JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    I can't find my goals for today ..... then realized I didn't even post them.! Needless to say, I ate a piece of cheese cake today --- then looked up the calories. 620 calories! But, I salvaged the day with just a tuna sandwich for lunch, and a huge tossed salad for dinner. And I had a good workout this morning. And .... the kitchen was closed at 9pm.

    I bought a pretty journal last nite, so it is like a fresh start for me. I've been slacking so badly all this year. My weight today was at another high of 197.2! And the last thing I want to see is a 2 in front of that number. Last October, I was at 187 - having lost 25 pounds last year. So I need to get with it, and make the rest of this year count.

    I set myself goals for each month, losing only 4 pounds each month. That will put me at my goal weight by January!

    I know this is doable, if I keep to doing all the challenges I started this year:

    April 8+ glasses of water
    May - min 15 min walk outside in the fresh air, to think, clear my head, and get some fresh air
    June - mindful eating. Look up things BEFORE i eat them
    July - plan ahead a days meals (or at least dinner)

    SO, JFT, Thursday, Aug 2
    1. day 2! Log ALL food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go out for a short walk
    4. be mindful, and look up ahead of time what I eat
    5. plan fridays meals
    6. Do August challenge

    Starting weight Aug 1 197.2.
    Goal weight for Sept 1: 190 (I know this is agressive, but I gained 3 lbs the past 2 days, so I am really hoping those pounds will come off quickly, and the rest ... well... I'm going work my butt of to keep the challenges I set.

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    Aug 1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)

    You have set some great challenges this year that have helped more than just you. I love the water challenge and the outside challenge. The mindful eating has been an eye-opener to me. I am not doing the pre-planning really, my husband usually chooses what we have for supper out of choices I give him. I have though paid attention to how many calories I have available for supper before I give him the choice and a lot of nights if he wants something calorie laden, I make myself something else.

    My goal was to be 170 by September. I can't see this happening at all. I am pretty sure I will be in the 170's but the high end not the low. I am 184 today, so if I can be 179 on September 1st, I will call that a win.

    I have said it once and I'll say it again (and to anyone that will listen) joining this group was the best thing I have done for myself. I can't thank you enough for starting it.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Huge thanks to everyone for such kind words. Honestly what has helped the most about this group has been posting my struggles and insecurities, and the total acceptance and support I get back. Much love to you all for being genuinely awesome peoples :blush:. Today was a better day, but my schedule is still very full. My trauma trigger softened today, I think in big part due to me sharing with my main people, rather than bottling it up as I used to in the past (spoiler alert: this didn't work well!). I'd like to continue taking small steps towards reducing my workload and balancing work/life better.

    LOL I had to laugh at your spoiler alert. That is a lesson that took me a good 30 years to learn. Things are much more manageable to discuss when dealt with one at a time rather than weeks, months or years worth of resentment all at once.

    I am a people pleaser and hate saying or doing anything that will upset anyone. My husband sent me to an assertive training class once years and years ago. He is fond of saying that the only one I used that knowledge on was him. Unfortunately, he was right. I bottle everything up and then explode! I have done well since January this year and haven't had that happen once. He calls me out if he thinks I'm just saying something to avoid an argument or tough discussion. It seems to be working for the most part.

    I have no one to vent to about my work issues though. I report directly to the VP so it would be very unprofessional for me to complain about him to anyone.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    My goals for today were simple;

    1. Adhere to food plan: did not totally succeed at this. Had an early appointment that ran long and I didn't have time to make the soup I planned before leaving for work. It's okay, I'm still under calories so yay!
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water before having a diet soda: :) Drank all the water and skipped the soda!
    3. Food plan and grocery list for now through Sunday. :) Success!

    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. Adhere to food plan and stay under goal.
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water before having a diet soda.
    3. Grocery shop and food prep (sweet corn season is finally here! Let there be rejoicing!)

    Since I'm now getting off work at 10 pm every night, I'm going to pass on the new challenge. Sometimes I need to eat late. But I'll put in a personal challenge of no unplanned fast food stops after work. If I'm hungry enough to eat, I can eat something healthy at home!

    I bet this alone will make a huge difference. Fast food is so calorie laden.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Hi all, checking in again from hols - too too much to catch up on but I am cheering you all on from the sidelines! I have no scales here and trying to stay on track with a bit of enjoying myself so no idea if it’s working! Am exercising every day and feeling good. I’m confident that even if I’ve gained a bit I can get back on it with this group’s support!

