Women in their 40s!



  • Moolatta
    Moolatta Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm turning 42 next month and trying to lose around 15 lbs. I'm currently eating low-carb and it seems to be working for me :) Feel free to add me!
  • amandainmd
    amandainmd Posts: 34 Member
    Happy saturday! Yesterday was a bit of a mess (friday cocktails, I am looking at you). Today is a new day and so far, so good!
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    Hi I've got 22lbs to shed to reach 140 for my 40th later this year.
    I lost 21lbs last year then regained 14 over winter. I've found this last 6 months hard but I've started to actually shift it. I'm disappointed with myself as I wanted this regain off by now and be working on the last stone to get to my goal weight.
  • Peaches7211
    Peaches7211 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 45 and wanting to lose about 80 lbs
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Hi all. I’m 42 and need to lose about 20 pounds. I feel like a broken record always starting and stopping. Life gets in the way. But I’m not giving up.
  • blueunicorn125
    blueunicorn125 Posts: 411 Member
    Staring this weight loss thing again, I need friends to help me be accountable. Please add me!
  • nancy5370
    nancy5370 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m in my 40’s and need to lose 40 lbs. Most of my life, I was super athletic and thin but after a sports injury and lots of pain... I’m tired of being fat! I need help! I need to change! I want to enjoy clothes shopping again!!!!!
  • amandainmd
    amandainmd Posts: 34 Member
    nickylee76 wrote: »
    Hi all. I’m 42 and need to lose about 20 pounds. I feel like a broken record always starting and stopping. Life gets in the way. But I’m not giving up.

    I hear you! I have been trying to reconcile what everyone always says, it's a lifestyle, with the reality that I don't want to. But, I am working on it! I am in my late forties and need to lose 20-30 pounds, but honestly I am trying to look at it one day at a time.
  • kenkel4
    kenkel4 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m 46 and am really tired of not seeing “me” in the mirror. I have to lose about 50 pounds. Being a mom and not having much time for me has taken a toll on my appearance.

    These years are hard on us. It’s difficult to lose and it’s also difficult to look in the mirror some days. I am 47 and had 45 pounds to lose; I have lost almost 30 in the last five months. I log every single thing I eat; even if I am over calories it keeps me accountable. I hate exercise! I do Pilates 1-2 times per week but that’s it. (I know this would go faster if I exercised, but after 47 years Pilates is the only thing I have found that I enjoy). I eat mostly fruits and vegetable through the day; maybe adding an egg or some yogurt. In the evening I eat a normal meal with my husband. Good Luck! Feel free to add me.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    amandainmd wrote: »
    nickylee76 wrote: »
    Hi all. I’m 42 and need to lose about 20 pounds. I feel like a broken record always starting and stopping. Life gets in the way. But I’m not giving up.

    I hear you! I have been trying to reconcile what everyone always says, it's a lifestyle, with the reality that I don't want to. But, I am working on it! I am in my late forties and need to lose 20-30 pounds, but honestly I am trying to look at it one day at a time.

    I think when faced with the fact that you don't really want to change your lifestyle, you have a couple of choices. You can make the deliberate decision that my oldest son has done. He has decided that the joy he gets from food outweighs the joy he feels in being thin. Now, as long as that doesn't start interfering with health, there's nothing wrong with that. You may want to lose those 20-30lbs, but do you really need to? And do you want to do it badly enough to change things about your lifestyle?

    If you decide you do want it enough to make some changes, decide what you can live without and what you can't. Do you like to exercise or are there things you can do to make your everyday life more active? Are you willing to start taking a walk after dinner with your husband in the evenings? Or maybe riding your bike places instead of driving if that's an option. What can you easily do to reduce the number of calories you eat? Switch from full fat dairy to reduced fat? Use PAM instead of butter/oil? Substitute zoodles for pasta and cauliflower for rice? Slightly reduce your portion sizes? Use mustard instead of mayo? You can make any number of small changes that add up without significantly affecting your lifestyle.
  • m1ssannthropy
    m1ssannthropy Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 41 and had 5 kilo left to lose in july 2017, until life happened, now I have 11 kilo left to lose :D:# (lost 8 kilo again the past 70 days).
  • amandainmd
    amandainmd Posts: 34 Member
    amandainmd wrote: »
    nickylee76 wrote: »
    Hi all. I’m 42 and need to lose about 20 pounds. I feel like a broken record always starting and stopping. Life gets in the way. But I’m not giving up.

