July 2018 Running Challenge



  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - going into my third month dealing with PF and it is no fun. Pain is always worse in the morning for the first 3- 5 steps then lets up a little bit. This month the foot is better and almost pain free, after 14 PT sessions. I went to a Sports Medicine doctor for a daignosis - one who specializes in running. His recommedation for me was physical therapy and stretches. He also said I could continue to run within a certain pain threshold.

    You may want to rule out any other issues such as a stress facture or tear in the muscle. My PF hurt more when I ran; but it also hurt when I was resting the foot. Sports Medicine doctor recommendation was to roll the foot with a Lacrosse ball, he was not a fan of the frozen water bottle. I do have a friend that uses the frozen water bottle for her PF and it helps her.

    Each person is different and what helps one may not be useful for someone else. And I am not a doctor, so all this is my own opinion.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @lporter229 what time does the sun rise by you? It's light right now by me at 5:15ish and getting dark around 8:00 since I'm so close to the Eastern/Central time zone change in the central time zone.

    @Teerai I don't have a problem with my dog, unless it's a tornado, then she will let me know it's time to take cover. Thunder, fireworks none of that bother her. My first thought is the way people set off fireworks on my street alone I'd be poor giving her treats ha ha

    It's not really fully light until about 6AM or a little later.

    My dog doesn't even seem to notice fireworks. On the 4th, my husband and I took her for a walk to the top of our hill where you can see lots of fireworks. They were going off all over the place and she didn't even seem to notice. Nothing much bothers that dog. The only thing I have ever seen her get upset by is power tools. when the drill comes out, she is gone!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @lporter229 what time does the sun rise by you? It's light right now by me at 5:15ish and getting dark around 8:00 since I'm so close to the Eastern/Central time zone change in the central time zone.

    @Teerai I don't have a problem with my dog, unless it's a tornado, then she will let me know it's time to take cover. Thunder, fireworks none of that bother her. My first thought is the way people set off fireworks on my street alone I'd be poor giving her treats ha ha

    It's not really fully light until about 6AM or a little later.

    My dog doesn't even seem to notice fireworks. On the 4th, my husband and I took her for a walk to the top of our hill where you can see lots of fireworks. They were going off all over the place and she didn't even seem to notice. Nothing much bothers that dog. The only thing I have ever seen her get upset by is power tools. when the drill comes out, she is gone!

    @lporter229 two of my friends live on the East Coast, literally a couple miles from the beach and they were here in May and both said "it gets light SSOOO early here" ha ha I guess I'm just used to it
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member

    Breaking in the new shoes while giving myself long run heat stress.

    Re: New Balence shoes discussion

    I used to wear NB exclusively because I have a narrow heel but I also need a wide toe box because of a bunion issue. I recently switched over to Mizuno and love them. My previous toenail issues have completely disappeared. :)


    I find Mizunos work best for me too. That is what I have bought for the last few years.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Like @juliet3455 I get a lot more daylight than many of you! Sunrise today was 5:15 AM and sunset is 10:02 PM. That means I can run without worrying about reflective gear or lights between 4:30AM and around 10:45PM, maybe a little longer if I pick my route carefully so I'm not interacting with traffic or trip hazards.

    But it also means I'm running in the dark at 4PM in the winter. So...
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    July goal is 150 miles

    7/1 5.00............ 5.00/145.00
    7/2 Rest............ 5.00/145.00
    7/3 7.00............12.00/138.00
    7/4 5.00............17.00/133.00
    7/5 7.00............24.00/126.00
    7/6 5.00............29.00/121.00

    Upcoming races:

    October 20: Sinnemahone Ultra Marathon Trail Race (50K)

    I beat the heat by running early. I try to be out the door by 5:30 a.m. It also keeps the sun exposure to a minimum so I don't have to keep dipping myself in SPF 70. And there are slightly fewer deer flies that early. I hate those F-ers... I go through repellent almost as fast as I go through bourbon. I prefer running when the temps get below freezing, but I pretty much hate winter.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq you are killing it with your paces! You really have figured something out. Very impressive!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    July Running Challenge
    Goal: 40 km
    Done: 10.5/40 km

    5/7/18 Run 2.5 km Walk 6 km
    4/7/18 Run 2 km Walk 7 km SL A
    3/7/18 Run 4 km Walk 9 km
    2/7/18 Run 2 km Walk 5 km
    1/7/18 Walk 7 km
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Question for sweaty runners and heat stress issues:

    Apologies if this is TMI...

