JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??

    I’ll join you in this challenge 90% of the time I limit myself to my one night time snack that I account for. I will try to make this 100%
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    I'm excited for you! I cannot imagine ever getting to take a trip to France! Of course, I cannot imagine ever getting to take a trip to the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Italy or anywhere else outside the US either! :smile:

    Thank you! It is our yearly trip to stay with the boyfriend's parents. We don't do much sightseeing, but it is rather lovely - we just relax, spend time outside, and take trips to visit wine manufacturers (and have tastings, obviously). We obviously eat lots of cheese. His family have a cheese course with lunch AND dinner! It's amazing they aren't fat. I think they just have the 'eating in moderation' skill. Ba&taeds :wink:

    You should plan a trip somewhere for after your op! Maybe a nice trip to Canada?

    Sounds wonderful! I love cheese. I'll bet they have really awesome cheese there. I live in Wisconsin which is called the Dairy state so we have a lot of cheese here but I'm sure it's nothing in comparison to what they have in France! Do they really have all the cute little outside cafe's in their cities, like I see in paintings? Someday...*sigh*

    We are going to take a trip to Minnesota for a long weekend to see my dad before the surgery. Just a 4-day trip and 2 of those days will be spent driving. But I'm excited because he lives on a lake and it's beautiful and it's my favorite place to go since childhood. So that will be nice. We are planning to take a trip to Arizona this year. I've never been there and my husband's sisters live out there, and my dad has a winter place there also. So there is another short long-weekend trip. But the trip I'm saving up for and really want to take is to Alaska or Canada! My husband and I both dream of going there.... so I've started a vacation savings account! I'll need you to keep pushing me so I don't give up though. :wink:

    The Rockie Mountains Banff or Jasper is only 3 hours away from me.... just sayin’
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    JFT - Tuesday July 31
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - :)
    Outside 15 Minutes - :( only about 5
    Work on Applications - :(
    Set up some meetings - :(
    Swim - :)
    Stretch - :(
    Write in Journal - :(

    I am so late today it is already after 8 and I have to leave for swim lessons in a few.

    I completely played hooky today and didn’t go to work. I am so terribly discouraged and just don’t want to be there. I spent the day with the young lady starting the business she is pretty sure that my Sept 1st she will be ready for me to go to work for her full time. I just can’t wait! I’m so done with the job I currently have.

    My goals for today are pretty much the same as always
    2L of water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 minutes

    I have stuff I want to say but have to go to swimming I’ll check in later or in the morning.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited August 2018
    I can't find my goals for today ..... then realized I didn't even post them.! Needless to say, I ate a piece of cheese cake today --- then looked up the calories. 620 calories! But, I salvaged the day with just a tuna sandwich for lunch, and a huge tossed salad for dinner. And I had a good workout this morning. And .... the kitchen was closed at 9pm.

    I bought a pretty journal last nite, so it is like a fresh start for me. I've been slacking so badly all this year. My weight today was at another high of 197.2! And the last thing I want to see is a 2 in front of that number. Last October, I was at 187 - having lost 25 pounds last year. So I need to get with it, and make the rest of this year count.

    I set myself goals for each month, losing only 4 pounds each month. That will put me at my goal weight by January!

    I know this is doable, if I keep to doing all the challenges I started this year:

    April 8+ glasses of water
    May - min 15 min walk outside in the fresh air, to think, clear my head, and get some fresh air
    June - mindful eating. Look up things BEFORE i eat them
    July - plan ahead a days meals (or at least dinner)

    SO, JFT, Thursday, Aug 2
    1. day 2! Log ALL food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go out for a short walk
    4. be mindful, and look up ahead of time what I eat
    5. plan fridays meals
    6. Do August challenge

    Starting weight Aug 1 197.2.
    Goal weight for Sept 1: 190 (I know this is agressive, but I gained 3 lbs the past 2 days, so I am really hoping those pounds will come off quickly, and the rest ... well... I'm going work my butt of to keep the challenges I set.

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    Aug 1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member

    I’ll join you in this challenge 90% of the time I limit myself to my one night time snack that I account for. I will try to make this 100%

    90% is wonderful!! That is my goal!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited August 2018

    For those of you who quilt, do you know who Jenny is from Missouri Star Quilt Store? She is coming to Green Bay this weekend and putting on a 2-hour show, and I have a ticket to go see her on Saturday! I'm so excited!

