

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Cheri, loved the cartoon about the fitbit. I carry my pedometer in my pocket all the time including the time in the middle of the night when I get up to walk the dogs so they can pee in the backyard. One reason I didn't get a fitbit was that I didn't want to have another thing (besides my blue tooth headphones and my phone) that needed to be plugged in to charge.

    I have been wearing a pedometer for many years! Updating as the years go by. It is on my person till I hop into bed and get up for the day. If I don't wear it to sleep, to get a weekly reading on my sleep patterns, then I will pick it up in the night if I visit the bathroom just down the hall! Every. Step. Counts. At least in my world.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Hello all! Whew! Made it through the weekend and half of today! Saturday I went to my nephew's wedding. He is a year younger than my youngest; so of course I look at him and think "Omigod! This baby is getting married!" He is 23. Older than I was when I got married. *sigh* It was nice to hang with family and catch up. I rode there with my oldest brother. This nephew is my youngest brother's son. My other older brother and my older sister were not there due to (respectively) the flu and distance (Florida-Michigan). So only three of us siblings in attendance. The venue was a rustic wedding in a barn. Beautifully decorated and lit. Paper origami cranes hanging from the rafters, ladders strung with twinkle lights, sheer fabric draped here and there. Stunning fire "pillars" warming and lighting the room. Just all around lovely! Then they served pizza for the reception?!? :s The kids figured "Who doesn't love pizza?" lol I had a couple of slices, avoided the breadsticks, and dessert and filled the rest of my plate with veggies and salad. Got home and DH was asleep, DYS not home from his charity event he worked, so I got a little cleaning done before bedtime. Woke up on Sunday to a clean(ish) house, got my groceries shopped and prepped, made some banana bread and baked up a spaghetti squash. Then headed over to my brother in law's place to celebrate Mother's Day with my MIL and the rest of the family. I headed to that with a somewhat cranky attitude; because what I really wanted to do for mother's day was absolutely NOTHING. Turns out, it was close to nothing that I did anyway. The guys took over the grilling and food set up. Sister in law put a drink in my hand as soon as I walked through the door and we headed down to their pool/patio area. A couple of sips and deep breaths later and I was very relaxed and happy to be there. B) Shoot! Just remembered I forgot to record my drinks in yesterday's meal! I will go back in and do that. Come to think of it, not even sure I recorded the meal...hmmmm...
    Anyway, today is a new day. Kids arrived in a good mood; with the exception of one two year old. She and I went head to head on a couple of things this morning. She is napping now, though. I have a couple of interviews this week for evening and weekend care. We will see how those go. DYS's jeep is STILL in the shop being worked on! :/ We are going into week 10 of him using our Jeep (and us being without vehicle). Hard for DH and I to NOT butt in and give the guys at the shop an earful. Trying to let DYS handle this himself. Sooooo hard. Katla- I feel for you with the car trouble.
    Machka- Fingers crossed your DH will be moved to rehab quickly! I agree with you and the doctors thoughts on his memory improving once he is more active. Science has already proven how important movement and activity are to a healthy brain! In the meantime...just keep walking, just keep walking...
    Rye- I too am a speedo lover! When I swim I want to make sure everything is staying covered, staying where it should, and they just hold up better against the chlorine than most suits.
    Penny- Your meal looks wonderful! I, too, pictured something much pinker; but I tend to eat my red meats on the rare side anyway.
    Heather-I can't, for the life of me, think of a good reason why the buyers need your house surveyed! What a pain! Fingers crossed they are just being persnickety and follow through with the purchase! Oh! DYS remembered me mentioning your book being published and that is my Mother's Day present from him. It has not arrived yet, but when it does, I will read and be sure to write up a review for you! So excited to read it and happy that he puts thought into what he gets me. I think of all of my kids, he probably reads me and knows me best. Maybe because he is the youngest and still at home?
    Barbie - you will have to post pictures of your iris and your newly landscaped yard! You are one of the hardest working women I know!

    Well, more of you I wanted to respond to! Kids are stirring, so I have to scoot! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Yesterday, my dear eldest son rode his bike over! He brought a new gaming computer, and I had fun being a character riding this horse around, and up many stairs of the church in game! Showed me a Japanese game in a brush stroke technique, that was interesting, very visual!
    After we went out for Mexican food, and I had a Pacifica beer and fish tacos! If course half my beer was gone before I got my food, so I'm hoping I didn't say anything too silly! This morning it was hard to get motivated to go exercise! But we did it!
    I have leftovers from the restaurant, so I just mapped out 500 calories for lunch today, and call it good! I
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    From the AARP paper.

    “Even if you can’t bring yourself to get rid of your stuff,
    your heirs will have no such qualms at all”

    -Professional mover
    Finn Murphy
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Kelly ~ My son's jeep was in the shop for over two months. It was a 2007 Commander and they couldn't find the parts needed. $2,000 to repair.

    Heather ~ I hope your sale goes through without a hitch. Know y'all must be aggravated.

    Kim ~ So glad you had a wonderful trip to Boston. I have never been there...really, I have hardly been anywhere. LOL

    I am to the point that allergies are taking over my life. I have been to two different dentist thinking my tooth was hurting due to a problem and they just don't think so. Said I might need a mouth piece to stop clenching. So, today I took a Benadryl that has a decongestant, antihistimine, and acetaminophen. No tooth ache but a very dry mouth.

