JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'll be back in the morning to chat a bit more but know that I'm praying for everyone who is going through difficult times and I am cheering for those of you who met your goals and had other exciting moments!

    love to you all!



    Awww... I love you Sis... Hugs.. You've just been squozen... Lol…🙏🙏🙏😍
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi everyone! Gosh I've missed you! It's been over a week since I had hip surgery and I have been trying to log on but by the time I do, I'm so tired, my eyes close. I finally just read through about 300 posts between last night and today. Holy crow! Lots happening!

    I have taken notes but don't have time tonight to write you individually. I will hop on her tomorrow morning now that I'm caught up and touch base with you more. Thank you for all the good wishes! Surgery went well and now it's a waiting game to see if it worked. I fell down the day of surgery when I got home...the walker flipped out from under me and down I crashed on my bad leg. So I'm hoping i didn't undo what he fixed!

    []Log every bite
    []Stay in the green
    []September budget
    []Shut down drama. (You can't have 3 kids, 3 stepkids, 18 grandkids & 4 great grandkids without a little drama in your life. They need to leave me out of it!)
    []Join Half Size Me in morning before registration closes
    []Spend 15 minutes on digital photo project
    []Do physical therapy exercises for hip
    []JFT Challenges: April Water / May 15 min outside / June Mindfulness / July Planning / August Evening Snack / September 5 per day
    []Gratitude journal / Calm app / read

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi Everyone! Still receiving family and friends... Tying up loose ends, the financial part of the arrangements for our brother. The funeral will be Thursday beginning at 12:30 for viewing and service begins at 1:00p.m. Repass following.
    The workouts have helped keep my stress level under control. I will be relieved when this is over. ANYWAY....

    Didn't even get to log back in to complete my yesterday.... Can you say guest overload... Between manning the phone, answering the door, keeping up with dishes, and trips to handle business concerning my brother... I actually found myself frowning... LMBO can you believe it? Hahaha, me frowning. It's 1:07a.m. and I'm not asleep and my sister has volunteered me to go out with her today to BJ WAREHOUSE to get stuff for the Repass on Thursday.
    The positive in that is getting in my steps for today.
    I love you all and hope you all have a great day!!!
    I'm determined to make
    Lemonade out of all of these lemons
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    Okay, goals for tomorrow 9-3-18

    1. Log all food! :)I even attempted to log the food I had at D's house which is usually where I give up. Lol
    2. Get up with Matt :DI did, stayed up for about 45 minutes and then went back to sleep for and hour and a half. Lol
    3. Coffee outside :)I drank the second cup at 10:20 out on my front stoop. It was nice but I got eaten alive by misquitos
    4. Work on budget :):)All done! And it wasn't even that difficult! AND I will be able to put money away and start paying off debts!
    5. Take out trash :(I totally forgot when I left for D's and then just couldn't be bothered. The DH is home this morning so I'll make him do it. Lol
    6. Cleaning :|A quick tidy but not really what I wanted to get done
    7. Gym :pEnded up going over D's and spending an hour with her in the pool. It was awesome!
    8. Dinner/Dishes :)The DH wasn't feeling well when he got home so I didnt make anything until 730ish. But I did make it and clean it up. I just have to rinse out the pot that I had soaking overnight.
    9. DH time :)We just hung out on the couch and went to bed early. It was nice.
    10. Tech off by 1015 :)Was in bed with the light off by 10:15. Lol. I'm not sure what time I fell asleep but probably right around then.
    11. Lights off by 11 :)See above!

    Had a really good day yesterday even though I didnt hit all of my goals. But that's okay, I still hit most of them. I went to bed early and slept pretty well. Woke up refreshed too. I actually woke up at 4:45 and almost decided to stay up but that's way too early. I laid back down and all of sudden the alarm was going off. You know when you close your eyes and then about 5 seconds later the alarm is going on an hour later? That's what that last hour felt like. Lol. I still popped out of bed and got right in the shower. It's now 6:45 and I'm still awake and chipper! Lol. That's pretty unusual for me.

    Today I am covering at a different branch and I'm a tad nervous about it. It is the branch that is about 2 miles away from Seaside Heights where the boardwalk is. This branch has a lot of the arcade and bar accounts so it will be very cash heavy today. I'm a little scared that I will screw something up. I know that I just have to take my time, use my calculator, and dont mix deposits but it's still kind of nerve-wracking. I won't be the only teller which is great! There will be two others and another CSR. The reason I am covering is that the branch manager and the other full-time teller are on vacation. Because of the holiday, they needed the three tellers. I know I am probably making it worse in my head then it actually will be but if all the praying sisters out there could send up one I'd appreciate it! Lol.

    D gave me a half a box of picture printer paper so I started working on the wedding photo album I've been meaning to put together for the last 4 years! (Did I mention that last night? I can't remember. Lol!)