    I hear you! I have been trying to reconcile what everyone always says, it's a lifestyle, with the reality that I don't want to. But, I am working on it! I am in my late forties and need to lose 20-30 pounds, but honestly I am trying to look at it one day at a time.

    I think when faced with the fact that you don't really want to change your lifestyle, you have a couple of choices. You can make the deliberate decision that my oldest son has done. He has decided that the joy he gets from food outweighs the joy he feels in being thin. Now, as long as that doesn't start interfering with health, there's nothing wrong with that. You may want to lose those 20-30lbs, but do you really need to? And do you want to do it badly enough to change things about your lifestyle?

    If you decide you do want it enough to make some changes, decide what you can live without and what you can't. Do you like to exercise or are there things you can do to make your everyday life more active? Are you willing to start taking a walk after dinner with your husband in the evenings? Or maybe riding your bike places instead of driving if that's an option. What can you easily do to reduce the number of calories you eat? Switch from full fat dairy to reduced fat? Use PAM instead of butter/oil? Substitute zoodles for pasta and cauliflower for rice? Slightly reduce your portion sizes? Use mustard instead of mayo? You can make any number of small changes that add up without significantly affecting your lifestyle.

    Thank you for your thoughtful post. The problem is I have already managed the low hanging fruit. I never drink soda, half and half or whole milk. I workout hard for about 60 minutes 5 times a week. My dinner plate is about 50% vegetables, cooked in Pam. Where I need to get it together is wine on the weekends and the occasional dinner out. Mostly, I was just whining in my earlier post! <3
  • im_sheesh
    im_sheesh Posts: 2 Member
    I turned 40 in April. I'm just finding my way around the community boards. I've lost 44.5lbs since January. Still have about 35 more to go. Feel free to add me.
  • abbyjack2
    abbyjack2 Posts: 25 Member
    Today's my birthday and turned 43 today. Been struggling with losing weight for the past year. I weight seems to hover between 155-157. My eventual goal is to get down to 140, but getting down to 150 is my first goal. I did buy a food scale so I can weigh out my food for a better idea on portion size for a past couple months. I have also been doing various jillian michels work out videos 4-5 times a week. I see so many success stories from people, but I don't seem to have as much luck. I went to the doctor and got my thyroid checked and it came back normal. Anyone have any advice?
  • blebriki
    blebriki Posts: 15 Member
    abbyjack2 wrote: »
    Today's my birthday and turned 43 today. Been struggling with losing weight for the past year. I weight seems to hover between 155-157. My eventual goal is to get down to 140, but getting down to 150 is my first goal. I did buy a food scale so I can weigh out my food for a better idea on portion size for a past couple months. I have also been doing various jillian michels work out videos 4-5 times a week. I see so many success stories from people, but I don't seem to have as much luck. I went to the doctor and got my thyroid checked and it came back normal. Anyone have any advice?

