

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    lhscapil wrote: »
    ryenday wrote: »
    Lanette 5:2 fasting. I started 5:2 on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule but quickly moved to the standard Monday Thursday schedule with a twist. ( I always seem to have a quirk, don’t I?)

    I do a fast day or “light day” on Monday and if I find I had a small lunch Tuesday or Wednesday and could just skimp on dinner and light day number two would be completed I often do that. About 1/2 the weeks it works out to Monday/Thursday and 1/2 Monday/whenever.

    Also, if holiday or birthday or other special event is on a light day I reschedule light day (like move it to Tuesday/Thursday). I don’t skip.

    I don’t eat breakfast so my food is lunch/dinner. When I started I made a lot of soups and froze individual portions. I’d add some protein ( lean chicken for instance) if the soup was a veggie one. But I learned that my typical lunch ( steamed frozen veggies and chicken breast) is under 250 calories if I don’t add sauce - just use some spices. So now most often I do that for lunch and a bowl of oatmeal with 1 TB almond butter at dinner. Sometimes a baked potato ( no butter, just spices or malt vinegar) instead of the oatmeal. My typical light day is between 530 and 540 calories.

    It works for me because on a light day I may feel hungry but knowing that I can eat normally the next day I never feel deprived.

    There is an active 5:2 group here in MFP if you are interested.

    Rye in Texas

    Rye - thank you!! <3 Great information!

    I like the idea of oatmeal or potato and almond butter - simple and yummy.

    Do you do your SWSY strength training on non-fast days or do you find it doesn't matter?


    There are unsurprisingly two sets of thought on strength training and the fast days. The first is it doesn’t matter. The second is don’t do it the day BEFORE a fast.

    Me, since I am trying to BUILD muscle and still increasing weight I do not do it the day before a light day if I can easily avoid doing so. Monday is never a problem because I don’t do the weights on Sundays. If my schedule absolutely won’t work out I might let myself have an extra serving of chicken breast or a protein shake (100 to 130 calories) on a light day to allow myself a bit extra protein for muscle building.

    But if I were not trying to grow my muscle, if I had maxed my weights and was instead trying to keep and maintain my current level of muscle I don’t think I’d worry much about when I did my SWSY exercising on a 5:2 schedule. I think I’d be just fine.

    Note my light days are always a bit higher in protein than might be expected. I place high regard on the research that suggests women as they age have an especial need to keep protein up. It not undisputed but it is the way I lean on the current research. On my light days I probably have 50g protein or a bit more. On regular days I have a minimum of 100g protein. (Remember, I’m increasing resistance as I’m trying to build muscle so my requirements for protein might be higher than someone who is already carrying a good muscle weight and is not looking to increase it.)

    Sorry for no definitive reply, but I don’t think there is an objective best answer on his one!

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Trish - Yesterday; I spent at least 3 hours cleaning the slats on my French Doors in MBR. I took off all the slats, cleaned them, and put them back on. Still working on it when Louis got home. That makes 3 out of a total of 9 windows I have. I cleaned the ones in the living room area; but, did not take the slats off it because it is a double window and have a table w/lamp and two heavy chairs in front of it. It took Louis and Trey about 20 minutes to hang up the valance over it that I had washed a few weeks ago. I need to get another pin to put in where they connect.

    Rebecca - That is quite a transformation for sure. I know you are proud of yourself. I'm finding the last 10-15 lbs. I am trying to lose, the hardest. Just drank my protein shake before I have to start fasting before a procedure at 2:30pm. Not looking for them to stick a spaghetti sized tube down my nose and into my esophagus.

    Katla - I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep per night; I come close if I don't bother to watch the local news. But, my favorite shows come on at 10:00pm and I am going to watch them, and get up to have a cup of coffee while it is still fresh.

    Next white blinds will be cleaned this afternoon and turning over the shelves hanging in front to them and washing the tchotchkes on the shelves. I hope the weight will make the bow in the shelves straighten out. I am going to get Louis to buy 4 shelves or 4 pieces of wood and either paint them or white-wash them and then screw them in. That way they cannot bow like the ones of particle board covered with white Formica. He read the list of 'projects' mainly because I had 'highlighted' the entire thing. I told him I was not expecting all to be done, or even done immediately, and that some where just 'pipe dreams'. LOL

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Jumping into the workplace laws in the U.S. conversation. Just curious Rye, do they allow you to take a break or meal at your desk? Eight hours with no break is tough! Machka-I thought the U.S. had gotten rid of most of the unfair labor practices. I heard from a friend who is a flight attendant; laws were just recently passed (in the past ten years) that airline pilots are required to have ten hours between shifts (so they can get adequate sleep), but there is no law for flight attendants! She often will have six hours or less between shifts, in strange towns; leaving her and her other attendant co-workers no time or place to sleep! You would think with confrontations between passengers and attendants at an all time high; that airlines would push to make sure their attendants are getting enough time to rest!
    ! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I’m in a public reception area, I can kinda walk in the copy room and eat but I have to see the front area and cover the desk and help people. I put up a ‘be right back’ sign and run to the restroom when necessary, but that always irritates clients and the public if they have to wait.

