Eat Keto Diet Daily and Track - 30 Day Challenge



  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    Mazda_Mx5 wrote: »
    What is everyones carb limit ?
    20 ?

    I tried to keep my carbs between 20 and 50 that's just more realistic to me.
  • 1yeartohealth
    1yeartohealth Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join I really need some support and some friends. suppose to start keto this Monday. just been reading about and trying to prep for it this weekend. not entirely sure what i'm doing but i've got about 100lbs I HAVE to lose. Please help me!
  • SuperSaiyanGoddess86
    SuperSaiyanGoddess86 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there - count me in! I started keto on 4/22, was strict for 1 month, and have been off the rails ever since.
    I lost 10 pounds, but my loss stalled, and I got discouraged after the first month.

    A few things I struggled with:
    - eating enough food (I'd feel completely satisfied on 1200 calories a day eating keto style!)
    - consuming too much sugar substitute - my face has been breaking out terribly thanks to splenda - going cold turkey w/ no sugar!
    - staying within my macros - keeping the carbs low is easy, but keeping the protein at a moderate level and the fat high was very tough for me!

    Looking forward to posting here for accountability, and hoping to get lots of meal and snack inspiration!

    Yeah I'm starting to get discouraged. I might try something else
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Mazda_Mx5 wrote: »
    What is everyones carb limit ?
    20 ?
    Net 20 for me. Btw love your user name! Mazda lover myself maybe one day we’ll get a fancy one 😂
  • Mazda_Mx5
    Mazda_Mx5 Posts: 722 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Mazda_Mx5 wrote: »
    What is everyones carb limit ?
    20 ?
    Net 20 for me. Btw love your user name! Mazda lover myself maybe one day we’ll get a fancy one 😂

    Thanks <3
  • Losingweightforgood2019
    Losingweightforgood2019 Posts: 173 Member
    edited July 2018
    Ending Week 2 update
    Weight at July 1st 214.2 total loss this far 13.4
    Current weight 200.8
    Measurements: loss this far in inches
    Neck: .6
    Arm: .7
    Waist: 2.6
    Stomach: 1.9
    Hips: 1.4
    Thigh: 2
    Calf: 0 (started 15.9 first week, then starting week 2 16.2 and now back to 15.9)

    My hope for next week is to be officially OUT of the 200s!
  • Ironpen92
    Ironpen92 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join I really need some support and some friends. suppose to start keto this Monday. just been reading about and trying to prep for it this weekend. not entirely sure what i'm doing but i've got about 100lbs I HAVE to lose. Please help me!

    What kind of help do you need?
  • Shinryaku
    Shinryaku Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me. I just started reading a beginners Keto diet book and tried a Keto day yesterday. This challenge group will be very helpful. :)
  • tntdiva74
    tntdiva74 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok I'm glad I found you all. I had been ' doing ' keto on my own. You know eating low or no carb foods and struggling to get into ketosis and to lose weight. So I figured that this was going to be a process. First I needed to overcome my addiction to carbs. That accomplished then I needed to look at the quantity of foods and the frequency of my eating. That accomplished after about two months, I found myfitnesspal and got a figure for calculating my macros from Suzanne Ryan's website. I'm thrilled that after plugging into my fitness pal in one week I am down 6 pounds and I still don't know if I am in ketosis. I was able to order a blood ketone meter from Sam's pharmacy at a very good price($17) and test strips off of Amazon. Today I will be putting my meter to it's first use. I am finding that tracking is important for seeing if I am meeting my macros. I feel now that I am on the brink of succeeding.
  • SlimSherryIsFit
    SlimSherryIsFit Posts: 5 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Mazda_Mx5 wrote: »
    What is everyones carb limit ?
    20 ?
    Net 20 for me. Btw love your user name! Mazda lover myself maybe one day we’ll get a fancy one 😂

    I try to keep mine at 10% around 38 (net) or less.
  • RobinSolari
    RobinSolari Posts: 1 Member
    How does this challenge work?
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    You mentioned alcohol, if you are taking that most days you are stopping your fat burning.

    When you increase your protein to higher than your body needs it will get converted into carbs. So then your real carb count is higher.

    Reducing calories might have made your body hold onto fat as you are going too low.

    Sounds like you are tweaking a bit and getting there, be patient and keep tweaking till you are hitting the right % for you.

    If all else fails pick up your activity each day.

    At the end of the day the longer you sit at your current weight the more you body will want to stay at that weight.

    So what I do is drop some fat, then stay stable at that weight for a month or two or longer then once my body sees that as the new weight and I have not lost any fat in that time, then I make a small change to kick start the weight loss and go for another 5 kg or less.

    Hope that helps. Below is my what I have been doing.

