

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    evening again ladies,
    laundry is done... and will make the bed in a bit..
    I called the president of the executive board and plead my case... wrote a letter to the board explaining that I read the bylaws front to back and not a word about bird feeders...what I do know is I cant do anything to the building which I didnt and wont... but I have it on a pole squirrel proof, with the correct food in it...and told them had I known before I moved in that a feeder wasn't aloud i most probably wouldnt have moved in or even bought here..
    here is hoping they see fit to let me keep it...
    went through paper work and chucked a whole bunch and will sort through the rest.... trying to declutter... i did order that book on amazon hoping it helps...
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Oh *kitten*!!! I just found out my Paypal account is hacked.

    Kim - oh no! Will Paypal restore funds?

    I just checked mine and changed my password. It's acting funny tho - I went to buy something a couple days and it sent me to a wallet? which said it would take it directly out of my bank account instead of the Paypal balance. I never signed up for anything like that.

    Crazy world we live in.

    Sunny SW WA State

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    I think everyone including me was out shopping today. We had three days of rain and a week of gloomy weather. Tonight we are getting our first hard freeze. The person ahead of me at the grocery store misplaced his charge card. I could relate I just left a pair of gloves at Kohl's . The clerk at the grocery store said she noticed many of her customers stated they felt off. I went to Kohl's to buy a suitcase record player for my she cave. This is the kind of record player I had when I grew up. I have all these records and needed something to play them on. So far so good. I am listening to one now as I write this.

    When I got home I went through my winter things. Let's just say the gloves will not be missed. I could also misplace a warm scarf of two, too. What I do need is a good winter hat. So next week when the Kohl bucks kick in I'll go back to find one I like.

    Still keeping to my high fiber low sugar diet. I made a big pot of veggies to go with a burger without the bun. My weight has held steady 173-176 for two months now. The big thing is I notice I feel better. One advantage of losing another 5 is I would fit into my 10's again.

    I also made it to the pool with the wonderful mural today. Bliss.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kim Hard to imagine a Paypal account getting hacked. Oh S#it! is right. I hope you can get it straightened out without any loss of money.

    Karen in Virginia
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited October 2018
    Tracey in Edmonton - great story about what your brother accomplished with your mom. I’m so glad you’ve incorporated those ideas into your eating plans!

    Rebecca - your grandma sounds a bit like mine. I spent most summers in their company from age 8 to age 16. Grandma, grandpa and I traveled all over Midwest and Western US for a lot of summers. She taught me canasta, Tripoli and fantan and many other card games, and sewed me great clothes.

    Carol in GA - sorry your last Siamese was mean. Something real wrong in its raising?

    MegBlair - I’m so glad there are programs like yours! Often young folks dither about a career for a couple of years. We need nurses!

    Machka - I use a step counting wristband called the Fitbit Charge II. It also tracks sleep, and my sleep apnea dr. says it’s fairly accurate. I love it because it shows time spent waking, in deep sleep, rem sleep and light sleep. It was how I noticed frequent tiny awakenings.

    Woo! Lisa in AR! What a kerfuffle! She’s a drama queen for sure! Glad it was mischief and not mayhem.

    Barbie - Oh, poor Sasha! Hope she feels better!

    Katla - Try your university’s Dept. Of Veterinary Medicine, some horse vets, farriers, local feed stores to talk about nutrition, etc.

    Mary from Minn/AZ - I hope the weather cooperates to get you south quickly! We elders need our sunshine!

    Kim from N CA - Mini carrots and hummus help, or vegetarian retried beans, salsa and cucumber or celery help me avoid hunger!

    GrandMallie, I’m glad you defended your feeders. Rats can be a problem, and they can climb poles or even wires, so I had to place a dish-type deflector on the line above my feeder. Now I watch squirrels and rats go flying off when they try it. Great for laughs!

    My little Goldie girl thinks I’m paying entirely too much attention to this thing, so pets and purrs - coming up!

