Beachbody Support Group 2018



  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "SHAUN WEEK: INSANE FOCUS Day 7: Dig Deep"=Done! That’s it for that one. Tomorrow...(and the rest of today), I slack.
  • twiggy8459
    twiggy8459 Posts: 10 Member
    Alright, just want to vent a little. My wife and I did the entire max30 insanity. During that time I lost 26lbs and many inches off my body. It was hard, but I felt good. We started p90x3 directly after insanity max 30. We are now 6 weeks in and I have only lost 6lbs since then. I have been hovering around the 258 mark since june 18th. I am starting to get frustrated at this point.. Not sure what to do. I am eating good and working out, but just not seeing the changes now
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey, to all y'all that are doing T25 Focus (Alpha round, specifically):

    Do you ever get through the whole 25 minutes without any short rests, slow-downs and/or modifications?

    Which videos can you do 100%?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Yes, I did alpha last year and did almost all of it without modifications or breaks. Sometimes I have to pause if my hair falls out if it's bun, but if it stays, I do the whole thing without slowing down. I can't remember a modification...but I do remember my knees getting really sore from all the lunges.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Today I did the whole red rockin'body DVD (rock it out, booty time, and hard core abs)
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    edited July 2018
    And to those doing 80DO... don't you feel ripped off with the workouts being repeated so much throughout the month? Even the warm-up stays the exact same =/

    When I heard 80 different workouts, I thought I'd get exactly that... not the same workout with the gang in different outfits...

    The other thing... do y'all really get a challenge out of those loops and sliders? I guess they work for me (though I double up on loops and literally have nowhere to progress to now, and I'm just in week 2), but I'm not too impressed, tbh --and I kind of roll my eyes when the much-more-fit-than-me casts say how much they're struggling...
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    Yes, I did alpha last year and did almost all of it without modifications or breaks. Sometimes I have to pause if my hair falls out if it's bun, but if it stays, I do the whole thing without slowing down. I can't remember a modification...but I do remember my knees getting really sore from all the lunges.

    Cool. I'm not quite there yet, I have to take a two-three second breather here and there, but going non-stop is my goal. It's fun though, I appreciate the challenge!
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Yes, I did alpha last year and did almost all of it without modifications or breaks. Sometimes I have to pause if my hair falls out if it's bun, but if it stays, I do the whole thing without slowing down. I can't remember a modification...but I do remember my knees getting really sore from all the lunges.

    WOW! Excellent job!! I’ve been through Alpha & Beta twice. I still have to follow Tonya for a lot of it.

    Stretch is done for the day. Tomorrow is week 3 of Gamma. I’m going to up my weights a bit. I’m really looking forward to the start of my workout week.

  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    sophia162 wrote: »
    Hey, to all y'all that are doing T25 Focus (Alpha round, specifically):

    Do you ever get through the whole 25 minutes without any short rests, slow-downs and/or modifications?

    Which videos can you do 100%?

    I am starting week 5 of Alpha tomorrow. My cardio is weak so I often pause for 15-20 seconds to rest. I have definitely seen progress in my stamina and strength. Speed is probably the easiest for me since the stretches provide a chance to rest. I haven't done any straight through yet but it is getting closer.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    edited July 2018
    Today: The Firm hard core fusion followed by TurboFire HIIT 20. I think the HIIT 20 is actually less intense than HIIT 15
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    edited July 2018
    ZephieC wrote: »
    sophia162 wrote: »
    Hey, to all y'all that are doing T25 Focus (Alpha round, specifically):

    Do you ever get through the whole 25 minutes without any short rests, slow-downs and/or modifications?

    Which videos can you do 100%?

    I am starting week 5 of Alpha tomorrow. My cardio is weak so I often pause for 15-20 seconds to rest. I have definitely seen progress in my stamina and strength. Speed is probably the easiest for me since the stretches provide a chance to rest. I haven't done any straight through yet but it is getting closer.

    Haha I love Speed because it's the one workout in Alpha where I can almost (95%) say "nailed it".

