Track it, Count it, Move it & Lose it!



  • 2GirlsANDaGuy
    2GirlsANDaGuy Posts: 15 Member
    Yesterday was another good day for me. That makes 3 in a row. ;) Watched my daughter at her dance camp, got my allergy shots without incident, and even was able to sneak in a short bike ride. Your little kitchen dance party sounds like it was a good time Jill.

  • 3DCAKE
    3DCAKE Posts: 104 Member
    edited July 2018
    So excited... I finally today got out of the 190's. Been stuck there for many months. :smiley:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    I had a dance party last night too. It must have been in the air.

    My walking route takes me past 2 or 3 complexes that have more senior residents I interact with them quite regularly with a nod, smile or hi. On occasion when the right song comes on my playlist I may up my game and “dance” a little, moving my hips and arms more. I usually do this when I don’t think I’m being seen by anyone on the street. Tonight as I was “dancing” a senior lady came out of the lobby, waving her arms at me and joining me in my dance. She smiled the biggest smile at me and said, “ you damn well might as well enjoy it because exercising sucks.” She made my whole day!
  • 2GirlsANDaGuy
    2GirlsANDaGuy Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats 3D!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    3DCAKE wrote: »
    So excited... I finally today got out of the 190's. Been stuck there for many months. :smiley:

    Way to go!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    For 2 day I’ve been below 220 pounds! I’m now looking forward to getting on the scale every morning. Happy Thursday friends!

    <3 Jill
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    I had a dance party last night too. It must have been in the air.

    My walking route takes me past 2 or 3 complexes that have more senior residents I interact with them quite regularly with a nod, smile or hi. On occasion when the right song comes on my playlist I may up my game and “dance” a little, moving my hips and arms more. I usually do this when I don’t think I’m being seen by anyone on the street. Tonight as I was “dancing” a senior lady came out of the lobby, waving her arms at me and joining me in my dance. She smiled the biggest smile at me and said, “ you damn well might as well enjoy it because exercising sucks.” She made my whole day!

    What an amazing experience! You are spreading joy and fun wherever you go. Congrats on your impromptu dance party!!
  • 2GirlsANDaGuy
    2GirlsANDaGuy Posts: 15 Member
    Legs felt great yesterday. Got a 12 mile bike ride in with lots of hill work. My Rainier climb is coming up soon so training needs to ramp up for the next three weeks. Planning on mon-wed-fri runs, tue-thu bike, and hike with weight on sat with rest on Sunday. Losing 10 pounds in the next 4 weeks is the goal. If it doesn’t happen I’m not going to be discouraged but it sure would make my climb more pleasant if I do.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Legs felt great yesterday. Got a 12 mile bike ride in with lots of hill work. My Rainier climb is coming up soon so training needs to ramp up for the next three weeks. Planning on mon-wed-fri runs, tue-thu bike, and hike with weight on sat with rest on Sunday. Losing 10 pounds in the next 4 weeks is the goal. If it doesn’t happen I’m not going to be discouraged but it sure would make my climb more pleasant if I do.

    Way to go! So proud of your passion.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    5 days into logging everything.... and it feels good!

    Yesterday I overate, but I logged everything... and the guilt went away. That was an eye opener for me. I faced my guilt, logged it, and moved on.

    Happy Friday Friends! <3
  • 2GirlsANDaGuy
    2GirlsANDaGuy Posts: 15 Member
    Good job Jill. Keep it up! Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    I was just doing some math. :o
    We have a little over 20 weeks until 2019.
    Stay with me... it is possible to lose 20 pounds this year, with a very healthy weight loss of 1 pound a week.

    I understand that we have holidays to contend with... but that’s pretty awesome. If I keep the path I’m on, I can get under 200 pounds this year.

    Sounds pretty amazing!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Gotta work today...
    What are you up to?
  • mhcupit
    mhcupit Posts: 1 Member
    Not great with keeping up on blogs, but I feel inspired today to get and give support....I think 20 lbs by the end of the year is a great goal! Thanks I’m gonna go for it 😊 hope you make it too!
  • thelifeilove1
    thelifeilove1 Posts: 195 Member
    3DCAKE wrote: »
    So excited... I finally today got out of the 190's. Been stuck there for many months. :smiley:

    Great news for you. Great news for me. I'm waivering around 192-190 presently. Have added some pretty serious biking to the routine of logging every bite and averaging a deficit of 500 calories daily. That scale is obstinately hanging around that weight and will not move with any permanance. This is the first time I've been this weight in many years, I'm just assuming my body is thinking it must preserve energy for some reason. No plans yet to cut calories, but good to read someone else had a similar experience. Congrats in sticking it out and excelling.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Happy Monday!
  • 2GirlsANDaGuy
    2GirlsANDaGuy Posts: 15 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Monday morning weigh in was a success for me today, lost 5.6lbs last week and am almost out of the 190s.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Monday morning weigh in was a success for me today, lost 5.6lbs last week and am almost out of the 190s.

    You are on fire! Congrats :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    edited July 2018
    I had a great weekend, very busy. This was the highlight for me though. We went bridesmaids dress shopping for my youngest daughters wedding. My 2 yo granddaughter was invited for "Girls Day", can you see the happiness?bfdrp8jrung5.jpg