
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did the bonus sections of the Totally Hot Cardio DVD since that didn’t take a long time. Had an appt. with the MD about my trigger finger. He gave me a cortizone shot but I suspect that I’ll have to have the surgery for it in the near future. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Gay Gasper Urban Rebounding DVD

    Lisa – that’s wonderful about the house!

    Katla – Vince always says to me “never go for your CDL license”. I would NEVER drive a motor home as large as yours

    This not being able to use my thumb really s*****. But I know it’s only temporary.

    We’re planning to go up to PA to help Denise move this weekend. I convinced Vince to leave there Sun (I really am concerned about him doing too much). Jess called last night and asked that we visit Colby and Shadow. Then we’ll go to a ceramics place, then spend Sun night w/ my cousin’s husband (the cousin I was going to stay with last summer but she passed in the meantime) and get home Monday

    Terrill – welcome back!

    Where I got the wasp sting is still itchy, but not nearly as itchy and as often as it was. Still feel awkward putting my watch on, tho as I can see that I’m still somewhat swollen

    Heather – oh no, bummer….

    Rye – I never knew that I was doing a squat incorrectly until a personal trainer watched me and pointed it out. Now I’m VERY conscious that I use the correct form.

    Margaret – I absolutely LOVE that turtle. How tall is it? It looks like it’s sitting on some concrete blocks. I’m thinking that you can use taller blocks, can you? What is the “eye” made of?

    Drkatiebug – the way you broke your ankle sounds like how I fractured my ankle many years ago. That’s when we found out I had osteoporosis. Do you?

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    edited June 2018
    Michelle I like the idea of making Joe the turtle higher. The hosta has filled out and he is harder to see. His legs are made of wood too. Right now he is not sitting on anything. I am not sure what was used for his eyes. I call him Joe because the person who made him name was Joe.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.27min, 133mhr, 12.8amph. 1.5mi= 65c
    MANUAL TREADMILL- walk/jog 26min, 134mhr, 1.57mi= 203c
    bike ride gym 2 sumn sta- 50.53min, 128ahr, 150mhr, 14amph, 11.8mi= 469c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.53min, 150mhr, 127ahr, 9.32min mi, .5mi= 62c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.06min, 9.02min mi, 111ahr, 149mhr, .4mi= 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 16.12min, 9.4amph, 146mhr 126ahr, 2.5mi= 158c

    total cal 1007
    no Apple Watch recording
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Lots going on.
    Lisa- happy for you and Corey. It looks like you have pecan trees in front of your house. Nice cottage industry. Lol
    DrKatie- so sorry you broke your ankle. My DGS broke his foot, Jones Fracture, and has to off it for 6 weeks. He has a scooter and graduated 8th grade on his scooter.
    Being an Air Force wife for 24 years, meant many movEs and starting over every few years. Since retirement we have been in the same community for 20 years and have made golf friends, water aerobics group friends, Sunday School friends but no really BBF. DH is perfectly happy at home with his computer but I need people so do a lot of activities like yoga, golf, water aerobics, bridge and book club.
    DH is the oldest of 5 boys, two have already passed and one just diagnosed with cancer. He is very upset.
    Heather- you and your hubby really take advantages of everything the cruise has to offer. We are suppose to leave July 2 if DGS is able to travel.
    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Margaret – I would think Joe turtle is probably made of pressure treated wood, otherwise he’d start to fall apart. I think he’s cool. Showed him to Vince.

    When Vince came home from shooting tonight, he told me that he doesn’t know what he did, but his back is hurting him again. But you know what? He hasn’t said anything about not going up to Denise’s. I really really hope he doesn’t overdo it. He says his back is better than it was than earlier tonight. I don’t know what to make of this

    Rebecca – your story of your father touched my heart.

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2018
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Dreamt of my BFF this morning, as she was when she was well and happy. Comforting.

    Tracey in AB, please know you did the right thing. Hoping that as she stabilizes she will understand you did not abandon her but set her on the path to recovery.
    Margaret you said it better. Thank you!
    Kay ((hugs)) how did you break the ankle? If the Dr was so concerned, why didn't ins cover mammo? You don't have to answer, but please don't stay away. Feel free to vent and whine at need ;)
    Dana love your happy swimmer smile!
    Heather if you'll eat surströmming, can lutefisk be far behind? :noway: Like KJ I draw the line at limburger.
    KJ love your walking rainbow and oobleck. Please can I come play at your house?... that is when the girls come back... ;)
    Machka I wish I'd channeled you last night. Then instead of playing Spider and FreeCell I'd have meditated, done the knee exercises and maybe even tried to meet my modest steps goal. Must remember I'll "feel a little better about things" when I do!
    Lisa Eeeeee! When it all falls together like that it was meant to be. :)
    Karen in VA, have a flowerbed full of Iris plants, only one of which bloomed this spring. It was a Dutch iris, not my fave. Thinking to relocate them all the the edge of the driveway and put something I like better in the bed. Any tips for the great relocation project? Then again I might just chuck 'em over the fence like someone mentioned their friend did awhile ago... ;)

    welcome Starsub, ScrapStitching, PastQueenDebra, Terrill from BC!

