Is Keto Worth it?



  • debbiebondklein
    debbiebondklein Posts: 158 Member
    I do low carb instead of keto and I have lost and kept off 72lbs. I still have 25 to 30 to go . I found the high fat in keto to hard to do and the carbs way to low, but what ever you do good luck.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I am CONSIDERING Keto. It seems so drastic to me. If you eat a cookie the weight will come back. Anyone successful on this? Was it hard?

    Drastic to me means doing a WOE that leads from health to Type 2 Diabetes.

    Keto has never been a weight loss program but a WOE for people fighting a premature death due to health failure from any causes. For me it is pain manage first of all then to try and prevent cataracts, heart disease and cancer but not necessarily in that order.

    Prevents heart disease and cancer? Any legit sources to back this up? Gee, I wish I could have told my mom and dad about keto before they died..........

    @cerise_noir sorry about your parents I know I wish I knew about Keto the way I do today before my parents died of CHF in 1994 and breast cancer in 1999 when each were only 72. The good news for us today we know so much more about the positive health impact from Keto WOE's and now we all can share this with our families.

    "Figure 3 Mitochondrial effects of ketogenic diets. Ketogenic
    diets are used in the treatment of several diseases, such as
    epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,
    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer and brain trauma.
    bodies such as acetoacetate (AA) and b-hydroxybutyrate (bOHB)
    lead to decreases in oxidative stress and improvements
    in mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial function.
    Ketogenic diets may also induce a heteroplasmic shift,
    reducing pathogenic mutations on mitochondrial DNA

    Do you seriously believe that? That your parents would have lived longer simply by eating keto? That keto is the be all and end all of preventing or curing every medical illness? I'd suggest you step away from Fung et al and start looking at what peer-reviewed science says instead because if people that are gullible enough to believe what you write you could be causing them long-term damage.

    I think you know that I did not write the above posted link.

    "Ketogenic diets: from cancer to mitochondrial diseases
    and beyond
    Ana F. Branco*,a, Andre Ferreira *,a, Rui F. Simoes* ~ ,a, Sılvia Magalhaes-Novais ~ *, Cheryl Zehowski†
    Elisabeth Cope‡
    , Ana Marta Silva*, Daniela Pereira*, Vilma A. Sardao~ * and Teresa Cunha-Oliveira*
    CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, †
    Department of Biomedical
    Sciences, University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth, MN, ‡
    Department of Applied Medical Sciences, University of
    Southern Maine, Portland, ME, USA

    Actually, I read it and as far as the cancer link goes it is very much inconclusive with many mixed results. As quoted from the article:

    "Interestingly, mice fed a restricted standard diet displayed the same beneficial outcomes as mice fed the restricted ketogenic diet...these results cast doubt on whether the positive effects were mediated by carbohydrate or caloric restriction"

    pssstt ... studies on humans have actually shown that a diet low in fat is most effective with slowing the growth of breast cancer cells so keto would not have helped your mother in the slightest.

    The only thing that keto has been proven to help with are neurological disorders.

    And Type 2 diabetes, etc.

    It can but, for the most part, the best-proven treatment for type 2 diabetes is to reduce your weight and increase your exercise. Many have had the same results for managing diabetes on much higher carb and lower fat diets. Some even see great success with a standard vegan diet. If keto was the best, or only treatment it would be the most recommended one by diabetes organisations around the world.

    In my case Keto sure reduced my weight and enabled me to increase my exercise due to my pain relief and 30 years of IBS resolving. BG fasting levels went into the non diabetic range thankfully.

    All due to weight loss. You have zero evidence otherwise

    Spouting keto aa a cure all is unfounded, and frankly, irresponsible.

    Please stop

    Exactly. This right here. That’s was the point of my sarcasm a few posts up. My mother’s heart disease wouldn’t have been cured. It was hereditary. She had it for 30 years before she died. Dads cancer was very sudden and aggressive. I highly doubt keto would have helped/improved both cases.
  • joezmom13
    joezmom13 Posts: 8 Member
    Though I no longer enjoy my food and that makes me sad. Keto has been very effective for me. I do struggle with energy sometimes, and the food is tedious. But I am steady losing at least a pound or 2 a week. Previous to keto I did low calorie and workout, was stuck for at least 4 months with no loss. Since starting Keto/working out 3 months ago I have seen some loss every week. So it works, but it sucks. It has also helped immensely with my sugar cravings and my compulsive eating. Its very hard the first 3 weeks or so, but then you kinda accept that it is what it is and if you struggle with weight loss it does work.
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