    I am pretty sure I gave myself some kind of heat stress on my run this morning. Either that, or I got some kind of very short lasting illness. I got very weak at mile 11 out of 12 - stomach cramping, nausea, GI upset, LOTS of sweating, foot cramps, and headache. After I got home (and finished vomiting), I took a cool shower and passed out for a few hours. I feel much better now - just tired.

    I am a very heavy sweating runner so I plan my route around water sources. I filled my water bottle up 3 times on my run. It is a large handheld Nathan hydration thing. I also downed a bottle of gateraid before starting.

    I am wondering if I developed a low-sodium issue.... I know a few runners who carry salt tablets with them on long runs. Has anyone tried that? Does it help? I have tried NUUN tablets in the past but they tear my stomach up. Are there better alternative brands? I have been craving salt like mad this past month. I am wondering if long runs in the heat are depleting my reserves.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Question for sweaty runners and heat stress issues:

    Apologies if this is TMI...

    I am pretty sure I gave myself some kind of heat stress on my run this morning. Either that, or I got some kind of very short lasting illness. I got very weak at mile 11 out of 12 - stomach cramping, nausea, GI upset, LOTS of sweating, foot cramps, and headache. After I got home (and finished vomiting), I took a cool shower and passed out for a few hours. I feel much better now - just tired.

    I am a very heavy sweating runner so I plan my route around water sources. I filled my water bottle up 3 times on my run. It is a large handheld Nathan hydration thing. I also downed a bottle of gateraid before starting.

    I am wondering if I developed a low-sodium issue.... I know a few runners who carry salt tablets with them on long runs. Has anyone tried that? Does it help? I have tried NUUN tablets in the past but they tear my stomach up. Are there better alternative brands? I have been craving salt like mad this past month. I am wondering if long runs in the heat are depleting my reserves.

    You could be burning through all your electrolytes. Water is NOT enough on longer runs.

    You could try any of the following:

    1) Drinking Gatorade while you run instead of water
    2) Drinking TailWind ( Amazon ) instead of Gatorade and water
    3) Taking S-Caps ( Amazon) with your water
    4) Eat Clif Gel Bloks (Amazon ) while you run
    5) Some other means of replenishing lost electrolytes :)

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2018
    @amymoreorless I don't sweat at all. I do use nuun fine. But i have found that i really like adding some rocks of pink and white salt to my water (potassium and sodium chloride) aka no calorie runners crack lol!

    You might try the salt tables or something similar and see how you do. It does sound like heat stress and/or electrolyte imbalance.

    Let us know. Valuable information there!

    ETA it might not taste great, but you could also toss in a magnesium tablet. I like to add frozen blueberries to my water. Post run snack. :wink:
    Clarify- *Blueberries are not electrolytes. Just flavor.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @amymoreorless I've not tried mizuno, they are hard to find for me, or are above my price bracket. We pretty much have asics or New Balance. Interesting what you said about NB is exactly what I like about them but couldn't put into words, the firmness around the heel and mid foot while leaving plenty of room for toes! I have a pair of asics that just weren't quite right. They have become good walking shoes but not good running because they are too lose in the heel.

    Hopefully my new pair will come early next week..

    Morning everyone! Long run today. I had breakfast an hr ago, so I'll go out in the next hr or so. Looking forward to it and last lun for week 1!

    Thanks again for all the advice, this feels like a good plan to be on.
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    You could try any of the following:

    1) Drinking Gatorade while you run instead of water
    2) Drinking TailWind ( Amazon ) instead of Gatorade and water
    3) Taking S-Caps ( Amazon) with your water
    4) Eat Clif Gel Bloks (Amazon ) while you run
    5) Some other means of replenishing lost electrolytes :)

    Tailwind is the shlt... Especially the Green Tea Buzz... I have run two 50ks with no other nutrition or hydration than Tailwind....
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @LaDispute57 I have a bag and a half of it sitting around. I have had mixed results with it. Probably should test it again this weekend.