    Hi Abbey. I m on the same boat, I can understand that my stressful and sedentary lifestyle probably co tribute but cannot change that immediately. Do persevere though, my biggest problem is getting disappointed and giving up too quickly . Good luck!
  • TriciaSmith2015
    TriciaSmith2015 Posts: 66 Member
    I’ll be turning 45 next month. I experienced at 25-pound weight gain, and have been having a very difficult time shedding it. Feel free to add me. 😀
  • BigMamaYoung
    BigMamaYoung Posts: 8 Member
    Looking at how I add people as friends? Not to sure how to use this properly
  • gamecocksrugby
    gamecocksrugby Posts: 9 Member
    Looking at how I add people as friends? Not to sure how to use this properly

    Click on their name in blue. A box will pop up that says message and one that says ignore. Then click on their name again. This will show the option to add them as a friend.
  • emajarrett
    emajarrett Posts: 50 Member
    I'm hanging on to my 40's. I've recently lost my beautiful mother to pancreatic cancer and I'm feeling very lost and food has been a comfort through the past months . I have signed up for a 5k run in October for Cancer Research and can't run to save my life but I'm damned well going to give it my best. I've been comfort eating and so want to now start looking after myself and shed 14 lbs. I've done 4 lbs but it's so stubborn. I would be interested to know what others are finding helps. Do add me please
  • nickitynic
    nickitynic Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 38 but I love this post and the commenters here. This is definitely not my first rodeo with MFP, but the first time I used it it really worked. I lost 20kg and kept it off for about 3 years. Then I got into a relationship which is AWESOME except I slipped into lazy ways and put on 25kg (I have PCOS and it's very easy to put weight on, very hard to get it off). I'm trying to figure out how to stay motivated and do this on my own without continually giving up when Mr Never-Gets-Fat cooks up an awesome curry or brings home a bag of chips. SIGH. I need buddies.
  • doublehoogirl
    doublehoogirl Posts: 1 Member
    After 3 years of not taking care of myself, I’m ready to make eating right and exercising a priority again! I have about 15 lbs to lose and would love to connect with others in the same boat. Im 41 and would love to break the yo-yo cycle - losing weight has gotten much harder as Ive gotten older! Please add me, Id love to motivate eachother!
  • prettyash777
    prettyash777 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost and gained the weight back. I’m starting over and don’t plan to regain this time
  • smcgrath45
    smcgrath45 Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2018
    I'm 45 and would like to lose weight. I was 30 lbs lighter in my early 30s. I realize that may be unrealistic; I'd be thrilled with 20. The weight seems stuck to me. It's not really a mystery though, while I eat generally well, I drink too much wine, eat too many snacks and don't get enough exercise. I have good days where I track all my food and stay in the MFP range but others where I blow it right out of the water. I'm aware that to not only lose weight but avoid gaining more weight I need to make a total lifestyle change and I'm struggling with that part. Feel free to add me, I need the motivation. I'm also on Fitbit, I just got the Alta-HR.
  • AngiSaylor
    AngiSaylor Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies, I just turned 47 this year and due to other changes in my life I figured now was a good time to start working on my weight and getting back into shape. Hoping for support and motivation. :)
  • venter1976
    venter1976 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2018
    I am 42 years how did this happen overnight please add me to the group I have 10kg to lose
  • emajarrett
    emajarrett Posts: 50 Member
    Dear Women in their forties. Bad start to week as I was feeling really down and haven't slept well in a week. I just scoffed a HUGE piece of cake ... best part of 500 calories. WHY???...... I seem to be on a weight will not budge plateau.... help?
  • blebriki
    blebriki Posts: 15 Member
    I think we all have our days were emotions get the better of us. Keep going, don't overdo it despite the bad start to the day and you can do better tomorrow. I am on the same plateu, my body is playing mind games but I am a bit more stubborn now. Good luck!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Hi ladies. For those of you on a plateau, it happens, sucky as it is. But if you are consistent with your tracking (accurately measuring everything with a food scale), you WILL lose weight. You just may need to make some adjustments if you find you are not losing over a period of several weeks. I also highly recommend a weight trending app like Happy Scale. When you don't have a lot to lose, it's easy to see losses masked by hormonal fluctuations.
  • weibel
    weibel Posts: 1 Member
    I’m also 41! In the past 12 months I really amped up my time spent on work and really stopped spending any attention on fitness 😳 now I’m my heaviest ever weight and my clothes are not fitting well.

    Ready to get back to normal