tired, to bed early and slept 9 hours yay!

    5/12 - 129.4 - yesterday over calories with too much sugar after dinner :( Badly done!

  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    In for my nineteenth round

    I'm 37 years old from UK and 5'11

    Pre challenge loss 24.00lbs

    R21 SW 274.50 EW 268.00 (-6.50)
    R22 SW 268.00 EW 267.50 (-0.50)
    R23 SW 267.50 EW 264.75 (-2.75)
    R24 SW 264.50 EW 264.75 (+0.25)
    R25 SW 264.75 EW 268.50 (+4.00)
    R26 SW 269.25 EW 268.50 (-0.75)
    R27 SW 269.25 EW 262.50 (-7.25)
    R28 SW 262.50 EW 255.75 (-6.75)
    R29 SW 255.75 EW 254.50 (-0.75)
    R30 SW 254.50 EW 249.50 (-5.00)
    R31 SW 249.50 EW 247.50 (-2.00)
    R32 SW 247.50 EW 252.25 (+4.75)
    R33 SW 252.75 EW 242.75 (-9.50)
    R34 SW 242.75 EW 236.25 (-6.50)
    R35 SW 236.25 EW 235.75 (-0.50)
    R36 SW 235.75 EW 233.50 (-2.25)
    R37 SW 233.50 EW 230.00 (-3.50)
    R38 SW 230.00 EW 228.50 (-1.50)
    R39 SW 228.50 EW 229.50 (+1.00)

    Loss to date (measured start of round) - 69lbs

    GW end of round - 223.00lbs; need to get this moving again been too slow and too yo-yo of late

    05/07 - 229.5
    05/08 - 229.5
    05/09 - 227.5
    05/10 - 226.5
    05/11 - 226.5 not sure why the stalling, having a good week - heavy gym last night so maybe that
    05/12 - 225.5
    05/13 - 225.0 today I need to have control, baptism day for my god daughter
  • S_Tr_S
    S_Tr_S Posts: 249 Member
    OSW: 203 (1st April 2018)

    End R37: 196.8 (-4.4)
    End R38: 191.8 (-5.0)
    End R39: 190.2 (-1.6)

    R40 Goal: Under 189

    5/08 -- 190.4 I know that I've been comfortably within plan, so this isn't bothering me. I'm just sitting patiently waiting for my whoosh. :)
    5/09 -- 189.2 And there it is! I hope the bounce back isn't too bad this time; that's what really flattened me last round (no, it was nothing to do with toffee pecan ice cream, why do you ask?!)
    5/10 -- 188.2 Finally back on track. I hope that my numbers drop for a few days more before I hit bounce back.
    5/11 -- 187.2 The irony is that I'm not doing anything different from last round, when I struggled to hold even. This weight loss business is a long game.
    5/12 -- 185.6 I've now passed my "I will *never* let myself get this heavy again" top weight from 2013. Onwards. I expect the bounce-back to start any day.
    5/13 -- 185.2 Whoosh is slowing down, which is fine with me. I'm starting to get nervous about how big the bounce back is going to be. I've had a really good run.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,328 Member
    edited May 2018
    :star: Wake up with DETERMINATION! Go to sleep with SATISFACTION! :star:
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 40
    Round: ~~ Mean ~ highest ~ lowest
    38/31: . ~ 167.3 ~~ 167.9 ~~ 166.6
    39/32: . ~ 166.6 ~~ 166.6 ~~ 165.2

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct 2017: 158.2. Dream goal weight: 155.0

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 8000+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    GW: 165
    End of Round 39
    07/05: 165.9
    Not too bad. -0.7lbs is better than nothing. Also, mean weight is 1lb down, body fat has decreased. and muscle mass went up a little, so things are moving in the right direction.

