October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    About to get out of work, and was thinking I could get a short run in before company comes and guess what JUST STARTED

    Thunderstorm, 60MPH winds, Tornado watch, blah, blah blah.

    I mean, I know I run faster than some of y'all, but 60mph is a bit much!


    Tornado did actually show up. EF-2, but was 40 miles from me. I think I would have been okay. :)
  • ctlaws44
    ctlaws44 Posts: 182 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    ctlaws44 wrote: »
    I'm in for 150 miles for October. I have a 5k and marathon this weekend. I've been lazy since my last race (Sept 8) so I have no clue how I'll do. Hope everyone's running well.

    Yay, you're back!!!!! Good luck this weekend!

    Thank you! It's good to be back. Now I have to fail at trying and keep up on this thread :|:D
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    @juliet3455: That’s a good idea about biking jackets, and it might help with the wind and the cold butt at the same time. I’ll have to look into that. One of the great things about ordering from REI (especially as a member) is the excellent return policy! Also, apparently this hot dog conversation was really something - it was before my time but I’ve heard it referenced 2-3 times in the last few months!

    @shanaber: “tights/leggings/nylons” goes right next to “one space or two” and “breastfeeding in public” on the list of guaranteed internet conversation starters. Also high possibility of flame war starters, of course, but that’s where it’s important to know your audience.

    @eleanorhawkins: I notice you said “trousers” instead of “pants” there.

    @Orphia: I’ve just recently discovered bullet-journaling, and am finding the creative elements incredibly soothing. I used to draw when I was younger but was too hard on myself and had a hard time just enjoying it. I tried coloring books a couple of years ago but found it too constraining, plus the repetitive motions were tough on my wrists. I’m hoping journaling will be a nice middle ground - it’s so good to have a creative outlet.

    @polskagirl01: Wait, is vest another name for singlet? NOOOOOOOOO! My first thought was safety or hydration vests, maybe the puffy jackets without sleeves that I don’t really understand the point of either, @PastorVincent. I’m guessing your mind went to the fancier knit kind grandpas and men who shop at thrift stores wear?

    @ctlaws44: The trick to keeping up is to just stop going to any other threads and dedicate all your internet procrastinating time to this thread. You might want to consider quitting Twitter and Facebook too, while you're at it. :D
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @polskagirl01: Wait, is vest another name for singlet? NOOOOOOOOO! My first thought was safety or hydration vests, maybe the puffy jackets without sleeves that I don’t really understand the point of either, @PastorVincent. I’m guessing your mind went to the fancier knit kind grandpas and men who shop at thrift stores wear?

    Actually, I first thought of:


    But I much prefer my "running vest"

    (yes I am wearing a singlet AND a vest so there! :lol: )
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    as someone who hates full pantyhose i have to say garters are essential to keep my thigh highs from rolling. also use them for knee highs and thigh high socks.

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    cbos1215 wrote: »
    Boxing boot camp this morning with some running in between workouts. Worked outdoors at a high school stadium so ran a couple laps around the football field, close to 2 miles. Home having my morning coffee now, will go to the gym later this morning with hubby.

    If you can get onto the the stadium pick a set of stairs and do some repeats - up/down x 2 and slowly increase the reps. Not something you do every day but a few times a month. Adds to the variety of exercises and builds leg strength-endurance.
  • bubblegum2fitness
    bubblegum2fitness Posts: 143 Member
    So I guess we're just skipping fall where I live (BC Canada). It's the second snowfall of the season and the first to have stuck. I might do a slow 1km recovery run to gauge how I'll do in the cold. Or I'll just wait until my scheduled run tomorrow. This year we've only really had winter and a record breaking hot summer.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    @bubblegum2fitness But did you get as much snow as Calgary?
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Ankle is a bit sore today, though not bad. No run today, and since I have physio tomorrow I will probably wait and run again Friday. Maybe I won't go quite so far.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Miss one day and have 8 pages of posts to skim.

