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  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    <3<3<3<3 Joaquin <3<3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    KJ - he looks like such a happy boy... :) Enjoy!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Karen Stunning photos

    Macha also stunning. You too are recovering from the trauma of what DH is going through. For me I call it my trauma brain and give myself a break when I am not up to what I used to be able to do. I also pace myself. Tasks that I could get done in a couple of days now take me a week and that is okay. I just adjust accordingly.

    My priorities are different to a friend wanted me to go to the grand opening of The Bell Museum ( a natural history museum) DS#2 had the day off. It was more important to me to go to lunch and have a scrabble game with him. It is not easy to find time to do things with him. I also was able to get a walk in with my walking buddy. I will make it to Bell another day.

    :heart: Margaret
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Trying to catch up on missed posts but app keeps shutting down :'(

    HEATHER read interview, your DIL is so sensible and so right about work/life balance

    NYKAREN so sorry to hear about death of such a young child, devastating

    REBECCA glad your op was successful

    Will keep trying to catch up and maybe comment later

    What does everyone think about this news that taking fish oil supplements is a waste of time

    Kate UK <3
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Had to go to my computer to catch up but having read posts it wouldn't let me log in to comment so back on iPad ain't technology wonderful !

    RITA Wonderful photos

    MARY Good thoughts for your daughter, they are still our babies and we want to protect them

    CHERI House is gorgeous, you have settled in so well, I also love floors

    TRACEY Love the photos, you're so right about getting rid of sentimental things

    LENORA Love the landlady story

    CJ Don't have words to comfort you or your family about your grandaughters illness

    Kate UK <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    sending <3 and strength to CJ and her family and Mary and her family.

    Becca look at you smiling! Now go slow and heal well. You are a trooper.

    Taking a day of quiet reflection, NYKAREN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2018
    CJ: Praying for your granddaughter. :heart:

    Rita: We haven't towed anything with our Bounder, but we do have some terratrykes that we may tow. DH needs a motor for his because he is unable to simply pedal it. :ohwell: A neighbor has a tiny little car that they tow behind their motorhome. I'm not ready to go that direction yet. :noway: DSIL has an RV and does not take along another car. We will accompany her on part of her fall trip and learn what we can from her. We may end up like you, with one person driving the RV and the other driving a car. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I'm glad you stopped in! It is wonderful that you had such a good time with your god daughter that it felt like a vacation. :star:

    (((Rebecca))): You take a lovely photo, even in a hospital gown! I hope you are able to go home soon. :star:

    Lisa: I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling, food-wise. You are currently in a stressful situation. I gained a lot of weight stress eating before I found MFP, and know how it feels to over-eat just to gain a tiny modicum of energy. I hope you can avoid that. :heart:

    Machka: What a beautiful beach! Congratulations on getting to walk it with your DH again. WIN! I love the Camelia, but don't recognize the other flower. :bigsmile: I learned quite a lot for the information you shared on vestibular disorder. What a challenge for you both. (((HUGS)))

    Today is cool and overcast. We're talking about going to the county fair tomorrow. My motivation to attend is lower than last year, possibly because last year wasn't as much fun as I'd anticipated. We've changed our eating and drinking habits since then. No beer garden in our future, and the fair food is off DH's list of possibilities. I think I'll talk to him about it this morning.

    Katla in cool and cloudy NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 10 Minute Fitness Ball Workout today. The plan for tomorrow is to do the water class.

    Rebecca – thinking of you today

    NYKaren – how horrible! Thank you for being there at the funeral.

    Well, Vince went to the practice at Charlotte Motor Speedway. This is the first time ever that they’re having the roval so it should be interesting. While he was gone I went to WalMart to get a few things then had to go to Food Lion to get chicken. I want Vince to grill pork chops and chicken, maybe Friday since the change for rain is lower. Came home and made him a banana chocolate cake and while it was baking pitted about 1-1/2 bags of cherries (that were on sale). Now I’m trying baking the pizza balls that I’ll take to Rummikub tonight. The recipe says to bake them for 20 minutes and am I glad that I did it now because they were black on the bottom. So now I’m trying baking them for 15 minutes. If they’re still black, I’ll try them for 10 minutes. Then I think I’ll go in the pool. Update: never made it to the pool. Decreased the oven temp to 350 and baked them for 15 minutes.

