

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Lisa lovely house,is there a MLS number we can look up to see it?
    Took my DD and DGD down to the lavender farm and then we went to this little place called down the lane farm....got some loose tea we will infuse water with for the wedding...
    Going to take a nap.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Barbie ~ I am no way the brave and caring woman you mentioned. Us keeping the dogs was my DH's and Son's idea. I even said I would pay to board them. When we got to the Pet Hotel to pick them up, it took my DH and a biggish girl to get the hound in the car. Then, he parked himself on the front passengers seat and rode like that all the way home. I sat in the back and the black dog laid in my lap.

    Dana ~ I think the big dog has a lot of hound in him and perhaps some Great Dane.

    Dana ~ Your grand children are adorable.

    Carol from GA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: I take 3X as much Vitamin D3 every day as you are taking. I have 3,000IU capsules. You might think about bumping yours up a bit. (((hugs)))

    Snowflake: Congratulations on facing your swimming fears. You are a strong and courageous lady. :star:

    Peachy: One of our training tricks with a pup is to keep it leashed in the house to help it learn manners. I would start by keeping it with me, and eventually put the leash around a sturdy table leg beside the food dish while the pup was eating. When he finished eating, he could either be with me, or be free depending on how the training was going. Our "pup" is now 11 years old. :heart:

    Heather: I am enjoying your posts about shipboard life so much. Thank you for sharing!!! :bigsmile:

    We just saw three deer in our yard! I suspect it is a mom with twins. Two were smaller than the third, and one of them is lame. I wonder how it got hurt. They've gone back and forth several times. I wonder if they've forgotten how they got into the yard and are looking for a way out.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Ooh I take 5000 IU capsules! That's what my doctor told me to get! I have seen no difference in how I feel. My vertigo kind of overshadows everything...
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Very tired..staying in bed..Tracy,Taliah and I had a lovely time at the lavender farm...spend a bit,but all in all lovely..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Barbie - your "social life" sounds perfect to me.

    I went to the gym on Friday to spend a little time with my dear BFF who has so much going on in her life - work & health & family issues and I feel she's getting overwhelmed by them. A mutual acquaintance/former co-worker (who I really like) was there too, but conversation just isn't the same and it was kind of strained when it's between 3 people - I wanted to ask BFF/discuss some private stuff and so that didn't happen.

    I normally turn down invites for lunches and social events if it involves conversing with more than one person at a time. To me, a friend is someone I care about and respect who deserves my undivided attention. And I expect the same in return. Otherwise, most people I know are just bobbing about my sea of acquaintances, lol.

    I still plan to go to the gym once a week - we have the circuit training room all to ourselves. I got half an hour on the treadmill before they arrived which was good.

    This brings me to the topic of BFF’s. When I was working, my BFF and I were thick as thieves. She's about 20 years younger than me. When I retired and she quit the gym, we’d no longer see each other on a daily basis but would keep in touch via email and phone and sometimes I’d whip by her house for a few minutes. I still try to email her at least every other day just to send hugs.

    As I mentioned, she started having some health and work and family stuff that are weighing her down. I get emails from her saying, “I’ll fill you in when I see you!” But that day doesn’t come.

    I don’t see her on weekends and evenings because it seems she is always on the run with her family stuff and she gets a lot of “weekend migraines” so I honor that and don’t impose by making her get out of bed for “company”.

    I was a little miffed tho at the gym – she said a former co-worker of ours who just retired a week ago and was a real PITA to everyone was coming over on Saturday (yesterday) to visit! That co-worker was the expert at Passive-Aggressive and I could not wait to retire and get away from her. In fact, I have stayed away from events I know BFF will be attending or hosting because I don't want to run into PITA.

    DH says I’m jealous. I know, this sounds a lot like 6th grade stuff. How DARE PITA spend time with my BFF, lol, even tho I don’t.

    Good grief. I love my friend the most, I really do. Thank you for listening, ladies. I will send her an email or call her and tell her how much I miss her and that I’m looking forward to us spending time together by ourselves, and how seeing her again at the gym made me realize how important she is to me. I can leave the PITA discussion out. Who knows, she may have called PITA yesterday and told her not to stop by because she wasn't feeling well.

    And maybe it’s time for me to get an additional BFF a little closer to my age who has time to walk and talk. Guess I need to pull myself out of the introvert cage and go to some of the group classes at the gym for starters. Of course, if the teleporter gets fixed, I’ll show up at some of your doors with my walking shoes in hand and we can get some miles in!!

