

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    smmmcgill7705 ~ Welcome! What shall we call you? This is a very inspiring and supportive group of ladies.

    Carol in GA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kelly "Janet- Yea! I love hearing about your RV adventures! Joaquin is my grandson; but Sue has met him (as has Cathy from Arlington). Waco is right near the town that they live in. How far do you have to go to see your family?"

    Yes, I knew he was your grandson and that Sue had come to visit at your daughter's. I waved when in Ft Worth cuz I knew your daughter was close by Lol. We're In San Antonio now for my oldest grandson's wedding, he's almost 25. This grandson is the only one that lives in San Antonio.

    My oldest daughter lives just south of Denver, and youngest daughter is in Lubbock TX.

    Janetr OKC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is hot and windy and the damn awnings pulled apart again. Maybe the third repair will be the charm! But I have to wait until next week. We had a bad storm Monday night and one came out of the tracks. I’ve done some yard work today, took a nap, and now I have a new book project to start.

    Heather: sorry about the house. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. The pic of you at the waterfall is beautiful!

    Rebecca: wisdom up the wazoo! I love it but need to figure out how to get it into my head instead! :O Glad you are feeling better! The letter from your dad is so sweet!

    Katla: that is the problem with this whole situation. The families suffer almost as much as the offender does. Thanks for your support! I’m amazed you can drive that RV!

    Dr.Katie: I’m sorry about your ankle. I bet those directions do make you feel old!

    RVRita: enjoy your travels!

    Karen in VA: do you know anything about Siberian Iris? Mine didn’t bloom much this year, and usually they are prolific. Any ideas?

    Sam: welcome aboard!

    NYKaren: sorry about your loss (((hugs)))

    Matchka: what a nice gift!

    Wendy: congratulations on your retirement!

    Pip: I missed it…what was the medal for?

    Felicia: you are right about hormonal girls! How old is your middle son? That’s tough for many people.

    KJ: gorgeous picture!

    smmmcgill7705: welcome to our group! What shall we call you?

    Well, time to get back to work! That book won’t get done on it’s own…wonder why not. Take care, Meg from windy Omaha where the College World Series begins tomorrow!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Ack! FORGOT to go to the RFPD board meeting last night, sure hope they had a quorum. Tumble did so well at dog group (only growling/barking 3 times) that we went on both pack walks. Guess all that fresh air and activity wiped me out, went to bed/sleep right after dinner and totally spaced on the meeting. So now of course I'm worried about memory issues...

    Heather ditto Kim and ? who thought the waterfall was snow... or maybe a glacier. Forgive my dirty mind but Blue Peter doesn't really sound children's show appropriate ;)
    Rebecca Modge Podge, who'd've thunk it? Sounds like a deal... as I am so dreadfully artistically challenged ;} Did you see the letter when it was written or not til? Glad you found comfort in it now.
    Beth "...make sure I give because I want to..." bingo. That and truly not wanting acknowledgement or reciprocation is recipe for peace and joy. Great "deafness has its advantages" attitude!
    Rori your blowing bubbles/Buh-bye fat made me smile. Yesterday at T'ai Chi I blew out some fat with every exhalation :) Couraggia with the photos and give yourself plenty of time.
    Wendy con VERY gratulations on your retirement/liberation!
    Rita love Love LOVE Route 66, both the road and the show. Enjoy!
    Katla we have Route 66 on discs, we dig it out when weary of the pap on TV. The stories are great but the music is AMAZING.
    pip he looks so happy, is that a current pic? Is he all healed already?
    mkculs turkey jerky helps me fill the protein gap some days. Gonna try tofu someday, honest! ;)
    Lisa "massive urge to smack him" count me in. My waist measurement hasn't budged in months, but after just a few days of bicycling Joe needs a belt to keep his pants on. Men!
    Karen in VA so glad your parther helped out with the daylily bed. Shared accomplishments are the best!

    Today after morning routine :) will take Tumble to the pet food store to practice good behaviors. Wish us luck!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 11/13, meditate 11/13, walk one more step 11/13, knee exercises 11/13, 6/8 times walk Tumble, times SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0.

    that's an old pic when his hair was longer. don't remember if he had his accident by then or if that was after. i think that was taken after the accident. i think that one was a 10k where we both got 1st place in our age groups, maybe was last year?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    well going to take Alfie out for a walk.. but I can barely move.. we were all over the place today. I am exhausted.. I will pick the girls up tomorrow for mani/pedi.... and then it is to there house for finishing crafts and cutting u0p veggies and fruits..
  • smmmcgill7705
    smmmcgill7705 Posts: 6 Member
    The name is really sheila.. :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Welcome Sheila!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome Sheila I’ve alwayys loved that name. Glad that you are here. We’re a pretty chatty group, just to keep up I check in once in the a.m. and once at p.m. but dont always post. Get lots of wisdom and humor here—so stick around!

    Rori I like your name for this year—-gap year— to enjoy and not jump into taking on too much right away.