    Snowflake, there are a few things that I’m busy searching for. If they have them, I would love to have them shipped to me. I’ll PM you with the things that I’m looking for

    Cheri – how beautiful

    I’m not sure why the banana chocolate cake is sticking to the pan. I really sprayed it. I’ll just let it cool some more.

    I didn’t do well today. Funny thing is – my stomach feels “yuk”. But I feel obligated to try everything that people bring, especially since I am the coordinator. Well, back on track tomorrow

    CJ – how horrible! Will keep your granddaughter in my thoughts and prayers

    Just saw a post of Rebecca on facebook. She’s looking good. Evidentally, no problems with the surgery

    Michele in NC

    I hope they have what you are looking for. There is another ceramic place here in the city, I will try to find the name of it for you.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen ~ Happy Birthday! :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Karen - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :drinker: :flowerforyou: <3

    Well, I got a reply to my email to the solicitors and now about ten docs have arrived in my in box. Some of them we have already done, like Identity and Money Laundering and Proof of Funds. :/:#:* I have emailed them to ask if we need to do it AGAIN!
    Anyway, it's progress.

    Sorted out another couple of writing boxes and put a whole lot of less important Philosophy books aside for collection. :D I'm keeping the classics.
    DH and I managed to manhandle the broken freezer into the back of the car along with some other junk and he took it to the dump. He's also sorted out some more rubbish to take another day.
    For the second time I'm advertising a really nice cast iron and brass bedhead on Freecycle. Hope someone wants it. :s

    Cooking a lamb and turnip stew for tonight. I've put a bit of star anise and allspice in it. I will be drinking smoked kombucha.

    Must do a bit of packing for tomorrow as we are taking souvenir food from the cruise, including the fermented herring and smoked reindeer meat. I will be out running first thing. Then a hair wash. Then into the car.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,176 Member
    SusiMy husband cooks too and I have the same problem with his using too many fats. He is insulted if I mention it or don’t eat a full portion. Even though we are living in an RV, he cooks the same.

    RV Rita
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Karen VA. Happy birthday, enjoy the ac and all the swim meets.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,567 Member
    Karen in VA - Happy Birthday!! <3:) Glad your A/C is fixed. I am surprised at how many of the older ones keep chugging along. They aren't as energy efficient as the newer ones, but they seem to have been made with better parts.

    Rebecca- lordy girl, gorgeous photo! Are you sure you just had surgery?? Glad for your sake it is over!! Hope you are better than great once you are all healed up! B)

    - glad to see you popping in!! Love to hear your stories!

    Cheri - love your beautiful house and furnishings. Sounds like the perfect neighborhood for you! Good luck with your medical tests!

    Rita - neat photos of the SW. Is your DH all healed up from his kidney stone?

    Katla - sounds like you'll be able to have some nice adventures in your RV; glad it's ignited a "spark" in your DH. This cooler weather is perfect for fair going in my opinion. Our county fair isn't until the 3rd week of August which is when we generally have a terrible hot spell. Not looking forward to the one coming up this weekend and into next week.

    Kate - seems like it varies week to week whether a person should take fish oil supplements. I wasn't eating much seafood for a while so bought a big bottle of them then started reading negative things. So I just take one every other day, which is what I also do with calcium citrate. Yes, calcium builds bones BUT according to some docs it also puts calcium in the arteries I guess. This probably has to do with if a person has an acid or alkaline system. It's all getting to be confusing to me. Our bodies are complicated and finely tuned machines, lol. B) I am amazed they work as well as they do.

    DH headed off to a doc appointment this morning so I have the house to myself. Nice and quiet. Dogs napping. Me puttering.

    Hey, where is Janetr??? Missing her! And welcome Newbies!

    OK ladies, have a good day!

    SW WA State

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Happy bday Karen !
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    CJ & Mary--Sorry to hear the news and sending prayers.
    Margaret--Your yard sounds beautiful and a great place just to hang out and relax.
    Rita--Enjoy sharing your adventures and the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Rebecca--Thanks for the update and you are looking good.
    Machka--With everything you have had to deal with the last couple months I am amazed at how well you have done.
    I have not been doing well with my eating. I have to get my ducks in a row. Our DD moved out last weekend and I am worried sick. She moved in with her meth dealing boyfriend. She would not listen. Done all we could and she is 42 so has to learn. Tough love earns it's name.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE