

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Easy way to make the bags.....Buy long heavy duty men's sports socks; fill with dried rice; tie the opening with a colorful grosgrain ribbon. Microwave for a couple of minutes to heat up. My DH uses these all winter long and one year I gave them to several family members.

    Carol, that's my exact recipe too. Great for using up expired rice. Sometimes I use a white cotton sock that lost its mate, lol. So it gets a second life.

    I use one or two every night, put behind my neck when I fall asleep to give it warmth and a little lift. After a while (a few months) the rice gets parched and crumbly so I dump it out and refill with fresh.

  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    edited November 2018
    Welcome Elke from West Germany! I'm new here myself; some of these ladies have been here for years. They seem to be a welcoming group; just jump right in. Machka in Oz posted a gratitude calendar back on page two or so, and several of us are commenting about it daily. When you sign off, just add the name you want to be called, and maybe an idea of where you live. Respond to others as you like, and check back often; it moves about two pages a day.

    November 14--Sight: The view outside my window draws me. I've got two rose bushes that are still blooming even after the last two freezing nights. There are trees along the creek that flows past our house, and even the traffic and apartments give me something to see, with lots of coming and going just over the wall. We're on a busy road, so it's never still and quiet. For some that might be a negative, but I like it.

    Planning Thanksgiving on a diet is my most recent challenge. I'm not worried about me, but each time I talk to family, this event grows from the simple meal I planned. I just know someone's going to toss a pecan pie in the mix, and I'll have to listen to my DH lament his weakness. Worse, I have limited refrigerator space, and leftovers are my weakness. (I grew up in a big family with food shortages, and I can't stand throwing away food.) That's life I guess. Those temptations are never going away.

    Cari in N. Texas
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited November 2018
    @cariwaldick I send the leftovers home with the family. It means I don't have too much temptation left when we are finally on our own again.

    I had a small drop on the scale this morning, but not counting my chickens yet. Lol!

    Our weather is quite unpredictable at the moment, so exercising indoors most days. This afternoon, I had my Poetry Appreciation Group here, and we had a great time reading favourite autumn/storm themed poems, so I will have to get moving to get my steps in for today.

    Short bio
    I'm 72, and live in Northern Ireland. Married 52 years, and have 2 daughters and 3 grand'kids'.

    I'm retired, but work as a volunteer Group leader for a lifelong learning charity. I lead 5 groups, and belong to another 10, so am kept pretty busy. I love the Challenges on MFP as the keep me accountable. I'm assistant coach in charge of an optional strength Challenge for a small walking group.

    Pre 2015, when I joined MFP, I had hip problems whichnimpacted my mobility, and gained a lot of weight, which I had to shed to qualify for hip surgery. Lost 40lbs, got a new hip and have lost another 20. Trying to get down to a maintenance weight that gives me wriggle room for high days and holidays. 10 more lbs to go.

    I love all things arts and crafts, and am studying Shakespeare, Latin and art history, to name a few.

    November Daily Goals Doing fine on the goals, Minor drop on the scale this morning.
    ~ Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    ~ 9,500+ Steps daily
    ~ 30+ minutes interval walking
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily or ~ 15+ minutes arms/core/abs
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 10+ mins yoga or tai chi
    Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    15 mins Daily Declutter session