    Round 40 (Round 32 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 72, weight in lbs)
    08/05: 165.9 Goals ✅ May Bank Holiday Weekend! It's done! Back to business.
    09/05: 165.9 Goals ✅ Hmfff!
    10/05: ???? Goals ✅ Did not weigh in
    11/05: 165.8 Goals ✅ No surprises here. Just plodding along doing my thing.
    12/05: 165.9 Goals ✅
    13/05: 165.8 Goals ✅ Plateauing is pants!
    14/05: xxx Goals
    15/05: xxx Goals
    16/05: xxx Goals
    17/05: xxx Goals
    :sunglasses: Let's do this!!! :sunglasses:

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 165.9 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 165.8 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:
  • Trishcolli
    Trishcolli Posts: 143 Member

    R39 SW159.2, EW160.4 (+1.2)

    R40, R2 -ME
    CGW: -1LB

    05/09-162.0 up 4 lbs since last Thursday :(
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy mother's day!

    Female, 31, 167 cm (5'5)

    5/08 - 62.8 kg (138.4)
    5/09 - 62.6 kg (138) I ate 1000 calories yesterday. I know it is too low but I didn't feel like eating because I felt very fat.
    5/10 - 62.2 kg (137.1) It was a busy day yesterday. I moved a lot and fell asleep before dinner.
    5/11 - 62.2 kg (137.1) I didn't go over my calories but no loss today.
    5/12 - 62.0 kg (136.6) I had 1250 calories yesterday. I should start working out but I don't like working out :neutral:
    5/13 - 62.0 (136.6) I was under my calorie goal yesterday but no loss.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    Age: 30
    SW: 90kg | GW: 57-59kg

    R40 SW: 64.3kg
    R40 GW: 63.5kg
    R19 | SW: 66.9kg | EW: 65.5kg | AW: 66.9kg | Trend: 0.0
    R20 | SW: 65.8kg | EW: 64.9kg | AW: 65.9kg | Trend: -1.0
    R21 | SW: 65.6kg | EW: 64.7kg | AW: 65.1kg | Trend: -0.8
    R22 | SW: 63.9kg | EW: 63.9kg | AW: 63.9kg | Trend: -1.2
    R23 | SW: 65.5kg | EW: 63.9kg | AW: 64.4kg | Trend: +0.5
    R24 | SW: 63.9kg | EW: 62.6kg | AW: 63.6kg | Trend: -0.8
    R25 – 31: incomplete
    R32 | SW: 64.1kg | EW: 64.2kg | AW: 64.0kg | Trend: +0.4
    R33 | SW: 63.3kg | EW: 63.0kg | AW: 63.1kg | Trend: -0.9
    R34 | SW: 62.7kg | EW: 62.6kg | AW: 62.2kg | Trend: -0.9
    R35 | SW: 63.7kg | EW: 61.5kg | AW: 62.4kg | Trend: +0.2
    R36 | SW: 61.5kg | EW: 63.3kg | AW: 62.4kg | Trend: 0.0
    R37-39: incomplete
    R40 | SW: 64.3kg | EW: XXXXX | AW: XXXXX | Trend: XXX

    5/07 - 64.3kg (-0.4kg)
    5/08 - 64.1kg (-0.2kg) - Hungry day yesterday but to be expected on the first day back on the wagon.
    5/09 - 63.9kg (-0.2kg) - I feel that's undeserved but I've got a horrible cold so perhaps it's dehydration.
    5/10 - 64.1kg (+0.2kg) - Expected. Re-hydrated and can only stomach carbs with this cold. 64.1 is ok. Looking to be in the 63s early next week once I am all better.
    5/11 - 63.9kg (-0.2kg) - Bouncing around! Would be great to stay under 64 now. Gotta work a bit harder than I have been though.
    5/12 - 63.8kg (-0.1kg) - I'm not logging at the moment but my "make better choices" approach seems to be doing ok.
    5/13 - 63.7kg (-0.1kg) - Only 200g to goal for this round so I'm feeling motivated! Lots of landscaping at home and hard physical work in my job at the moment looks to be helping!