August 2018 Running Challenge



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2018
    I didn’t know @KeepRunningFatboy but I’m sorry to hear of his passing.

    W6d2 of c25k on the treadmill at the gym - way too hot and humid for me to run outside. My 2 miles were rough - I hadn’t eaten enough so my energy was low. My anxiety/mood have been bad and I wasn’t feeling it. But better to have a bad day where I ran than a bad day with no run.

    My IT band started hurting after 7-8 minutes of running. Not enough to stop me or slow me from my already slow pace (seriously, my husband went on a walk at a faster pace than I run), but enough to annoy me. I’ve tried foam rolling and stretching my hamstrings - my entire left side has been tight.

    Questions - if I keep running while it’s irritated, will I do more damage? Can I/should I power through? Besides rolling, what stretches should I be doing? Should I skip running for a week or two and focus on yoga/biking/something else until it feels better? I’ve tried google and as someone who majors in minors, I’ve gotten lost down rabbit holes.

    August: 17/20 miles

    I've been doing a series of IT band strengthening exercises my sports chiropractor gave me to address knee pain back in March when I started lifting and they really helped, then I slacked off in May and June and the pain came back. I started doing them again twice a week about a month ago and have noticed a definite improvement again. I stretch occasionally when I feel stiff or sore, and don't foam roll at all. The exercises I've been doing are substantially similar to those detailed here: - I include wall sits, bird dogs, and dead bugs and skip the pistol squats, side bridges, and hip hikes. I suspect the precise exercises matter less than consistency.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    edited August 2018
    @RunsOnEspresso Thanks. You're probably right, if I can manage my time better.
    Occasionally I sleep. I would really like to have more time for my sleeping hobby.
    Haha I think we all would like to have more time for that hobby.

    @PastorVincent It does count as a hobby and time consumer. Not sure how active it is though. ;)

    kcs76 wrote: »
    If only I were independently wealthy. Working and being a responsible adult could kick rocks then I could stretch, run and lift heavy *kitten* to my heart's content. I also knit, read, and am slowly writing fiction that will probably never see anywhere other than my laptop screen Dreams......
    Yeah, this is part of my problem too. I'm "retired," but do a lot of volunteer work, help mom and dad do things, and have 3 part time jobs. It's hard to find time for everything you want to do.

    @workaholic_nurse Wow! I only thought I was busy!

    I think like anything it’s all about finding a balance. There are only so many hours in the day, and your body needs to be able to recover in between activities. So maybe you can’t do everything, but you can do some things. I started lifting weights over the winter and I love it, like, want to hire a trainer and look into powerlifting competitions love it. But when I started running again this spring, I realized that I wasnt giving my body enough time to recover, which meant both activities suffered. I decided to focus on running now while continuing to lift twice a week, and will shift my emphasis back to lifting when the weather turns bad.

    In your case, I think you just need to figure out what your priorities are, what time you have available, and what goals fit within those constraints. Maybe if you split your time between running and tennis you won’t be able to put in the hours/miles to run a 10k under an hour, but I bet you could build your base up enough to finish the race.
    I think you are correct. I just need to prioritize and decide what is most important.

    @Orphia I just joined this group, so didn't see any of his posts, but am sorry for the loss and will keep his family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Depends on how much time you have. Having a second sport is often good. Your tennis game will improve thanks to your running, and your running will improve thanks to your tennis.

    But both take a time to train and both are really outdoor sports so they will be competing for the same time slots. So it comes down to where you want to spend your hours and that is completely personal preference.

    Here, consider this. To train for a full marathon you will be working towards 40 miles a week roughly. If your average distance pace is like umm 11 mins/mile? that will mean you need (11*40)/60 hours, or about 8 hours for running (always round time estimates up) per week. How many hours do you want to spend on tennis? Add them up and see if you have enough :) If not, something has to give.

    Maybe it is TV? Most Americans watch more than 8 hours of TV a week. If you gave that up might you have time for both? I do not have any TV service, not even an antenna. Made that decision almost 2 decades ago. Have never regretted it. But that is just an example of how you might manage both if that is what you want.

    It's a personal choice, but not a permanent one. :)
    You are right about all of the above. Running definately improves my tennis. I do need to do better at prioritizing my time. I think computer time is one of my downfalls as opposed to TV. I do have the TV on a lot, but don't just sit and watch it too often. It's mostly for background noise and, I may hear something interesting I want to watch.

    @Teresa502 Sorry about the family farm barn. I'm glad no people or animals were harmed. It's still a great loss, though.

    Wow! Everyone on here seems to be extremely busy. It amazes me that you can work full time jobs and get ready to run a marathon at the same time, let alone having other hobbies that take your time. From reading some of your comments, I just thought I was busy! You are all an inspiration to not only run, but better prioritize my time and energy. Thanks everyone.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    8/1: 1.19
    8/3: 4.07
    8/4: 5
    8/5: 6.04
    8/9: 2.9
    8/11: 17
    8/12: 3
    8/13: 4.5
    8/14: 1.1
    8/16: 2

    Total: 47.2/100

    9/30 Wineglass Marathon

    I did not know @KeepRunningFatboy, but it is sad to hear about his passing. I will dedicate my two miles tonight to him. I also did strength training today.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @quilteryoyo Running definitely cuts into my hobby time! I had way more hobbies when I was fat. I still enjoy quilting, however. I like the challenge of miniaturizing quilts in different styles for my 1/12 scale dollhouse.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Had a few morbid or superstitious thoughts, such as when seeing some Arum lilies, and running past a cemetery.

    I had a creeped out feeling today. My usual "hill" area was super dark. Tried another place. Super dark (even with my light and phone flashlight). Ended up at the park near my house.