    So hi to all and count me in for the August challenge. X

    Nice to see you! Hope you are having an amazing time.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    momof3rn9 wrote: »
    I am a Lifetime WW member who is tired of paying money for the app/meetings, I gained all of my weight back over the last 6 years and I don’t want to be scale obsessed anymore. I want to be healthier, take pressure off of my reconstructed ankle and injured knee, have more energy, feel more confident, and show my 12 year old Daughter that I can make an actual life style change and commit to it. I’m a 41 year old Mom of 3, wife and elementary school nurse. Sending my first to college in 20 days and I love the idea of taking it one day at a time and making attainable goals instead of setting myself up for failure or making a goal that I feel I will never reach. Every day is different and I have to learn to roll with the punches and stay on track but adjust. WW says I need to lose 50 lbs but I’d be happy with 25 and stronger muscles. Here we go!

    I never tried WW, but thought about it this year when I knew I needed to do something again to lose weight. I questioned people that had used WW and the thing they all told me was the social aspect and accountability that they felt made it the most successful for them. I had lost successfully with MFP before without ever using the social side of it. I thought I would try MFP again first before spending money on WW. Finding this group has been just what I needed and it hasn't cost me anything!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    JFT - Wednesday August 1
    2L of water - :( I think only 1L, I lost track
    Calories in Green by 150 - :) 520
    Swim - :)
    Outside 15 minutes - :)

    JFT - Thursday August 2
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Only 1 Evening Snack

    I am probably not going to have an opportunity to check in again until Monday after this evening. I am leaving tomorrow morning bright and early to drive 8 hours to see my best friend. I am so over the moon excited. I have been very homesick and this will help me a bit I hope. We are driving back on Sunday. It's a short trip for a 16 hour drive. But I figure if things go well I will get 48 hours with her and her family.

    My goals for all three days
    2L of Water per day
    Eat in Maintenance
    One walk or swim each day for at least one hour
    Enjoy my time to the fullest and get time alone away from everyone else with Cheryle.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Huge thanks to everyone for such kind words. Honestly what has helped the most about this group has been posting my struggles and insecurities, and the total acceptance and support I get back. Much love to you all for being genuinely awesome peoples :blush:. Today was a better day, but my schedule is still very full. My trauma trigger softened today, I think in big part due to me sharing with my main people, rather than bottling it up as I used to in the past (spoiler alert: this didn't work well!). I'd like to continue taking small steps towards reducing my workload and balancing work/life better.

    LOL I had to laugh at your spoiler alert. That is a lesson that took me a good 30 years to learn. Things are much more manageable to discuss when dealt with one at a time rather than weeks, months or years worth of resentment all at once.

    I am a people pleaser and hate saying or doing anything that will upset anyone. My husband sent me to an assertive training class once years and years ago. He is fond of saying that the only one I used that knowledge on was him. Unfortunately, he was right. I bottle everything up and then explode! I have done well since January this year and haven't had that happen once. He calls me out if he thinks I'm just saying something to avoid an argument or tough discussion. It seems to be working for the most part.

    I have no one to vent to about my work issues though. I report directly to the VP so it would be very unprofessional for me to complain about him to anyone.

    THIS! ALL OF THIS!!! From both @jeschepp and @Snowflake0917! I'm painfully private in real life - I'm really coming out of my shell here though, and sharing the good the bad and the ugly is making such a huge difference. Thanks everyone!!! I've also been working on being more assertive and less appeasing! DH is also the one who kindly pointed this out to me in a way that made me see it and want to change it for the better. It's definitely been easiest to practice with DH - he calls me out on my "It's fine" bullcrap when its not. I'm broadening my assertive powers to my work life and beyond!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    I wanted to check in just to give an update on my July progress. I lost 4.4 pound when I compare July 1 to August 1. My progress on MFP does not show this accurately because I only log losses and I’m up a bit today compared to my last loss. My measurements show 2.5”.

    Tonight I felt like I achieved a goal at swimming. I swam from the deep end into the shallow end. I’m still not confident enough to try the other way or go swim laps but it’s a step in the right direction at least. Tomorrow night will be my last night for this session since I am going out of town Friday I will miss the last class.

    Will check in tomorrow and respond to everyone. I find it hard on my phone.

    Congrats! Great job! A perfect rate of 1.1 lb/week!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    momof3rn9 wrote: »
    I am a Lifetime WW member who is tired of paying money for the app/meetings, I gained all of my weight back over the last 6 years and I don’t want to be scale obsessed anymore. I want to be healthier, take pressure off of my reconstructed ankle and injured knee, have more energy, feel more confident, and show my 12 year old Daughter that I can make an actual life style change and commit to it. I’m a 41 year old Mom of 3, wife and elementary school nurse. Sending my first to college in 20 days and I love the idea of taking it one day at a time and making attainable goals instead of setting myself up for failure or making a goal that I feel I will never reach. Every day is different and I have to learn to roll with the punches and stay on track but adjust. WW says I need to lose 50 lbs but I’d be happy with 25 and stronger muscles. Here we go!

    Welcome! I LOVE THIS GROUP! It's made all the difference for me this time around. Great group of folks :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Ah man I am craving the triple chocolate muffins in the kitchen.
    But they're 300 cals each. But they look soooo good lol feel like I'm drooling.
    Isn't it scary how EASY it would be to eat it. So so easy. But it's so hard to not eat it lol

    I won't.
    I can't.
    I just need to remind myself I've not made myself dinner yet.
    If I can spare the calories then I'll have half, but if not ill have to have an alternative!

    Hopefully I will have forgotten about it after I've had dinner
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Meds AM and PM :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Be patient and kind :)
    4. Eat when hungry - stop when full :)
    5. One thing at a time! :)
    6. Clean kitchen/pantry :)
    7. Bring home shop truck - load outside junk pile to dispose at work tomorrow :) Did this at lunch but it got done!
    8. Put chicken pie into oven immediately after getting home tonight (80 minute bake time) :)

    JFT Thursday
    1. Meds AM and PM
    2. Log all food
    3. Be kind
    4. Eat when hungry stop when full
    5. Dog walk in the forest to avoid the blazing sun
    5. IN BED EARLY - 8:00 to watch our show and get to bed by 9:30
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah man I am craving the triple chocolate muffins in the kitchen.
    But they're 300 cals each. But they look soooo good lol feel like I'm drooling.
    Isn't it scary how EASY it would be to eat it. So so easy. But it's so hard to not eat it lol

    I won't.
    I can't.
    I just need to remind myself I've not made myself dinner yet.
    If I can spare the calories then I'll have half, but if not ill have to have an alternative!

    Hopefully I will have forgotten about it after I've had dinner

    You can do it! Resist- resist!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Sounds like you had a great work day! What do you eat for veggies, do you mix them or just one at a time? I need to do something like this I think.

    Today I brought (all raw) 4.5 oz of broccoli flowerettes, 4.7 oz celery, 5.3 oz cherry tomatoes and 3.6 oz of cucumber from garden. I bring a little container of Walden Farms Zero Calorie Creamy bacon dressing or Hidden Valley Ranch Light dressing for dipping sauce. It just depends on what I have on hand. We were out of carrots today and I didn't have the radishes rinsed and ready, so I brought what I had. I weigh each one out and put in a quart-sized baggie until I have 1 lb or more! It's crunchy for snacking and fills me up! I am not and have never been a veggie fan, but they're growing on me! :smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah man I am craving the triple chocolate muffins in the kitchen.
    But they're 300 cals each. But they look soooo good lol feel like I'm drooling.
    Isn't it scary how EASY it would be to eat it. So so easy. But it's so hard to not eat it lol

    I won't.
    I can't.
    I just need to remind myself I've not made myself dinner yet.
    If I can spare the calories then I'll have half, but if not ill have to have an alternative!

    Hopefully I will have forgotten about it after I've had dinner

    SO SO proud of you for looking up the calories first ... that is mindful eating!!!

    But you know, once these yummy muffins are past your taste buds ... you will forget that you ate them. A few moments of pleasure --- is it worth the extra calories? You might still be hungry after you eat them ... and will that lead to more yummy stuff? (for me, I know that answer!)

    But ..... if you still do want them, and have the calories left ... I say go ahead and eat them ... but eat them very slowly! Enjoy every single bite (Unlike what I did with the cheesecake).

    But just the fact that you looked up the calories, and are planning it into your day is great! So proud of you!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    Sounds like you had a great work day! What do you eat for veggies, do you mix them or just one at a time? I need to do something like this I think.

    Today I brought (all raw) 4.5 oz of broccoli flowerettes, 4.7 oz celery, 5.3 oz cherry tomatoes and 3.6 oz of cucumber from garden. I bring a little container of Walden Farms Zero Calorie Creamy bacon dressing or Hidden Valley Ranch Light dressing for dipping sauce. It just depends on what I have on hand. We were out of carrots today and I didn't have the radishes rinsed and ready, so I brought what I had. I weigh each one out and put in a quart-sized baggie until I have 1 lb or more! It's crunchy for snacking and fills me up! I am not and have never been a veggie fan, but they're growing on me! :smile:

    I didn't realise you can eat raw broccoli??
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Sounds like you had a great work day! What do you eat for veggies, do you mix them or just one at a time? I need to do something like this I think.

    Today I brought (all raw) 4.5 oz of broccoli flowerettes, 4.7 oz celery, 5.3 oz cherry tomatoes and 3.6 oz of cucumber from garden. I bring a little container of Walden Farms Zero Calorie Creamy bacon dressing or Hidden Valley Ranch Light dressing for dipping sauce. It just depends on what I have on hand. We were out of carrots today and I didn't have the radishes rinsed and ready, so I brought what I had. I weigh each one out and put in a quart-sized baggie until I have 1 lb or more! It's crunchy for snacking and fills me up! I am not and have never been a veggie fan, but they're growing on me! :smile:

    I didn't realise you can eat raw broccoli??

    :smile: Yes, you can! Cauliflower too, although it is rather tasteless in my opinion. I will only eat these two raw dipped into some kind of salad dressing or steamed with cheese sauce over the top! I'm thinking I should probably steer clear from the cheese sauce right now. :wink:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,922 Member

    Sounds like you had a great work day! What do you eat for veggies, do you mix them or just one at a time? I need to do something like this I think.

    Today I brought (all raw) 4.5 oz of broccoli flowerettes, 4.7 oz celery, 5.3 oz cherry tomatoes and 3.6 oz of cucumber from garden. I bring a little container of Walden Farms Zero Calorie Creamy bacon dressing or Hidden Valley Ranch Light dressing for dipping sauce. It just depends on what I have on hand. We were out of carrots today and I didn't have the radishes rinsed and ready, so I brought what I had. I weigh each one out and put in a quart-sized baggie until I have 1 lb or more! It's crunchy for snacking and fills me up! I am not and have never been a veggie fan, but they're growing on me! :smile:

    That's great! I think I may steal this idea from you. I like carrots, peas, broccoli, tomatoes and cucumber. I don't like any dressings or dips so that's not an issue for me. I am so fussy it's pathetic. Michaela eats more than me.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah man I am craving the triple chocolate muffins in the kitchen.
    But they're 300 cals each. But they look soooo good lol feel like I'm drooling.
    Isn't it scary how EASY it would be to eat it. So so easy. But it's so hard to not eat it lol

    I won't.
    I can't.
    I just need to remind myself I've not made myself dinner yet.
    If I can spare the calories then I'll have half, but if not ill have to have an alternative!

    Hopefully I will have forgotten about it after I've had dinner

    SO SO proud of you for looking up the calories first ... that is mindful eating!!!

    But you know, once these yummy muffins are past your taste buds ... you will forget that you ate them. A few moments of pleasure --- is it worth the extra calories? You might still be hungry after you eat them ... and will that lead to more yummy stuff? (for me, I know that answer!)

    But ..... if you still do want them, and have the calories left ... I say go ahead and eat them ... but eat them very slowly! Enjoy every single bite (Unlike what I did with the cheesecake).

    But just the fact that you looked up the calories, and are planning it into your day is great! So proud of you!!

    I check the calories on everything I eat. Tbh I never even realised that this was mindful eating! It's actually a habit I've formed it would seem!

    So. I guess my problem is that sometimes even though I've checked the calories I eat it anyway LOL.

    I have loads of calories left. Enough to eat a full muffin. But do you know what, I just had half. And yes it was nice at first. But now just 10 minutes later I still feel hungry, it didn't even satisfy me anywhere nearly as much as my salad (see below) Glad I only had half now! It's a good little test to try! So when you're eating your treat snack or. Whatver and you overdo it.
    Eat a small portion, reasonable with your calories and see how you feel after before you scoff the lot LOL.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 That is one good looking salad! :smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    , JFT, Thursday, Aug 2
    1. day 2! Log ALL food :) 1348 cal
    2. concentrate on water :/ Drank 4 cups so far today, so tonite before bed, I plan to drink the rest. I WILL get in those 8 cups today!
    3. go out for a short walk :) My "short" walked turned into a 45 minute walk. Since I went to the gym this morning, excercise-wise, this was a good day.
    4. be mindful, and look up ahead of time what I eat :) The only thing I diverted from was instead of a hard boiled egg tonite I had 1/4c raisin bran cereal and 1/2 cup milk. But I had really wanted a Klondike bar ... and remembered what I told Bex! That the taste of this would be gone so soon... and they it would lead to more eating! So the cereal and milk gave me a nice full feeling, with no desire to eat more. :)
    5. plan fridays meals :) Easy to do since friday is fish fry day ... but I plan on eating just 2 pieces, and count out 12 french fries!
    6. Do August challenge :) It is water for me for the rest of tonite!

    JFT, Friday, Aug 3 ( Day 3 of starting over for the umpteenth time!)
    1. Log all food
    2. concentrate on water - 8+ glasses
    3. go out for a short walk
    4. mindful eating -
    5. plan saturdays meals
    6. August challenge - close the kitchen at 9pm, and 1 snack only before that time.

    Starting weight Aug 1: 197.2.
    Goal weight for Sept 1: 190 (I know this is agressive, but I gained 3 lbs the past 2 days, so I am really hoping those pounds will come off quickly, and the rest ... well... I'm going work my butt of to keep the challenges I set.

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    8/1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
    8/2: Planned on a HB egg, but had 1/4c. raisin bran and some milk. It is now 9:15 pm - so a little later, but only because I wanted to color my hair first!