    Be patient and kind. Walk away from gossip. :star:(I have such a hard time listening to people talk behind each other's backs! Actually makes me kind of angry.)

    Eat 1 lb veggies and 2 svgs of fruit. :star:This is actually getting easier! The trick is to prep veggies on the weekend and pack a 1 lb baggie for work the night before. Good to munch on in the afternoon!

    Words to live by: Persistence and Determination

    Oh -- I LOVE Jenny from MO Star Quilt!! I have never met her, or been to Hamilton to see the store, but I watch her YouTube videos all the time! Enjoy the day ... you will be so inspired by her! Right now I am working on a quilt that I absolutely HATE! I'm going to put it away, and maybe start another one, but I think I just need a break from sewing!

    I so agree about the gossip! I have met many new friends at the gym... but I hate it when all they do is gossip! I told my hubby I know they must talk about me when I am not there! I was never one that liked gossip, and working out of my home for the past 18 years have been so wonderful not to be around that. There are better things to do with your time!

    I will have to try your 1 lb of veggies! that is a good idea ... and probably helps to feel more full!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sounds good!
    Think we've had our fair share of *kitten* now haven't we?!
    Lets make these last 5 months amazing!

    Fancy being diet buddies again? I'll keep track of you and you me?

    I've got loads of calories left and I'm starrrrving!

    So agree Bex --- not the best year for me! You at least have a really good excuse ... you just had a baby! But whats my excuse, other than no motivation!

    But my weight is creeping back up ... so I know I have to get with it, or I'll be back in the 200s!!

    I am going to also try what Tracy is doing ... and try for more veggies and fruits also!

    Yes .... we are going to do this! 5 more months this year! At 2 or 3 pounds a month .... that would mean 10 or 15 pounds lighter by Christmas! So you best behave .... I'm going to be watching you! ;)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited August 2018
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    This weight loss journey is really blooming into a well rounded journey to better overall health.


    This is what I love to hear! Losing weight is not just a number on the scale ... but a journey to overall health!
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    I've had to seriously consider what needs my time and energy - because I'm prone to over extending myself and melting down. I'm learning to say NO. to things that do not serve me. NO. is a full sentence - I don't need to explain myself all the time. I am my number one priority right now - and it feels so good to be a little "selfish" after years and years of trying to pour for others out of my own empty cup.

    And it is never selfish to put your own needs first. Remember the story about the oxygen in the airplane ... put your own oxygen mask on first, before you put it on others. It took me years to learn that, and I even struggle with it at times myself. But if we are not healthy ourselves, it is hard to be there for others! So proud of you!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Huge thanks to everyone for such kind words. Honestly what has helped the most about this group has been posting my struggles and insecurities, and the total acceptance and support I get back. Much love to you all for being genuinely awesome peoples :blush:. Today was a better day, but my schedule is still very full. My trauma trigger softened today, I think in big part due to me sharing with my main people, rather than bottling it up as I used to in the past (spoiler alert: this didn't work well!). I'd like to continue taking small steps towards reducing my workload and balancing work/life better.

    For today:
    Be kind to self ✅
    Space out tasks to a reasonable amount-better, but still overloaded
    Leave work by 5:15 :(
    House chores ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups ✅
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Be kind to self
    Space out tasks to a reasonable amount
    Plan some weekend self-care
    Leave work by 5:15
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all, checking in again from hols - too too much to catch up on but I am cheering you all on from the sidelines! I have no scales here and trying to stay on track with a bit of enjoying myself so no idea if it’s working! Am exercising every day and feeling good. I’m confident that even if I’ve gained a bit I can get back on it with this group’s support!

    So hi to all and count me in for the August challenge. X
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sounds good!
    Think we've had our fair share of *kitten* now haven't we?!
    Lets make these last 5 months amazing!

    Fancy being diet buddies again? I'll keep track of you and you me?

    I've got loads of calories left and I'm starrrrving!

    So agree Bex --- not the best year for me! You at least have a really good excuse ... you just had a baby! But whats my excuse, other than no motivation!

    But my weight is creeping back up ... so I know I have to get with it, or I'll be back in the 200s!!

    I am going to also try what Tracy is doing ... and try for more veggies and fruits also!