    30 days of Gratitude in November
    1) Smell: I Love the smell of my Cocoa Butter Therapy treatment Oil. It reminds me of summer days.
    2) Technology: My Seniors Travel Pass, which allows me to travel free of charge anywhere in Ireland. Including state owned ferries and flights to various offshore islands, such as Rathlin and Aran.
    3) Colour: The clear deep blue of the autumn sky peeping through the rain clouds.
    4) Food: 🍫 What else needs to be said!
    5) Sound - the sound of hubby snoring in the middle of the night. Very reassuring
    6) In Nature - walking along the coastline which is just a mile from my home.
    7) Memory - nursing my 11 day old granddaughter at 6 am on her first Christmas morning.
    8) Book: The book which means the most to me is my Journal. I have been writing Journals for over 20 years. I started in hard-backed notebooks, and they have gone through many reincarnations. There are so many volumes they have their own shelves in my study. At present I am using a bullet Journal format. I also love all things sci-fi and art books.
    9) Favourite place: My favourite place is my garden. It's quiet and peaceful. It's taken us almost 40 years to create, and we have many mature trees which block out the houses around us. When we started, it was a flat field, with the countryside beyond, and a field of cows directly behind us. Now the town has washed past us, and we are in a leafy suburb.
    10) Taste: Today, I am grateful for the taste of the cup of tea Hubster just brought me. It reminds me of how fortunate I am to have him in my life.
    11) Holiday: The annual family holiday we have with our elder daughter and her 'children'. I am amazed that they still want to have holidays with their grandparents.
    12) Texture: I like the crunchy texture of a fresh crisp apple.
    13) Abilities: I have a knack of zoning things out, which comes in very handy at times. I was always a dreamy child, and I have never given up the habit.
    Loving the variety of Gratitude entries from everyone. Noticed a few people with similar answers to mine, so I'm obviously not as odd as I thought! 😂😂😂
    14) Sight: The sight of the dawnlight when I opened my eyes. It means that I had a good night's sleep, and wasn't up before daylight.

    Irish Terri


  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Jo - I grew up in Northern Indiana and sure can remember some snowy and frozen Thanksgivings. We've lived here in the Pacific Northwest for over 40 years and I'm not sure I'd be hearty enough to tackle it again, lol. Good for you hopping on the treadmill!

    Machka - when you described your interview with your huge image, what came to my mind is they were interviewing the "Big Giant Head" - anyone remember 3rd Rock from the Sun TV Show? Hope that MRI proves nothing to be concerned about. I kind of like the idea of Botox for TMJ.

    - the idea of Joaquin calling you just made my day!

    - how neat you got going on your exercise machine last night. Does your DH use it too?

    - what size is your Fire tablet? I have a 7" and I see Amazon is having Black Friday sales on them already, so thinking of getting a larger one. Do you have Skype on it? - what app do you use to communicate with your sons?

    I'm afraid my little 7" one is reaching the end of its useful life... on/off switch getting iffy and doesn't seem to hold as much charge as it did. But overall it's the best money I have ever spent on technology.

    OK time to head out for my walk. Between rain showers today.

    SW WA State

    I have a 7" one too. I use Facebook messenger, and just Skype with that. I don't have a phone number on this, nor do I have any debit card attached to it, so its pretty spam free.👍. I can use it off and on during the day, and usually I have to plug it in by dinnertime. I plug it in nightly, and it seems to hold a charge pretty well. I was given this Fire Tablet by my neighbor Prudence, in Oregon. She was gifted it, but sadly she couldn't see the screen well enough to operate it. She seemed genuinely happy I could use it! I was so grateful.💗
    Whidbey island
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lin: I am glad you weren’t hurt worse in your parking mishap. I look forward to hearing from you more often. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love hearing about the things you are doing to make your new residence into a comfortable home you will love every day. :heart:

    Penny: The peace of mind you gain from having refundable, exchangeable tickets for your return flight after your dad’s hip replacement surgery is worth every penny you spent on them. It gives you the freedom you need to provide the help he will need without worries about getting home after he’s doing better. :flowerforyou:

    We have rotten air today. Smoke from California fires seems to have arrived. It looks like ordinary fog out there, but it smells like smoke. We’re staying in today and I’m working on knitting a baby blanket for my grandniece’s baby. I have a good long while to get it done, but I want to finish it and ship it asap. It will take a few more days of steady work.

    Katla in beautiful but smoky NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :) When I started on MFP, someone told me that what I ate between Thanksgiving and New Year's was not nearly as important as what I ate from New Year's to Thanksgiving. The holiday season has its bumps in the road and no one can navigate them perfectly but if you have a good plan for the rest of the year, the holiday season cannot keep you from getting where you want to go.