    SO do any of you have BFF's you get to visit/do things with like Barbie? It's sometimes easier when a person is retired, but maybe like in my case, it's different types of BFF's. I guess the main thing is to find someone with whom you have many things in common. Or are at least agreeable with, lol.

    - did you get your camping spot figured out with the County to your satisfaction? My PC and tablet don't feed posts from MFP reliably and I know I unintentionally skip posts when I jump from one device to another. :'( So, if you posted new info, I missed it. I see a "mini home" for sale just down the street. We aren't travelers anymore but I always liked those little compact things. I once worked in the office at a travel trailer place that made them (Hey Pip - Nappanee! Before your time - mid 70's)

    Before I forget, there's a cattle ranch at the end of our private road and we see/hear cows and calves all the time. I saw a sign that they had "Lowline" beef for sale and bought a few packages of grass fed ground beef from their truck and it was great. Looked up "Lowline" and darned if it isn't a breed of cattle developed in Australia that does well on just grass and silage - no grain/feedlot involved. Which makes it super healthy - tender and not really fatty at all. I have more on order. :)

    SW WA

    I used to work for an attorney in napanee. We lived in Syracuse. Kirby would drive me and the bike there and he would ride there to pick me up and we would ride home together on our bikes
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stats for the day;

    treadmill jog- 8.56min, 6.4-7.8sp, 3incline, 138ahr, 158mhr, 1mi= 108c
    Apple Watch- 110c
    walk from car to furry5k and before walk w/yogi n floyd- 22.59min, 2.4ap, 103mhr, .9mi= 156c
    Apple Watch- 160c
    furry 5k w/yogi n Floyd, slow jog/walk- 43.16min, 4.5ap, 154mhr, 3.2mi= 396c
    Apple Watch- 316c
    walk after to the car w/kids- 15.23min, 122mhr, 2.5ap, .6mi= 150c
    no apple. watch-

    TOTAL cal 810
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Karen in VA - (((HUGS))) I am so sorry to hear about your friend and I know you still feel the pain of her loss.

    Carol - (((HUGS))) and I think it's great you still see your college girlfriends! That counts for a lot.

    Lisa - I agree, this group definitely helps close the gap when we need support or just to listen in - and that's what good friends do. Another reason this group is so special.

    I do have a few other girlfriends that I've known for a long time that I care deeply about whether I talk to them on a regular basis or not.

    D - lives in Seattle and she's the one where we pick right up if we haven't talked for a year. When I am lucky enough to get up there, we love to shop or go garage sale-ing if the weather is fit or mostly just sit and drink tea and yak for hours on end. But she's not close by. She taught me compassion and how to be a giving person, and the ability to be goofy surpasses everything.

    C - is a few years older than me with a wicked sense of humor and we kept each other sane while working at the county. She is going through some health issues - doesn't live that far away but isn't able to go walking with me. So we do lunch every month or so. So we've known each other over 20 years. She taught me to be silly and enjoy life no matter what gets thrown at me.

    G - I've never met in person, we became acquainted when I was working in the fish biz in Seattle and she was a buyer for a company in Dallas. Very sensible, strict but loved to laugh and I'd like to say I've known her for 30 years which I have. For a while we'd talk on the phone every weekend after I left the Seattle job and we still keep in touch but not like we did- she's been going through cancer treatments. We shared the birth of her grandchildren, the loss of her dog, the loss of her job and then her cancer. No matter how crappy she feels she nearly always puts that in the background and asks how I am doing. She taught me to be patient and understanding.

    Yes, the "BFF" is the trendy term right now, but in my case, my young friend really is (I hope) my BFF since she's the executor of our wills, medical power of attorney and all that. She understands our wishes and I have total faith that she'll make the right decision when the time comes (providing I don't outlive her!) In which case, we have her sweet smart son as backup since we don't have kids or any relatives close by. She's the one who visits me when I'm in the hospital and remembers our birthdays. <3

    And Rye, I think you're right - it's hard for her say "No" because she doesn't want to hurt people's feelings. She is very big hearted and loving. I just want to be there for her. By the way, I'll take you up on the coordinates. I gotta call the guy who knows the guy who'll get that teleporter fixed, lol.

    What I admire in a friend is the ability to laugh, to make fun of ourselves, to keep secrets and to have someone who actually listens. And will give an honest opinion if asked.

    Oh, Rori & Meg - adorable photo! Love your smiles! Bet you had a wonderful meet-up.

    That's it for now, supper almost ready.

    SW WA State

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member