    Interesting about the shift turn around. My worst one is off at 8pm in at 7am ( probably 2X a month) but if necessary I might occasionally have to do the off at 8pm in at 5 a.m shifts (if a coworker is on vacation or sick). However, I already let them know I will quit rather than do that on a regular basis or too many times in a row. I, too, need my sleep. I don’t believe Texas regulates shift turnaround either.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning, all.

    I did my first work-from-home Wednesday yesterday. It is my personal summer initiative. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I still need to work on the specifics, but I was responsive to emails and finished a couple projects for people, so I'm going to count it as a success.

    Please send good thoughts or prayers for my oldest son. As you may remember, he's been looking (not very hard) for a job. He is on a second interview this afternoon at 1:00 pm for a job that he think he may like -- it is full-time and 7 minutes from the university that he eventually would like to go to and only 30 minutes from our house. I would like to see him do something that he would find fulfilling and maybe fun.

    I'm back to logging. Yesterday was a crazy day eating, but because I worked out for two hours (60 minutes in the morning -- water aerobics; and 60 minutes in the evening -- a power weightlifting class), so I think it will be okay. I'm tired of sitting at this weight and ready to start moving back down again.

    Not much else going on. I am pretty excited about my clematis this year. I tried to grow them in Kansas, but it was way too hot. Oregon seems to be perfect!

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    Felicia prayers for son!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,834 Member
    ok, One way to clean your house is when you invite people to dinner lol
    I am tired.... did a load of laundry and went to feed my DFIL, had the dogs out, walked Alfie, and then stopped at the grocery store.. we will be having broccoli and cheddar quiche and salad for dinner and I cut up strawberries for strawberry shortcake..the 3 ladies I hang with most here at the Atrium are coming , Trudy( the one that is my age) will be traveling next week.. both Dagmar and Lil keep an eye on her kitty, who is such a cutie... will go back out walk the dogs because they had just a quick pee break, then get my granddaughter at my ex's house and take her back to her house and get her looking cute as they have a concert tonight... which I cannot attend because there is not enough room, told Tracy to video it for me..
    Meg~ Happy Birthday...
    I talked to my brother this morning..and they are going up next weekend to new hampshire.. I have 5 days off but they dont want me up there, I would like to go up to the cottage but it isnt up and running yet.. and there is to much to do at dads house..
    I also have 5 days off for 4th of July and would like to go somewhere for that time.. but dont know if they will have the cottage open..so thank goodness I did my patio.. and so if I can't go anywhere I will bring the fun to me....
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wendy What a lovely horse.
    The spoiler alert is under the 6th icon (the one that looks like a backwards P with an I next to it).

    Kelly We bought paint for the outside of our house after bringing home swatches and it still wasn't right! So we donated 10 gallons of very expensive high quality outdoor paint to Habitat for Humanity, which made us feel marginally better. Went back to the paint store and bought sample cans of the colors we thought might work and found the right color. Our house is a lovely green, which is perfect for our setting on a pond in Virginia. We have a red front door. It honestly does not look like Christmas. I know that's hard to believe.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So today I worked my @$$ off at the gym!!! Worked in the weight room, listened to a new group of music, and rocked it!! Then on the treadmill I jogged 4 times during my 30 minutes! I got that treadmill to 4.5. I did 1.68 miles, and burned 208 calories! Now I'm still humming inside. Tomorrow is laundromat and commissary so we have 3 days gym break. Hoping to still do a long walk Sat or Sun, and look for rocks!
    This next week I'm going to make a bean, ham and cabbage soup that I will eat throughout the week. Need more tuna and salmon pouches! Of course,more cucumbers, I'm addicted. A great thing I add to my rice and seafood mixture. A fresh crunch!
    Hugs ladies
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,982 Member
    Have to add this pic. I am going to try to put a spoiler on it because it may disturb some folks. First rattle snake I’ve seen. It was stretched across the road away from our campsite. We ran it over anyway....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,834 Member
    Well the dishes can wait,had I still.been with Tom would have had to do them all dry and put away right after we ate..but I don't have to..
    Had a lovely time with the ladies nice ,dinner conversation and a bit of wine...have to get the munchkin on the bus in the morning so it's night night time...
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh my that is a big snake. I don’t like snakes of any kind, heck I don’t even like big earth worms. Lol
    Happy Birthday Meg. So glad you are getting good sleep and feeling better.
    Worked in my flowers for two hours this morning then went to yoga. We spent the whole hour working on legs. They feel bendy now.
    Hope everyone is having a great day.
    Suebdew in TX