    :)Penny, good for you making sure that you can get to your parents for your dad's surgery. This sounds like a good use of your savings and will warm your heart for many years to come.

    :)Lin in Ontario, I've missed you and am glad to see you back with us again. Wow, were you lucky with your mishap.

    :) Four guys have been working here on and off all day and now there's primer paint on the replaced wall in the laundry room, a finished closet for the water heater, a ton of stuff in the garage to go to the dump, a place to plug in the stove, but the stove is still sitting in the middle of the carpet. Good thing I still have more microwave meals and fixings for PBJ sandwiches.

    :) Jake had his check-up on the eye that had cataract surgery and it looks great. Tomorrow morning he has surgery on the other eye.

    :)Heather, There is a ton of work to do when moving, especially to a new town. You have done an awesome job of dealing with all the challenges.

    :)Jo, the morning temperature here has only dropped to 34 degrees but I am so grateful for my extra warm L.L. Bean jacket and all the wool and fleece clothing I wear with it so I can continue my morning walks. It doesn't get as cold here as where you are, but we will have some days with temperatures in the teens.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Linda – Welcome home!

    Allie – I am so glad to hear the office manager is such a good fit – setting your own hours will assure you get the time you need for both your other commitments and to keep your finances ok.

    Heather – you are making such good progress

    Margaret – what a neat project to do with your son. Is the house “yours” “his” or both of you together?

    Welcome all who are new.

    November Gratitude’s
    1. Smell = clean dog
    2. Technology = smart phone
    3. Color = sunrise
    4. Food = herbal tea
    5. Sound = silence, but heard the coyotes talking, and loved hearing them
    6. Nature = the waves
    7. Memories = I think one of my favorite memories, is a conglomerate of memories – in the summer when I was a kid – Dad and I would go out to the grass to “pull weeds” we would pull a few, but really we would look at the clouds and point out the things we saw, or make up stories about were the airplanes were going overhead, who was in them… We were not in a flight path but way way high you would see a plane occasionally. And sometimes a small plane those were even more fun to make up stories about.
    8. Book – oh so many I love – but the harry potter series as my god-son and I got them together and read them and talked about them almost every night
    9. Place – I think the Grand Canyon – I did a 10 day rafting trip down the river for my 50th birthday and it was a life changing event and helped me grow and believe in myself enough to face coming home and being laid off 10 days later.
    10. Taste – sweet or salty – for me it is always sweet! But favorite taste is my mom’s marinara sauce with meatballs, it cooks all day, and I could smell it from the corner of our street and knew one of my favorite dinners was that night
    11. Holiday – tough one, I have a love of Christmas but it is also the day I was beaten by my domestic abuser so it has mixed memories…
    12. Texture – I love cashmere
    13. Abilities – I’m very thankful for my abilities – I think the one that comes to mind right now is planning, I can look ahead and figure out how to plan out things that need to be done to make the most of the time and money available.
    14. Sight- my god daughter smiling at me…


    Kim from N. California
  • perris101
    perris101 Posts: 15 Member
    Couldn’t exercise 2 days now feel like I’m getting a cold or something not happy with that....hmmmm
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited November 2018
    Katla49 wrote: »

    We have rotten air today. Smoke from California fires seems to have arrived. It looks like ordinary fog out there, but it smells like smoke. We’re staying in today and I’m working on knitting a baby blanket for my grandniece’s baby. I have a good long while to get it done, but I want to finish it and ship it asap. It will take a few more days of steady work.

