

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly you live right across the street from a beach?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Good luck to Denise. I hope she has a spectacular year and likes her new home. What kind of residency will Jess be doing after her 2 years in college? Is she going into a medical field? I think I missed out on that information. :star:

    Heather: Cruising is a good description for traveling in a motor home. We will be taking DH's mobility device in the storage area under the motor home. It comes apart into 5 pieces that either one of us is able to lift. The bottom part that is the base isn't particularly heavy but its shape makes it better if there are two to lift it. Many people tow a small car behind their rig. We don't intend to do that at first and maybe never. We will see. Some also put a platform on the back for a mobility device, but we aren't going to do that any time soon. We have terratrykes on a trailer that we may want to take along. They are three wheeled recumbent bikes. DH is thinking of motorizing his. We will see how it goes. This is an adventure. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: There is smacking and there is smacking. In our family a big smackeroo is a sloppy wet kiss. Give your DH that kind of smack and you'll both enjoy yourselves. :wink:

    I'm missing yoga this morning to get a haircut. My hair has gone into haystack mode and needs attention. I wish the appointment didn't conflict with yoga, but she didn't have any other available time today.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi all
    For lunch I had Scandinavian style fish soup. Then three heavenly Swedish meatballs :oB)<3 . With broccoli. Then it was some runny cheese - Chaorce - my very favourite.
    That was followed by a dance lesson, so now we can do the Foxtrot. :D
    The lecture was great and we then went down to the yoga class.
    DH absented himself from the cabin while I took my nail varnish off.
    When it's tea time I have the savoury bites, but don't eat the bread. Today I had vegetable pakoras, curried vegetable roll and a cheese and ham sandwich. They are very tiny and I scrape off the filling to eat.
    Now it's canapé time in the cabin and once again I eat the tasty toppings and leave the bases. I have had one AF Crodino and I am now on a gin and tonic. I drink AF wine with dinner.
    So I think I am breaking even on the calories. I am burning 600-800 a day I reckon. My legs really ache. :o:# I am managing by cutting right back on simple carbs. It's the easiest way for me.
    Lots of love to everyone, Heather xxxxxxxx
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wendy- congratulations on your retirement. You will wonder how you ever had time to work there are so many things to do that are more fun.
    JanetR- so sorry it is so hot! We live 45 miles SW of Ft Worth but glad you gave me a wave! My granddaughter is finishing her degree at Baylor in two weeks. Waco is a nice city. Did you get to Magnolia Farms?
    Katla- you sound so excited and happy about your new to you RV. It is an adventure you two can do together.
    Heather- we will be in Finland also. The exciting thing is we are going to Moscow on a high speed train. We plan to spend one day in Copenhagn before the cruise and two days after the cruise. Looking forward to getting to know the city better. We were there before but only for a day. I think you are wise to limit the simple carbs. I always say if I can resist the bread sticks I will do ok.
    Every cruise we take with our son, DDIL and grands, the kids do a power point presentation on one of the ports. They do a great job with it and when we get to “their” port they know so much about it. This year they decided we would all pick a port. I haven’t donw power point in 20 years so don’t know exactly what I will do for Tallin,Estonia.
    Better do some research!
    SueBDew in TX
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Ack! FORGOT to go to the RFPD board meeting last night, sure hope they had a quorum. Tumble did so well at dog group (only growling/barking 3 times) that we went on both pack walks. Guess all that fresh air and activity wiped me out, went to bed/sleep right after dinner and totally spaced on the meeting. So now of course I'm worried about memory issues...