    Yes .... we are going to do this! 5 more months this year! At 2 or 3 pounds a month .... that would mean 10 or 15 pounds lighter by Christmas! So you best behave .... I'm going to be watching you! ;)

    You've not exactly had an easy year! You've had one stress after another! Your daughters apartment always messing up, filling in disability paperwork (which is hell) worrying about your son and his new gf and these are just the things I can remember. Give yourself a break. We'll you have, you have gave yourself a break. Youve dealt with your stress as it's come along. But how things seems to be looking up!
    So now we can put our minds to it!
    Since I'm now getting off work at 10 pm every night, I'm going to pass on the new challenge. Sometimes I need to eat late. But I'll put in a personal challenge of no unplanned fast food stops after work. If I'm hungry enough to eat, I can eat something healthy at home!

    This is a brilliant alternative! Could you prep a meal before you leave for work so you know you're coming home to something already made? I can imagine with it being that late you'll not feel like cooking after work sometimes. That may help you deter from fast food!
    Faebert wrote: »
    Hi all, checking in again from hols - too too much to catch up on but I am cheering you all on from the sidelines! I have no scales here and trying to stay on track with a bit of enjoying myself so no idea if it’s working! Am exercising every day and feeling good. I’m confident that even if I’ve gained a bit I can get back on it with this group’s support!

    So hi to all and count me in for the August challenge. X

    You'll definitely be able to get back on it when you come home!
    It's brilliant you're exercising every day!

    One thing I used to love when I was a teen livibg with my mym and dad was when we went on holiday, and I could get up early in the morning (to my parents shock and horror LOL) and go for a lovely morning swim! Then sunbathe all day haha
    Nothing like an outdoor swim to start the day!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I wanted to check in just to give an update on my July progress. I lost 4.4 pound when I compare July 1 to August 1. My progress on MFP does not show this accurately because I only log losses and I’m up a bit today compared to my last loss. My measurements show 2.5”.

    Tonight I felt like I achieved a goal at swimming. I swam from the deep end into the shallow end. I’m still not confident enough to try the other way or go swim laps but it’s a step in the right direction at least. Tomorrow night will be my last night for this session since I am going out of town Friday I will miss the last class.

    Will check in tomorrow and respond to everyone. I find it hard on my phone.

    This is fabulous! Great job!!
  • momof3rn9
    momof3rn9 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a Lifetime WW member who is tired of paying money for the app/meetings, I gained all of my weight back over the last 6 years and I don’t want to be scale obsessed anymore. I want to be healthier, take pressure off of my reconstructed ankle and injured knee, have more energy, feel more confident, and show my 12 year old Daughter that I can make an actual life style change and commit to it. I’m a 41 year old Mom of 3, wife and elementary school nurse. Sending my first to college in 20 days and I love the idea of taking it one day at a time and making attainable goals instead of setting myself up for failure or making a goal that I feel I will never reach. Every day is different and I have to learn to roll with the punches and stay on track but adjust. WW says I need to lose 50 lbs but I’d be happy with 25 and stronger muscles. Here we go!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited August 2018
    Recap W 8/1 ~ Someone brought wheat bread & wheat bagels to office for Lughnasa. I love carbs, but have my snacks already planned/logged, so I looked at the free food closely & decided I wasn't really interested in it. Win! And I did not cave! :smiley:
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.74 mi 1:03:39 / stretched = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 14,596 steps :smiley: / 250+ steps 11/14 ~ unexpected perf. eval. meeting: >:) mega-frustration & stress but I was FINALLY given an opportunity to explain & ratings were adjusted upward ~ have I mentioned lack of mgmt skills at my workplace? :s Plus dinner out ~ see #3 :D
    3) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks / tonight taking BFF out to dinner for belated bday celebration + there will be adult beverages ~ I think this is one day I allowed myself to skip logging, but I will preview menu online (new pub & grill ~ her choice) and have several choices in mind when I get there = At restaurant, ordered seared sea scallops & sauteed green beans, which I prelogged, and dinner came with breadstick & side salad. I ate everything, plus drank 2 beers (I wanted mixed drink or wine but friend wanted beer). Logged everything once home. Snacked on few peanut M&Ms & logged ~ yay. Net calories -161, sodium -986, sugar green (wow), lowish on fiber & protein, 12c water :neutral:
    4) Locate last month's goals in MFP, recap & add August goals = :smiley:
    5) Floss :s / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:30 :s 11:00 (walk dog before work weather permitting ~ rain predicted)

    JFT R 8/2 ~ Crappy weather + decided to take 2nd rest day of the week
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Leftovers day / prelog everything / net calories w/i 100 green
    3) Evening at least 3 to-do's
    4) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog before work)