    Sharon in sunny Seattle Area!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Ladies - have any of you tried Kuru footwear? Supposed to be good for plantar's fasciitis? I don't have PF but other metatarsalgia problems so looks like they pay attention to insoles.

    Still looking for a good pair of walking shoes, just wish I could try the on in a store and not buy online.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, I have had a fitbit for a few years now, supposed to have a sleep tracking app on it, but really all it does is track when you are not moving. I can lay there quite still for a considerable length of time, trying to will myself to sleep, so while it said I got "x" hours of sleep, what I really was doing was laying still for "x" hours.... Not really very satisfying for me. I suspect, and this is only my opinion-I'm far from being an expert, but you have been under a great deal of stress since hubby's accident. Even tho he is getting better, there is still the various agencies to deal with (can't imagine THAT nightmare!) as well as his health and your busy, busy schedule. I'm glad you decided to take this term off (I hope I'm remembering that correctly) and I'm assuming that's helping ease the stress a bit, but still you have a VERY full plate, one that would make a lot of us mere mortals curl up and cry! I can certainly understand your unhappiness at waking up tired every morning, that certainly doesn't make your work load easier. I wish I had some wise words for you, but all I have is have you considered a sleeping tablet? Or even something like valerian or melatonin? I tried melatonin, didn't do a thing for me, but helped a co-worker considerably. My problem isn't, and never has been, falling asleep. Staying asleep is my issue, I currently take 25mg of amytripline every night. It is non addictive, I can still fall asleep without it, but as I said before, falling asleep is not the problem. I would wake up after a few hours and my brain would start working, very frustrating. I still wake up in the night needing to use the toilet, but then am able to drift back to sleep usually quite quickly. The only reason I am still tired the next day is if I stay up too late, which unfortunately happens way too often! lol

    I've been going to bed slightly earlier, and have been trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, which is definitely more than I did prior to the accident ... prior to the accident, 6 hours was a good night.

    I take Valerian, fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, and feel like I sleep really deeply. I fall asleep so fast, I don't even have time to complete the sentence in my head, "Tomorrow, I will wear ...".

    But I wake up feeling like a ran a marathon or something. Everything aches and I'm exhausted.

    So I was talking to someone and she suggested that there were free apps a person could get on their phones which could track sleep and snoring, etc. That's the first time I've heard of such things, so I looked it up, and sure enough ... there are! But I need to know what's good.

    Maybe I think I'm sleeping really well, but really, I'm waking frequently or snoring lots or something.

    Regarding uni, I'm still in my course. It finishes at the end of October, so I'm in the midst of the final two large assignments.

    I was going to take the summer off, but I'm now considering a 5-week summer course. It's one I want to take. 5 weeks is much better than the usual 14 week semesters. And it will bring me one step closer to my Master's degree a little faster. They didn't have it as a summer option until a couple weeks ago, so now I'm thinking about it.

    Regarding my husband, everything had settled into something like a pattern for a while, but now things are changing again and he'll be transitioning to a different organisation at the end of October. We're having a meeting regarding all this next week, so I've been preparing for that as well.

    One of the difficulties now is that he can put on a good show. When he is in his Rehab sessions, he can come across as doing really well both physically and mentally ... so they tell me how great he's doing. And he is doing much better than expected. But what they don't see is that putting on the show exhausts him, sometimes for the rest of the day and the next day. And they don't see how he is in all the hours he's not in Rehab where he's up and down and all over the map.

    So I ask about things I'm seeing, but the response I get is simply, "we're not seeing anything like that".

    Anyway ... I just wish I could sleep for those 7 hours and wake up refreshed. Even just once a week would be nice!

