JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    What a weekend! I am so grateful for where I am in life. So happy I crawled out of the dark place I was this past winter. I think I really need to consider that seasonal affective disorder DOES play a role in my life. I was thinking about six month goals...the holidays, what life is like in the winter, what road blocks I face. Despite having a loving family, a safe warm house, and winter hobbies like snowboarding and hiking - I still tend to use comfort foods as a crutch and really hunker down from January-March. One of my long term goals has been to be more comfortable on my snowboard again this winter - I was out of breath bending over to strap in! My snowpants didnt fit anymore and I'd need to rest after only 3 runs. It turned a hobby I LOVE into something I dreaded doing because I was embarrassed by what my fitness level had dwindled to. So that's a huge six month goal - fit into old snowpants and shred like a boss! Another broader goal will be to stick to my new ways - not fall back into old habits. I hope to be down around 175 lbs. by December. In the meantime I will continue to grow my relationship with myself and my loved ones and nurture the habits it will take me to get there.

    My weight has been hovering around the same number for over a week - I'm due for aunt flow to show up, but she's currently late. I think that is why I'm holding the weight. I've had steady losses up until this week so I started to panic a little bit. But thats life isnt it? You start getting comfortable in your habits, things seem to be falling into place, you get a nice rhythm going - and then BAM - life hits you with, well, LIFE! My hip/lower back started killing me yesterday and is worse today - not sure what it is, feels like nerve pain - slighly different than sciatic nerve pain but in the same general vicinity that wraps around from my lower back, around my hip, to my groin. Taking it easy at work today, and dinner is already prepped so an easy evening, yay!

    I can totally relate! I get really depressed in the winter. I have to take Vitamin D and make sure I get sunlight or I might as well crawl into a cave and hibernate all winter. I can't fit into any of my hunting or ice fishing clothes either and that makes me even more depressed because I buy them larger so I can layer clothing under them! OMG. It seriously makes me want to curl up in a fetal position and cry. So, yes, I need to get busy too. I want to go ice fishing this year and I WILL fit into my snow gear.

    What did you do to your hip/back? I've got a physical therapy appointment tonight for the same thing. My SI joint was stuck and 3 of my lower disks were rotated. So painful I can't lift my left leg some days. Because of the way the pain radiates from lower back, around hip and to groin area, they are sending me for consult at Ortho Surgeon to make sure I don't have a labrum tear in my left hip. Just sucks when you are trying to get on track and as soon as you start getting the activity in, to burn the calories and get healthy, and then BAM....you're in pain and back at square one.

    xoxoxo Good luck with resting it. I sure hope it helps! :hushed:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Might have to have a little break from this. Just got too much stress going on. I’m still gonna stay within my goals just not post them and be so strict. Just need to get past these next couple of weeks and then I’ll be alright.
    I need sleep. I need rest. I need to reset!

    But I’m gonna do my best to atleast be in the green every day. And drink water. I’m still coming back to read the posts lol I’m not going anywhere lol
    But just need to chill out a bit x

    You take all the time you need! We all need breaks and we all need to reset at times! Just don't disappear from us forever! We'd miss our little Bex! :heart:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Log every bite & stay in the green :)
    2. Finish top of Bex's quilt. :)Picked up a bit more material today to add a few more blocks! I'm really getting into this. Husband had to come get me to go upstairs and eat again last night! LOL
    3. July Budgeting :(Tonight instead.
    4. July bullet journal update :)
    5. Begin studying for Epic Inpatient Procedure Orders certification - spend 1 hour today. :(I'm going to pay for it too, I have a feeling. Was having too much fun quilting!
    6. Laundry / ironing / pick out week's outfits :)
    7. Prep veggies and fruit :)
    8. Body, Mind & Spirit: :)Netflix documentaries about nutrition, read Simple Abundance chapters, outside for 15 minutes watering flowers and garden.

