July 2018 Running Challenge



  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    edited July 2018
    0706-2k, total-7.2k, goal-90k

    Was running late in bad traffic, 2k from subway station, legged it. It was hot and miserable so I'm going to count it. :|

    Upcoming races:
    20181027 Mogan Ultra 30k
    20181118 Shanghai Marathon (maybe)

    @mbaker566 Hail my fellow countryman! Hope he gets used to everything soon.

    @RunsOnEspresso 2-3 or 3-2 is my go to these days. I also tend to get side stitches when I'm not doing an odd number.

    All this talk about fireworks is just like Chinese New Year. Going off the minute it gets dark and continues through all ungodly hours of the night, for at least a week...
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    @shanaber I was lucky that it was 'friendly.' It was unkempt, smelly, had no tag on it's collar, and its claws were stupid sharp. But it wasn't trying to harm me. It was 'playing' with me. You know, like they do smaller animals until it kills them! It was a large dog, though, and every time I tried to walk away, it would jump even more. It was a run spoiler that day, for sure. I've not gone back down that street since!!

    As for everyone's dogs being scared (or not) of fireworks, my cat is terrified. One of them, anyway. The other one could care less. Poor Beezo. It's his birthday, too! Ha! He hides in the closet most of the time, and when he does come out, he does the army crawl.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    Jul  02     4.1        4.1 
    Jul  06     4.1        8.2
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Bad thunderstorms here, roads flooded out and lots of people still without power. Thankfully my trailer is on top of a hill so we okay. :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have read about the odd breathing method before but forgot about it. Maybe I'll try 3-4 or 4-3. Anything with 2 just isn't enough for me (I guess that could be the VCD and/or asthma because one makes it hard to breathe in, the other out).

    So does this sound like plantar fasciitis? I have never had it before so have no idea. Yesterday afternoon I stood up and the arch of my left foot suddenly was in pain. I don't want to say it snapped or popped but it was just suddenly painful. There's no bruising or swelling. It doesn't bother me when I'm sitting or once I move around a bit. (I cleaned the bathroom later that day with no issues). But this morning when I got out of bed I could barely hobble to let the dogs out. Now that I'm sitting? Nothing.

    I used a foot roller I bought for DH since he does have that issue and felt nothing, no pain, no release. My back has been super tight lately so I am wondering if it could be related to that. I don't have shooting pain or anything like that but do have a slight discomfort on my lower back on the left side. It doesn't feel painful or tingly or radiating pain like sciatica would.

    Either way, I am not running today. I want to rest/figure this out before marathon training starts. I may take a walk to get some movement in and the pain seems to subside if I walk around. It's just if I've been sitting a bit and first get up and walk that I feel it. Plan to still try my strength workout. And maybe a hot bath to try and relax/loosen my back.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Rest day not scheduled but seems like a good idea.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Sun 7/1 crosstrain: 60 minutes elliptical
    Mon 7/2 run: 3.15 miles
    Tue 7/3 crosstrain: 60 minutes elliptical
    Wed 7/4 run: 3.14 miles
    Thu 7/5 run: 3.15 miles
    Fri 7/6 run: 4 miles
    13.44 of 60 completed

    August 25th - Camp New Hope 10k
    September 7th - 5k Glow Run
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have read about the odd breathing method before but forgot about it. Maybe I'll try 3-4 or 4-3. Anything with 2 just isn't enough for me (I guess that could be the VCD and/or asthma because one makes it hard to breathe in, the other out).

    So does this sound like plantar fasciitis? I have never had it before so have no idea. Yesterday afternoon I stood up and the arch of my left foot suddenly was in pain. I don't want to say it snapped or popped but it was just suddenly painful. There's no bruising or swelling. It doesn't bother me when I'm sitting or once I move around a bit. (I cleaned the bathroom later that day with no issues). But this morning when I got out of bed I could barely hobble to let the dogs out. Now that I'm sitting? Nothing.

    I used a foot roller I bought for DH since he does have that issue and felt nothing, no pain, no release. My back has been super tight lately so I am wondering if it could be related to that. I don't have shooting pain or anything like that but do have a slight discomfort on my lower back on the left side. It doesn't feel painful or tingly or radiating pain like sciatica would.

    Either way, I am not running today. I want to rest/figure this out before marathon training starts. I may take a walk to get some movement in and the pain seems to subside if I walk around. It's just if I've been sitting a bit and first get up and walk that I feel it. Plan to still try my strength workout. And maybe a hot bath to try and relax/loosen my back.

    There does appear to be a small discoloration on the bottom of my foot. Looks like a light purple/pink. I can press my arch and the spot without pain.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - on the surface I would say yes it sounds like it could be PF. I tore mine so it was a more immediate pain and then got better over time. I did go to the sports chiropractor for treatments to help it heal. PF can hurt in the area you describe, from the arch to your heel and is typically worse in the morning. Mine hurt more to walk on than to run because of how I landed on my foot. I would get it checked out by a doctor if it doesn't get better though.
    @biketheworld - I ran the inaugural Star Wars HM at Disneyland. They still do some and they are fun because of the 'Disney' atmosphere but the routes are not scenic through the local surrounding community and the very large crowd was mostly just interested in taking pictures with the characters (longer lines than the bathrooms!). I like Surf City, it is close so my husband can take and pick me up after and it goes right by the dog beach we go to. If you run SF and Surf City consecutively you get an additional medal so I will run it again in 2019 but then may take a break from it. Although I now have loyalty status at both that is kind of nice!

    We are off to the agility trial - hope to be home before it hits the 117F high there. Home will only be 113F :lol:
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Agree it sounds like PF. No pain while sitting, worse in the morning, and the pain easing once you've walked around a bit, is pretty diagnostic (but check with a doctor or physio to be sure). I had it myself once before I started running. It resolved in a few months. I found putting on a supportive shoe first thing in the morning really helped.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    I have read about the odd breathing method before but forgot about it. Maybe I'll try 3-4 or 4-3. Anything with 2 just isn't enough for me (I guess that could be the VCD and/or asthma because one makes it hard to breathe in, the other out).

    So does this sound like plantar fasciitis? I have never had it before so have no idea. Yesterday afternoon I stood up and the arch of my left foot suddenly was in pain. I don't want to say it snapped or popped but it was just suddenly painful. There's no bruising or swelling. It doesn't bother me when I'm sitting or once I move around a bit. (I cleaned the bathroom later that day with no issues). But this morning when I got out of bed I could barely hobble to let the dogs out. Now that I'm sitting? Nothing.

    I used a foot roller I bought for DH since he does have that issue and felt nothing, no pain, no release. My back has been super tight lately so I am wondering if it could be related to that. I don't have shooting pain or anything like that but do have a slight discomfort on my lower back on the left side. It doesn't feel painful or tingly or radiating pain like sciatica would.

    Either way, I am not running today. I want to rest/figure this out before marathon training starts. I may take a walk to get some movement in and the pain seems to subside if I walk around. It's just if I've been sitting a bit and first get up and walk that I feel it. Plan to still try my strength workout. And maybe a hot bath to try and relax/loosen my back.

    @RunsOnEspresso I have a running friend that occasionally has plantar issues. She freezes a water bottle and rolls the bottom of her foot a couple of times a day. She says it helps.