    Carol in GA
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    Marcelyn -- That looks like an awesome trip! Congratulations.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Ok leftover Mexican food is great, but reheating the small tortillas for the fish tacos, made them taste like rubber. So eating the cabbage, fish taco pieces, lonely avocados, and some bites of the refried beans and rice was not too unhealthy! Definitely not more than 500 calories! I am up 2 lbs from the beer and all, but tonight's dinner will be my norm of tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and garlic dressing, and cottage cheese. And lots of water today to make up for the restaurant food.
    It so put my heart at ease with hearing from youngest son yesterday. Even my shy daughter in law sent me a happy mother's day wish on Facebook!
    Today it's trying to get hold of lawn service to schedule a free estimate. Once I can get it manageable, I can weed it. It's just a bit overwhelming right now!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hi all: Another warm day today. I have gotten some work done in the goat enclosure this morning cleaning out a lot of dead stuff along the fence line. There is a large dead branch that has fallen from one of our trees and is caught in the lilac bush. I tried getting it out of there but it will take someone taller than me. Doing well on eating so far today. DSon and his fiance have invited us to a dinner in July to meet her family. They live in San Diego. The wedding will be on July 14 at one of the wineries in Woodinville so they will be up here for that.

    Katla - Good luck with the car, hope it survives. We rented a Terrain when we were in California for my Mom's 90th a couple of years ago. We really liked it. I would consider buying one when our VW gives up the ghost. You get out there and make Arrow behave himself.

    Machka - Hope the move to rehab comes sooner than soon.

    Lanette - Do you plant directly in the compost or mix it into other soil? We have a three-compartment compost bin that we built. We dump manure, hay, grass cuttings etc. into one compartment while one is working and take out of the third. We are able to rotate that way. We have used the compost around our blueberries and the apple tree. I also dug some in where we plant tomatoes and beans. Can I use it alone in the pots around my gazebo? Or does it need to be mixed with something else. Once pastures are in better shape we plan to spread it there. Right now I am using Pasture Pal which is a weed and feed to try to control the weeds and increase the grass.

    Heather - Sending good thoughts on the house selling and buying. That is a very complicated process.

    Penny - Your dinner looks delish. That swimsuit is something else.

    Kim - Glad your trip to Boston went so well.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    Sue in WA - our compost generally "works" for about 2 years, no animal manure in it (but that would make it "work" faster) and it's mainly leaves, veggie trimmings and left-over potting soil from prior year's spent pots. The stuff I've been using is light and fluffy. I do, however, generally mix it half and half with existing soil in the garden or with purchased organic topsoil/garden soil.

    The stuff I used in my pots this year is our pure compost. I mixed a few shovels of it in with existing dirt in the holes I dug to plant tomatoes this morning.

    Several years ago, our Master Gardener group lost a lot of little tomato seedlings which were planted in purchased compost - I think it came from a dairy. Hundreds of seedlings had to be tossed out. The farmer had used an herbicide - clopyralid - on the hay pasture which the cows ingested and it stayed in the manure for a while = "Killer Compost". Despite what the manufacturers say, it can be persistent. :s The little tomato plants were stunted, leaves and stems twisted just like they had been directly sprayed with herbicide.

    We lime and fertilize our lawn - don't use any herbicides - which the grass loves and it crowds out most of the weeds that way. Also, we no longer save grass clippings for the compost and DH cuts it at 3 1/2 inches which helps it out in drought conditions since the longer grass provides shade for the roots.

    I did set out my tomatoes this morning and they do NOT like the hot sun very much but I watered them in good and they'll toughen up. If they don't, I have spares.

    Sunny and WARM SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri: I love the cartoon! "I can't get out of bed, my fitbit is charging and my steps won't count." I saw quite a bunch of various ones online priced at 2 cents right on up to hundreds. I would ask Barbie for advice. :star:

    (((Heather))) I hope the real estate deal goes through and you can move and be happy. :heart:

    Lisa: Thanks for the good review of your Terrain. That is one of the cars DH is thinking about. :bigsmile:

    Karen: I love the photo of your mom and grandmother in church. :star:

    Felicia: UTI's are on the worst list. I hope you're feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Wendy: Congratulations on your round pen. Enjoy! :bigsmile:

    Lanette: I have no reasonable way to compost with my tiny space. We water all of our plants via a drip system, and automatically add diluted fish fertilizer into the drip system. The plants are very happy. :bigsmile: I used compost when I had a yard with room for a nice garden. I had a soaker hose system there. It was long ago and far away . . .

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    We just celebrated mothers day over the weekend. It is always nice to see your family. I particpated in a charity walk for breast cancer on Mothers Day - it was really good to get out there again

    Hope everyone is doing well

    Trish from OZ
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    If anyone tried to watch the video and it didn't play I fixed that. Sorry it didn't embed properly the first time around. If it doesn't work let me know. I can't tell from my end.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • corachaos
    corachaos Posts: 8 Member
    New to the group.

    May goals:
    PT exercises every day
    Up the water
    Take my meds every day
    Try to cut the booze

    Gotta keep it do-able for my first month.