    Machka in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I am so happy that you’re going to dance class today. Yay!!! Poor Sasha. I hope the test results are favorable. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope things go well and you finally get to move. :heart:

    Mary & Barbie: My horse friend told me not to worry and that she will give me guidance. I’m not happy but I’m letting things stand for now. :ohwell:

    Kim: I am so sorry about the hacking. It makes me nervous about all of the online buying accounts. I hope you can get it cleared up. :sad:

    Allie and Sue in WA: We only feed hummingbirds, too. Ours are here all year and need the nectar in the winter. I’ve also planted a winter blooming sasanqua camelia and intend to plant another this year. Hummingbirds love the fresh nectar from the camelia in the middle of winter. Feeders with seeds can attract all sorts of unwanted guests. Here that includes raccoons and skunks. :noway:

    Trucker: I love the guest speaker ideas you’ve shared. I’m going to make note of them. Thank you. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I’m happy with my Sass walking shoes. I ordered them online, but they are also available in some Shoe Mill stores. :star:

    Today we finished two RV projects. One was to raise the floor in the bathroom so our feet don’t dangle while using the facilities. It was a success. We also ordered a new door lock that matches the original style but is more secure and installed that today, too.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2018
    Katla SAS makes a shoe called Simplify. Have you ever worn that style? I am very tempted to get a pair of red ones and a pair of gold ones. They remind me of the Trotters my narrow-footed mother used to wear.

    Karen in Virginia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did Kelly Coffee Meyers 30MF Body Shop DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Volunteered at the Green Room today. Tomorrow I’m supposed to usher for the Green Room. The show is “12 Angry Jurors” and is being held in the local courthouse. Should be very interesting. I usually take my breakfast with me to the Green Room but today I had it when I got home

    Lisa – that’s terrible what that worker did. Even tho it wasn’t anything real terrible, to have done anything is reprehensible

    Pip – Lenny was a very handsome man. You sure know how to pick them!

    Barbie – here’s hoping that the biopsy comes back OK

    Snowflake – glad to have given you that idea. What you’re planning sounds really neat

    Vicki – we’re still waiting for the second part of our shingles vaccine. It better be here before Dec. 1 when Vince has to go on medicare!

    Kim – I’m so sorry about your PP account. I know this doesn’t help you right now, but Vince has a separate checking account he uses for PP. He keeps a minimum amount in it, like $50. Now if he knows that he’s going to be buying something and using PP, he puts that money into that account. This way, if someone got into the acct, all they’d get is $50.

    Lynn – have a good trip to the Netherlands! Hope you’ll be able to check in here while you are there

    Michele in NC
  • mcbcec
    mcbcec Posts: 12 Member
    Tracy, Barbie, Karen, and Sharon
    Thank you for all the weighing ideas and other tips. Very helpful.

    Tonight the Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland areas got the Tropical Storm Michael passing through. We have had more rain than I have ever experienced in one year in 45 years living around here. It's insane.

    I feel so badly for the people in people in Florida and those in SC and NC who were only beginning to get back from the other hurricane.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to everyone. It was another 12 hour day and I'm exhausted. Thank God tomorrow is Friday and next week is fall break. Plus I am going to visit DH the weekend of the 19th~ Tomorrow is our 22nd anniversary and I've been near tears today and finally figured it out. Duh!

    Prayers to those affected by the hurricane!

    Rebecca: just what is UP with that cat?!?!?!?!? :)

    OK girls, going to bed. One more really long day tomorrow! Take care Meg from Omaha where we are starting to dry out.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi all!
    Slept pretty well. Up early to chat with you. About to take DH up a cup of tea.
    Wonder if we will hear anything today? ;)
    I've been following the Florida news. Puts my problems in perspective. :'(
    Today I hope DH will wash out the fridge (we are leaving it behind for the buyers) and I will do the oven (ditto). The weather isn't great, so I don't know if a run is on the cards, or if I will bike inside. I can hear the wind. The west is getting heavy rain.
    We were so lucky with the weather in Hove. :D

    Kim - Hope the PayPal thing isn't awful <3 I used it once years ago. I have no idea if it's still active.

    Meg - Happy Anniversary! Or as happy as it can be. <3 At least you have a visit planned. :flowerforyou:

    OK - tea calls!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx