July 2018 Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Today was a scheduled rest day after lifting but since I am going on vacation Tues (well, housesitting for a lady with a palatial home and pool!) I was hoping to get in one more run so I could kick back later. Legs this morning were screaming at me so instead I'm planning on running during my break.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    @elissabrost I like Hal Higdon and John Bingham.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @elissabrost i used an asics plan for my first half. i currently am freeform
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    @RunnerGrl1982 @elissabrost welcome!
    @skippygirlsmom That's so awesome!

    still out with blister recovery, gonna try picking up a short distance tomorrow and see how foot reacts. Was able to do upper body circuit this morning and a slow walk on the treadmill(not counting it as was 2 mph for 15 minutes). Have an awesome day everyone!
  • Gary_Z
    Gary_Z Posts: 19 Member
    ran 3.5 miles yesterday on treadmill to make my total 8.5, can't figure out TickerFactory, it keeps posting the old mileage, oh well...


  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Do I win a prize for highest temps? LOL

    Plans: I like Jenny Hadfields. I've used her half several times and her marathon for my second attempt. It's not her fault I got sick. ;) Currently I am using Matt Fitzgerald's intermediate HR marathon that was in 80/20.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @Gary_Z sometimes it takes awhile for the ticker to catch up. it says 8.5 to me. i think it has something to do with cookies or caches...
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    7/1 rest
    7/2 4miles
    7/3 7miles
    7/4 rest
    7/5 4miles
    7/6 5miles
    7/7 11miles
    7/8 rest
    7/9 6miles
    7/10 7miles
    7/11 5miles
    7/12 4miles
    7/13 12miles
    7/14 rest
    7/15 rest
    7/16 7.05miles

    It was a tough one today! A bit overcast, but 80 degrees. I didn't start until 9:15 and the first 5 miles were ok - 2 mile warm up then 6 intervals of fast running and recovery. The last interval was tough. Then a 2 mile cool down. By then I was soaked in sweat and super thirsty. I did a slow run and walk just to finish. I almost just quit, but I knew I'd be disappointed in myself for not finishing my workout. By the time I got home and in the shower I was feeling super shaky and horrible. I had to lay down under the fan and force myself to breath slowly. I guess I need to make sure I take water on these interval workouts... for some reason I underestimate how many miles those intervals end up being! It never seems like that much when it say 6 x (300m, 30 sec recovery, 300m, 90 sec recovery). Duh.

    Time to catch up on 10 pages!

    3/18/2018 Shamrock half marathon
    3/24/2018 Don't Sit on Colon Cancer 5K
    5/28/2018 Run to Remember 5K

    10/7/2018 Crawlin Crab half marathon
    10/13/2018 Joggin for Frogmen 5K
    11/18/2018 Norfolk Harbor half marathon
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,270 Member


    Struggling with the heat - like so many of you. Did a little speed work on the treadmill today as I really need to get my rear in gear. I honestly believe I have trained myself to run slow. I know I'll never be a speedster, but it's been years since I've managed a sub-3 hour half. A couple years ago I adopted the run/walk strategy and I'm not sure that's worked in my favor either.

    Future races - except for the first one, this is a total wish list. I'm completely intrigued with the "Vacation Races" at the National Parks. I'd love some feedback from someone who's run them.

    Sept 30 - Wineglass Half Marathon - signed up and getting ready!
    January 20 - Key West Half - dreaming'
    February 23 - Zion Half
    March 9 - Antelope Canyon
    April 13 - Zion Trail
    May 11 - Yosemite Half