    Okay onto goals, 9-4-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Prep lunches
    3. Leave note for Matt(garbage, cat food)
    4. Stay calm, cool and collected at work
    5. 815-5
    6. Dont over do it on coffee or junk food
    7. Bring a change of clothes
    8. D's house
    9. Eat sensibly! Only one serving!
    10. Home by 9
    11. Bed by 12

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLS1582 wrote: »
    May I join you all? This group looks great!
    JFT Tuesday:
    • Eat 3 times (no mindless munching)
    • Walk 30 minutes
    • Do a 10 minute workout video

      This morning's weight was 170.2 lbs

    Yeah course! Welcome :) what's your goal weight?
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Very busy long weekend. Market on Saturday; spent rest of day/evening with friends. Met granddaughter for lunch on west side of the state and spent several hours with her on the deck of the lodge overlooking the lake. Then met a couple of friends for a concert. Went to brother's house for the day on Monday for a picnic and get-together with his family and some friends we've known since childhood ... lots of fun ... got home really late. I think I did ok on meals but the scale will let me know tomorrow. Back on track today. Hope Y'all have a fun and successful day today! :p

    JFT - Tuesday

    1. Log all food for the day
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3. Walk at Home video; try to push past 10 min
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    I’m actually surprisingly bored. Lol. I’ve had a handful of customers, most of them with cash. But nothing that’s really above my level. I had one customer who had several cash transactions and he got kind of huffy that I was taking so long but I just ignored him and kept on going the same pace I was. I can only go so fast without making a mistake. I just did a drawer count after a whole bunch of cash ones and it came out perfect. I really hope I didn’t just jinx myself though. Lol. I would really love to be able to make it through today without a shortage! *knock on wood*

    So how is everyone else doing? It’s pretty quiet here today.

    @Bex953172 I hope that Saskia has an awesome first day tomorrow. Don’t cry either! I bet she’ll be excited! Is it full day or half? Here it can be either. The reason my mom out me in the local school and not the private one I was going to 1st grade was because it had a full day. Mom wanted me out of her hair for as long as possible! Lol

    @maryrobinson40 Is the funeral today? I’m sorry that I cant remember! I hope you are having a great day! Keep that chin up and your eyes to the sky!

    @PackerFanInGB I hope that you are doing well today! I’ve missed you so much! I hope you are felling good today and that your recovery is speedy.

    Oh! I heard from Toaljasa. She and her husband had some deaths in the family and had to go to a really rural area with no wifi or cell service. They should be home by the end of the week. I’m hoping that she comes back on shortly. Keep her and her family in your prayers.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Struggling with follow through...

    Me too, I have these great ideas and plans and then I don't do them!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited September 2018
    Here I had a post written, and lost it all! Darn! I will try and post again later tonite when I have more time. I hope you all had a nice weekend ..... me .... I ate too much, weight is way up this morning! So back at it!! I did do OK on the sept challenge though .... I made a large fruit bowl to take to a BBQ, and no one ate it! So I have this huge bowl of cut up fruit to eat!! Hubby does not like fruit ... maybe I can get my daughter to take some!

    JFT, Tues, Sept 3
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. do challenges

    April Water
    May 15 min outside
    June Mindfulnes
    July Planning
    August Evening Snack
    September 5 per day
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    I'll be back in the morning to chat a bit more but know that I'm praying for everyone who is going through difficult times and I am cheering for those of you who met your goals and had other exciting moments!

    WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you, and have been praying that your surgery went OK, and you are doing good. My, you do have a large family. There is bound to be some drama with that many people ..... I've learned everyone has drama, hard times, etc. Its how we choose to deal with it. So hoping you can close your sewing room, and sink yourself in something that you truly love.

    So sorry to hear about your fall though ... that had to be very painful.
    THis is the time to take care of Tracy!! We love you here, and so glad to see you back!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Friday
    1. Be kind ✔
    2. Log all food >:)
    3. Lots of water ✔
    4. Meds AM and PM ✔/ >:)
    5. Something reasonable for dinner - takeout chinese but ate a reasonable portion
    6. Make grocery list/meal plan >:)
    7. Remain positive ✔

    Jet Saturday
    1. Hang in there almost done!!!
    2. Be kind
    3. Eat food
    4. Log yesterday
    5. Log all food
    Is everything ok?... I'm happy for what you accomplished... Was just wondering?

    All good Mary! Thanks for checking. Just moving out of our apartment and keep going over deadlines, things popping up, physically exhausted. But weve got an awesome landlord who is cutting us a break and giving us extra time and I'm so grateful for that! Thanks again for checking, it means a lot :)

    @ABJ1014... It's total unconditional, no strings attatched LOVE for you Sis😀💜💜💜💜💜🌹

    Awww, Mary. Love you too, sis!!! I'm thinking of you lots lately. Keep turning those lemons into lemonade. You are a bright bright light!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    I like this thread! Ive been loosing 1lb a week since April, honestly mainly through diet. Just starting regular gym workouts. Today was self care Sunday, I did nothing, watched movie on Netflix, had a very long bath (fun fact epsom salt bath knocks 2lbs off the scale lol its very temporary but just for a moment you can kid yourself that it really is that easy... just lye back relax and the fat will melt away.... ah dreams!) ran (walked some) 5km yesterday and my hips kinda hurt today... tis normal... as I have not ran in... a long time... Park run is fab... def join: once a week you will meet ppl in your area who are also getting fit and healthy. Have to remember to check in here everyday! its a good little mental kick.