    Katla in beautiful but smoky NW Oregon
    Here, as well. My eyes are really itching. I can't imagine how horrible it must be actually in California. It is bad enough here. :cry:


    #13: I am grateful that I can cook, and that I am getting better at it. When I think where I was in my 20s, not a clue what to do in the kitchen, and where I am now . . . I feel like I could do pretty well on Chopped because that's what I end up doing most evenings anyway. I start with a plan, oops, we don't have that. Well, I'll try and this and substitute this, and dinner! :smiley:

    #14: On either side of our front door, we have long, narrow windows. One of my favorite sights is walking up the path to the front of the house and seeing either the dog or the cat, sometimes one in each window, watching me come up to the door. As soon as I open the door, the cat scatters, but the dog, if he is in the house, is almost always there to greet me enthusiastically. Pretty nice because the rest of the family doesn't bother to come down to see me until I yell up "DINNER!!!" :lol:

    also in beautiful but smoky NW Oregon, but not as NW as Katla!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - when you described your interview with your huge image, what came to my mind is they were interviewing the "Big Giant Head" - anyone remember 3rd Rock from the Sun TV Show? Hope that MRI proves nothing to be concerned about. I kind of like the idea of Botox for TMJ.

    SW WA State

    I jokingly suggested that if he had a bit of the botox left over, would he mind doing the frowny bit between my eyebrows. He laughed.

    But it's supposed to relax the muscles which might allow me to open my mouth properly. Once that has taken effect, I'll go to the dentist.

    And yeah ... I kind of felt like the "Big Giant Head"!!

    The Dr said the cyst is 30 mm in diameter and is on the left side. I don't know if that's big or not. And they need to determine what kind of cyst it is ... so I get "naptime" in another MRI.

    M in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Yeah Barbie! I’m so happy for you!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited November 2018
    Finally caught up. Will have more to say tomorrow. Just read a book about Alaska where they had bug out bags. Small world.
    Lin _ welcom home, you have been missed. We are all your friends.
    Katla- you ask me awhile ago what river we live on, it is the Brazos River.
    Cari - you live close to me. We will have to have a N TX get-to-gather.
    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did Prevention’s Get Moving DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Advanced Strength DVD.

    Elke – how interesting…we’d LOVE to have you join us.

    M – sending good thoughts out to you for your MRI next week. Hope it’s nothing, you certainly don’t need more on your plate

    NYKaren – good luck on your ultrasound-mammo

    Lisa – they would be absolutely foolish not to hire you. Even tho the final decision many times is made by a “higher up”, the lady’s recommendation of you could easily turn their minds.

    Margaret – what a shock it must have been to find out that so much work needs to be done. But it’s great that you have people who can do it.

    NYKaren – I have to *GET* facetime. Then I’ll have someone show me how to use it….lol

    Cari – I’m starting to get ready for Christmas and my freezer is getting full. I’m beginning to think of ways that I can get more food into it. Why did I tell Lynette that I’d make things for her “open house”? And watch that she’s decided not to do it. What I should do is take some of the cookies that I’ve made and she can put them in the freezer at her work. Give me a little more room. Yup, I think that’s what I’ll do.

    Lynn – so glad you are back. I sent you a friend request. Yes, very big ouch getting pinned under that car.

    Had the Newcomer general meeting. Only 3 more to go (we’re going to be away for the 4th one). Starting to get the things that are mine cleared out. No sense giving them all the napkins I made or the serving utensils that are mine. Then went to Ollies hoping that they’d have some tea in those pod that you use in a Keurig. I don’t have a Keurig, I never used it enough to justify having it so I sold mine. Anyway, I’m a big tea drinker and they have a Keurig at the Green Room. I’ll be there so I give them some tea pods Ollies only had black tea in the pods and I don’t really care for black tea so we went to Bed Bath & Beyond and I got some lemon ginger pods. There are so many coffee pods but not many tea at all. Most of the stores don’t carry the tea pods. Ceramics tonight.

    Heather – if you kept a list of your medications on your computer and just printed that out, would that have been sufficient for them?

    Barbie – your stove looks a lot like mine, 5 burners, the warming tray. I love mine. I know you will love yours, too. So what are you going to make first???

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Barbie - fabulous!