    Just for Monday
    1. Eat only pre-logged breakfast, lunch and snack at work.
    2. Begin studying Epic IP Proc Orders certification materials.
    3. Start working on July budget
    4. Pack tomorrow's lunchbox, tonight and pick out tomorrow's clothes tonight.
    5. Finish quilt top by adding new rows
    6. Do something for the Body, Mind & Spirit

    July 1: Water :) / Walk/Move :) / Mindful Eating :) / Planning :)
    July 2: Water / Walk / Mindful Eating / Planning
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited July 2018
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    What a weekend! I am so grateful for where I am in life. So happy I crawled out of the dark place I was this past winter. I think I really need to consider that seasonal affective disorder DOES play a role in my life. I was thinking about six month goals...the holidays, what life is like in the winter, what road blocks I face. Despite having a loving family, a safe warm house, and winter hobbies like snowboarding and hiking - I still tend to use comfort foods as a crutch and really hunker down from January-March. One of my long term goals has been to be more comfortable on my snowboard again this winter - I was out of breath bending over to strap in! My snowpants didnt fit anymore and I'd need to rest after only 3 runs. It turned a hobby I LOVE into something I dreaded doing because I was embarrassed by what my fitness level had dwindled to. So that's a huge six month goal - fit into old snowpants and shred like a boss! Another broader goal will be to stick to my new ways - not fall back into old habits. I hope to be down around 175 lbs. by December. In the meantime I will continue to grow my relationship with myself and my loved ones and nurture the habits it will take me to get there.

    My weight has been hovering around the same number for over a week - I'm due for aunt flow to show up, but she's currently late. I think that is why I'm holding the weight. I've had steady losses up until this week so I started to panic a little bit. But thats life isnt it? You start getting comfortable in your habits, things seem to be falling into place, you get a nice rhythm going - and then BAM - life hits you with, well, LIFE! My hip/lower back started killing me yesterday and is worse today - not sure what it is, feels like nerve pain - slighly different than sciatic nerve pain but in the same general vicinity that wraps around from my lower back, around my hip, to my groin. Taking it easy at work today, and dinner is already prepped so an easy evening, yay!

    I can totally relate! I get really depressed in the winter. I have to take Vitamin D and make sure I get sunlight or I might as well crawl into a cave and hibernate all winter. I can't fit into any of my hunting or ice fishing clothes either and that makes me even more depressed because I buy them larger so I can layer clothing under them! OMG. It seriously makes me want to curl up in a fetal position and cry. So, yes, I need to get busy too. I want to go ice fishing this year and I WILL fit into my snow gear.

    What did you do to your hip/back? I've got a physical therapy appointment tonight for the same thing. My SI joint was stuck and 3 of my lower disks were rotated. So painful I can't lift my left leg some days. Because of the way the pain radiates from lower back, around hip and to groin area, they are sending me for consult at Ortho Surgeon to make sure I don't have a labrum tear in my left hip. Just sucks when you are trying to get on track and as soon as you start getting the activity in, to burn the calories and get healthy, and then BAM....you're in pain and back at square one.

    xoxoxo Good luck with resting it. I sure hope it helps! :hushed:

    I completely agree about the winter, no sunlight means my energy levels drop. I just want to sleep all day instead.

    vitamin D isn't a bad idea. I notice when I drink milk during the winter my energy perks up quite a bit. Then drops when I don't drink any milk.

    I just finished taking out the trash and cleaned out the evidence of constantly eating wendy's out of the car. Sigh

    Time to make some breakfast
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just for Today (July 3rd):
    • July challenge- Pre-plan meals for July 4th
    • Food challenge- Don't eat/drink ANY snacks from the teachers' office today, not even an instant coffee stick. (Don't need it today after the full night of sleep I got last night.)
    • Exercise challenge- Do today's Suzanne Bowen and Jessica Smith workout challenge videos
    • Personal challenge- Last night I did "lights out by 11:00" with a nighttime shower so I could sleep in a little longer today, meaning I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night. Feel amazing today! So, same goal today :)
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    July 1 JFT
    Stay in the green :(
    Water challenge :)
    Walk challenge :(
    Emotional eating challenge :)
    Planning meals challenge :)

    Thank you! @Faebert Its so cool here, appreciate your welcome <3

    July 2 JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Water/walk/mindful eating/meal planning

    Hi everyone! Reading your posts & sending peace and love your way. Xoxo
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Rough Monday guys. Just a tough work day and it kicked up some depression so I've been in a bit of a funk today. (also may be getting sick as a coworker went home-eek I hope not!) Emotional eating urges were pretty fierce which was my first day since I started my meal plan. Typical MO for me, I excel at the start but start to struggle with the maintaining. Reached out to a couple friends and even texted one my plan to exercise and eat healthy to make me stick to it tonight. Ended up doing a little emotional over-eating and went over calories today, but not terrible. I've found that speaking out to my supports, admitting to the tough days, lets me face my mental health head-on. So I will be prioritizing some self-care over the next few days to make sure I'm taking care of myself emotionally. As always thanks for *listening*

    Checkin' in:
    House chores-nah
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅-went over by 4 cals, but doing better at compensating for exercise which is what this goal is all about
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    BED BY 10! ✅-about to tuck in with some tea, a good book, and hopefully a kitty or two
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow (late day so I'm keeping it simple):
    Be kind to myself
    Reach out to supports
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    BED BY 10!
    Post here for accountability
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Jft Sunday Recap
    1. Be kind :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Chores :| Did some dishes, made a bigger mess food prepping - meh.
    4. Grocery list, shop - eat first :)
    5. Laundry >:) So hot outside meant even hotter inside laundromat, couldn't bring myself to do it - Going to look for a washing machine on consignment. So this week I'm wearing "the alternative wardrobe" aka things that have not fit and have been sitting in drawers - some of it fits now!
    6. Consider 6 month goals, December :)

    What a weekend! I am so grateful for where I am in life. So happy I crawled out of the dark place I was this past winter. I think I really need to consider that seasonal affective disorder DOES play a role in my life. I was thinking about six month goals...the holidays, what life is like in the winter, what road blocks I face. Despite having a loving family, a safe warm house, and winter hobbies like snowboarding and hiking - I still tend to use comfort foods as a crutch and really hunker down from January-March. One of my long term goals has been to be more comfortable on my snowboard again this winter - I was out of breath bending over to strap in! My snowpants didnt fit anymore and I'd need to rest after only 3 runs. It turned a hobby I LOVE into something I dreaded doing because I was embarrassed by what my fitness level had dwindled to. So that's a huge six month goal - fit into old snowpants and shred like a boss! Another broader goal will be to stick to my new ways - not fall back into old habits. I hope to be down around 175 lbs. by December. In the meantime I will continue to grow my relationship with myself and my loved ones and nurture the habits it will take me to get there.

    I struggle a bit in the Winter, but my husband gets severely depressed. The last two winters he has been a bit better but I think it’d because we moved. Our place now has lots of windows and his computer sits right beside one. In our two previous ones he spent 90% of his time in the basement and worked in a cubby in the middle of a building. I think the little bit of light he gets now made an improvement at least.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Might have to have a little break from this. Just got too much stress going on. I’m still gonna stay within my goals just not post them and be so strict. Just need to get past these next couple of weeks and then I’ll be alright.
    I need sleep. I need rest. I need to reset!

    But I’m gonna do my best to atleast be in the green every day. And drink water. I’m still coming back to read the posts lol I’m not going anywhere lol
    But just need to chill out a bit x

    I think that is a wise decision. Too much at once an be overwhelming and then you find yourself not happy with anything. Just remember us!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Might have to have a little break from this. Just got too much stress going on. I’m still gonna stay within my goals just not post them and be so strict. Just need to get past these next couple of weeks and then I’ll be alright.
    I need sleep. I need rest. I need to reset!

    But I’m gonna do my best to atleast be in the green every day. And drink water. I’m still coming back to read the posts lol I’m not going anywhere lol
    But just need to chill out a bit x

    You take all the time you need! We all need breaks and we all need to reset at times! Just don't disappear from us forever! We'd miss our little Bex! :heart:

    LOL I don’t think I ever could!!!
    I would so visit if I could afford it lol!

    Also, I’ve realised why I feel so off.

    A cold. The dreaded British cold lol 😂

    But on another note, I’ve made something, it’s crazy simple but that’s good right?

    So if me and my daughter walk a certain way home from nursery, we go past a carpet shop, a lot of the time they have spare carpet samples for free outside. And it says take as many as you like etc. For craft/pets etc.

    And every time we walk that way she chooses one. God knows why she wants a bit of carpet but it’s free so I’m not going to be a killjoy.

    Bit of duct tape later and voila! Door mat 😁


    Im loving how you’d think my house was clean, I literally just kicked all the girls clutter out of range of the photo LOL!

    Awesome mat!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Falcon wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    What a weekend! I am so grateful for where I am in life. So happy I crawled out of the dark place I was this past winter. I think I really need to consider that seasonal affective disorder DOES play a role in my life. I was thinking about six month goals...the holidays, what life is like in the winter, what road blocks I face. Despite having a loving family, a safe warm house, and winter hobbies like snowboarding and hiking - I still tend to use comfort foods as a crutch and really hunker down from January-March. One of my long term goals has been to be more comfortable on my snowboard again this winter - I was out of breath bending over to strap in! My snowpants didnt fit anymore and I'd need to rest after only 3 runs. It turned a hobby I LOVE into something I dreaded doing because I was embarrassed by what my fitness level had dwindled to. So that's a huge six month goal - fit into old snowpants and shred like a boss! Another broader goal will be to stick to my new ways - not fall back into old habits. I hope to be down around 175 lbs. by December. In the meantime I will continue to grow my relationship with myself and my loved ones and nurture the habits it will take me to get there.

    My weight has been hovering around the same number for over a week - I'm due for aunt flow to show up, but she's currently late. I think that is why I'm holding the weight. I've had steady losses up until this week so I started to panic a little bit. But thats life isnt it? You start getting comfortable in your habits, things seem to be falling into place, you get a nice rhythm going - and then BAM - life hits you with, well, LIFE! My hip/lower back started killing me yesterday and is worse today - not sure what it is, feels like nerve pain - slighly different than sciatic nerve pain but in the same general vicinity that wraps around from my lower back, around my hip, to my groin. Taking it easy at work today, and dinner is already prepped so an easy evening, yay!

    I can totally relate! I get really depressed in the winter. I have to take Vitamin D and make sure I get sunlight or I might as well crawl into a cave and hibernate all winter. I can't fit into any of my hunting or ice fishing clothes either and that makes me even more depressed because I buy them larger so I can layer clothing under them! OMG. It seriously makes me want to curl up in a fetal position and cry. So, yes, I need to get busy too. I want to go ice fishing this year and I WILL fit into my snow gear.

    What did you do to your hip/back? I've got a physical therapy appointment tonight for the same thing. My SI joint was stuck and 3 of my lower disks were rotated. So painful I can't lift my left leg some days. Because of the way the pain radiates from lower back, around hip and to groin area, they are sending me for consult at Ortho Surgeon to make sure I don't have a labrum tear in my left hip. Just sucks when you are trying to get on track and as soon as you start getting the activity in, to burn the calories and get healthy, and then BAM....you're in pain and back at square one.

    xoxoxo Good luck with resting it. I sure hope it helps! :hushed:

    I completely agree about the winter, no sunlight means my energy levels drop. I just want to sleep all day instead.

    vitamin D isn't a bad idea. I notice when I drink milk during the winter my energy perks up quite a bit. Then drops when I don't drink any milk.

    I just finished taking out the trash and cleaned out the evidence of constantly eating wendy's out of the car. Sigh

    Time to make some breakfast

    My doctor says everyone that lives in the North has a vitamin D deficiency and there isn’t enough sun in a year to make up for ir. She tells me to take it year round.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Rough Monday guys. Just a tough work day and it kicked up some depression so I've been in a bit of a funk today. (also may be getting sick as a coworker went home-eek I hope not!) Emotional eating urges were pretty fierce which was my first day since I started my meal plan. Typical MO for me, I excel at the start but start to struggle with the maintaining. Reached out to a couple friends and even texted one my plan to exercise and eat healthy to make me stick to it tonight. Ended up doing a little emotional over-eating and went over calories today, but not terrible. I've found that speaking out to my supports, admitting to the tough days, lets me face my mental health head-on. So I will be prioritizing some self-care over the next few days to make sure I'm taking care of myself emotionally. As always thanks for *listening*

    Checkin' in:
    House chores-nah
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅-went over by 4 cals, but doing better at compensating for exercise which is what this goal is all about
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    BED BY 10! ✅-about to tuck in with some tea, a good book, and hopefully a kitty or two
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow (late day so I'm keeping it simple):
    Be kind to myself
    Reach out to supports
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    BED BY 10!
    Post here for accountability

    You recognize it and are taking steps to alleviate the damage that’s wonderful!!!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smiley:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: Pretty much, though had gin when wasn't necessarily intending to. Need to swap alcohol-free days again...
    - 4 bottles water :smile:
    - Go to gym :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :smile:
    - Talk to boyfriend in French :neutral: A bit, not for that long as was very tired
    - Sort emails :smile:
    - Do weekly food shop :smile:
    - Do washing :smile:
    - Buy friend's birthday present :smiley:
    - Do French revision :neutral: Some, not as much as I wanted. Took me longer than I thought to find the present
    - Quick check on finances :smile:
    - Plan when to do other items on to-do :smile:

    July challenge: For me it works better to plan in the morning - I've got into the habit of doing it on my morning commute as it's reliable free time (whereas my evenings vary quite a lot). So let's say I have to do this by the end of breakfast every day.
    July 1st: Done :smile:
    July 2nd: Done :smile:
    July 3rd: Done :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3 bottles water

    - 45 minute lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Talk to boyfriend in French
    - Send 2 emails
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Monday, 7/2/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    5) Get back to the gym (after a week away on vacation) :)
    6) Complete 2 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Tuesday, 7/3/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Go to the gym
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    JFT Monday

    Garbage has been taken out
    removed the barbeque from the car into my apartment
    car was cleaned out
    did a short walk around at work for 9 minutes
    stayed under the calorie goal
    drank my water
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    JFT Monday, Recap: This was NOT a successful day for me.

    1. Adhere to food plan. :neutral:
    2. No fast food! :smile:
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening. :smile:
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water :smile:
    5. Yoga routine :neutral:

    Did great on food until about 3 pm...when I was starving and wanted to eat everything in sight. I didn't...but I did overshoot my calories and I didn't weigh my pasta so I don't even know by how much. I still feel hungry today, in fact, which is unusual for me in a day when I go over calories. I just have to dial it back and have some self-control.

    JFT Tuesday

    1. Stay UNDER calorie goal
    2. No fast food!
    3. Physical therapy appointment and morning and evening physical therapy.
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water.

    I have days like that too, where it doesn't seem to matter what I eat I'm still starving. I haven't figured out the pattern to it at all yet and I've been trying to figure it out. It's very frustrating.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    For those planning and prepping July 4 food I thought I'd share some pics of delicious and healthy ideas.

    The first picture comes with a link for the recipe. This is one of my favorite eats in the summer. It's watermelon, blueberries, feta, and mint with a light honey citrus glaze. The recipe calls for lime but I've used lemon or a combo of the two before. I've also used a balsalmic glaze.

    Recipe for Watermelon, blueberries, feta, mint salad