    Highlights I picked up on:
    @Scott6255 bummer on the PT/MD visit, my PT actually figured out my IT band issues before the MD could figure out what was causing my knee pain.

    @AprilRN10 You will come through this splendidly, even if some things slip it is not for lack of trying on your part and your family realizes this. Everything else I could say has been said so much more eloquently than I can.

    Tights, leggings, jeggings, hose....color me old fashioned but I don't think any of them should be outer wear.

    Singlet to me is the outfit worn by wrestlers and weightlifters for competitions.

    10/1 3.22
    10/2 5.17 1 mile warmup, 3 miles at tempo(was shooting for 11:30 pace but ended up with 9:50, 11:22, 11:01. Felt like I could run forever that second mile, heard the lap time and slowed it way down.), 1 mile cool down run then walk back to the gym
    10/3 2.43 using wk1d 1 C25K as interval timer and with warm up walk and cool down as per the program. Temperatures better, in the mid 60's, but humidity is still 96% as dewpoint was 1 degree below temp.

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Possibly because I'm British-born and of a certain age..... to me tights are like pantyhose, but thick wooly ones. That's what we had to wear under our school skirts and so for me that's what tights will always be. The nylon ones (in my mind) are stockings, regardless of whether they require holding up with a suspender belt or not! And anything that is actually a pair of tight trousers (for running or not) are leggings. You can probably imagine the faces I pull when reading about men running in tights lol.

    I grew up calling pantyhose stockings too. We didn’t celebrate Christmas growing up so I was very confused why people would hang stockings on the mantel for Santa. :smile: then I learned ‘stockings’ are also just big socks.

  • bubblegum2fitness
    bubblegum2fitness Posts: 143 Member
    @sarahthes No, thankfully not yet. I just love fall, so the fact that we skipped it here is kind of a bummer. We'll be getting that much snow and more, eventually. The past 2 years we've had crazy big dumps in December and January.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member

    @eleanorhawkins: I notice you said “trousers” instead of “pants” there.

    Pants are what my husband is wearing under his trousers ;-)

    @zdyb23456 as a young girl with divorced parents I had very obvious consumerist preferences as to which parent's parents I spent Christmas with. No mantels to be seen, at Mum's parents' place I would wake up to one of my grandma's nylon stockings filled with goodies. But at my Dad's parents' place it was a pillowcase!!!! How shallow we are as children when it comes to receiving cheap cr@p.... now my Mum's parents have both passed away I would give anything to go back and not shun them and their lower income love.

  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    @polskagirl01: Wait, is vest another name for singlet? NOOOOOOOOO! My first thought was safety or hydration vests, maybe the puffy jackets without sleeves that I don’t really understand the point of either, @PastorVincent. I’m guessing your mind went to the fancier knit kind grandpas and men who shop at thrift stores wear?

    Actually, I first thought of:


    But I much prefer my "running vest"

    (yes I am wearing a singlet AND a vest so there! :lol: )

    After a quick google search, I've discovered that "A-shirt" is an option for this item of clothing as well.
    In the setting I heard it discussed, "vest" was in the context of someone "earning a vest" on team GB. So in my mind it went (perhaps incorrectly) into the "team shirt" box in my brain, along with racing singlets. The similarly-shaped but not team-affiliated items I have in my closet are still "tank tops" to me.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all. Rest day for me. I have my calves a good massage last night, and that really released a lot of the underlying pain I've had since the long run on the weekend. So have just given them both another good rub down. Left calf is getting much better, but righty is still a bit sore. I'll try for a lunchtime walk to stretch out the legs and have another rub down after.

    i'm struggling to fit in strength training with my 5 day a week running schedule. how many of you actually do strength training? i'm tempted to just leave it for the next 6 weeks, until after my half. What do you do when "off season" as it were? My next half isn't likely to be until June next year.