    Time to get down on the floor and meditate, exercise. No excuses!

    Thank you all!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 9/11, meditate 9/11, walk one more step 9/11, knee exercises 9/11, 5/8 times walk Tumble, times SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0

    Barbara If you have Dutch iris, they may not do great being chucked over the fence, LOL!. Bearded iris, on the other hand, would probably bloom happily with that treatment, as it would leave their rhizomes exposed. Dutch iris roots are little bulbs that look like onions or shallots, and should be planted about 4" deep in a sunny location. If you have Bearded iris, cut or break off the rhizome so you have only the current year's growth left, check for rot/borers, and plant so that the rhizomes are left exposed. I relocated my Bearded iris to a slope. They should do great.

    Tell us more about your BFF...

    Karen in Virginia
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I broke the ankle because my foot fell asleep then crumbled under me when I tried to stand. I have a history of injuries to this ankle. It is my short leg, my weak knee, and my weak ankle. As to the mammogram expense, it’s complicated, and they did cover some, but...

    OMG- I just did this the other week. Not the ankle breaking part but slam down into the ground as my leg crumbled under me because I had not realized it was asleep. I was saved by my yoga mat which I had lazily not put away earlier. I don’t think I’d have broken anything but probably not have gotten away with just bruising.

    Age may play into it some but really it was just careless of me to sit for so long with my legs crossed the way they were. I KNOW my leg is prone to falling asleep like that and I didn’t take care.

    Take care of yourself now!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Michele - I think you were the only one who caught the news about the Hove house. I am still processing the probable loss of it. :'( This is the second house down there that has gone "belly up" as we say.

    Dr Katie - That sounds terrible! Many commiserations. <3

    Off on a long trip today. It might be chilly as we are very near the Arctic Circle at the top of the Gulf of Bothnia. Taking my new fleece DH bought me.

    Sue - Hope your trip is as great as ours is. Bon voyage! :DB) Which company?

    Love Heather in the north of Sweden.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I never expected to drive a 31foot motor home, but it wasn't a bad experience. I think we can have some fun with it together. We used to cruise on water in our sailboat, but DH can't do that anymore, so we'll be cruising on land. :flowerforyou: What is a CDL license? :huh:

    Rebecca: The story of your dad touched my heart as well as Michelle's. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I also caught the news about the Hove house and simply didn't know what to say. I hope you find something even better, and I'm sorry the owners backed out on the sale. :cry:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Rebecca:- lovely pic of you and your handsome Dad, and what a lovely little story too.
    Thanks for your kind response.
    Love from Karen UK xx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Katla-CDL is commercial drivers license...
    I'm awake and have to get moving..get place picked up before ,lanlord and home Depot people are here.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Greetings Ladies -

    Katie -so sorry about your foot.

    Heather - I can't even imagine the stress of trying to buy and sell a house there. A better house will come along.

    Lisa - I recently changed our insurance and had the same problem, finding someone that would insure both our house and cars for a better rate than we were already paying. Several places were cheaper on the cars, but couldn't insure the house so no discount on the homeowners insurance negated the savings on the cars. Good luck!

    Sammie - welcome!

    I had a tough time getting moving this morning. I told myself to just get started, and as usual, once I got my walk started, I finished it. 9.5 times out of 10 if I just get started, I will finish because then I have 1) my exercise ring closed 2) my move ring closed and 3) my (arbitrary) 10,000 steps in all before I start my day. Now I will cool down, eat breakfast and get my work day started.

    My yard guy didn't come Monday, he was going to be 2 hours late so we rescheduled to today. Since I work from home I'm here all day so I won't be waiting on him. I hope he shows up, fingers crossed.

    Have a great Wednesday ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa. Telling your best friend how you really feel about her will touch her heart. It touches mine.

    Heather Disappointed about your second Hove house. Can only imagine how disappointed YOU must feel.

    Sam UK Yep! Just join right in! You have to come here frequently to stay abreast of the discussion but it's so worth it.


    Gotta go work on the horrible weed patch again for awhile today. I seem to remember somebody (was it Michele?) working on some thankless/endless weed, brush, or bramble project a couple years ago. This one has an end in sight, but it's still onerous.

    Karen in Virginia