    Heather ditto Kim and ? who thought the waterfall was snow... or maybe a glacier. Forgive my dirty mind but Blue Peter doesn't really sound children's show appropriate ;)
    Rebecca Modge Podge, who'd've thunk it? Sounds like a deal... as I am so dreadfully artistically challenged ;} Did you see the letter when it was written or not til? Glad you found comfort in it now.
    Beth "...make sure I give because I want to..." bingo. That and truly not wanting acknowledgement or reciprocation is recipe for peace and joy. Great "deafness has its advantages" attitude!
    Rori your blowing bubbles/Buh-bye fat made me smile. Yesterday at T'ai Chi I blew out some fat with every exhalation :) Couraggia with the photos and give yourself plenty of time.
    Wendy con VERY gratulations on your retirement/liberation!
    Rita love Love LOVE Route 66, both the road and the show. Enjoy!
    Katla we have Route 66 on discs, we dig it out when weary of the pap on TV. The stories are great but the music is AMAZING.
    pip he looks so happy, is that a current pic? Is he all healed already?
    mkculs turkey jerky helps me fill the protein gap some days. Gonna try tofu someday, honest! ;)
    Lisa "massive urge to smack him" count me in. My waist measurement hasn't budged in months, but after just a few days of bicycling Joe needs a belt to keep his pants on. Men!
    Karen in VA so glad your parther helped out with the daylily bed. Shared accomplishments are the best!

    Today after morning routine :) will take Tumble to the pet food store to practice good behaviors. Wish us luck!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 11/13, meditate 11/13, walk one more step 11/13, knee exercises 11/13, 6/8 times walk Tumble, times SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Guess the first thing I should do is spell Tallinn correctly. Lol
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janetr: I am so happy that you are having a good trip & will get to see four of your grandchildren. :flowerforyou: (PS: RV tips are welcome. We're just getting started.)

    Heather: My parents loved to foxtrot back in the day. I hope you have a great time. I'll enjoy your fun vicariously. I am left/right challenged and end up dizzy doing many of the dances that other people enjoy. :ohwell:

    DH is off to the RV to work on it and I am tethered to the loo. I'm just as happy to have a morning off and to myself, although I'd rather skip the digestive upset. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
  • ecs1516
    ecs1516 Posts: 51 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    Rye: Such a beautiful cat.
    Heather: Glad you are having a wonderful time. Sorry about the house.|
    Lisa: Congrats on the new house.
    Katla: Enjoy the RV!
    Rita: I hope you are doing well -- I think about you often with your RV life.
    JanetR: Free breakfast! Hooray.
    M in Oz: Still praying for you and your hubby's recovery.
    Rebecka: Island life seems to suit you.

    I've been reading and commiserating/cheering for all of you. Honestly, I am too distracted with home drama to be a very good friend right now.

    Willamette Valley, ORegon
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, truly unfortunate about the house, but that must mean that something even better is out there!
    Lisa, congrats on your house! It does need some TLC, but with being willing to do the work, you can definitely put your own mark on it! Nice to have the time too.
    Rye, your kitty does pose beautifully!
    Katla, enjoy cruising with your RV!
    Machka, how lovely to have the gift of hope! You and your hubby continue to be in my thoughts. I'm glad he's making progress, but certainly understand your concern about the slowness of his progress.
    Heather, the cruise sounds lovely. They certainly keep you busy and entertained!
    Camping is something that I've never been into and I had the good sense to marry a man who feels the same way! I guess it wouldn't be so bad with a nicely appointed RV, but we are pretty attached to our house and we do like just spending time there. Course, can't afford a house and an RV, so just have to make it work with the house! lol
    I seem to be so busy with work and everything, haven't had much time to be on here, been reading everything, but haven't had time to reply! Have not been doing well with the eating and the scale is proving it, so today I put a reminder on my phone for 8 p.m. The alarm will go off and I will go brush my teeth. This will stop the after dinner grazing, which has always been the worst issue for me. Hopefully the scale will appreciate my efforts! I'm still going to the gym fairly regularly. Had made up my mind last night that I wasn't going to go, but then woke up early enough so decided that I should. I do feel much better for having done that. Only did 35 min on the elliptical, but then I had to drop my car off at the dealership for servicing and walk the rest of the way to work, which was about 10 min. Then a 10 min walk back to get the car, so it will be a decent day for activity.
    Welcome to the newbies! Hugs for those who need them and congrats to those celebrating.
    Evelyn from sunny Vancouver Island
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3<3 NYKAREN
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,816 Member