    Beth will YS be home for summer, I forget!!!

    Countdown for DD leaving for semester abroad is approaching, feeling nervous but also excited for her trip to South Africa!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2018
    Sheila Welcome aboard!

    Allie. Rejuvenating thoughts coming your way.

    Meg I'll tell you what little I know. Siberian iris like moisture, sun, and compost/humus. Ours are on the edge of our pond. If they get too much nitrogen, we get lots of green but not many flowers. Bone meal or another phosphate source boosts blooms.
    It could have been something out of your control, like weather conditions or nearby trees growing larger & making more shade or something. Or maybe dividing them would give them a new lease on life. <3
    I realized writing this that we have lots of different kinds of iris!

    Kelly. Phenomenal to have a beach across the street. Lovely photo.

    Barbara I was thinking the same thing about Blue Peter...k10090.gif

    Karen in Virginia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) Thursday is my day for two line dance events. At 8:30 my class starts with 30 minutes of open dancing of advanced dances followed by the regular two hour intermediate class. Jake fixes lunch so I can come home, eat, take a quick nap and walk the dogs. Then I go to the two hour practice for the performance we'll do at the fair. I don't know a lot of those dances yet so it is a brain exercise as well as a physical one. This will happen every Thursday until our performance in the middle of August.

    :)Sheila, welcome. If you keep coming back and join in the conversation, you'll feel like part of the family very soon. That's what we all did.

    :) About retirement--when I retired I had some ideas of what I wanted to do. I had no idea how many new things would open up for me and how wonderful my life would become--far beyond my wildest dreams.

    :) About RV's. We traveled in an RV in the summer for about five years. We went to rallies with an RV club and on long adventures on our own. It allowed us to go to my 45th college reunion in Minnesota, visit Jake's mom in Ohio every year, visit my cousin in NY, visit Jake's kids and grandkids in California, and see some amazing scenery. We made a joint decision to sell the RV and now are living a new chapter of our lives closer to home.

    <3Meg, You are doing an amazing job of dealing with the difficult time in your life.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.27min, 129mhr, 12.8amph. 1.5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 58c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 30min, 125ahr, 139mhr, 140floors, lvl8, 2256steps, some evry other step= 250c
    apple watch- 282c
    SITTING HAND BIKE- 15min, 131mhr, 109ahr, 39arpm, 33aw?, 2.06mi= 107c
    apple watch- 89c
    fl exercises- 1.56min, 2sets of 10ea, situps, on butt-knees to chest, 95ahr, 103mhr= 17c
    apple watch- 19c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.26min, 131mhr, 16.6amph, 1.5mi= 50c
    apple watch- 58c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 15.01min, 12.2amph, 118ahr, 150mhr, 3mi= 133c
    apple watch- 125c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.53min, 149mhr, 138ahr, 9.32min mi, .5mi= 60c
    apple watch- 56c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.10min, 9.03min mi, 151mhr, .4mi= 58c
    apple watch- 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.12min, 9amph, 150mhr, 124ahr, 2.5mi= 174c
    apple watch- 142c

    total cal 913
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good evening ladies. <3<3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Becca ~ What a beautiful letter to you and your sisters. Now we can guess where all your good sense comes from and how effective are your words.

    Carol in GA

    Awe, Sweet words Carol!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oh I found my Dad's letter to us girls. He wrote it in 1979, right after the divorce. He was feeling bad that he hurt us girls. So it has been in my eldest sisters stuff. She found the letter in 2014. My father passed in 2006.

    Don't know if you can read his writing. A combination of cursive and printing! I will treasure this letter forever, because it shows a side of him I never saw. Poetic and sensitive! I think as a dad he wasn't comfortable with three girls. So much drama, crying, screaming! We were quite the handful. I think he worked in the garden for just the peace and quiet.

    How beautiful a very special treasure.

    Yes, to have letters from each, it's something to read every time I feel down or worthy. I have various printed material from various relatives, the written word so powerful. When I had all the memorabilia out I found my Mom's ration card!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    KJ: The photo of Lake Michigan is fabulous. What a lovely place to have nearby. :star:

    smmmcgill: Welcome to a great group. I suspect you'll hear encouraging comments from others, too. Many here have lost loads of weight, and I am one of them. Best advice: Be patient with yourself. There may be some ups and downs. Choose the foods you eat & measure the portions you eat by using a food scale or other measuring tools. MFP supplies the calorie value of an amazing variety of foods to help us. Nobody is perfect every day. Stop by often for encouragement & support. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love hearing about your travels. :bigsmile:

    Regarding the RV: I have driven it in this small city, on a country road and on Highway 30, all for short distances. I haven't tried a freeway yet, but I suspect that will be in my future because we will want to visit DSIL in Eastern Oregon. The scariest part of that trip is not the freeway. :noway: It is getting past Portland to the open freeway. Yikes! Timing will be very important. We will want to skip the morning rush and the evening rush.

    [b}Katla in beautiful NW Oregon[/b]