    Snack Challenge ~ I rarely snack after supper, but have been struggling with this lately. I will not snack past 9 p.m.
    1. Peanut M&Ms (wanted something sweet) when got home at 9 p.m. + logged
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Lots of water :)
    2. Eat when hungry - stop when full :)
    3. Be patient and kind :)
    4. Log all food :)
    5. Meds AM and PM :)
    6. One thing at a time - tonights focus; bedroom and bathroom - back hall next up - then kitchen/pantry on Weds. :) YAAASSS - Feeling like a beast (in a good way)
    7. Pick up half and half at farm :)
    8. Empty car :)
    9. Shred box of mail :)

    Finished up the last two things this morning - but it got done! DH told me I was being neurotic about cleaning the house last night - he was right. I switched gears from spit shining for strangers to purging, packing and cleaning up for our own benefit of a smoother move - Thanks again @cschmitz110515 for the words of advice! I've had to seriously consider what needs my time and energy - because I'm prone to over extending myself and melting down. I'm learning to say NO. to things that do not serve me. NO. is a full sentence - I don't need to explain myself all the time. I am my number one priority right now - and it feels so good to be a little "selfish" after years and years of trying to pour for others out of my own empty cup. This weight loss journey is really blooming into a well rounded journey to better overall health.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Meds AM and PM
    2. Log all food
    3. Be patient and kind
    4. Eat when hungry - stop when full
    5. One thing at a time!
    6. Clean kitchen/pantry
    7. Bring home shop truck - load outside junk pile to dispose at work tomorrow
    8. Put chicken pie into oven immediately after getting home tonight (80 minute bake time)

    I think that was a wise decision!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Just for Tuesday:
    Journal every bite >:) Randomly grabbed a few things and can't remember what so can't log! Mindless eating.
    Try not to yawn impolitely through the 2 1/2 hours of training this afternoon <ugh> :D
    Be patient and kind. Walk away from water cooler gossip. :)
    Be grateful for the good things in my life and try not to focus on negative :)
    Gratitude journal :) / Simple Abundance :) / Podcast :) / Unplug and lights out at 10. :#Very close! 10:18!

    I tried to get on and post goals earlier but got distsracted by my JOB! Bwahahaha! :smiley: So, I'm posting them now since I remember what they were, and I'm updating the ones I've accomplished also. I got to work from home today. It was glorious! I had the back patio door open and left the house completely quiet and listened to the birds and watched the critters in the back yard while I worked. Was really rejuvenating! My hip is really sore right now, so I'm going to be snuggling up with a heating pad for a bit.

    For those of you who quilt, do you know who Jenny is from Missouri Star Quilt Store? She is coming to Green Bay this weekend and putting on a 2-hour show, and I have a ticket to go see her on Saturday! I'm so excited!

    Just for Wednesday:
    Journal every bite :star:
    WATER, WATER, WATER :star:I have 2 glasses to drink before bed, but I'm confident I will get them down!
    Be patient and kind. Walk away from gossip. :star:(I have such a hard time listening to people talk behind each other's backs! Actually makes me kind of angry.)
    Request status updates on outstanding project requests. Catch up on emails. :star:YES!!! Oh man, this one feels good!
    Eat 1 lb veggies and 2 svgs of fruit. :star:This is actually getting easier! The trick is to prep veggies on the weekend and pack a 1 lb baggie for work the night before. Good to munch on in the afternoon!
    Update bullet journal for August :star:
    Close kitchen at 8:30 p.m.
    Gratitude journal / Simple Abundance / Podcast / Unplug and lights out at 10:00 p.m.
    Get up without hitting SNOOZE!

    Goal for August: Weigh <175 lbs
    7/30/2018: 181.0 lbs

    Words to live by: Persistence and Determination

    Sounds like you had a great work day! What do you eat for veggies, do you mix them or just one at a time? I need to do something like this I think.
  • Ecosse2018
    Ecosse2018 Posts: 33 Member
    Just for today I will not eat cheese or anything containing sugar in any shape or form. So far so good. :😎
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Just been to the park with the eldest. Marley and Casey fell asleep on the sofa so I saw it as a perfect opportunity to sneak out with Saskia (daddy watched the other two).
    We walked there and played there and walked back, wasn't sure what to log it as, I've just logged it as walking at moderate pace? Because it wasn't leisurely to keep up with her. And also she doesn't require much help on the equipment apart from the monkey bars and fireman pole so I just thought it was a decent overall thing to log it as? What do you guys reckon?