    Although, to be honest, another part of me always thinks "what the heck?" Like, the stretches feel nice, but I wonder why they're there in mid workout (if the idea is to max it out in those 25 minutes). Alas, I do enjoy the feeling of dignity following along in Speed haha... and I'm pretty sure I still don't do 100% >.<

    In the other workouts: I always need 5 second breathers here and there, but I appreciate that my challenge is to aim for better and full completion throughout the course of the weeks :)

    P.S. Lower focus KILLS me with the pulsin' and holdin' of the lunges, dang! My dignity goes out the window in those sections, I nope my way through it =/ lol
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Insanity: The Asylum Vol 1 Speed & Agility"=Done! if you're feeling good, go through it again he says...LOL! NOPE!
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Pyramid is done! Great workout and I was able to do almost all of it. Dang pyramid pushups 😉

    I increased the weights from 7.5 to 10# (I’m sure that’s wimpy for some lol). I can feel it. I’m looking forward to Extreme in a few days to see what the extra weight does.

    Keep going everyone! You’ve got this! 🙂
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    twiggy8459 wrote: »
    Alright, just want to vent a little. My wife and I did the entire max30 insanity. During that time I lost 26lbs and many inches off my body. It was hard, but I felt good. We started p90x3 directly after insanity max 30. We are now 6 weeks in and I have only lost 6lbs since then. I have been hovering around the 258 mark since june 18th. I am starting to get frustrated at this point.. Not sure what to do. I am eating good and working out, but just not seeing the changes now

    You're definitely going to be increasing muscle mass on P90x3 so that could account for some of it. Good luck sounds like you're getting great results.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    edited July 2018
    sophia162 wrote: »
    And to those doing 80DO... don't you feel ripped off with the workouts being repeated so much throughout the month? Even the warm-up stays the exact same =/

    When I heard 80 different workouts, I thought I'd get exactly that... not the same workout with the gang in different outfits...

    The other thing... do y'all really get a challenge out of those loops and sliders? I guess they work for me (though I double up on loops and literally have nowhere to progress to now, and I'm just in week 2), but I'm not too impressed, tbh --and I kind of roll my eyes when the much-more-fit-than-me casts say how much they're struggling...

    Yeah I'm tired of seeing them use all 3 of the loops. I'm about to just use ankle weights. The sliders to work for lunges and planks though.

    I'm still mixing in Cathe Friedrich DVDs for more varied and harder cardio because I hate the 2 cardio workouts and only 2 days of cardio wouldn't work for me. I need almost daily cardio. I'm also substituting her workouts for an occasional 80 DO workout- legs for legs, total body for total body, etc. And I wish there was more upper body work!
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Did the P90X3 Isometrix today - wowza - that was hard.
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Speed 3.0 today. I’ve found that I can’t do burpees without my back hurting. But I modify them and still move 🙂
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Insanity: The Asylum Vol 1 Strength"=Done!
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Last week of T25 Alpha-Ab Intervals today, almost nailed it. So proud I have been sticking to it for nearly 5 weeks. Did my double Fridays and only missed 2 Sunday stretch days. Beta starts next Monday😀
    So encouraging to see everyone checking in and working hard. 👏
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    edited July 2018
    Finished weeks 2 of 80 Day Obsession and Focus T25 Alpha Round!!
    Tomorrow is REST day for me, yee haw n.n

    I'm doing a hybrid because right now I have the time, energy... and 80DO is more strength focused while T25 is more cardio oriented, so I feel I get the best of both worlds = )

    I'm learning to love 80DO --which at first I didn't find challenging enough-- I think the key is in the weights. I'm nudging them up every time and dang... my pulse does indeed go up... I literally have to catch my breath in Legs day (which is when we can lift the heaviest) and I'm learning to appreciate that feeling of progress. And T25, what can I say, Shaun T's workouts are always a challenge, they're fun and dynamic... luv him.

    Where I'm starting to lose willpower is in keeping my nutrition under control u.u... it gets really boring to watch what you eat and not give in to past habits... but I'm hangin' in there. Like MFP has taught me, I try to squeeze some moderate/sensible amount of goodies in, instead of restricting them all the way. It's not the same as mindlessly nibbling away on chips and cookies throughout the day, but hey, if we were able to do that without consequences, we wouldn't be in this friggin' journey, haha.

    The scale (and measurements) aren't moving too much lately, which is pretty frustrating, but I've been at this (eating better, working out) for 5 months now, so I know results slow down towards the end. I hope a nice whoosh is on its darn way though, because what's more motivating than measurable results?! I'm trusting the process in the meantime, as MFP has also taught me = )

    Good luck to everyone on their goals!!