    Self care sunday. Love it! I've been meaning to try an epsom salt bath for several reasons lately - this is a nice added bonus I did not know about!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    *sigh* you know when you've been busy all day with other people and they say "ooooh your kids will sleep well tonight..." well I feel like ringing them at 11.15pm to tell them that one of them is vomiting everywhere..

    Marley's being sick I heard her in her room then start crying, she was covered top to toe. Straight in the shower, pyjamas in the BIN (yeah that bad) got her redressed in some clothes and put her on the sofa whilst I strip her bed but she threw up again. Luckily I caught her about to do it and got her over my lap to throw up on the floor (laminate) so I didn't have to wash her again. She's now back asleep, just had to put a wash on, disinfect her bed, disinfect her bed and disinfect the lounge floor.

    Fortunately (in a health wise view) I don't feel like eating snacks right now. I can't stand vomit.

    Just posting cause I'm bored really. Gonna stay awake for her to make sure she's okay!

    Oh my gosh, Bex! Hope you all feel better soon. Just want to say your writing style always gives me a laugh - the way you introduced that story was hilarious!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I’m actually surprisingly bored. Lol. I’ve had a handful of customers, most of them with cash. But nothing that’s really above my level. I had one customer who had several cash transactions and he got kind of huffy that I was taking so long but I just ignored him and kept on going the same pace I was. I can only go so fast without making a mistake. I just did a drawer count after a whole bunch of cash ones and it came out perfect. I really hope I didn’t just jinx myself though. Lol. I would really love to be able to make it through today without a shortage! *knock on wood*

    So how is everyone else doing? It’s pretty quiet here today.

    @Bex953172 I hope that Saskia has an awesome first day tomorrow. Don’t cry either! I bet she’ll be excited! Is it full day or half? Here it can be either. The reason my mom out me in the local school and not the private one I was going to 1st grade was because it had a full day. Mom wanted me out of her hair for as long as possible! Lol

    @maryrobinson40 Is the funeral today? I’m sorry that I cant remember! I hope you are having a great day! Keep that chin up and your eyes to the sky!

    @PackerFanInGB I hope that you are doing well today! I’ve missed you so much! I hope you are felling good today and that your recovery is speedy.

    Oh! I heard from Toaljasa. She and her husband had some deaths in the family and had to go to a really rural area with no wifi or cell service. They should be home by the end of the week. I’m hoping that she comes back on shortly. Keep her and her family in your prayers.
    @HEGoddard0928 ... Hello doll... I am ok... Loving the fact that I'm a part of you wonderful ladies😅
    The funeral is Thursday at 1pm Carolina time.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/ I was really hungry in the evening, caved in and ate some of my birthday chocolates. Was only about 280 calories but enough to take me over
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :neutral: Ongoing challenge!
    - 3 bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - 5+ fruit/veg :smiley: About 8!

    - 45 minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Duolingo & French book :smile:
    - Finish work by 6.30pm LATEST :smile:
    - Lights out by 10.45 :smile:

    Tired again today, even though direct report is back it's still really busy and stressful. I actually went to sleep ok but then woke up at 2.50 and obsessed about work for a while before eventually going back to sleep. Hopefully it will get a little better soon.

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - 4 bottles water
    - No alcohol
    - 5+ fruit/veg
    - Run to work

    - 45 minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Finish work by 6.30pm LATEST
    - Watch the Great British Bake Off!
    - Lights out by 10.45

    Work woe's are so hard to leave at the office! Hope things even out soon!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday

    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise? Maybe..
    - Walk dog x3
    - Write down morning routine
    - Label Saskia Uniform and iron tomorrows outfit!
    - Stop eating the cake my MIL brought to us! I don't know how many calories are in it!!!

    Dogs annoying me atm. With his breed being mostly whippet he likes to run, he's so fast, but the last 3 days he's just messed around sniffing the whole field. Ideally I want him to run and burn energy because it stops him being a pain in the house. He likes being chased so I normally do that which burns decent calories for me! But he's having non of it. He comes to me when I'm about a foot away from him but other than that he doesn't listen. I took his ball today, not interested. Didn't even sniff it.

    Ah yes, my dog usually drives me nuts like this a few times a month!!! Selective hearing to the max! I'll grab a box, anything I can find, crumple up a bunch of newspaper, pile in all her toys, and then sprinkle some kibble into the box so she has to sniff around everything to find it. Keeps her busy for maybe 5 minutes at a time but I'll just keep adding in bits to keep the game up. After 15-20 minutes she's usually pooped!