    I am 58 years old my heaviest ever was 84.7 kg after I lost my 16 year old son, currently at 64.3 kg, started this keto/intermittent fasting a few days ago awhen I was 65 kg with the goal of hitting 63 kg over the next 3 weeks, then will sit at 63 kg for 3 months or more then will head down to my final goal which is 60 kg.

    Because I am close to my ideal weight my progress is slower, and I accept that is how it needs to be as I do want my skin to also shrink back, hence the intermittent fasting to help with the skin.

    dbhDeb wrote: »
    datash1 wrote: »
    dbhDeb wrote: »
    jor3c wrote: »
    think I need to change my goal numbers...NO Way I'll be under 50 carbs a day let alone 25 carbs... Will be less stressful and feeling yuck...maybe work my way down...

    I dove in and cut my carbs to less than 20 right from day one. I hit a day or two of "keto flu" but the weight loss (and inches loss) kicked in right away because I pushed my body into ketosis. I felt so much better and quit craving the carbs within the first week.

    I lost 8 lbs immediately and NOW nada. Please tell me exactly your diet.

    Mine is:

    coffee & HWC (cannot do coconut oil or butter)
    boiled egg / bacon (if I am hungry)

    2 c. spinach or other mixed greens
    2-4 oz of meat
    blue cheese or goats cheese (1 TB)
    1 T. of dressing such as ranch or blue cheese

    snack if any
    almonds - 12
    swiss cheese slice or similar
    1 92% chocolate square

    meat 4 oz
    1 T butter or olive oil
    cooked green vegetable such as broccoli, asparagus, cabbage or brussel sprouts

    I had been having a mixed drink with vodka and sprite zero but am cutting that out as of this week.

    any suggestions??

    My nephew and his wife lost a combined amount of 120 lbs in a few months. Of course they are 20 years younger!
    I would love to get 25 more lbs down.

    Heaviest - 189 lb (2008 before my divorce)

    SW Keto - 168
    CW - 159
    GW -135

    Thanks all!!!

    Hey, I've been doing keto since the first of the month and I'm exactly like you. I dropped 7 pounds immediately and tapered to NOTHING in the past couple of days. Meanwhile I have a friend who lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks! Try to really limit your dairy, and if you can do it, I've heard intermittent fasting is great for keto as well.

    What are your macro (fat, protein, carb) goals? I'm going steady at 70%, 25% and 5% respectively.

    I have been told not to do IF until you are fat-adapted but I tried it 2 days and NADA!

    Goal is to have 5% carb / 70% fat / 25% protein, however, yesterday I was atypically down in calories (855) and did 18 g total (not net) on carbs (9%) / fat at 51 (56%) / protein 73 g (35%).

    I keep trying to fine tune what I eat but because I have been a serial yo-yo dieter my inclination is to go low on calories and I am frustrated because I have been stuck for 4 weeks with nothing going down so I think that's what I did yesterday.

    Trying to hit goals today though. I am also in this to get my blood sugars down.

  • kcbkelly
    kcbkelly Posts: 1 Member
    A bit late to the party, but I'd like to join too :)
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    I think I might be day 5 and doing a mix of keto and intermittent fasting.

    Started at 65 kg goal is 63 kg, time allowed to reach goal is 4 weeks.

    Current weight 63.3 kg.

    Managed to get eating down to a 8 hour window, then went 23.5 hours till next eating window and ate over a 6 hour period, then went for a 17.5 hours and allowing myself an eating window of 6 hours.

    Now and again I get a little tummy pain, I see it as just part of the process since I am doing intermittent fasting.

    Allowing myself 1450 calories per day roughly 30 grams max carbs, but net carbs trying to stay under 20 grams. Smaller amount of protein than usual aiming for 60 grams (tied in with intermittent fasting). And the rest fat which is over 100 grams.

    Having 1 shake per day with coconut milk, cacao, coconut oil, chai seeds, and stevia, and unflavoured whey protein (isolate blend with nothing added to it).

    Sometimes I break my fast with decaff coffee and grass fed butter 2 tablespoons blended, with stevia.

    I also have macadamia and brazil nuts with some 85% Plain dark chocolate for a snack.

    Plus one meal.

    I am in ketosis most of the time, but sometimes I feel my eating window is so small like 4 hours that it takes me out of keto for a few hours, but then I go back in after a few hours so not worried by it.

    Not feeling hungry much at all, just occasionally like if I am out with friends and everyone else is eating and its not a time that I can eat! lol
  • kiiroitorigirl
    kiiroitorigirl Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join too.
    I started keto diet about 6 weeks ago with 60.3 kg. and now I lose only 600 g. :D
    I think my problem is I eat too much keto desserts and it make my carb over 20g.
    Everything look yummy and I love coconut milk so much.